Larry Elder Proves Today Democrats Are Still Racists





...a misleading statistic.

Read this:

The myth of white privilege says blacks are arrested and incarcerated at a higher rate due to systemic racism that exists in the law enforcement and court systems. However white privilege isn’t real, and we’re going to prove that institutional racism isn’t the cause, but the breakdown in the family unit and uneducated people who make bad life choices are the real causes of the problem.

Black vs White Crime Statistics Conclusion​

  • It’s an uncomfortable truth but blacks commit crimes at nearly three times the rate that whites do.
  • Blacks commit 36% of the violent crime in the US even though they are only 13% of the population.
  • Blacks in England commit crimes at nearly three times the rate of their population rate.
  • The parity in black crime rates in the US and black crime rates in the UK prove that there is no systemic or institutional racial bias in the US, and that the judicial system is not unfairly targeting blacks.
  • There is no systemic racism in US Judicial System.
  • There is no racial bias that unfairly targets innocent blacks in the US Criminal system.
  • The cycle of black crime begins with the breakdown of family values that has 72% of black pregnancies creating low-income single parent households.
  • Black children growing up in single-parent low-income situations are likely to repeat this cycle unless they raise children in a married two-parent household with more stability.
  • White privilege isn’t creating a system that unfairly arrests and prosecutes blacks, the black parents making bad life choices are creating situations that increase the likelihood of bad outcomes happening are the ones responsible.
  • White privilege isn’t real and isn’t responsible for blacks committing more crimes, black adults making poor life choices are the ones responsible.
Poor baby! :itsok:
No, there was nothing misleading about FBI Uniform Crime Reports.

An opinion piece written by somebody white are not the facts.
Democrats will now run against Trump every election. They worked at destroying him for 4 long years and they will use it for another 20 years or more.

How, especially when Trump does not even run?

They will simply say it is another Trumpster who is a white supremacist. That way Trump hate will never die off, and they won't have to try and run against any other candidates in the future based on their merits.

Easy peasy.

Besides, January 6th.

They literally have nothing else
The corrupt Democrats have smeared Presidents who were conservatives before. They are animals long before they destroyed Donald Trump. Now they're seasoned criminal calumny performers.
The corrupt Democrats have smeared Presidents who were conservatives before. They are animals long before they destroyed Donald Trump. Now they're seasoned criminal calumny performers.
It's easier just to say that the DNC is the mob.
Democrats will now run against Trump every election. They worked at destroying him for 4 long years and they will use it for another 20 years or more.

How, especially when Trump does not even run?

They will simply say it is another Trumpster who is a white supremacist. That way Trump hate will never die off, and they won't have to try and run against any other candidates in the future based on their merits.

Easy peasy.

Besides, January 6th.

They literally have nothing else
No. Nobody is going to trust trump or trumpers, because we could all lose the benefits of living in a representative republic based on the constitution and laws. We never thought it possible before trump. Now we know.
If you don't like the outcome rouse the rabble, say you were cheated even if (no especially if) it isn't true, point them toward the seat of government and stand back smiling while your misguided minions attack to possibly change the outcome by mob force.
If elections can be overturned at will, and/or you can prevent people from being able to vote against you, the country can be yours to control. That is the Anti-American truth of what he tried to do. It is why trump and trumpers will not be trusted while that influence is out there. We might not be so lucky at keeping our representative republic next time. That is why they will run against trump, and rightfully so. It didn't have to be this way. Trump chose.
  • Thanks
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...a misleading statistic.

Read this:

The myth of white privilege says blacks are arrested and incarcerated at a higher rate due to systemic racism that exists in the law enforcement and court systems. However white privilege isn’t real, and we’re going to prove that institutional racism isn’t the cause, but the breakdown in the family unit and uneducated people who make bad life choices are the real causes of the problem.

