Larry Elder Proves Today Democrats Are Still Racists

Someday, Mr. Elder will thank the marxist operatives that stole this election.

Why any human being would consider trying to salvage that filthy, racist shithole is beyond comprehension. Let them wallow in their filth and chuckle when it's burning again. Who fucking cares.
California deserves Gavin Newsome.
“Rampage killers”?

No, killers are usually black too. Unless you’re trying to claim the black killers are calm when they kill.
This is how racist Democrats are.
When a white guy shoots more than one person it's a mass-shooting.
When a black guy shoots more than one person it's gang-related.
When a Muslim shoots more than one person it's an isolated shooting.
When an Asian shoots more than one's nothing because Asians usually don't shoot people in America.
This election is all about race.....and the Democrats are showing us they wrote to book on the subject.

September 14, 2021

California Recall Election Today: Larry Elder Proves Democrats Are Still Racist​

By Fletch Daniels

So Larry Elder is a white supremacist (at least in the eyes of the left). So argued a Los Angeles Times columnist, Jean Guerrero, on CNN as Brian "journalists are the real heroes" Stelter's smug visage nodded along.

These denizens of the left all but celebrated when a white woman in a gorilla mask attacked Elder in a transparently racist attack.
The same Los Angeles Times, when forced to cover the incident, ran a deceptive headline that attempted to pin the blame on Elder that read, "LAPD is investigating altercation involving Larry Elder at Venice homeless encampment." If only Elder would stop causing altercations, all would be well in the world.
Perhaps their protestations and attempt to ignore this incident would be slightly more believable if they hadn't breathlessly subjected America to an endless string of fake hate crimes.

The stories follow a similar pattern. The incident turns out to be a hoax followed by the breathless media and political perpetrators demanding we move on while still trying to use the incident to push their evil narrative.

They say something like, "Well, it could have been true, which shows that we have a serious racism problem and need to support our noxious policies." What goes unsaid is that these policies are aimed at dividing America into racial camps that serve their interests of exploiting races for political power and gain.
One of the more revolting incidents happened at my alma mater, the United States Air Force Academy, a few years back. Someone wrote racist graffiti outside the dorm room of black cadets at an institution that once focused on integrity, shared values, and a common and uniting mission that transcended race.

In talking to a fellow classmate and good friend, we were both immediately convinced it was a hoax since that is what made the most logical sense.
And yet the top general at the academy, Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, took it at face value and rushed to yell at the whole cadet wing in a very public spectacle, all but accusing them of being unrepentant racists.
"If you can't treat someone with dignity and respect, then get out," he thundered, apparently unaware of the irony in the fact that he had just treated the entire cadet wing as something beneath him and not worthy of dignity or respect. He screamed at the cadets to take out their phones and videotape his wonderful speech, no doubt hoping to have it go viral, which indeed it did.

The left loved and celebrated the virtue-signaling speech and saw it as a stirring example of leadership. Some called for him to become president in a clear attempt to contrast him with the current president they despised.
It was interesting in the sense that it was an earlier example of what we continue to see out of top military leaders, which is blatant pandering to the cultural left in seeking their praise and favor. They are happy to sell their soul for little more than pats on the head by corrupt and wicked cultural powers. They don't even need the proverbial pot of porridge.
The graffiti was written by a black student who was trying to distract from the deep trouble he was in. Liberals were deeply disappointed since they would have far preferred that a U.S. military academy be loaded with racists.
Silveria never apologized for accusing the cadets under his charge of harboring racists, and the only person who "got out" as a result of the incident was the hoaxer, who was never subjected to a humiliating scream-down.
The Bubba Wallace NASCAR noose incident was only slightly less ridiculous than the "Justice for Jussie" incident that left us expected to believe that noose-carrying MAGA hat–wearing goons jumped poor Jussie Smollet in the middle of Chicago. I'm hard pressed to remember an actual incident initially celebrated by the media as a hate crime actually not being a hoax.

Isn't the term Uncle Tom more appropriate for how the Left exploits Black leaders who side with their oppression for political benefits not afforded the Slaves who rebel against the Masters controlling this narrative to divide the House Slaves from the Field Slaves? Who are the real Uncle Toms?

Three cheers for the incompetent boob!

