Democrats destroyed the credibility of the American legal system to support their own hallucinations of Trump becoming a dictator.

The Jury said he did.

He is facing charges from his own actions. Not some witch-hunt.
Bullshit. New York had to invent a law to go after him. Ex post facto. Against the 6th. The corrupt judge told the jury you can choose a law he broke, the DA wasn't required to prove an actual law had been broken, and he didn't. There is no underlying crime that was shown to have occurred, there's your 5th and 8th.

You are simply clueless to what the COTUS says about political prosecution.

Or you're a liar.

I'm going with the latter.
The Fifth Amendment is right against self incrimination.

Trump had a Grand Jury. He had the right against self incrimination.

As for due process. That’s been covered. I need specifics. Not just vague claims made in a shout.
Good gosh you are stupid. That's not all the 5th does.

So, you are ignorant AND a liar.
Find another defendant who has ever been hit with a gag order.

You won't.

Gag orders are for the DEFENSE! They exist to protect the Rights of the ACCUSED!

Not the prosecution!

Never, in the history of this country has the accused been hit with a gag order.


Well I have this. A law journal article from 1976 that discussed Gag orders on Defendants.

So you were saying?

Note. Just because you don’t know doesn’t mean it never happened. A ten second Google search would have turned up a few thousand pages.
The Fifth Amendment is right against self incrimination.

Trump had a Grand Jury. He had the right against self incrimination.

As for due process. That’s been covered. I need specifics. Not just vague claims made in a shout.

He wasn't informed of what he is guilty, and neither was the jury.

Do you really want to stake a claim on this, I mean really? Gonna look foolish when it's appealed
Ok of the five rights covered in the Fifth. Which was violated and how?
The post directly below yours. You are to be informed of which crime you are accused of. The prosecution never did that.

Try again, flail boy.
Bullshit. New York had to invent a law to go after him. Ex post facto. Against the 6th. The corrupt judge told the jury you can choose a law he broke, the DA wasn't required to prove an actual law had been broken, and he didn't. There is no underlying crime that was shown to have occurred, there's your 5th and 8th.

You are simply clueless to what the COTUS says about political prosecution.

Or you're a liar.

I'm going with the latter.

That’s not true. All prosecutions are after the fact. You can’t prosecute someone for something they haven’t done yet.

Link to the Supreme Court precedent. Or tell me what the Cotus says. Because you might be right. But your argument has to be more than this is bullshit.
He wasn't informed of what he is guilty, and neither was the jury.

Do you really want to stake a claim on this, I mean really? Gonna look foolish when it's appealed

I am always prepared to be wrong. I’m always willing to learn something new. I’m curious as to why you aren’t.
New York law never mentions the secondary crime making this a felony, has to be a convicted crime by the defendant, to make the falsifying business record crime... a felony. The defendant could simply be covering up something illegal, done by others, the way the law is written.

Merchan followed the NY Law, Bragg followed the NY Law.... with charging him for the falsifying of business records as a felony because the evidence showed he was guilty of his business falsifying his business records to illegally reimburse Cohen for his straw Trump's political campaign, via the Stormy payment to shut her up for his political purposes.

Trump is claiming he was not charged with the secondary law broken, so he was not given due process.....if I am understanding this correctly?
New York law never mentions the secondary crime making this a felony, has to be a convicted crime by the defendant, to make the falsifying business record crime... a felony. The defendant could simply be covering up something illegal, done by others, the way the law is written.

Merchan followed the NY Law, Bragg followed the NY Law.... with charging him for the falsifying of business records as a felony because the evidence showed he was guilty of his business falsifying his business records to illegally reimburse Cohen for his straw Trump's political campaign, via the Stormy payment to shut her up for his political purposes.

Trump is claiming he was not charged with the secondary law broken, so he was not given due process.....if I am understanding this correctly?
🥨 🥨 🥨

For the last several pages I keep asking for specifics. And the Trump Fanboys keep screaming it just is, or you know.

In my home, when I was growing up, the old Man had two books he considered sacred. The first was the Bible. The second was a book he had gotten in college going for his degree in Criminal Justice. It was the Constitution annotated. That is the constitution with Supreme Court decisions defining it.

So my education from an early age was God and the Constitution. I joined the Army to defend one, and begged the protection of the other in my endeavor.

Claims of violations of the Constitution mean a lot to me. So I am always willing to listen and consider. My record on this board supports that.

However. I am not willing to just agree blindly. I want details. I want the information to make an informed decision. I’m probably one of the very few that read the decision from the Colorado Supreme Court on Trump and the ballot. I read every page.

So claims that I just know are rejected. Argue your point. Make reference and link to articles. Reference Supreme Court decisions. Even the dissents may support your claims.

But so far. Your claims are without merit or merit or even sanity.
For the last several pages I keep asking for specifics. And the Trump Fanboys keep screaming it just is, or you know.

In my home, when I was growing up, the old Man had two books he considered sacred. The first was the Bible. The second was a book he had gotten in college going for his degree in Criminal Justice. It was the Constitution annotated. That is the constitution with Supreme Court decisions defining it.

So my education from an early age was God and the Constitution. I joined the Army to defend one, and begged the protection of the other in my endeavor.

Claims of violations of the Constitution mean a lot to me. So I am always willing to listen and consider. My record on this board supports that.

However. I am not willing to just agree blindly. I want details. I want the information to make an informed decision. I’m probably one of the very few that read the decision from the Colorado Supreme Court on Trump and the ballot. I read every page.

So claims that I just know are rejected. Argue your point. Make reference and link to articles. Reference Supreme Court decisions. Even the dissents may support your claims.

But so far. Your claims are without merit or merit or even sanity.
Savannah, maybe I can make it clearer.

The people we are talking too have several problems that prohibited what you are asking.

-First, and probably most importantly. They have no desire to be in any way intellectually honest. None,zero. They have long since decided to defend Trump, no matter what the facts are.

-Second, they live in a media environment that is just as devoted to do the same. They get their information from people who will actively lie to them. More than that, if they don't and tell the truth, they will find somebody who does.

-Third, they have completely insulated themselves from the possibility of being wrong by way of circular reasoning. If information fits their preconceived notions that information is correct. If it doesn't it is fake, or in this case simply some conspiracy.

Fourth, and this one is probably the least important. They're simply not that bright by and large. So even if they were genuinely interested in the truth, most of them wouldn't know how to go about finding it.
That’s not true. All prosecutions are after the fact. You can’t prosecute someone for something they haven’t done yet.

Link to the Supreme Court precedent. Or tell me what the Cotus says. Because you might be right. But your argument has to be more than this is bullshit.
Go read a book on the COTUS. Good heavens you are ignorant.

You lost the argument dude.
The appeals court could rule the law itself, unconstitutional....higher ups in the judicial system than Bragg and Merchan would have to rule on that...

Our judicial system is NOT broken...!! Have a little faith, my friend...! :)
New York city's certainly is. Criminals run free, people who try to defend themselves are indicted.

Upside downland.

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