Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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probably better than you.

My Glock holds 15 rounds.

If I pull the trigger fast enough, the rate can be 600 rounds per minute.

But they don't make a magazine large enough to hold 600 rounds, so your 'rate of fire' claim is ridiculous.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

That's just dumb, dude.

How so?

as I pointed out earlier, if I put my 15 rd magazine, and continuously pull the trigger as fast as possible, what is my rate of fire?

y'all are claiming a 600 rd rate of fire.

what are you using to supply those 600 rds?


100 rd magazine would have to be changed 6 times to be able to achieve that rate.

Now you are getting the point...
We need to ban BOTH high capacity magazines and kits that modify assault rifles for high rates of fire

If I have a bump stock firing at 600 rpm and I have a 10 round magazine....I fire a one second burst
If I have a 100 round magazine.....I fire a ten second burst

Much more lethality in that ten second burst
If I have a 100 round magazine.....I fire a ten second burst

if you fire a firearm, unless modified to be air or water cooled, that fast, you wont' be able to hold onto it due to the heat of the barrel.
I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

But all have been used to kill multiple innocents. Yet all are legal.

We need congress to ban them as all can be modified.

There is no equivalent. All of those tools are made for other purposes. The kind of weaponry Paddock used is designed for one purpose. To kill. He did that and did it very effectively and efficiently.

They are tools no less their purpose can be for sporting or self preservation. They are regulated to a far greater extent than the other tools and the other tools are easy to modify to inflict mass casualties.

Your argument? They aren't guns?

You realize that shooting events are part of the Olympic Games? Right? Are the medal winners shooting for the purpose of inflicting death?
So what if California went heavily for Hillary?

So all the carrying-on about Trump losing the popular vote is bogus: it's just a huge California plurality for Hillary racked up by millions of illegal voters. I want them all deported and the illegal voting cleaned up. This country is being taken over by an invasion of foreigners, like Europe.
It’s not bogus, you’re moron. She won by 3 million votes. Doesn’t matter where the people live, it’s the number of votes she got.

My favorite was dipshit Pelosi being shouted down by hispanics when explaining her stand on DACA. The crowd started chanting "this is what Democracy looks like"

There is no better example of why we don't have a democracy. Mob rule is a very ugly thing.
Who claimed there are?
Do you understand what rate of fire means?

probably better than you.

My Glock holds 15 rounds.

If I pull the trigger fast enough, the rate can be 600 rounds per minute.

But they don't make a magazine large enough to hold 600 rounds, so your 'rate of fire' claim is ridiculous.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

That's just dumb, dude.

How so?

as I pointed out earlier, if I put my 15 rd magazine, and continuously pull the trigger as fast as possible, what is my rate of fire?

y'all are claiming a 600 rd rate of fire.

what are you using to supply those 600 rds?


100 rd magazine would have to be changed 6 times to be able to achieve that rate.
Dang, dude.
No. The amount of rounds fired is irrelevant. It's the rate that they are fired.

Let's say I install a bump stock and want to measure the new rate of fire. I load a thirty round magazine and it takes four seconds to empty it.

4×15=60 that is the time.
30×15=450 that is the rate per minute from only thirty rounds.
72 minutes from 'shots fired' to 'suspect down'


Police on the ground report 'shots fired'

  • 22:14 Officer on 31st floor says shots coming from 'one floor above'

  • 22:20 'It's been a while since we heard any shots,' one officer says

  • 22:27 Officer reports that a hotel security guard has been 'shot on 32nd floor'

  • 23:20 Swat teams enter gunman's room. They find 'one suspect down'
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police recordings /

Stephen Paddock
  • From 1976 to 1985 worked as a postman, an Internal Revenue Service agent and an auditor for the Defense Contract Audit Agency
  • Worked for the predecessor company of Lockheed Martin in the 80s
  • Maintained relations with his younger brother Eric but estranged from older brothers Bruce and Patrick
  • Grew up in Sun Valley, California, and attended California State University in Northridge
  • He was married twice and had no children
Sources: US media reports.

Gunman a high-roller and 'psychopath'
But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

But all have been used to kill multiple innocents. Yet all are legal.

We need congress to ban them as all can be modified.

There is no equivalent. All of those tools are made for other purposes. The kind of weaponry Paddock used is designed for one purpose. To kill. He did that and did it very effectively and efficiently.

They are tools no less their purpose can be for sporting or self preservation. They are regulated to a far greater extent than the other tools and the other tools are easy to modify to inflict mass casualties.