May they all sit in their homes without light or central air as the homeless makes a home in their yard with a tent.
When I lived in California I never had central air. I wouldn't be able to afford the energy bill.
I don't view it as a major win for Democrats. Larry Elder didn't have much backing from those in the Republican Party. Last I saw he was the leading opponent to Newsom but with only 24% support. Now if I were a Republican in California and part of the majority that didn't back Elder, I'd much rather wait to boot the Democrats next year with a canidate chosen through the primary process and it wouldn't make much sense to give Elder a boost to win that 2022 nomination.
The Democrat Party is like the Taliban or Al Qaeda. When they take out their leader the replacement is usually worse.
Isn't the term Uncle Tom more appropriate for how the Left exploits Black leaders who side with their oppression for political benefits not afforded the Slaves who rebel against the Masters controlling this narrative to divide the House Slaves from the Field Slaves? Who are the real Uncle Toms?
*Uncle Tom* is a racist way blacks insult other blacks who refuse to act authentically black.
In effect....blacks are mostly responsible for their own racism and negative stereotypes.
It's why they are the one race in America that cannot move on from being lower classed citizens and become productive contributors to our society as a whole.
They seem to be moving toward their own Jim Crow policies of segregation....which plays into the hands of the Democrat Party.
Larry Elder was a poor choice to run against Newsom, and Larry lost that election because he was a poor candidate!
This election is all about race.....and the Democrats are showing us they wrote to book on the subject.

Well, that last guy might have a point if Elder is only going to be in office a year and admittedly democrats control everything! I mean, where was the GOP while democrats took over the whole state? But, didn't Roseanne get fired from her career for life just for making a JOKE about Planet of the Apes? :smoke:
Larry Elder was a poor choice to run against Newsom, and Larry lost that election because he was a poor candidate!

Do you suppose Larry was a candidate "designed to fail" by the GOP and they really worked with the Dems to keep Newsom in power?
Larry Elder was a poor choice to run against Newsom, and Larry lost that election because he was a poor candidate!
When you consider how lousy Newsom is.....I think Larry Elder is a massive step up.
But the truth is in California common-sense is rare and group-think rules.
California is a test for Nancy Pelosi's national election reforms.
Imagine an entire country that cannot face facts or admit that they're totally bonkers because they aren't allowed to see the truth thanks to media corruption and election fraud.
California....Venezuela....what's the difference.

*Uncle Tom* is a racist way blacks insult other blacks who refuse to act authentically black.
In effect....blacks are mostly responsible for their own racism and negative stereotypes.
It's why they are the one race in America that cannot move on from being lower classed citizens and become productive contributors to our society as a whole.
They seem to be moving toward their own Jim Crow policies of segregation....which plays into the hands of the Democrat Party.
Okay mudwhistle let's start with this:
A. The original trap was the Slaveowners giving more privileges to House Slaves to make the Field Slaves jealous and keep them divided. So instead of using education and independence as a way of empowerment to liberate slaves, it was used AGAINST slaves to divide them and keep them enslaved.

B. The Left and the Right take 2 different approaches to equality and justice: Conservatives preach self govt and ownership instead of depending on govt and taxes for social support and benefits. The Left believes in depending on central govt to establish rights and provide collectively for the people.

Thus, the goals and rewards are set up differently.

The Conservatives value individual freedom to own and run business and community programs. They do not trust Govt to manage diverse decisions that individuals need to make and provide for themselves to be healthy, happy and equal in power.

The Liberals believe it is the standard to have Govt manage health care, education and jobs. They argue it is greed that causes people not to want Govt in charge of economic and social equality.

C. So mudwhistle
Which is the "right way" for Blacks to act politically?

When the Left sees Black leaders pushing economic independence as Conservatives like Booker T Washington and Allen West and Thomas Sewell promote, the LEFT argues this economic empowerment is "white class privilege" and not Black.

White liberal democrats have not only denounced Blacks for siding with the Conservative belief in "individual freedom from govt dependence"
But have also dismissed Latinos for supporting Trump, Republicans and Conservative beliefs, and now ASIANS including me.

I consider this a backwards form of RACISM to say Asians Blacks and Latinos must agree with Liberal political party leaders or else "we are whitewashed" and not real representatives of the Black Latino Asian and minority communities.

The only Conservatives who get away with traditional values are Black Muslims when they preach Conservative beliefs, the Liberals let them have free speech to represent themselves. Others are called out as sold out.

So this is the new Uncle Tom.

Even I as an Asian American have been verbally attacked by well meaning liberal friends who do not believe I speak for myself but think the Conservatives must have brainwashed me with "their rhetoric"
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This election is all about race.....and the Democrats are showing us they wrote to book on the subject.

September 14, 2021

California Recall Election Today: Larry Elder Proves Democrats Are Still Racist​

By Fletch Daniels

So Larry Elder is a white supremacist (at least in the eyes of the left). So argued a Los Angeles Times columnist, Jean Guerrero, on CNN as Brian "journalists are the real heroes" Stelter's smug visage nodded along.

These denizens of the left all but celebrated when a white woman in a gorilla mask attacked Elder in a transparently racist attack.
The same Los Angeles Times, when forced to cover the incident, ran a deceptive headline that attempted to pin the blame on Elder that read, "LAPD is investigating altercation involving Larry Elder at Venice homeless encampment." If only Elder would stop causing altercations, all would be well in the world.
Perhaps their protestations and attempt to ignore this incident would be slightly more believable if they hadn't breathlessly subjected America to an endless string of fake hate crimes.

The stories follow a similar pattern. The incident turns out to be a hoax followed by the breathless media and political perpetrators demanding we move on while still trying to use the incident to push their evil narrative.

