Lara Logan admits liberal media bias

Goof ball you think we are debating msm reporting on the weather, car accidents, and criminal activity. We aren’t.

No, we are discussing on whether Trump is an assclown who shouldn't be in office.

He shouldn't. Even most republicans know this, they just won't admit it.

As I have stated before, I am a lapsed catholic at best. My issue is with government force, not with the beliefs themselves.

Yet oddly, I never see you complain when the religious nutters try to use government to force their superstitions on the rest of us.

Scratch a "liberal" like you deep enough, Joey and you always reveal your racist, misogynist side! You on the left always pretend to be there for women and minorities but if any of them dare to have a different political view than yours you treat them with utter contempt! Lara Logan didn't wander into a riot...she was there covering it as a reporter and was sexually assaulted. You making fun of that pretty much sums up what a scummy person you are!

Actually, she was reckless, as she has been throughout her entire career. After Cairo, she turned into kind of a nasty Islamophobe, This is why CBS had to fire her. And why she has my utter contempt.
Lara Logan is talking about media bias you dummy. Not Trump.

I know your entire focus is on Trump(because you only consume DNCMSM news), but we are debating media bias.

Good lord TDS has poisoned your mind.
Goof ball you think we are debating msm reporting on the weather, car accidents, and criminal activity. We aren’t.

No, we are discussing on whether Trump is an assclown who shouldn't be in office.

He shouldn't. Even most republicans know this, they just won't admit it.

As I have stated before, I am a lapsed catholic at best. My issue is with government force, not with the beliefs themselves.

Yet oddly, I never see you complain when the religious nutters try to use government to force their superstitions on the rest of us.

Scratch a "liberal" like you deep enough, Joey and you always reveal your racist, misogynist side! You on the left always pretend to be there for women and minorities but if any of them dare to have a different political view than yours you treat them with utter contempt! Lara Logan didn't wander into a riot...she was there covering it as a reporter and was sexually assaulted. You making fun of that pretty much sums up what a scummy person you are!

Actually, she was reckless, as she has been throughout her entire career. After Cairo, she turned into kind of a nasty Islamophobe, This is why CBS had to fire her. And why she has my utter contempt.

Because those guys haven't gotten any traction in decades.

And there is a secular reason to oppose abortion, not just religious.
FOX news needs to get rid of every Progressive Socialist. Every RINO and hire moderates to conservatives to even begin to approach MSNBC status. You don't get it. Many people will never, ever believe you again. Just like you. Brian Stelter will tell you. It will be a pleasure to see that schlepper gets his one day. One of so many.

The thing is, MSNBC hires moderate Republicans who know that Trump is a clown. Fox hires guys like Juan Williams (Fired from NPR for being an Islamophobe and right wing shill).

The real problem is news as entertainment instead of information. They are appealing to an audience.

Juan Roberts is a right wing shill? God, you're an idiot! LOL
Goof ball you think we are debating msm reporting on the weather, car accidents, and criminal activity. We aren’t.

No, we are discussing on whether Trump is an assclown who shouldn't be in office.

He shouldn't. Even most republicans know this, they just won't admit it.

As I have stated before, I am a lapsed catholic at best. My issue is with government force, not with the beliefs themselves.

Yet oddly, I never see you complain when the religious nutters try to use government to force their superstitions on the rest of us.

Scratch a "liberal" like you deep enough, Joey and you always reveal your racist, misogynist side! You on the left always pretend to be there for women and minorities but if any of them dare to have a different political view than yours you treat them with utter contempt! Lara Logan didn't wander into a riot...she was there covering it as a reporter and was sexually assaulted. You making fun of that pretty much sums up what a scummy person you are!

Actually, she was reckless, as she has been throughout her entire career. After Cairo, she turned into kind of a nasty Islamophobe, This is why CBS had to fire her. And why she has my utter contempt.
Lara Logan is talking about media bias you dummy. Not Trump.

I know your entire focus is on Trump(because you only consume DNCMSM news), but we are debating media bias.

Good lord TDS has poisoned your mind.

He also hates anyone religious, especially Mormons.
Not a shock of course, as anyone with a brain knows there is a bias. It is a shock however to see this kind of admission.

