Larry Elder Proves Today Democrats Are Still Racists

A society that can't keep shit and heroin needles off the sidewalks, is a shit hole no matter what their credit rating.

A society that REWARDS nonsense like calling a black man, the "black face of w.s." with a victory, is a Third World society, no matter their credit rating.

You can find what looks like a bright spot here or there on paper, but California is the leading edge of our decline.
Not my decline, I live in the Great State of Tennessee and will be comfortable the rest of my life, no matter how long I live.
Look, they ran Elder as a gimmick candidate, hoping it would work. You got to admit, whoever came up with the thing of him being the "The black face of white supremacy" was comic genius, but certainly was not the reason Elder got his ass handed to him.
I have seen places even in Tennessee I would not hang out in. If you live where drug needles litter your sidewalk, move. Don't even visit, or did you think it was nothing but poor trashy people and places in that state from Oregon to the Baja Peninsula? It's not. It just isn't. A steady diet of nothing but stereotype imagery doesn't get it. It is just like the Elder joke you didn't like, only not nearly as funny.
Not my decline, I live in the Great State of Tennessee and will be comfortable the rest of my life, no matter how long I live.
Look, they ran Elder as a gimmick candidate, hoping it would work. You got to admit, whoever came up with the thing of him being the "The black face of white supremacy" was comic genius, but certainly was not the reason Elder got his ass handed to him.
I have seen places even in Tennessee I would not hang out in. If you live where drug needles litter your sidewalk, move. Don't even visit, or did you think it was nothing but poor trashy people and places in that state from Oregon to the Baja Peninsula? It's not. It just isn't. A steady diet of nothing but stereotype imagery doesn't get it. It is just like the Elder joke you didn't like, only not nearly as funny.

So, you are old and don't care about what happens once you are gone?

That's fine.

My point stands. YOu see signs of it in your neighbor hood? Yes, that fits with what I said. California is leading the way, but the rest of society is following.

Day will come, when there won't be anyone to move TO, because the whole country is a shit hole.
So, you are old and don't care about what happens once you are gone?

That's fine.

My point stands. YOu see signs of it in your neighbor hood? Yes, that fits with what I said. California is leading the way, but the rest of society is following.

Day will come, when there won't be anyone to move TO, because the whole country is a shit hole.
Not in my neighborhood, but I have been to major cities (though I avoid them when I can) going all the way back to the 60s. There were and are places you don't want to go or is really not safe to go and there always has been. Just because it is a popular meme for a city or state, does not make it representative of the state as a whole. My brother went out there on vacation a couple of years ago and enjoyed their mountains, deserts, ocean views, he just didn't seek out the homeless camps or downtown streets, so his impression was one of a beautiful state, with many natural wonders, but high gas prices and crowded highways.
Do you actually live where heroin needles are covering sidewalks? Or is it something you saw, driving looking for it or in a report on the problem? It sucks wherever it is, but is it really what I should expect if I vacation in that state? I don't live there or intend to and doubt they are maintaining their state or cities from my approval.
Things do tend to reach a tipping point. Case in point, I drove in an open military jeep toward Birmingham, Alabama in the mid-70s when it was still a steel town. I saw a pink cloud illuminated at night in the distance. When i came over the top of the ridge, I was in a fog that burned my eyes and made me cough. It is gone now. Hasn't been there for years.
The problem you describe is bad and may get worse before it gets better, but if bad enough, will reach a tipping point some time, sooner or later. I just won't be going there to live with it or clean it up. Knock yourself out.
81% of black voters voted to retain Newsom. I’m guessing the OP isn’t black and the voters who were deemed him worthy of their votes in a landslide.

That's got to be a big slap in the face for Elder.
He misread the biggest drawing card he could have as a black man and that has to be a reflection on Trump's decline. The racism of some black people should have given him better than 19%.

Not much doubt though that the Dems lacked confidence in Newsom.

What the fuck is a "BLACK WHITE SUPREMACIST"??????
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Not my decline, I live in the Great State of Tennessee and will be comfortable the rest of my life, no matter how long I live.
Look, they ran Elder as a gimmick candidate, hoping it would work. You got to admit, whoever came up with the thing of him being the "The black face of white supremacy" was comic genius, but certainly was not the reason Elder got his ass handed to him.
I have seen places even in Tennessee I would not hang out in. If you live where drug needles litter your sidewalk, move. Don't even visit, or did you think it was nothing but poor trashy people and places in that state from Oregon to the Baja Peninsula? It's not. It just isn't. A steady diet of nothing but stereotype imagery doesn't get it. It is just like the Elder joke you didn't like, only not nearly as funny.

CAREP was not really interested in endorsing any Candidate in the Recall. They waited until after their State Convention to do so.

Kevin Falconer (who received 7% of the Vote) former Mayor San Diego had hoped to be endoresed, John Cox did not stand a chance and as for Catlin Jenner, she was the ultimate gag candidate.

Elder jumped in mainly to increase his ratings. IF the people who voted for him did not see that he was never truly serious that is on them. He pushed himself further and further to the right to garner press attention.

All that did was to make him look like the fool that he is.
That's got to be a big slap in the face for Elder.
He misread the biggest drawing card he could have as a black man and that has to be a reflection on Trump's decline. The racism of some black people should have given him better than 19%.

Not much doubt though that the Dems lacked confidence in Newsom.

Actually you're wrong. Now all CAREP has done is hand Governor Newsom enerdless soundbites about how he beat the recall.
No Elder lost that election because democrats outnumber independents and republicans by two to one in California and by mailing out ballots to every registered voter, the democrats enabled even their members too in-involved and lazy to go to the polls to cast votes. God could run as a Republican in CA and lose.

