An Opinion Piece on the Trump Verdict. No Mercy.

Trump is a sniveling coward with bone spurs. He wants you "suckers" to fight.

I'm livid at complete moral cowards like you. Livid.

You let your small, petty, hurt and offended feelings about one person drive our nation to THIS.

Get over yourself.
Once again you lose so you lash out in hatred and embarrassment.

So predictable.

Slink away. The win is bigger than you imagined for us, and it's in progress. You know it. Maybe, just maybe, the shock of it will pierce your TDS. But I am highly doubtful.
No, because you bungled this so badly everyone who was pressing these "cases" will soon be in fast retreat.

Trump consistently loses in court
Mainly because he is guilty

The upcoming cases are much more severe and will involve mandatory jail time
Because you have no credible evidence against either
Any evidence is not investigated. The global elites are rich beyond our wildest dreams. They are the most powerful people in history. Even they are a little careful on how they take total control. They do however have most of it now. We do not even recognize the loss of unalienable rights over the last half century.
This was the weakest case against Trump

The others have substantial evidence and much more severe charges.

Trump has lost three trials in the last year. It is only going to get worse

This was not the "weakest case against Trump", but was non-existent.
It clearly can never be illegal to have sex, pay hush money, and put it under the spreadsheet column of legal expenses.
Its not a great thing to do, but clearly trying to prosecute it was illegal.

None of the other cases are any better.
President ARE above the law when it comes to classified docs.
And there is no way to create or use fraudulent electors.
The Jean Carroll case is also absurd since she offered to model lingerie naked, in private.

So then there really is no point in having a government that is committing the crimes.
Better off without any than a criminal one.
I have never liked government since Vietnam, but now we have an excuse to try a do over.
Maybe the next one will be better?
Nothing to lose.
Ya know…

Trump actually did Fuk that Porn Star and pay her off with business funds.
Trump did intentionally hide Top Secret Documents
Trump did pressure election officials to overturn the voters
Trump did conduct a fake elector scam.

Sex with a porn star is legal, and so if paying her off with business funds. All celebrities do it all the time.
Trump was president, so specifically exempt from all classified doc laws. He legally could have given himself all the permanent copies of any classified doc he wanted to.
Calling a election official and asking is there is more that can be looked into is perfectly legal.
There was NO "fake elector scam", and there is definitely no possible way to do that, since electors are known, how they have to vote is known, and they act in an open session of the state legislature.
Ya know…

Trump actually did Fuk that Porn Star and pay her off with business funds.
Trump did intentionally hide Top Secret Documents
Trump did pressure election officials to overturn the voters
Trump did conduct a fake elector scam.

The POINT is that what Trump did was all perfectly legal, but charging a candidate to keep them out of an election is totally and completely the most illegal thing anyone could due, short of assassination.
Because you have no credible evidence against either

There is lots of obvious evidence, since Obama ran on a platform that the war was illegal, and then once elected, instead of making peace, he increased the murders and expanded the wars illegally into Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, the Ukraine, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc.

Its obvious that ISIS had to get its Toyota truck, weapons, and money from someone, and that likely was the CIA annex in Benghazi.
Um, you guys impeached Clinton over a blow job.

This seems like it's a lot worse than a blow job.

Clinton was past middle aged, married, and president.
Lewinsky was 19, unmarried, and an unpaid intern.
He should not have abused his authority and power by having sex with her.
It destroyed her life.

In contrast, Stormy was not an employee, was close to his age, and was not harmed at all.
Nothing Trump did harmed anyone.
There is lots of obvious evidence, since Obama ran on a platform that the war was illegal, and then once elected, instead of making peace, he increased the murders and expanded the wars illegally into Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, the Ukraine, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc.

Its obvious that ISIS had to get its Toyota truck, weapons, and money from someone, and that likely was the CIA annex in Benghazi.
You realize that is not a crime don’t ya?
Slink away. The win is bigger than you imagined for us, and it's in progress. You know it. Maybe, just maybe, the shock of it will pierce your TDS. But I am highly doubtful.
The Democratic party just outed themselves as a serial killer. They kill people and nations, babies, blacks, Americans with illegals, it's in plain sight.
This was not the "weakest case against Trump", but was non-existent.
It clearly can never be illegal to have sex, pay hush money, and put it under the spreadsheet column of legal expenses.
Its not a great thing to do, but clearly trying to prosecute it was illegal.

Um, no. What he did was definitely illegal when he falsified business records.
Just like John Edwards was indicted when he paid hush money to the mother of his kid.

None of the other cases are any better.
President ARE above the law when it comes to classified docs.
And there is no way to create or use fraudulent electors.
The Jean Carroll case is also absurd since she offered to model lingerie naked, in private.

Ex-presidents are not above the law. The minute he was voted out of office, he had no right to those documents. GUILTY
Attempting to overthrow an election. Illegal- Guilty.

Also, your repulsive "She Was Asking for It' claim is beneath contempt.

So then there really is no point in having a government that is committing the crimes.
Better off without any than a criminal one.
I have never liked government since Vietnam, but now we have an excuse to try a do over.
Maybe the next one will be better?
Nothing to lose.

Uh, sorry, guy, this is about Trump. The fact is, Trump has been a lifelong grifter who has avoided jail because he was wealthy. Now he's a threat to freedom, and needs to be squashed like a cockroach.
Clinton was past middle aged, married, and president.
Lewinsky was 19, unmarried, and an unpaid intern.
He should not have abused his authority and power by having sex with her.
It destroyed her life.

In contrast, Stormy was not an employee, was close to his age, and was not harmed at all.
Nothing Trump did harmed anyone.

The only thing that destroyed her life was Ken Starr's panty-sniffing investigation where he threatened her family and outed her to the country.

Lewinsky was hardly innocent, she had a history of going for older, married men, probably because she had daddy issues.

When she went to Washington, she told friends she was "earning her presidential kneepads".

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