Las Vegas Shooting: Crowd Warned You Are All Going To Die

And likely an atheist, or a former atheist that converted to Islam.

Man alive. There is not a speck of evidence this is the case -- and in case you didn't know - 65 year old retirees generally don't convert to anything.
Nor do they usually go on elaborately planned killing sprees!
Psychopaths have been known to that, from time to time.

Especially ones who have daddy's and uncles who went on killing sprees.


Now now, Paperpants. There is no concrete evidence yet that Paddock is/was a psychopath or was diagnosed as one - and it isn't always 'inherited'. Stop indulging in speculation (or as you term it - Conspiracy Theories)! Lol.
You are off your fucking rocker.

A man who goes on a killing rampage to mass murder hundreds, if not thousands...



Goodness! Keep your hair on, Paperpants :uhoh3:
The vast majority of psychopaths don't murder people, and certainly not all murderers, or even mass murderers, are psychopaths :itsok:
Lol@triggeredPaperpants :popcorn:
BREAKING: Sheriff Lombardo suggests shooter was "radicalized" & authorities attempting to uncover source.

Saw the vid. Looks like MsSkanky That Fled might have more to spill once they get their hands on her.

Hope this works:
Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter
See, the difference is, I was joking, and you're serious. Stop being a freak.
Actually it's you that is a joke...ask yourself...why does my thinking and political ideology continue to lose these there you will find the answer. Old hippies die hard.
Hmm. Interesting. Check this out (posted by The Coo on AOL commentary over the story of Danely):

She was in the Philippines. So convenient. Have a friend who is a waiter who is from the Philippines and said Isis is trying to strong hold part of this country. Money was being sent there by him in the thousands. And before they took her Facebook page down she was in Dubaii in 2016. She has cousins there. There are pictures of her on a beach in Dubai. Also she has 5 aliases on Facebook and has 460,000 followers on her Instagram. Why?! Oh yeah her ex husband is in a photo with a same little girl with 4 adult friends in separate pictures with her. Very Odd and suspicious. Especially her boyfriend has his own plane. Anyone say trafficking !!! Dubai is a leading country in trafficking. Oh by the way the shooter her boyfriend was an Obama supporter and was filmed at an Anti Trump Rally. Terrible. The media won't report this since only reported was he was not registered as a republican or democrat. Isis has taken credit twice. Why? He had an arsenal of weapons and this was planned. No past Bipolar or mental issues. The authorities know this girl friend is the key to this atrocity.

Stephen Paddock’s girlfriend remains a “person of interest” in Vegas shooting
Maybe he did what he did (Paddock) because she was going to turn him in for....what? Child trafficking? Was that money he sent to the Phillipines hush money? (Blackmail).

Yeah. Something still stinks.
Normally I agree with you but I'm pretty sure Dylan Roof wasn't a liberal. And the young guy at Sandy Hook was just extremely mentally ill.

Most of these whackos have no political affiliation and are non-political Idiots just try to pin it on liberals.

BULLSHIT. A study was done some years back and each killer's background was looked into and every one of them had ties to the Left. NOT ONE of them was conservative, a republican or an NRA member. If I have the time, I will try to find that study and copy it here. Just like the loon who tried to kill that whole ball-field of congressmen a few months back, it will eventually be found that this rich accountant guy had some crazy political motivation hopped up in him fueled by the Democrats! IMO, the Democratic Party should be charged with all of these deaths and most of the others! Just as Obama was the driving force to fuel the anti-cop hatred of today. They USE people as pawns, just as they use the blacks in order to try to make the social changes they desire! And the Libs very very badly want all of our guns. First it starts as "sensible" gun regulations to where all you can get is a pop gun with one bullet under heavy limitations, then the regulations increase until they have the power to outright ban them. Then once they turn society into chaos, they rightfully come in to declare full martial law. It is the Soros-Globalist's Dream.

