Lara Logan "left-wing and partisan MSM disaster for this country.”

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Feb 19 2019
Lara Logan left-wing and partisan MSM “disaster for this country.”

Lara Logan may have more reason than most in the liberal information establishment to discard the progressive narrative in favor of reality. While the media enthused over the introduction of Jeffersonian democracy into the Islamic world during the Arab Spring, she experienced the underlying reality first hand when she was sexually assaulted in Cairo’s Tahrir Square by an anarchic mob indulging in Taharrush (which has now been introduced into Europe by Muslim colonists). Now she has subjected herself to the fury of a mob closer to home by stating what we all know but few in her business will admit: the establishment media produces propaganda, not news.

She offered her remarks in an interview published last Friday with the Mike Drop podcast, hosted by retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland.

Ritland characterized U.S. news media as “absurdly left-leaning” and supportive of Democrats, further describing the status quo of American news media’s left-wing and partisan Democrat biases as a “huge f***ing problem” and “disaster for this country.”

Logan concurred, “I agree with that. That’s true.” She described U.S. and international news media as “mostly liberal,” adding, “most” journalists are left.

She says alternative news sources like Fox News and Breitbart represent a “tiny little corner” where it is permissible to deviate from the liberal viewpoint.

Being a journalist rather than a propagandist, Logan believes that events should not be shoehorned into a single predetermined narrative. This is what caused media apparatchiks to make such spectacular fools of themselves in the course of the Jussie Smollett hoax.

Asks Logan,

“How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong.”
The cartoonishness of Smollett’s claims should have set off alarm bells among reporters. But they swallowed his outlandish lies hook, line, and sinker because they are in the business of promoting the same Manichean narrative and passing it off as objective reality.

She notes that the problem is not limited to the press:

“One ideological perspective on everything never leads to an open free diverse tolerant society. The more opinions and views … of everything that you have, the better off we all are. So creating one ideological position on everything throughout your universities, throughout academia, in school and college, in media, and everywhere else, that’s what concerns me. I don’t have to agree with everybody.”
Oh yes you do Lara. If you like your job. But she already knows this.

Towards the end of the interview, Logan quipped, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

Maybe she can work for Breitbart or Fox News.

its a three hour interview ... i don't think I will be sitting through it .i just watched a few minutes of the beginning.
MY MY shes a beautiful woman... who i may of called a dopey broad for getting herself into that situation.
I wish it was something else that made her eventually speak out .

NO ones forcing or telling anyone to watch it
If you're a progressive I'M sure its full of scare mongering islamaphobia
i would hope she had that cosmetic vag surgery and every thing was safe first ...pressure washer ?
was that sexist ?PROBABLY! WHO CARES!

yesterday i heard wikipedia has been calling the washing times a "fringe news publication" even though it went into print in the early 80s and had respectable circulation
Feb 19 2019
Lara Logan left-wing and partisan MSM “disaster for this country.”

Lara Logan may have more reason than most in the liberal information establishment to discard the progressive narrative in favor of reality. While the media enthused over the introduction of Jeffersonian democracy into the Islamic world during the Arab Spring, she experienced the underlying reality first hand when she was sexually assaulted in Cairo’s Tahrir Square by an anarchic mob indulging in Taharrush (which has now been introduced into Europe by Muslim colonists). Now she has subjected herself to the fury of a mob closer to home by stating what we all know but few in her business will admit: the establishment media produces propaganda, not news.

She offered her remarks in an interview published last Friday with the Mike Drop podcast, hosted by retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland.

Ritland characterized U.S. news media as “absurdly left-leaning” and supportive of Democrats, further describing the status quo of American news media’s left-wing and partisan Democrat biases as a “huge f***ing problem” and “disaster for this country.”

Logan concurred, “I agree with that. That’s true.” She described U.S. and international news media as “mostly liberal,” adding, “most” journalists are left.

She says alternative news sources like Fox News and Breitbart represent a “tiny little corner” where it is permissible to deviate from the liberal viewpoint.

Being a journalist rather than a propagandist, Logan believes that events should not be shoehorned into a single predetermined narrative. This is what caused media apparatchiks to make such spectacular fools of themselves in the course of the Jussie Smollett hoax.

Asks Logan,

“How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong.”
The cartoonishness of Smollett’s claims should have set off alarm bells among reporters. But they swallowed his outlandish lies hook, line, and sinker because they are in the business of promoting the same Manichean narrative and passing it off as objective reality.

She notes that the problem is not limited to the press:

“One ideological perspective on everything never leads to an open free diverse tolerant society. The more opinions and views … of everything that you have, the better off we all are. So creating one ideological position on everything throughout your universities, throughout academia, in school and college, in media, and everywhere else, that’s what concerns me. I don’t have to agree with everybody.”
Oh yes you do Lara. If you like your job. But she already knows this.