Black vs White Crime Statistics Conclusion​

  • It’s an uncomfortable truth but blacks commit crimes at nearly three times the rate that whites do.
  • Blacks commit 36% of the violent crime in the US even though they are only 13% of the population.
  • Blacks in England commit crimes at nearly three times the rate of their population rate.
  • The parity in black crime rates in the US and black crime rates in the UK prove that there is no systemic or institutional racial bias in the US, and that the judicial system is not unfairly targeting blacks.
  • There is no systemic racism in US Judicial System.
  • There is no racial bias that unfairly targets innocent blacks in the US Criminal system.
  • The cycle of black crime begins with the breakdown of family values that has 72% of black pregnancies creating low-income single parent households.
  • Black children growing up in single-parent low-income situations are likely to repeat this cycle unless they raise children in a married two-parent household with more stability.
  • White privilege isn’t creating a system that unfairly arrests and prosecutes blacks, the black parents making bad life choices are creating situations that increase the likelihood of bad outcomes happening are the ones responsible.
  • White privilege isn’t real and isn’t responsible for blacks committing more crimes, black adults making poor life choices are the ones responsible.
Poor baby! :itsok:

Skip to a section​

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Some website by white racists making false claims do not dispute this reality.
"In the late 1800s, depending on the city, 70% to 80% of black households were two-parent. Dr. Thomas Sowell has argued, “The black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and discrimination, began rapidly disintegrating in the liberal welfare state that subsidized unwed pregnancy and changed welfare from an emergency rescue to a way of life.”

The Social Security Act of 1935 created the Social Security program, state unemployment insurance, and assistance to single women with children. Today most Americans love the program. However, when the act was signed, the law was made to exclude occupations that were mainly occupied by blacks. When President Roosevelt signed the law, 65 percent of blacks in America were ineligible. So for years a majority of blacks were excluded from social security savings and could not get unemployment.

Time out! Hold up! Whoa! Let’s take a short break from the action to talk about the assistance to single women with children part of the Social Security Act. Title 4 or IV of the social security act of 1935 called for grants in aid to be provided to each stated as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. At first it functioned mainly to provide federal grants to help the states maintain their mothers’ aid laws that had been passed in 40 states between 1910 and 1920. With the federal government providing 1/3 of costs, the program offered aid to poor parents, imagined at that time to be always female, caring for children without a husband.

The ADC plan was written by Grace Abbott and Katherine Lenroot who had both served as directors of what was then called the childrens bureau. They lobbied hard to get this program added to the Social Security bill, which was aimed at male breadwinners, reflecting the masculinist assumptions and composition of the Committee on Economic Security (CES) that wrote the bill. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers lacked the support of a breadwinner, no matter how they got to that position.

This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children without daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Seems that Sowell is unable to point this out and in fact this is part of long tradition of taking care of poor single parent white families.

From the time of the Childrens Bureau in 1910 until 1965 no one talked about how the welfare state was wrong and subsisided the disintegration of the white family. It was seen as essential assistance needed to help women without husbands who had children. Only when the law required that others be included did the story change to how the welfare state was wrong and destructive.

"As late as 1950, only 18% of black households were single parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11% instead of today’s 75%. In 1925, 85% of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past."-Walter Williams

In 1938 During this time of great black 2 parent family morality, the poverty rate for blacks was 80 percent. In 1959, it was 55 percent. These sky high rates of poverty occurred during the time these fools rant abot the black 2 parent family. Today due to the " liberal welfare state breaking up the black family by giving them welfare" black poverty is half of what it was in 1959 and more than 1/3 of what ut was in those grand old glorious days of the two parent black family.

Ross, C., Danziger, S. & Smolensky, E. The level and trend of poverty in the United States, 1939–1979. Demography 24, 587–600 (1987). The level and trend of poverty in the United States, 1939–1979 | Demography | Duke University Press

Table 2. Poverty Status of People by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1959 to 2014, US Department of the Census,

All of this shows a history of white privilege. The choices whites made to exclude blacks from federal programs that provided economic stimulus for whites created the walth gap we have right now. These are facts, not racist bullshit
Using the data from your table and the US census:

Violent crimes by Whites: 209848/250447000=0.000838=83.8per 100,000
Violent crimes by Blacks: 129346/4398411=0.002941=291.4per 100,000

291.4/83.8 = 3.477

Blacks are more than 3 times likely to commit violent crimes than Whites.

Try again, poor baby! :itsok:
Isn't that enough?
Not when it's over a half TRILLION in debt for unfunded pension plans and public works. Add in the rest of California's unfunded debt that's split between the state, counties and cities and California has one and a half TRILLION in unfunded debt. The surplus is temporary and instead of using it to pay down some of the mountain of debt Newsom intends to spend it.
Show your evidence If that or shut up.
It doesn't matter how far In lead of the minority he was. He was beaten because republicans rejected him or he would have won. You lot are racist.
republicans didn't reject Elder. Republicans are less than 24% of registered voters in California. If every republican and every independent had voted for him, he still would have lost.
republicans didn't reject Elder. Republicans are less than 24% of registered voters in California. If every republican and every independent had voted for him, he still would have lost.