60 Minutes' Lara Logan slams the 'mostly liberal' media for its coverage of Trump which she calls a 'distortion' of real life, as the award-winning CBS journalist admits she is 'committing professional suicide'

Famed 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan has broken ranks with mainstream media, claiming news outlets are now 'mostly liberal' and have become ‘propagandists’ while covering President Trump.

The South African-born foreign affairs journalist said that most of the American press is biased against Trump because journalists are overwhelmingly Democrats.

‘You say the media is mostly liberal,’ Logan told Mike Ritland on his Mike Drop podcast.

‘I agree with you. It’s true. Why can I say that with certainty?
CBS's Lara Logan says she is committing 'professional suicide', admits the media Is 'mostly liberal' | Daily Mail Online
The media is too soft on President Trump

No other President has gotten away with the lies and unprofessional behavior that our President has.

What's he "gotten away with" ? The MSM constantly rebukes him each time he exaggerates something. They beat him over the head all day long. What more do you want ?
If one other President had told lies in the frequency or magnitude of Trump, they would be hounded till they resign. With Trump, they just report it, shrug, and move on to the next lie
So great to see this level of candor from a media personality. But as 2016 taught us most people are very aware of the heavy left slant and it's only gotten more absurd in the last two years.
Not a shock of course, as anyone with a brain knows there is a bias. It is a shock however to see this kind of admission.

60 Minutes' Lara Logan slams the 'mostly liberal' media for its coverage of Trump which she calls a 'distortion' of real life, as the award-winning CBS journalist admits she is 'committing professional suicide'

Famed 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan has broken ranks with mainstream media, claiming news outlets are now 'mostly liberal' and have become ‘propagandists’ while covering President Trump.

The South African-born foreign affairs journalist said that most of the American press is biased against Trump because journalists are overwhelmingly Democrats.

‘You say the media is mostly liberal,’ Logan told Mike Ritland on his Mike Drop podcast.

‘I agree with you. It’s true. Why can I say that with certainty?
CBS's Lara Logan says she is committing 'professional suicide', admits the media Is 'mostly liberal' | Daily Mail Online
The media is too soft on President Trump

No other President has gotten away with the lies and unprofessional behavior that our President has.

What's he "gotten away with" ? The MSM constantly rebukes him each time he exaggerates something. They beat him over the head all day long. What more do you want ?
The MSM is not doing their job as it relates to his blatant lies. They should not move on until he or his staff admits the fallacy

That is what they do with other politicians
Not a shock of course, as anyone with a brain knows there is a bias. It is a shock however to see this kind of admission.

60 Minutes' Lara Logan slams the 'mostly liberal' media for its coverage of Trump which she calls a 'distortion' of real life, as the award-winning CBS journalist admits she is 'committing professional suicide'

Famed 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan has broken ranks with mainstream media, claiming news outlets are now 'mostly liberal' and have become ‘propagandists’ while covering President Trump.

The South African-born foreign affairs journalist said that most of the American press is biased against Trump because journalists are overwhelmingly Democrats.

‘You say the media is mostly liberal,’ Logan told Mike Ritland on his Mike Drop podcast.

‘I agree with you. It’s true. Why can I say that with certainty?
CBS's Lara Logan says she is committing 'professional suicide', admits the media Is 'mostly liberal' | Daily Mail Online
The media is too soft on President Trump

No other President has gotten away with the lies and unprofessional behavior that our President has.

What's he "gotten away with" ? The MSM constantly rebukes him each time he exaggerates something. They beat him over the head all day long. What more do you want ?
The MSM is not doing their job as it relates to his blatant lies. They should not move on until he or his staff admits the fallacy

That is what they do with other politicians
Never did to your Messiah or the criminal in a pantsuit.
Not a shock of course, as anyone with a brain knows there is a bias. It is a shock however to see this kind of admission.

60 Minutes' Lara Logan slams the 'mostly liberal' media for its coverage of Trump which she calls a 'distortion' of real life, as the award-winning CBS journalist admits she is 'committing professional suicide'

Famed 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan has broken ranks with mainstream media, claiming news outlets are now 'mostly liberal' and have become ‘propagandists’ while covering President Trump.