Towards the end of the interview, Logan quipped, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

Maybe she can work for Breitbart or Fox News.

its a three hour interview ... i don't think I will be sitting through it .i just watched a few minutes of the beginning.
MY MY shes a beautiful woman... who i may of called a dopey broad for getting herself into that situation.
I wish it was something else that made her eventually speak out .

NO ones forcing or telling anyone to watch it
If you're a progressive I'M sure its full of scare mongering islamaphobia

"Towards the end of the interview, Logan quipped, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

Maybe she can work for Breitbart or Fox News."


I don't think you get it. Fox News and Breitbart are the same. She wouldn't be able to work for them either, b/c the cater to a POV with no shades of grey either. Both of those source have just one ideological perspective as well.

She would be better suited for Off Guardian, Consortium News, Mint Press News or Counter Punch maybe?
I don't think you get it. Fox News and Breitbart are the same. She wouldn't be able to work for them either, b/c the cater to a POV with no shades of grey either. Both of those source have just one ideological perspective as well
Not true at all. Their NEWS is the news..
Their OPINION programming gives BOTH SIDES unlike the Swamp Media.
Feb 19 2019
Lara Logan left-wing and partisan MSM “disaster for this country.”

Lara Logan may have more reason than most in the liberal information establishment to discard the progressive narrative in favor of reality. While the media enthused over the introduction of Jeffersonian democracy into the Islamic world during the Arab Spring, she experienced the underlying reality first hand when she was sexually assaulted in Cairo’s Tahrir Square by an anarchic mob indulging in Taharrush (which has now been introduced into Europe by Muslim colonists). Now she has subjected herself to the fury of a mob closer to home by stating what we all know but few in her business will admit: the establishment media produces propaganda, not news.

She offered her remarks in an interview published last Friday with the Mike Drop podcast, hosted by retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland.

Ritland characterized U.S. news media as “absurdly left-leaning” and supportive of Democrats, further describing the status quo of American news media’s left-wing and partisan Democrat biases as a “huge f***ing problem” and “disaster for this country.”

Logan concurred, “I agree with that. That’s true.” She described U.S. and international news media as “mostly liberal,” adding, “most” journalists are left.

She says alternative news sources like Fox News and Breitbart represent a “tiny little corner” where it is permissible to deviate from the liberal viewpoint.

Being a journalist rather than a propagandist, Logan believes that events should not be shoehorned into a single predetermined narrative. This is what caused media apparatchiks to make such spectacular fools of themselves in the course of the Jussie Smollett hoax.

Asks Logan,

“How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong.”
The cartoonishness of Smollett’s claims should have set off alarm bells among reporters. But they swallowed his outlandish lies hook, line, and sinker because they are in the business of promoting the same Manichean narrative and passing it off as objective reality.

She notes that the problem is not limited to the press:

“One ideological perspective on everything never leads to an open free diverse tolerant society. The more opinions and views … of everything that you have, the better off we all are. So creating one ideological position on everything throughout your universities, throughout academia, in school and college, in media, and everywhere else, that’s what concerns me. I don’t have to agree with everybody.”
Oh yes you do Lara. If you like your job. But she already knows this.

Towards the end of the interview, Logan quipped, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

Maybe she can work for Breitbart or Fox News.

its a three hour interview ... i don't think I will be sitting through it .i just watched a few minutes of the beginning.
MY MY shes a beautiful woman... who i may of called a dopey broad for getting herself into that situation.
I wish it was something else that made her eventually speak out .

NO ones forcing or telling anyone to watch it
If you're a progressive I'M sure its full of scare mongering islamaphobia

"Towards the end of the interview, Logan quipped, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

Maybe she can work for Breitbart or Fox News."


I don't think you get it. Fox News and Breitbart are the same. She wouldn't be able to work for them either, b/c the cater to a POV with no shades of grey either. Both of those source have just one ideological perspective as well.

She would be better suited for Off Guardian, Consortium News, Mint Press News or Counter Punch maybe?

I don’t know about that. Fox News has anchors like Shep Smith, Chris Wallace, and Cavuto who are very critical of Trump, plus a bunch of liberal analysts like Williams, Harf, Tarloff etc
I don't think you get it. Fox News and Breitbart are the same. She wouldn't be able to work for them either, b/c the cater to a POV with no shades of grey either. Both of those source have just one ideological perspective as well
Not true at all. Their NEWS is the news..
Their OPINION programming gives BOTH SIDES unlike the Swamp Media.
Fox opinion is a joke. Judge crazy, Hannity, Ingraham, Tucker, and the other whackos they have are as bad or worse than anything else out there. Their news is pretty good, I like watching many of their shows. Right leaning for sure but they keep a balance most of the time.
I don't think you get it. Fox News and Breitbart are the same. She wouldn't be able to work for them either, b/c the cater to a POV with no shades of grey either. Both of those source have just one ideological perspective as well
Not true at all. Their NEWS is the news..
Their OPINION programming gives BOTH SIDES unlike the Swamp Media.
Sure, whatever. They ARE swamp media. See; CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

They are a CFR mouth piece. They only cover what the Anglo-American establishment want them to cover, and spin the facts as the corporatacracy want them spun.

