Democrats destroyed the credibility of the American legal system to support their own hallucinations of Trump becoming a dictator.

It would be nice if you worried about Canada.
I do, clearly, as should you but you seem to want to become more like us each day.

You have to understand that some nations pretend to be your ally and persuade you to be more like us. How has that worked out?

Some of us have been trying to educate you and warn you of the risks, you won't listen. Again I ask, "how did America lose the great global position in modern history in the span of 30 short years?"

Until you honestly answer this question you won't appreciate why some policies are extremely detrimental to Americas success.
No, I read it. It was nonsense.
So this isn't true?

Democrats destroyed the credibility of the American legal system to support their own hallucinations of Trump becoming a dictator.

Why are all the news outlets and high level demofks warning he's going to take away democracy? Are you really that naive?
I do, clearly, as should you but you seem to want to become more like us each day.
Negative. BC is nice to visit. Beyond this, I don't even think about you.
You have to understand that some nations pretend to be your ally and persuade you to be more like us. How has that worked out?
So? It's worked out great! The states will never be anything like any other developed country on the planet. Especially Canada.
Again I ask, "how did America lose the great global position in modern history in the span of 30 short years?"
Our 'great global position' in modern history hasn't changed. We are THE military hyperpower on this PLANET by a loooongshot. China being a very distant 2nd. In 30 years, the technology we've developed for blowing other countries into smoking crators with minimal human casualty has improved immensely.

Our economy is still the largest by far in the world, with a GDP of 28.7 trillion per year. China is again, number 2 with 18.5. Canada is 10th, with just over 2t. Our state of California has a larger GDP than both you and Russia.

The only similarities we might share are that we are consumerism driven societies, which is also shared with about 30 other nations, some with bigger economies than Canada.

Nuclear is the real deterrent. But the first nuke to explode anywhere on Earth will be a harbinger to mutually assured destruction and the beginning of overall human extinction. So I don't worry about that much, Mr. Shocked Canadian. :rolleyes:

Besides nukes, Russia and Ukraine aren't credible threats to the US. China may have a bigger population, but the US is geographically superior when it comes to having a natural defensive border to fortify against attacks. Not that we would even sweat any conventional warfare from China, as thier firepower is still mostly obsolete cold war shit. NK is still a barking little doggy.

So I honestly don't know what the fuck you're on about. :rolleyes:
So this isn't true?

Democrats destroyed the credibility of the American legal system to support their own hallucinations of Trump becoming a dictator.

Why are all the news outlets and high level demofks warning he's going to take away democracy? Are you really that naive?
Because that is what he plans to do. He said he wants to be a dictator. He admires dictators. He said he wants to do away with the Constitution. He said he wants to consolidate the DOJ, State Dept and Homeland Security under the executive branch.

He already thinks he is above the law. He has said he is your "retribution". What more do you need? The writing is on the wall. Thinking he won't do these things is just dumb.
Because that is what he plans to do. He said he wants to be a dictator. He admires dictators. He said he wants to do away with the Constitution. He said he wants to consolidate the DOJ, State Dept and Homeland Security under the executive branch.

He already thinks he is above the law. He has said he is your "retribution". What more do you need? The writing is on the wall. Thinking he won't do these things is just dumb.
while the guy in office is doing that to him? weird your gaslight projections.
Because that is what he plans to do. He said he wants to be a dictator. He admires dictators. He said he wants to do away with the Constitution. He said he wants to consolidate the DOJ, State Dept and Homeland Security under the executive branch.

He already thinks he is above the law. He has said he is your "retribution". What more do you need? The writing is on the wall. Thinking he won't do these things is just dumb.
well first off the DOJ, the State Dept and Homeland Security aren't part of the constitution.
Because that is what he plans to do. He said he wants to be a dictator. He admires dictators. He said he wants to do away with the Constitution. He said he wants to consolidate the DOJ, State Dept and Homeland Security under the executive branch.

He already thinks he is above the law. He has said he is your "retribution". What more do you need? The writing is on the wall. Thinking he won't do these things is just dumb.
While your hero Joey bribem is actually doing dictator things.

You're too stupid, dildo.
The Jury said he did.

He is facing charges from his own actions. Not some witch-hunt.

If that were the case Hillary Clinton sould have been charged with the same thing.

She did the EXACT SAME THING Trump did, she hid her expenses with the lawyers.

She was based in NY, exactly like Trump.

This was a witch hunt through and through. It started 9 years ago, and Hillary had a lot to do with it.
I do and you should too,

Before you decide to become like all of us in the world, you should learn from our experiences.

It amazes me how so many don't realize what is at stake. It is completely amazing.
The Brits are in this up to their eyeballs.
well first off the DOJ, the State Dept and Homeland Security aren't part of the constitution.
I didn't say they were. I said Trump wants to consolidate power by bringing those agencies under the direct supervision of the executive branch.

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