Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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No dumber than you telling other people what they need or don't need
Make a case for it.
There is no need for a bump stock. It's either a dangerous toy or a murder weapon. Either way it doesn't need to exist.

I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

But all have been used to kill multiple innocents. Yet all are legal.

We need congress to ban them as all can be modified.
Mourning folks!

So we know now that Paddock sent the girlfriend away to the PI so she would not have blood on her hands. She definitely knows stuff.
Tokyo is in the PI? And she's back today....big police presence at LAX when she came in.
" You think anyone should be able to amass that kind of fire power undetected,"

Is it your business?

"then have the kits shipped to them undetected"


again, is it your business?

"in order to kill almost 60 Americans, and wound almost 600"

I've ordered quite a bit from Cabelas, and other companies.

Don't remember anywhere on the order form what my intentions were in the use of the product.

hmm, if such a question were on the form, I wonder how many would state, "I want this product, so I can kill people in cold blood"

It is our business

When 30,000 lose their lives because of is our business
When some monster has free access to a weapon that fires 500 rounds a minute and uses it to kill 59 and injure is our business
Why the title if not a structured entity that would be the very one to call up at a moment's notice the men who undoubtedly are on a list no ?
Because the founders were against a standing army. So the militias were locals who were mustered up as needed. Whether by the town crier, a news paper add or church bells. Each time the militia formed it might be composed of differing individuals depending on how quickly they were “drummed” up. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that they would parade through towns, with drummers, picking up willing free men as they went along. That’s where we get the phrase “drummed up”.
. This is being applied to today's environment, standards and issues ??? Had to chuckle a little bit... Sorry.
Yeah... as a nation we’ve strayed far from the path of the founders original intent...

You're right. I'm sure the founders never intended for the 2nd amd. to be co-opted by such lunatics and profiteers.

You people have turned it into a cult. It's a religion for you.
Indeed. The gunnuts have turned the word militia into a single-man army arsenal. Our FFers could never imagine what today's technology would be like.

Indeed. If the citizens needed to rise up against an unjust government. The citizens would simply ask that government for weapons. Right?
That taxi driver with the long, long recording of shots going on for a long time was informative. No question but that shots sounded louder and softer, and she herself said they were coming from different areas, and then said it sounded like the tenth or so floor of the Mandalay. Lots of people said that, including a police officer calling it in first: middle of the Mandalay (32nd floor is way up). My husband sent me a video showing flashes coming from the 11th floor; maybe it was a hoax, but I'd like to see more on all that.
Two windows facing different directions and the taxi driver was right underneath, so one was closer facing taxi and the other window was not. Also weapon changes at the different windows.

I watched the taxi video also. It was interesting, but...

Yeah, good point. The further/closer thing could be that. Still leaves the mystery of the 10th or 11th floor thing up in the air.

Not really. Are there broken windows on those floors?
Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

I'd like to see the modified magazine that holds 600 rounds

Who claimed there are?
Do you understand what rate of fire means?

probably better than you.

My Glock holds 15 rounds.

If I pull the trigger fast enough, the rate can be 600 rounds per minute.

But they don't make a magazine large enough to hold 600 rounds, so your 'rate of fire' claim is ridiculous.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge
Make a case for it.
There is no need for a bump stock. It's either a dangerous toy or a murder weapon. Either way it doesn't need to exist.

I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
Again? Really?
None of those tools were used by Paddock.

But all have been used to kill multiple innocents. Yet all are legal.

We need congress to ban them as all can be modified.

There is no equivalent. All of those tools are made for other purposes. The kind of weaponry Paddock used is designed for one purpose. To kill. He did that and did it very effectively and efficiently.
We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

I'd like to see the modified magazine that holds 600 rounds

Who claimed there are?
Do you understand what rate of fire means?

probably better than you.

My Glock holds 15 rounds.

If I pull the trigger fast enough, the rate can be 600 rounds per minute.