Only 24% of California Voters are Registered Republican.
That California voters want to stay the course that is obviously turning their state into a third world shit hole, literally,

is a shame for California voters.

Let me correct that.

That ALREADY HAS turned their state into a Third World Shit Hole.

Califonria has a budget surplus. We kinda like that.
CAREP was not really interested in endorsing any Candidate in the Recall. They waited until after their State Convention to do so.

Kevin Falconer (who received 7% of the Vote) former Mayor San Diego had hoped to be endoresed, John Cox did not stand a chance and as for Catlin Jenner, she was the ultimate gag candidate.

Elder jumped in mainly to increase his ratings. IF the people who voted for him did not see that he was never truly serious that is on them. He pushed himself further and further to the right to garner press attention.

All that did was to make him look like the fool that he is.
That elder comment makes sense.
So, having more people vote is bad for the republic party.
Having more people who are too stupid to research the issues vote is bad for the Republican party. Having more educated and critical thinking people vote is good for the Republican party.
Having more people who are too stupid to research the issues vote is bad for the Republican party. Having more educated and critical thinking people vote is good for the Republican party.
PolitiFact - Is education level tied to voting tendencies?

Educational divide in vote preferences on track to be wider than in recent elections

Elder is a radio conservative. He wanted to get better ratings and in the process he made himself look like an idiot.
I'm sure the money is going to roll into Elders pocket after this. But i'm wondering is he going to follow up on his election fraud claim. I can just imagine a recount showing that Elder lost by even more.
Califonria has a budget surplus. We kinda like that.
California doesn't have a budget surplus. It's so far in the hole with unfunded mandates and pension debt it can't ever get out. At best it has a temporary surplus of 268 billion that Newsom wants to blow, it also has unfunded STATE debt of $152,772,292.00. Unfunded state and local debt in California amounts to $1,500,000,000.00 that's one point five TRILLION dollars.
This election is all about race.....and the Democrats are showing us they wrote to book on the subject.

September 14, 2021

California Recall Election Today: Larry Elder Proves Democrats Are Still Racist​

By Fletch Daniels

So Larry Elder is a white supremacist (at least in the eyes of the left). So argued a Los Angeles Times columnist, Jean Guerrero, on CNN as Brian "journalists are the real heroes" Stelter's smug visage nodded along.

These denizens of the left all but celebrated when a white woman in a gorilla mask attacked Elder in a transparently racist attack.
The same Los Angeles Times, when forced to cover the incident, ran a deceptive headline that attempted to pin the blame on Elder that read, "LAPD is investigating altercation involving Larry Elder at Venice homeless encampment." If only Elder would stop causing altercations, all would be well in the world.
Perhaps their protestations and attempt to ignore this incident would be slightly more believable if they hadn't breathlessly subjected America to an endless string of fake hate crimes.

The stories follow a similar pattern. The incident turns out to be a hoax followed by the breathless media and political perpetrators demanding we move on while still trying to use the incident to push their evil narrative.

They say something like, "Well, it could have been true, which shows that we have a serious racism problem and need to support our noxious policies." What goes unsaid is that these policies are aimed at dividing America into racial camps that serve their interests of exploiting races for political power and gain.
One of the more revolting incidents happened at my alma mater, the United States Air Force Academy, a few years back. Someone wrote racist graffiti outside the dorm room of black cadets at an institution that once focused on integrity, shared values, and a common and uniting mission that transcended race.

In talking to a fellow classmate and good friend, we were both immediately convinced it was a hoax since that is what made the most logical sense.
And yet the top general at the academy, Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, took it at face value and rushed to yell at the whole cadet wing in a very public spectacle, all but accusing them of being unrepentant racists.
"If you can't treat someone with dignity and respect, then get out," he thundered, apparently unaware of the irony in the fact that he had just treated the entire cadet wing as something beneath him and not worthy of dignity or respect. He screamed at the cadets to take out their phones and videotape his wonderful speech, no doubt hoping to have it go viral, which indeed it did.

The left loved and celebrated the virtue-signaling speech and saw it as a stirring example of leadership. Some called for him to become president in a clear attempt to contrast him with the current president they despised.
It was interesting in the sense that it was an earlier example of what we continue to see out of top military leaders, which is blatant pandering to the cultural left in seeking their praise and favor. They are happy to sell their soul for little more than pats on the head by corrupt and wicked cultural powers. They don't even need the proverbial pot of porridge.
The graffiti was written by a black student who was trying to distract from the deep trouble he was in. Liberals were deeply disappointed since they would have far preferred that a U.S. military academy be loaded with racists.
Silveria never apologized for accusing the cadets under his charge of harboring racists, and the only person who "got out" as a result of the incident was the hoaxer, who was never subjected to a humiliating scream-down.
The Bubba Wallace NASCAR noose incident was only slightly less ridiculous than the "Justice for Jussie" incident that left us expected to believe that noose-carrying MAGA hat–wearing goons jumped poor Jussie Smollet in the middle of Chicago. I'm hard pressed to remember an actual incident initially celebrated by the media as a hate crime actually not being a hoax.

No, Democrats want lemmings that listen to the media and are too stupid and ignorant to research matters for themselves.

Democrats want informed voters who know who to think. Voters who trust the science, believe in a Woman's Right To Choose Her Own Health Care. Voters Who Know Climate Change is read and know for damn sure you do not control forest fires by raking up leaves in a National Forest.

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