The South African-born foreign affairs journalist said that most of the American press is biased against Trump because journalists are overwhelmingly Democrats.

‘You say the media is mostly liberal,’ Logan told Mike Ritland on his Mike Drop podcast.

‘I agree with you. It’s true. Why can I say that with certainty?
CBS's Lara Logan says she is committing 'professional suicide', admits the media Is 'mostly liberal' | Daily Mail Online
The media is too soft on President Trump

No other President has gotten away with the lies and unprofessional behavior that our President has.

What's he "gotten away with" ? The MSM constantly rebukes him each time he exaggerates something. They beat him over the head all day long. What more do you want ?
The MSM is not doing their job as it relates to his blatant lies. They should not move on until he or his staff admits the fallacy

That is what they do with other politicians

Yeah but nobody thinks that s0n....that sentiment is waaaaaaaay off the reservation in terms of the public.
Good for her.

I can think of three (3) people in my 18 years in that business who were conservative. I can picture their faces.

Baby steps. Somebody has to create, and then sustain, a momentum on this stuff.

Has it occurred to you that conservatives are largely too stupid to be journalists? You have to understand Science and History and stuff.

Heck Logan was a liberal until she wandered into the middle of a riot and some brown people copped a feel.

Liberal journalists I've seen don't seem very smart to me. The way they fall for stupid theories like Gorebal Warming and stupid stories like the Jussie Smollett caper tells me that they are none too bright.
Not a shock of course, as anyone with a brain knows there is a bias. It is a shock however to see this kind of admission.

60 Minutes' Lara Logan slams the 'mostly liberal' media for its coverage of Trump which she calls a 'distortion' of real life, as the award-winning CBS journalist admits she is 'committing professional suicide'

Famed 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan has broken ranks with mainstream media, claiming news outlets are now 'mostly liberal' and have become ‘propagandists’ while covering President Trump.

The South African-born foreign affairs journalist said that most of the American press is biased against Trump because journalists are overwhelmingly Democrats.

‘You say the media is mostly liberal,’ Logan told Mike Ritland on his Mike Drop podcast.

‘I agree with you. It’s true. Why can I say that with certainty?
CBS's Lara Logan says she is committing 'professional suicide', admits the media Is 'mostly liberal' | Daily Mail Online
The media is too soft on President Trump

No other President has gotten away with the lies and unprofessional behavior that our President has.

What's he "gotten away with" ? The MSM constantly rebukes him each time he exaggerates something. They beat him over the head all day long. What more do you want ?
If one other President had told lies in the frequency or magnitude of Trump, they would be hounded till they resign. With Trump, they just report it, shrug, and move on to the next lie

Obama told probably the biggest and most blatant lie ever issued by a US President when he told the American people that if Obamacare passed that if they liked their healthcare plan they could keep it...that if they liked their doctor they could keep on seeing them...and the MSM stood up and cheered!
This issue isn't about intelligence, regardless of how popular it is to childishly label anyone who dares to say something we don't like as "stupid".

This is about ideology.
Not a shock of course, as anyone with a brain knows there is a bias. It is a shock however to see this kind of admission.

60 Minutes' Lara Logan slams the 'mostly liberal' media for its coverage of Trump which she calls a 'distortion' of real life, as the award-winning CBS journalist admits she is 'committing professional suicide'

Famed 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan has broken ranks with mainstream media, claiming news outlets are now 'mostly liberal' and have become ‘propagandists’ while covering President Trump.

The South African-born foreign affairs journalist said that most of the American press is biased against Trump because journalists are overwhelmingly Democrats.

‘You say the media is mostly liberal,’ Logan told Mike Ritland on his Mike Drop podcast.

‘I agree with you. It’s true. Why can I say that with certainty?
CBS's Lara Logan says she is committing 'professional suicide', admits the media Is 'mostly liberal' | Daily Mail Online
The media is too soft on President Trump

No other President has gotten away with the lies and unprofessional behavior that our President has.

