LAPD chief says department is leading nationwide movement to arm DACA police officers

This, to me. . . is the oddest clown werld shit yet.

Police officers that are illegal aliens? :wtf:


Not satire: LAPD swears in police officers who are DACA recipients and entered US illegally​

Only in that Democrat manufactured backwards as fuck Twilight Zone would it make sense to have the inmates running the asylum….but but but….fence-sitters Golfing Gator dblack and pknopp say the “parties are one and the same”.
Only in that Democrat manufactured backwards as fuck Twilight Zone would it make sense to have the inmates running the asylum….but but but….fence-sitters Golfing Gator dblack and pknopp say the “parties are one and the same”.

Not really sure what the big deal is. These are people that were brought here by their parents and had no say whatsoever in if they came or not. This country is the only country they even know depending upon the age they were brought here

Should we punish the kids of bank robbers or murderers for the crimes their parents committed?
Not really sure what the big deal is. These are people that were brought here by their parents and had no say whatsoever in if they came or not. This country is the only country they even know depending upon the age they were brought here

Should we punish the kids of bank robbers or murderers for the crimes their parents committed?
“You don’t see the big deal”….herein lies the problem. Should the children of criminals be permitted to benefit from their parents criminality?
Imagine if a bank robber could heist a million bucks from a bank, give it to their children and there be no recourse to recover the loot for We The People?
Don’t you think The People should get to decide how citizenships are granted and to whom they are granted to?
Dude…you become more lost in LibTardia with each passing day.

John Edgar Slow Horses
View attachment 874447


Unwilling to pick up a weapon and fight for your own country?

Come to the United States as a refugee where we'll train you, give a badge, and a firearm, so you can shoot US citizens instead.



That is an idea that could work if the Prog globalist cartels get enough illegals into law enforcement and the military. The have made great inroads into the destruction of the nation by using hate and privileged agendas against a race, particularly males and a religion. They will kill without guilt. They are foreigners doling out justice as from the elites' doctrines. And it can work because Progs who push agendas do not learn if it even affects them in enough numbers. At least up to now. They are starting to eat their own.
We are not sending DACA back to wherever.

They are home.

Put them on a road to citizenship. 95% of them would score higher than BrokeLoser et al on the citizenship test.
Nobody was granted citizenship and we The People do decide that based upon our laws and the US Constitution.
You can’t really reply to the entire context of my post can you?
Want to try again?

“You don’t see the big deal”….herein lies the problem. Should the children of criminals be permitted to benefit from their parents criminality?
Imagine if a bank robber could heist a million bucks from a bank, give it to their children and there be no recourse to recover the loot for We The People?
Don’t you think The People should get to decide how citizenships are granted and to whom they are granted to?
Dude…you become more lost in LibTardia with each passing day.
except DACA recipiants didn't commit a crime, their parents did.

Yes, I am in agreement with this. This should be easiest damn issue regarding immigration to deal with. These people were brought here through no fault of their own as children. They had no choice in the matter. Many have no memory of their birth country, no ties to it, and may not even speak the language. The idea that we would send them back is cruel. They should be given first opportunity to make their status legal and ultimately obtain citizenship and it's the people who sit in church every Sunday thinking they're going to some Heaven who always stand in the way.
Yes, I am in agreement with this. This should be easiest damn issue regarding immigration to deal with. These people were brought here through no fault of their own as children. They had no choice in the matter. Many have no memory of their birth country, no ties to it, and may not even speak the language. The idea that we would send them back is cruel. They should be given first opportunity to make their status legal and ultimately obtain citizenship and it's the people who sit in church every Sunday thinking they're going to some Heaven who always stand in the way.
Yes…the precedent should be set…children should always benefit from their parents criminally.
Gee…WTF happened to America I wonder?
Here in Los Angeles, Hispanic people are now the majority.

They (along with a "certain" American-born group) commit the majority of violent crimes.

Therefore, it is understandable that the LAPD is becoming a Hispanic institution.

Since it is very difficult to find citizens who want to become cops, it is only natural that non-citizens are being accepted.

Times are a-changing.

And one must change with the times.
The good news is

Their real countrymen will take full advantage.
it's the people who sit in church every Sunday thinking they're going to some Heaven who always stand in the way.
God does not approve of illegals.
Romans 13:1–7 makes it abundantly clear that God expects us to obey the laws of the government. The only exception to this is when a law of the government forces us to disobey a command of God (Acts 5:29). Illegal immigration is the breaking of a government’s law. There is nothing in Scripture that contradicts the idea of a sovereign nation having immigration laws. Therefore, it is rebellion against God to unlawfully enter another country. Illegal immigration is a sin.

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