Your argument? They aren't guns?

You realize that shooting events are part of the Olympic Games? Right? Are the medal winners shooting for the purpose of inflicting death?

None of that rambling has a damn thing to do with this case.
So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

But all have been used to kill multiple innocents. Yet all are legal.

We need congress to ban them as all can be modified.

There is no equivalent. All of those tools are made for other purposes. The kind of weaponry Paddock used is designed for one purpose. To kill. He did that and did it very effectively and efficiently.

They are tools no less their purpose can be for sporting or self preservation. They are regulated to a far greater extent than the other tools and the other tools are easy to modify to inflict mass casualties.

Your argument? They aren't guns?

You realize that shooting events are part of the Olympic Games? Right? Are the medal winners shooting for the purpose of inflicting death?

None of that rambling has a damn thing to do with this case.

Really? And neither is any discussion on controlling the amount or type of weaponry law abiding citizens may own.

But you forgot that right? When your argument fails, point elsewhere!

probably better than you.

My Glock holds 15 rounds.

If I pull the trigger fast enough, the rate can be 600 rounds per minute.

But they don't make a magazine large enough to hold 600 rounds, so your 'rate of fire' claim is ridiculous.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

That's just dumb, dude.

How so?

as I pointed out earlier, if I put my 15 rd magazine, and continuously pull the trigger as fast as possible, what is my rate of fire?

y'all are claiming a 600 rd rate of fire.

what are you using to supply those 600 rds?


100 rd magazine would have to be changed 6 times to be able to achieve that rate.
Dang, dude.
No. The amount of rounds fired is irrelevant. It's the rate that they are fired.

Let's say I install a bump stock and want to measure the new rate of fire. I load a thirty round magazine and it takes four seconds to empty it.

4×15=60 that is the time.
30×15=450 that is the rate per minute from only thirty rounds.

The heat of the barrel has a bit to do with it though.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

But all have been used to kill multiple innocents. Yet all are legal.

We need congress to ban them as all can be modified.

There is no equivalent. All of those tools are made for other purposes. The kind of weaponry Paddock used is designed for one purpose. To kill. He did that and did it very effectively and efficiently.

They are tools no less their purpose can be for sporting or self preservation. They are regulated to a far greater extent than the other tools and the other tools are easy to modify to inflict mass casualties.

Your argument? They aren't guns?

You realize that shooting events are part of the Olympic Games? Right? Are the medal winners shooting for the purpose of inflicting death?

None of that rambling has a damn thing to do with this case.

Really? And neither is any discussion on controlling the amount or type of weaponry law abiding citizens may own.

But you forgot that right? When your argument fails, point elsewhere!


Paddock was a law abiding citizen as well.
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

That's just dumb, dude.

How so?

as I pointed out earlier, if I put my 15 rd magazine, and continuously pull the trigger as fast as possible, what is my rate of fire?

y'all are claiming a 600 rd rate of fire.

what are you using to supply those 600 rds?


100 rd magazine would have to be changed 6 times to be able to achieve that rate.
Dang, dude.
No. The amount of rounds fired is irrelevant. It's the rate that they are fired.

Let's say I install a bump stock and want to measure the new rate of fire. I load a thirty round magazine and it takes four seconds to empty it.

4×15=60 that is the time.
30×15=450 that is the rate per minute from only thirty rounds.

The heat of the barrel has a bit to do with it though.

That's no doubt why Paddock had several lined up and ready to go so they wouldn't overheat.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

Or a truck that can be modified to blow up hundreds?


Purchasing explosives is tightly controlled
Purchasing an assault rifle and the kit to modify it for high rates of fire is not

Who needs explosives? A heavy duty snow plow on a big ass pick up truck is a modification that could easily mow down 100 people in a crowd

A-sshhhh. Don't give the idiots any ideas.
No dumber than you telling other people what they need or don't need
Make a case for it.
There is no need for a bump stock. It's either a dangerous toy or a murder weapon. Either way it doesn't need to exist.

I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

So what?

If you can't understand the meaning of a post just say so
you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

Which is why there are such rigid restrictions on automatic weapons.

There are none for cheap mods that emulate the illegal weapon.


You do know that with a little practice you can learn to bump fire a rifle and not have to use one of those doodads don't you?
The Oklahoma City bomber modified a vehicle to kills many more than the Vegas ass.

Yet we see no calls to eliminate trucks?

wow. deep.