What's he "gotten away with" ? The MSM constantly rebukes him each time he exaggerates something. They beat him over the head all day long. What more do you want ?
The MSM is not doing their job as it relates to his blatant lies. They should not move on until he or his staff admits the fallacy

That is what they do with other politicians
Never did to your Messiah or the criminal in a pantsuit.
Never had to do it with the Great Obama
Not a shock of course, as anyone with a brain knows there is a bias. It is a shock however to see this kind of admission.

60 Minutes' Lara Logan slams the 'mostly liberal' media for its coverage of Trump which she calls a 'distortion' of real life, as the award-winning CBS journalist admits she is 'committing professional suicide'

Famed 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan has broken ranks with mainstream media, claiming news outlets are now 'mostly liberal' and have become ‘propagandists’ while covering President Trump.

The South African-born foreign affairs journalist said that most of the American press is biased against Trump because journalists are overwhelmingly Democrats.

‘You say the media is mostly liberal,’ Logan told Mike Ritland on his Mike Drop podcast.

‘I agree with you. It’s true. Why can I say that with certainty?
CBS's Lara Logan says she is committing 'professional suicide', admits the media Is 'mostly liberal' | Daily Mail Online
The media is too soft on President Trump

No other President has gotten away with the lies and unprofessional behavior that our President has.

What's he "gotten away with" ? The MSM constantly rebukes him each time he exaggerates something. They beat him over the head all day long. What more do you want ?
If one other President had told lies in the frequency or magnitude of Trump, they would be hounded till they resign. With Trump, they just report it, shrug, and move on to the next lie

Obama told probably the biggest and most blatant lie ever issued by a US President when he told the American people that if Obamacare passed that if they liked their healthcare plan they could keep it...that if they liked their doctor they could keep on seeing them...and the MSM stood up and cheered!
98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare

The big LIE came from Republicans who fear mongered and told people everyone would have to give up their healthcare and be forced to take Obamacare
98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare

The big LIE came from Republicans who fear mongered and told people everyone would have to give up their healthcare and be forced to take Obamacare
Cite your source for that lie? Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance
Total of four million did not keep their health insurance......out of a population of 330 million

You do the math

How many people have lost health insurance under Trump?
Last edited:
Total of four million did not keep their health insurance......out of a population of 330 million
Now cite that! At some point you will have to deal with actual facts for a change.
You do the math
Show me an actual verified figure and I will.
At any rate even if I accepted your first claim....which I do not, that's four million people that King Barry lied to! Four million are a lot of people.

By the way, I did your work for you and the AP says the number of people who lost their insurance due to Obama Care
was closer to five million (4.7) than four.

And by the way also...the population of the U.S. is 327 million (not 330 million) and by all means not all them had health insurance coverage to begin with so the percentage of people who lost their coverage due to Lyin' Barry's worthless promise
becomes higher and higher when the true facts are established.

Now YOU do the math.
Good for her.

I can think of three (3) people in my 18 years in that business who were conservative. I can picture their faces.

Baby steps. Somebody has to create, and then sustain, a momentum on this stuff.

Has it occurred to you that conservatives are largely too stupid to be journalists? You have to understand Science and History and stuff.

Heck Logan was a liberal until she wandered into the middle of a riot and some brown people copped a feel.
and this is why you have trump as a president.

Why don't you address the question? Are conservatives too stupid to be journalists? Seems valid. The entertainment industry is dominated by the left. Conservatives have fringe control, at best. Both political camps have a different definitions of 'entertainment', so maybe they are.
Total of four million did not keep their health insurance......out of a population of 330 million
Now cite that! At some point you will have to deal with actual facts for a change.
You do the math
Show me an actual verified figure and I will.
At any rate even if I accepted your first claim....which I do not, that's four million people that King Barry lied to! Four million are a lot of people.

By the way, I did your work for you and the AP says the number of people who lost their insurance due to Obama Care
was closer to five million (4.7) than four.

And by the way also...the population of the U.S. is 327 million (not 330 million) and by all means not all them had health insurance coverage to begin with so the percentage of people who lost their coverage due to Lyin' Barry's worthless promise
becomes higher and higher when the true facts are established.

Now YOU do the math.
Read the link moron

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