They say something like, "Well, it could have been true, which shows that we have a serious racism problem and need to support our noxious policies." What goes unsaid is that these policies are aimed at dividing America into racial camps that serve their interests of exploiting races for political power and gain.
One of the more revolting incidents happened at my alma mater, the United States Air Force Academy, a few years back. Someone wrote racist graffiti outside the dorm room of black cadets at an institution that once focused on integrity, shared values, and a common and uniting mission that transcended race.

In talking to a fellow classmate and good friend, we were both immediately convinced it was a hoax since that is what made the most logical sense.
And yet the top general at the academy, Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, took it at face value and rushed to yell at the whole cadet wing in a very public spectacle, all but accusing them of being unrepentant racists.
"If you can't treat someone with dignity and respect, then get out," he thundered, apparently unaware of the irony in the fact that he had just treated the entire cadet wing as something beneath him and not worthy of dignity or respect. He screamed at the cadets to take out their phones and videotape his wonderful speech, no doubt hoping to have it go viral, which indeed it did.

The left loved and celebrated the virtue-signaling speech and saw it as a stirring example of leadership. Some called for him to become president in a clear attempt to contrast him with the current president they despised.
It was interesting in the sense that it was an earlier example of what we continue to see out of top military leaders, which is blatant pandering to the cultural left in seeking their praise and favor. They are happy to sell their soul for little more than pats on the head by corrupt and wicked cultural powers. They don't even need the proverbial pot of porridge.
The graffiti was written by a black student who was trying to distract from the deep trouble he was in. Liberals were deeply disappointed since they would have far preferred that a U.S. military academy be loaded with racists.
Silveria never apologized for accusing the cadets under his charge of harboring racists, and the only person who "got out" as a result of the incident was the hoaxer, who was never subjected to a humiliating scream-down.
The Bubba Wallace NASCAR noose incident was only slightly less ridiculous than the "Justice for Jussie" incident that left us expected to believe that noose-carrying MAGA hat–wearing goons jumped poor Jussie Smollet in the middle of Chicago. I'm hard pressed to remember an actual incident initially celebrated by the media as a hate crime actually not being a hoax.

Nope, larry elder owns his failure with the brand of trumpian polices he espoused.
Nope, larry elder owns his failure with the brand of trumpian polices he espoused.
Actually I think instead of running on his record...Gavin Newsome chose to run against a state that voted overwhelmingly for Biden. But still....lost 37% of the vote to Trump. Personally I think if this election had been straight forward it would have been worse....but without the Democrat Party dumping millions into Gavin's campaign he probably would have been recalled.

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Actually I think instead of running on his record...Gavin Newsome chose to run against a state that voted overwhelmingly for Biden. But still....lost 37% of the vote to Trump. Personally I think if this election had been straight forward it would have been worse....but without the Democrat Party dumping millions into Gavin's campaign he probably would have been recalled.
But the fact remains....California only proves that most voters don't pay attention to politics.
California voters are the most misinformed and UN-educated bunch in the to New York voters.
Did you know that they can print their own ballots?

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Larry who?

At no time during the brief 40-Minutes between polls closing in California (8:00 P.M.)and MSNBC called the Recall as failed (8:40 P.M.) were the numbers even close.

Only 24% of Voters in California identify as Republican. Even Conservative Orange County and San Diego County Voted NO on the Recall.

Elder's shtick was lame. At no time was he a serious candidate. Kevin Falconer, former Mayor of San Diego had name recognition but has all the personality of milk toast. Not to mention the 101 Ash Property in San Diego. As Mayor of that city he was the moving force behind the City acquring that property ($10,000,000.00) and it turns out that property is uninhabitable due to asbestos.

John Cox and his dancing bear were a sad, sick, pathetic joke.

Jenner was a has been.

The Recall was suppose to test of strength for the California Republican Party (CAREP) ahead of the 2022 Election. Now, with the Recall Defeated Governor Newsom has endless soundbites showing his victory in the recall.

The final results from last night were:

NO On The Recall - 5,840,283 - 63%.

YES on The Recall - 3,297,145 - 31.6%.

Total Votes Cast - 9,137,428.

At no time were was CAREP even close to winning.

CAREP has handed Governor Newsom endless sounds bites for his reelection in 2022 on his defeating the recall.
Actually I think instead of running on his record...Gavin Newsome chose to run against a state that voted overwhelmingly for Biden. But still....lost 37% of the vote to Trump. Personally I think if this election had been straight forward it would have been worse....but without the Democrat Party dumping millions into Gavin's campaign he probably would have been recalled.

What was trump's share of the 2020 CA vote?
The REAL question in this recall that no one is asking is what role did George Soros play in this race with all his financial contributions, and WHY was he contributing so much and why was he even allowed to BUY SO MUCH INFLUENCE?


All you have is a wild ass, unfounded accusation against Soros,

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