Larry Elder Proves Today Democrats Are Still Racists

I'm sure the money is going to roll into Elders pocket after this. But i'm wondering is he going to follow up on his election fraud claim. I can just imagine a recount showing that Elder lost by even more.

California has a month to certify the election and audits will be performed as directed under California State Law. State requires audits before final results are posted.
Republicans do not want smart, well informed voters. They want lemmings.
The only way Democrats can get votes is by misinforming everyone.
They lie like most people take a breath of air.
It's what communists do for a living.
This is a blowout.
California deserves that POS.
If they aren't smart enough to get rid of him....they deserve whatever suffering he brings them.
I figure if your opponents are eating themselves alive....pass them the salt.
The wacist GOP supported Larry Elder to be Governor of California.

Liberals called him "the black face of white supremacy".

And you think WE are the ones being divisive?

I don't buy it. I think you are just a lying troll. No one can be as retarded as you are pretending to be.

I don't care what you think. Republicans are racist. It comes with that birth right they feel they have to rule everything and everybody.

You only have to recall the Floyd murder. Not one of you supported Floyd and from that it's reasonable to assume your racist.
I don't view it as a major win for Democrats. Larry Elder didn't have much backing from those in the Republican Party. Last I saw he was the leading opponent to Newsom but with only 24% support. Now if I were a Republican in California and part of the majority that didn't back Elder, I'd much rather wait to boot the Democrats next year with a canidate chosen through the primary process and it wouldn't make much sense to give Elder a boost to win that 2022 nomination.
Interesting, so the lack of support by Republican's to get behind Elder in your thoughts, may have yet again cost a republican an election ??

Are these the same rhino's/never Trumper's that fought against Trump or fought against any candidate supported by Trump ???

So the TDS on both sides just continues on eh ??

When are folk's going to come out in mass, and finally support the right message regardless of color, dirty politics, and one's party affiliation ???? When I say when ???

As many a Californian that wanted this Nusance feller gone, I'd say that something is definitely rotten in the election outcomes maybe. Follow the money, and follow the good ole boys who undoubtedly did something.
I don't care what you think. Republicans are racist. It comes with that birth right they feel they have to rule everything and everybody.

You only have to recall the Floyd murder. Not one of you supported Floyd and from that it's reasonable to assume your racist.

Larry Elder said he was "The Black Face of White Supremacy".

Another member posted that 81% of African-Americans in California voted for Governor Newsom, it was Elder who said Slave Owners deserved Reparations.
Democrats will now run against Trump every election. They worked at destroying him for 4 long years and they will use it for another 20 years or more.

How, especially when Trump does not even run?

They will simply say it is another Trumpster who is a white supremacist. That way Trump hate will never die off, and they won't have to try and run against any other candidates in the future based on their merits.

Easy peasy.

Besides, January 6th.

They literally have nothing else
You are exactly right, so what you are saying basically, is that Trump needs to be in the shadows with his support of his own candidate's secretly, and not out front as a huge distraction created and run by the Democrat's against them all ???
Larry Elder said he was "The Black Face of White Supremacy".

Another member posted that 81% of African-Americans in California voted for Governor Newsom, it was Elder who said Slave Owners deserved Reparations.

Again, I don't care what you think. Is that hard to comprehend?
Again, I don't care what you think. Is that hard to comprehend?

You do not care about the truth? Really?

I stated facts, what is it about facts you do not like or understand?

Elder did call himself "The Black Face of White Supremacy" that is the truth.

Elder did say Slave Owners deserved reparaions.

What is it about the truth bothers you so damn much.
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Isn't that enough?

More is always better, but yes it is. When you consider that Governor Brown took office there was no surplus California is doing great. Under former Governor Brown and Governor Newsom California has a budget surplus. Cuts were made, some which hurt a lot people in our state. The cuts were spread out and effected everyone.

The bottom line is we have that surplus when other states do not.
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Democrats Could Reform "Weaponized" California Recall System.

ACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Hours after California Gov. Gavin Newsom beat back a recall election that could have removed him, his fellow Democrats in the state Legislature said Wednesday they will push for changes to make it more difficult to challenge a sitting governor.

Those reforms could include increasing the number of signatures needed to force a recall election, raising the standard to require wrongdoing on the part of the officeholder and changing the process that could permit someone with a small percentage of votes to replace the state’s top elected official.