Well, how can you guys ever speak of election fraud when you don't have enough base to reach a majority. You're looking slightly silly here.
LOL. How soon trumptards forget.

Back in 2003, the recall of Gray Davis was successful and Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor. And yes, there were mail-in ballots then too.

Next time, think before posting.
No there weren't mail in ballots then. There were requested and verified ABSENTEE ballots that had a serious system of verification. The recall had ballots not only sent to every registered voter, but the DMV screwed up and put illegal aliens who have driver's licenses on the registered voter rolls as well. It was doing this for FIVE MONTHS, but only admits to fifteen hundred cases. I really find that number hard to believe. Only 300 processed a month?
Make your trip to Mara Lago and pay the price.

Trump endorsed elder, elder ran as a Trump clone.
So many on the GOP are afraid to step away from Trump
You blame the Democrats?

You keep hugging Cap'n Cheeto and the Democrats will hold it against you.
Considering the lineup you Democrats seem to push on us during each election cycle....Cap'n Cheeto is a massive improvement.
You people are so fucked in the head that you'll vote for Gavin Newsom....even after his rolling-blackouts, unprecedented massive brushfires, jinormous energy costs, wide spread homelessness, unnecessary lock downs, and huge loss of jobs and businesses which has led to a mass-exodus out of the state. And the Democrat Party wants to turn the rest of the country into California.....which is just Venezuela 2.0.

It appears that you folks are happy to live in a 3rd world shithole as long as your politician is a god damned Democrat.
Well....I take that want to turn where you live into a shithole....then move to a Red State and do that same thing there....and so-on.

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Quite simple. They through millions of them away and simply added the throwaways to Newsom's total. No need to verify signatures.
Is this another one of those things, where the republican lost by a landslide, and republican want to cry cheating with absolutely no proof at all?:auiqs.jpg:I guess it is no surprise. It is the republican playbook since trump. Hey, hey, are you going to try to get the 25% republicans in that deep blue state to storm the capital?:auiqs.jpg:After all, a republican lost and that is the republican playbook, right?:auiqs.jpg:
Call Donny! See if he'll endorse the move from Mara Largo.:auiqs.jpg:Would it be too much to get you guys to run a guy who had at least been elected president of a PTA, to run the 5th largest economy under the sun, next time?:auiqs.jpg:
Yes, I can laugh at you, but maybe I should thank you for proving the danger of trumpers and illustrating why trumpers can not be trusted to office, if the rest of us want to vote, and it count.
That line above takes the cake!!! LOL. Of course. And if only trumptards had voted, Rump would have won.

But why stop there? If there were no Republicans, there would be no stupidity!!! :auiqs.jpg:

In the context of the post I was responding to, it made complete sense.

THe libtard in question was claiming that the leading republican candidate lost because republicans would not vote for him.

That was a retarded thing to say.

My response made sense in that context.

you are an asshole.
No. They've been saying it for generations. As long as we keep the system we have, ours is a self-correcting system, just not as fast as most of us would like.

Any system is only as good as the people running it. And the people running ours, have lost their faith.
Is this another one of those things, where the republican lost by a landslide, and republican want to cry cheating with absolutely no proof at all?:auiqs.jpg:I guess it is no surprise. It is the republican playbook since trump. Hey, hey, are you going to try to get the 25% republicans in that deep blue state to storm the capital?:auiqs.jpg:After all, a republican lost and that is the republican playbook, right?:auiqs.jpg:
Call Donny! See if he'll endorse the move from Mara Largo.:auiqs.jpg:Would it be too much to get you guys to run a guy who had at least been elected president of a PTA, to run the 5th largest economy under the sun, next time?:auiqs.jpg:
Yes, I can laugh at you, but maybe I should thank you for proving the danger of trumpers and illustrating why trumpers can not be trusted to office, if the rest of us want to vote, and it count.
After watching him for the last 9 months......I find it hard to believe a Biden supporter can get away with talking about a Republican like he's a retard.....mainly because your president is a total butthead.
Any system is only as good as the people running it. And the people running ours, have lost their faith.
Democrats don't have to win the election.....all they have to do is do the counting.
They wait for Republicans to report their totals....and then just make sure their count is more by 20-30%.

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