“Nations Will Be Redefined” — Rupert Murdoch
“Nations Will Be Redefined” — Rupert Murdoch
Fox is as globalist as the rest, and will lie at the drop of a hat to promote any wars for the military industrial war profiteers. If none of you remember this, you have your heads up your asses.

None of you care to research what exit polling is, or what REAL investigative journalism is.

Elections have been stolen and wars started under false pretexts because of that awful network. They can burn in hell.
Feb 19 2019
Lara Logan left-wing and partisan MSM “disaster for this country.”

Lara Logan may have more reason than most in the liberal information establishment to discard the progressive narrative in favor of reality. While the media enthused over the introduction of Jeffersonian democracy into the Islamic world during the Arab Spring, she experienced the underlying reality first hand when she was sexually assaulted in Cairo’s Tahrir Square by an anarchic mob indulging in Taharrush (which has now been introduced into Europe by Muslim colonists). Now she has subjected herself to the fury of a mob closer to home by stating what we all know but few in her business will admit: the establishment media produces propaganda, not news.

She offered her remarks in an interview published last Friday with the Mike Drop podcast, hosted by retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland.

Ritland characterized U.S. news media as “absurdly left-leaning” and supportive of Democrats, further describing the status quo of American news media’s left-wing and partisan Democrat biases as a “huge f***ing problem” and “disaster for this country.”

Logan concurred, “I agree with that. That’s true.” She described U.S. and international news media as “mostly liberal,” adding, “most” journalists are left.

She says alternative news sources like Fox News and Breitbart represent a “tiny little corner” where it is permissible to deviate from the liberal viewpoint.

Being a journalist rather than a propagandist, Logan believes that events should not be shoehorned into a single predetermined narrative. This is what caused media apparatchiks to make such spectacular fools of themselves in the course of the Jussie Smollett hoax.

Asks Logan,

“How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong.”
The cartoonishness of Smollett’s claims should have set off alarm bells among reporters. But they swallowed his outlandish lies hook, line, and sinker because they are in the business of promoting the same Manichean narrative and passing it off as objective reality.

She notes that the problem is not limited to the press:

“One ideological perspective on everything never leads to an open free diverse tolerant society. The more opinions and views … of everything that you have, the better off we all are. So creating one ideological position on everything throughout your universities, throughout academia, in school and college, in media, and everywhere else, that’s what concerns me. I don’t have to agree with everybody.”
Oh yes you do Lara. If you like your job. But she already knows this.

Towards the end of the interview, Logan quipped, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

Maybe she can work for Breitbart or Fox News.

its a three hour interview ... i don't think I will be sitting through it .i just watched a few minutes of the beginning.
MY MY shes a beautiful woman... who i may of called a dopey broad for getting herself into that situation.
I wish it was something else that made her eventually speak out .

NO ones forcing or telling anyone to watch it
If you're a progressive I'M sure its full of scare mongering islamaphobia

"Towards the end of the interview, Logan quipped, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

Maybe she can work for Breitbart or Fox News."


I don't think you get it. Fox News and Breitbart are the same. She wouldn't be able to work for them either, b/c the cater to a POV with no shades of grey either. Both of those source have just one ideological perspective as well.

She would be better suited for Off Guardian, Consortium News, Mint Press News or Counter Punch maybe?

i disagree with you and agree
theirs so much shit out their Ive heard of counter punch probably been there and the other three i don't know so im not gonna make any snap judgments
i get what you're saying

even called out fox the other day as running with the globalist establishment
The john McCain funeral coverage and the primary debate IN lock step with MSNBC , cnn and all of the ministry of truths approved sources

I've been reading left leaning publications all my life (And is probably one of the reason i've always been a right winger :04:)along with right ones and everything in between

the left is sorely missing leaving their bias at the door when it comes to what news they consume , in other words I agree an individual should use his or hers brain ,common sense ,and what not

the way shes talking or what snippets i read from someone who actually sat through the the interview .she'd probably do very well with exposure to a much wider audience of Americans sick of the bullshit

its why people turn to the brietbarts and tucker Carlsons
Tuckers great

they're hungry for it at least a news audience is
they're not hungry for the hate crimes in Chicago or the edited tape of Hillary falling over while the CNN anchor respond to an edited tape "see shes fine" .all the while hes doing that half the nation has her being handled like a sack of meat as she gets tossed into a a black mobile incog ambulance /van on loop
cause it was pretty damn funny but not only that it was the simple truth
Feb 19 2019
Lara Logan left-wing and partisan MSM “disaster for this country.”

