An Opinion Piece on the Trump Verdict. No Mercy.

Vote for Trump, vote for anyone who will fight Dems tooth and nail.

We haven't crossed over to the barricades yet, but it's getting closer.
Scare a you. Not really. You & your MAGA rabble ain't going to do shit except open your wallets for the biggest criminal conman in history.

Trumps behavior made it necessary

You are correct that no other politician in either party would be subjected to these trials.

That is because they actually listen to their advisors, they do not look at themselves as above the law, they do not act like goons in the courtroom

"Trump made me do it".

You poor, dear.
Given how Republicans operate, as the Progressive Fascist JV Team, why would any sane person believe that they will now hold democrats to account?

They spied on Trump- nothing
They faked the Steele Dossier- nothing
The FBI sits on Hunters laptop - nothing
The FBI protects Epstein’s client list - nothing
They stage the J6 Reichstag Fire - nothing
They lock citizens in the DC Gulag - nothing

Why will it be different this time???

In far more angry at Republicans than I am at the Progressive Fascists

Perhaps the problem is that you're a partisan hack that believes delusions.
First it was lock up Hillary. Then it was impeach Biden. Both of which went nowhere and will go nowhere. The only person here being rightly convicted is Trump. Your mind just won't allow you to realize trump is a law breaker.

If they admitted that, they'd have to admit that Trump has made total fools of them.
Trump got an equal chance to pick the jurors
The judges daughter has no role in the case

Of course you know...the convicted felon, convicted of 34 felonies, P01135809.
Trump is the American Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. A political prisoner convicted in a sham trial for manufactured crimes. The real crime, of course, is opposing tyranny. Would Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn be the man he became without being a political prisoner? No. It was part of his evolution. Trump was always an American fighter. Now he is an American warrior. This had to happen to make Trump into the man he needs to be to fight the tyrants. We needed to see just how far the communists will go to harden us for the battles to come.
Trump is the American Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. A political prisoner convicted in a sham trial for manufactured crimes. The real crime, of course, is opposing tyranny. Would Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn be the man he became without being a political prisoner? No. It was part of his evolution. Trump was always an American fighter. Now he is an American warrior. This had to happen to make Trump into the man he needs to be to fight the tyrants. We needed to see just how far the communists will go to harden us for the battles to come.
Trump got played his first term, or maybe just played the part of controlled opposition; time will tell

I doubt he will do anything to roll back the Progressive Jihad on America, maybe make some mean tweets
Considering my complete lack of a criminal record maybe the government should be more concerned WHY I am even thinking about this than THAT I am even thinking about this.

Again, it's one thing to rile up the activists, when you piss off the normies, bad things happen.
Lol at you considering yourself a "normie". You're a conspiracy theory swilling tRumpling. A MAGAt. A dangerous subversive threatening violent acts. You belong on a watch list at minimum.
Trump is the American Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. A political prisoner convicted in a sham trial for manufactured crimes. The real crime, of course, is opposing tyranny. Would Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn be the man he became without being a political prisoner? No. It was part of his evolution. Trump was always an American fighter. Now he is an American warrior. This had to happen to make Trump into the man he needs to be to fight the tyrants. We needed to see just how far the communists will go to harden us for the battles to come.

Trump is a sniveling coward with bone spurs. He wants you "suckers" to fight.
This was the weakest case against Trump

The others have substantial evidence and much more severe charges.

Trump has lost three trials in the last year. It is only going to get worse

No, because you bungled this so badly everyone who was pressing these "cases" will soon be in fast retreat.

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