Meantime, they all live behind heavily-protected gated communities with guards around them armed to the teeth.
I suspect this guy wanted this situation to impact conservatives/Republicans. Just another triggered lefty with a shitload of money, and an axe to grind against those who disagree with his ideology.
So you cons won't claim anyone

Do you claim the Pulse shooter?
Photo of the shooter's body in his hotel room, this is the first time I'm seeing this

What utterly dreadful decor :eek:
And is that a suicide note on the table?
Paddock was likely a LWNJ, but I don't expect our government or media to tell us the truth.
All the signs point to this being the case. And it seems highly unlikely that this guy is a "lone wolf" in the traditional sense. This was a big push. It kinda makes a man wonder what part two of this push entails, not to mention what the impetous was. Why now? What's about to happen that the gun control issue had to be handled now..? Something bad is coming our way. And when it gets here; even many of the staunch lefties will find themselves lamenting the way we responded to this incident.
Depending on the video you watch (and thus depending on the location of the videographer), an entire video may sound like two weapons firing. That is an echo. the beginning it sounded like there could be two different calibers firing but I guess we would know by now if that were the case from people on the scene.
BULLSHIT. A study was done some years back and each killer's background was looked into and every one of them had ties to the Left. NOT ONE of them was conservative, a republican or an NRA member. If I have the time, I will try to find that study and copy it here. Just like the loon who tried to kill that whole ball-field of congressmen a few months back, it will eventually be found that this rich accountant guy had some crazy political motivation hopped up in him fueled by the Democrats! IMO, the Democratic Party should be charged with all of these deaths and most of the others! Just as Obama was the driving force to fuel the anti-cop hatred of today. They USE people as pawns, just as they use the blacks in order to try to make the social changes they desire! And the Libs very very badly want all of our guns. First it starts as "sensible" gun regulations to where all you can get is a pop gun with one bullet under heavy limitations, then the regulations increase until they have the power to outright ban them. Then once they turn society into chaos, they rightfully come in to declare full martial law. It is the Soros-Globalist's Dream.

Meantime, they all live behind heavily-protected gated communities with guards around them armed to the teeth.
I suspect this guy wanted this situation to impact conservatives/Republicans. Just another triggered lefty with a shitload of money, and an axe to grind against those who disagree with his ideology.
So you cons won't claim anyone

Do you claim the Pulse shooter?
The ultra right-wing theocrat gun lover? Nope, he's yours, too. :D

Sorry, you libtards have exclusive rights to the Jihadists.
Why? We're atheists. Don't they agree with you about gays and our sinful society?

Fuckin' Aye. Some of you people are dumb as dirt.

hey, paperview do you believe Clark Sheriff Joe Lombardo gave a conference only to Infowars???

Is that what you think???:biggrin:
No, I believe you are a CT Alex Jones nutcase that doesn't understand plain language.

Vegas gunman transferred $100K, set up cameras at hotel room
I wonder why he was filming himself doing this? He figured he would wind up dead either by his own hand or the cops. So why bother to film it? Any guesses?
Mine show what he did to someone else if he managed to somehow survive it.
"I wonder why he was filming himself doing this? "

I say, narcissism. His "big, important moment" should live on forever, in his mind.
But that doesn't make sense. All this prep work to off a shitload of people. By himself. Alone, supposedly. Killed himself when they busted in. Yet..set up cameras? For what? His ghostie to watch later on?

No. Again, something really stinks.
Maybe he was live streaming
Photo of the shooter's body in his hotel room, this is the first time I'm seeing this

What utterly dreadful decor :eek:
And is that a suicide note on the table?
Paddock was likely a LWNJ, but I don't expect our government or media to tell us the truth.
You won't believe the truth
What is the truth?
Rich, white, angry, male, lots of guns. You're just sad it was white country people.
Photo of the shooter's body in his hotel room, this is the first time I'm seeing this

What utterly dreadful decor :eek:
And is that a suicide note on the table?
Paddock was likely a LWNJ, but I don't expect our government or media to tell us the truth.
You won't believe the truth
What is the truth?
Rich, white, angry, male, lots of guns. You're just sad it was white country people.
It certainly fits nicely into the leftist narrative, but dupes can't see that.

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