Lara Logan may have more reason than most in the liberal information establishment to discard the progressive narrative in favor of reality. While the media enthused over the introduction of Jeffersonian democracy into the Islamic world during the Arab Spring, she experienced the underlying reality first hand when she was sexually assaulted in Cairo’s Tahrir Square by an anarchic mob indulging in Taharrush (which has now been introduced into Europe by Muslim colonists). Now she has subjected herself to the fury of a mob closer to home by stating what we all know but few in her business will admit: the establishment media produces propaganda, not news.

She offered her remarks in an interview published last Friday with the Mike Drop podcast, hosted by retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland.

Ritland characterized U.S. news media as “absurdly left-leaning” and supportive of Democrats, further describing the status quo of American news media’s left-wing and partisan Democrat biases as a “huge f***ing problem” and “disaster for this country.”

Logan concurred, “I agree with that. That’s true.” She described U.S. and international news media as “mostly liberal,” adding, “most” journalists are left.

She says alternative news sources like Fox News and Breitbart represent a “tiny little corner” where it is permissible to deviate from the liberal viewpoint.

Being a journalist rather than a propagandist, Logan believes that events should not be shoehorned into a single predetermined narrative. This is what caused media apparatchiks to make such spectacular fools of themselves in the course of the Jussie Smollett hoax.

Asks Logan,

“How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong.”
The cartoonishness of Smollett’s claims should have set off alarm bells among reporters. But they swallowed his outlandish lies hook, line, and sinker because they are in the business of promoting the same Manichean narrative and passing it off as objective reality.

She notes that the problem is not limited to the press:

“One ideological perspective on everything never leads to an open free diverse tolerant society. The more opinions and views … of everything that you have, the better off we all are. So creating one ideological position on everything throughout your universities, throughout academia, in school and college, in media, and everywhere else, that’s what concerns me. I don’t have to agree with everybody.”
Oh yes you do Lara. If you like your job. But she already knows this.

Towards the end of the interview, Logan quipped, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

Maybe she can work for Breitbart or Fox News.

its a three hour interview ... i don't think I will be sitting through it .i just watched a few minutes of the beginning.
MY MY shes a beautiful woman... who i may of called a dopey broad for getting herself into that situation.
I wish it was something else that made her eventually speak out .

NO ones forcing or telling anyone to watch it
If you're a progressive I'M sure its full of scare mongering islamaphobia

"Towards the end of the interview, Logan quipped, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

Maybe she can work for Breitbart or Fox News."


I don't think you get it. Fox News and Breitbart are the same. She wouldn't be able to work for them either, b/c the cater to a POV with no shades of grey either. Both of those source have just one ideological perspective as well.

She would be better suited for Off Guardian, Consortium News, Mint Press News or Counter Punch maybe?

i disagree with you and agree
theirs so much shit out their Ive heard of counter punch probably been there and the other three i don't know so im not gonna make any snap judgments
i get what you're saying

even called out fox the other day as running with the globalist establishment
The john McCain funeral coverage and the primary debate IN lock step with MSNBC , cnn and all of the ministry of truths approved sources

I've been reading left leaning publications all my life (And is probably one of the reason i've always been a right winger :04:)along with right ones and everything in between

the left is sorely missing leaving their bias at the door when it comes to what news they consume , in other words I agree an individual should use his or hers brain ,common sense ,and what not

the way shes talking or what snippets i read from someone who actually sat through the the interview .she'd probably do very well with exposure to a much wider audience of Americans sick of the bullshit

its why people turn to the brietbarts and tucker Carlsons
Tuckers great

they're hungry for it at least a news audience is
they're not hungry for the hate crimes in Chicago or the edited tape of Hillary falling over while the CNN anchor respond to an edited tape "see shes fine" .all the while hes doing that half the nation has her being handled like a sack of meat as she gets tossed into a a black mobile incog ambulance /van on loop
cause it was pretty damn funny but not only that it was the simple truth

Here's a sample;

How America’s Dictatorship Works

The FBI Came Close to Staging a Coup

REMEMBER, it's not just in the FACTS the corporate news chooses to report, it's the stories they choose to cover. ;)
As I've been saying for years, we have no real media in the US, and that was true even before Donald Trump's election. His victory just flushed the Leftists into the light. What do we see every day and night? Journalism? Real reporting? Critical analysis of domestic and word events? Nope. We just get an endless parade of vicious anti-Trumpers and clueless Socialists.

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