Wow, idiot.
be proud of your deep thought. no one ever has presented your line of "reasoning".

No dumber than you telling other people what they need or don't need
Make a case for it.
There is no need for a bump stock. It's either a dangerous toy or a murder weapon. Either way it doesn't need to exist.

I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

But all have been used to kill multiple innocents. Yet all are legal.

We need congress to ban them as all can be modified.

There is no equivalent. All of those tools are made for other purposes. The kind of weaponry Paddock used is designed for one purpose. To kill. He did that and did it very effectively and efficiently.

They are tools no less their purpose can be for sporting or self preservation. They are regulated to a far greater extent than the other tools and the other tools are easy to modify to inflict mass casualties.

Your argument? They aren't guns?

You realize that shooting events are part of the Olympic Games? Right? Are the medal winners shooting for the purpose of inflicting death?

None of that rambling has a damn thing to do with this case.

Really? And neither is any discussion on controlling the amount or type of weaponry law abiding citizens may own.

But you forgot that right? When your argument fails, point elsewhere!


Paddock was a law abiding citizen as well.

why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

That's just dumb, dude.

How so?

as I pointed out earlier, if I put my 15 rd magazine, and continuously pull the trigger as fast as possible, what is my rate of fire?

y'all are claiming a 600 rd rate of fire.

what are you using to supply those 600 rds?


100 rd magazine would have to be changed 6 times to be able to achieve that rate.
Dang, dude.
No. The amount of rounds fired is irrelevant. It's the rate that they are fired.

Let's say I install a bump stock and want to measure the new rate of fire. I load a thirty round magazine and it takes four seconds to empty it.

4×15=60 that is the time.
30×15=450 that is the rate per minute from only thirty rounds.

The heat of the barrel has a bit to do with it though.

That's no doubt why Paddock had several lined up and ready to go so they wouldn't overheat.

All these posts and you claim to own 5 guns, but can't say what they are within a couple minutes? I call you a liar. You own zero guns, guy.


I own a Mauser, a .303, .06, .22, and 9mm.

Why you can't say? Because you don't own any guns. You were lying to establish credibility.
I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

But all have been used to kill multiple innocents. Yet all are legal.

We need congress to ban them as all can be modified.

There is no equivalent. All of those tools are made for other purposes. The kind of weaponry Paddock used is designed for one purpose. To kill. He did that and did it very effectively and efficiently.

A gun is designed to propel a projectile that is all it is designed to do.
But all have been used to kill multiple innocents. Yet all are legal.

We need congress to ban them as all can be modified.

There is no equivalent. All of those tools are made for other purposes. The kind of weaponry Paddock used is designed for one purpose. To kill. He did that and did it very effectively and efficiently.

They are tools no less their purpose can be for sporting or self preservation. They are regulated to a far greater extent than the other tools and the other tools are easy to modify to inflict mass casualties.

Your argument? They aren't guns?

You realize that shooting events are part of the Olympic Games? Right? Are the medal winners shooting for the purpose of inflicting death?

None of that rambling has a damn thing to do with this case.

Really? And neither is any discussion on controlling the amount or type of weaponry law abiding citizens may own.

But you forgot that right? When your argument fails, point elsewhere!


Paddock was a law abiding citizen as well.

No the minute he shot someone for no reason he was a criminal.
It’s not bogus, you’re moron. She won by 3 million votes. Doesn’t matter where the people live, it’s the number of votes she got.

It must matter some, Faun, right? Or we'd be saying "President Hillary."

But we aren't saying that. The big plurality in California was run up by illegals and doesn't matter, fortunately. We need to clean up this illegal voting in all states, however, or soon it will matter.
Make a case for it.
There is no need for a bump stock. It's either a dangerous toy or a murder weapon. Either way it doesn't need to exist.

I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

So what?

If you can't understand the meaning of a post just say so

I understand the meaning just fine. It's just irrelevant.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

Which is why there are such rigid restrictions on automatic weapons.

There are none for cheap mods that emulate the illegal weapon.


You do know that with a little practice you can learn to bump fire a rifle and not have to use one of those doodads don't you?

Full auto is illegal for a reason. A device that allows for a rate of fire that is similar should be as well. It certainly violates the intent of of the law banning full auto.
I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

So what?

If you can't understand the meaning of a post just say so

I understand the meaning just fine. It's just irrelevant.

Obviously you don't because you can't understand that a gun is nothing but a tool.
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