It's abut fucking time.
Interesting, so the lack of support by Republican's to get behind Elder in your thoughts, may have yet again cost a republican an election ??

Are these the same rhino's/never Trumper's that fought against Trump or fought against any candidate supported by Trump ???

So the TDS on both sides just continues on eh ??

When are folk's going to come out in mass, and finally support the right message regardless of color, dirty politics, and one's party affiliation ???? When I say when ???

I didn't follow the California race and only took an hour last week to learn what was going on, with my most interest in how the recall election was put to the voters. I guessed that Newsom would remain governor only after seeing that there were dozens of candidates listed to replace Newsom and that Elder was the leading candidate but held only 24% in terms of support. I concluded that if I opposed Newsom but also backed somebody other than Elder, I certainly wouldn't have any incentive to vote. Especially with the governorship being up for election next year. That explains my reasoning and answers your first question, other than I didn't view the contest as a game of political checkers between Democrats and Republicans.

As for your remaining questions, I lack a critical piece of information. That being, did Trump endorse and campaign for any of the Republicans that wished to replace Newsom?
81% of black voters voted to retain Newsom. I’m guessing the OP isn’t black and the voters who were deemed him worthy of their votes in a landslide.

Which does not challenge the op. Unless just being "black" makes their opinion count more? Because they are superior?

Is that what you are trying to say, but without the balls to say it clearly?
Not in my neighborhood, but I have been to major cities (though I avoid them when I can) going all the way back to the 60s. There were and are places you don't want to go or is really not safe to go and there always has been. Just because it is a popular meme for a city or state, does not make it representative of the state as a whole. My brother went out there on vacation a couple of years ago and enjoyed their mountains, deserts, ocean views, he just didn't seek out the homeless camps or downtown streets, so his impression was one of a beautiful state, with many natural wonders, but high gas prices and crowded highways.
Do you actually live where heroin needles are covering sidewalks? Or is it something you saw, driving looking for it or in a report on the problem? It sucks wherever it is, but is it really what I should expect if I vacation in that state? I don't live there or intend to and doubt they are maintaining their state or cities from my approval.
Things do tend to reach a tipping point. Case in point, I drove in an open military jeep toward Birmingham, Alabama in the mid-70s when it was still a steel town. I saw a pink cloud illuminated at night in the distance. When i came over the top of the ridge, I was in a fog that burned my eyes and made me cough. It is gone now. Hasn't been there for years.
The problem you describe is bad and may get worse before it gets better, but if bad enough, will reach a tipping point some time, sooner or later. I just won't be going there to live with it or clean it up. Knock yourself out.

The tipping point seems to be moving the OTHER way, where we as a society is going to get worse, before it gets goes competely bonkers.

I avoid such areas too. But such behavior is the product of fucked in the head people. People walk. They take buses. They even drive.

You have made your position clear. You don't care because you are old and you feel you have time to die in peace.

That's great for you, but makes your perspective not helpful...

AND, there is an unstated premise in any healthy society in discussion on topics, that the goal is to find the Truth so that problems can be addressed so that we can have "craft a more perfect Union" and improve " the general welfare" of society.

You don't have that. You don't care.

That that premise is breaking down, that people engaged in debate, are NOT looking for ways to "tip" things for the better,

is, imo, a big part of the problem. You are not alone in not caring about your fellow citizens or our future.

And more and more people are making policy or voting accordingly. And we are declining rapidly.

I read once, that when one group of barbarians approached Rome and the army had been defeated, that it was worth noting that the number of military aged males in the city, vastly outnumbered the barbarian forces that were about to sack the city.

BUT, by then, the moral fiber of Roman society has been utterly corrupted by various factors, so despite on PAPER them having the potential to defend themselves, in reality they were utterly helpless.

You know, like you citing California's credit score, like that means something when a society is in such decline that they have forgotten how to be civilized.
I don't care what you think. Republicans are racist. It comes with that birth right they feel they have to rule everything and everybody.

You only have to recall the Floyd murder. Not one of you supported Floyd and from that it's reasonable to assume your racist.

What I posted was not about what I think, but a comment on what people are actually DOING.

You are ignoring the reality of the situation, to just, stand by your beliefs, so that you have an excuse to hate.

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