But they don't make a magazine large enough to hold 600 rounds, so your 'rate of fire' claim is ridiculous.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

That's just dumb, dude.
We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

I'd like to see the modified magazine that holds 600 rounds

Who claimed there are?
Do you understand what rate of fire means?

probably better than you.

My Glock holds 15 rounds.

If I pull the trigger fast enough, the rate can be 600 rounds per minute.

But they don't make a magazine large enough to hold 600 rounds, so your 'rate of fire' claim is ridiculous.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

Another conservative demonstrating he is clueless when it comes to math
If I drive at 60 mph do I have to travel 60 miles ?

Officer...I was not driving at 100 mph because I haven't driven 100 miles yet. You have to wait until I cover 100 miles before you arrest me
I'd like to see the modified magazine that holds 600 rounds

Who claimed there are?
Do you understand what rate of fire means?

probably better than you.

My Glock holds 15 rounds.

If I pull the trigger fast enough, the rate can be 600 rounds per minute.

But they don't make a magazine large enough to hold 600 rounds, so your 'rate of fire' claim is ridiculous.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

That's just dumb, dude.

How so?

as I pointed out earlier, if I put my 15 rd magazine, and continuously pull the trigger as fast as possible, what is my rate of fire?

y'all are claiming a 600 rd rate of fire.

what are you using to supply those 600 rds?


100 rd magazine would have to be changed 6 times to be able to achieve that rate.
I'd like to see the modified magazine that holds 600 rounds

Who claimed there are?
Do you understand what rate of fire means?

probably better than you.

My Glock holds 15 rounds.

If I pull the trigger fast enough, the rate can be 600 rounds per minute.

But they don't make a magazine large enough to hold 600 rounds, so your 'rate of fire' claim is ridiculous.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

Another conservative demonstrating he is clueless when it comes to math
If I drive at 60 mph do I have to travel 60 miles ?

Officer...I was not driving at 100 mph because I haven't driven 100 miles yet. You have to wait until I cover 100 miles before you arrest me

Good moron...

that's what I've been saying.

Now, show me the 600 rd magazine
Another hoax, eh, delusional dale? :cuckoo:

Not a hoax, fawn..........I simply doubt the official narrative including the story that the alleged shooter had Antifa literature in his hotel room. People did die and from what I have ascertained? They were left like sitting ducks when the lights were turned on. Do YOU buy the official story "lock, stock and barrel" with the attitude of "Move along folks...nothing to see here"?
There is no official story yet, dumbfuck. :cuckoo:

They are saying it was a lone gunman and we know that is the bullshit. Police scanner chatter and eye-witnesses say so, "dumbfuck".
You poor dumbfucking conspiracy nut. :cuckoo:

They’re still working on figuring what happened. Whatever they say now might be accurate or might drastically change, depending upon the evidence they discover.

Again, putz.... there is no official story yet.

Dayam, you’re fucking crazy. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, punkinpuss, the narrative has been settled upon..... but there were multiple shooters and this has been confirmed by the Las Vegas police scanner audio. Don't get pissed at me because you buy the bullshit and scarf it down like a starving dog.
Lemme guess, delusional dale ... these other shooters used magic bullets that don't break glass, amirite?

How Stephen Paddock Broke His Mandalay Bay Hotel Room Windows
You all forget that trump barely crawled over the finish line in 2016. His mouth has made promises his ass cannot fill.

Trump won overwhelmingly and when you take away the votes of illegals [cut]

Prove millions of illegals voted, delusional dale....

California went 4 1/2 million votes for Hillary over Trump. Therefore California was wholly responsible for the popular vote plurality of 3 million. And it's obvious gazumpteen illegals (California is majority Hispanics, most illegals now) voted: I'd sure like to see illegal voting cleaned up. Or California secede off and go back to Mexico, as the people seem to want.
So what if California went heavily for Hillary?
Who claimed there are?
Do you understand what rate of fire means?

probably better than you.

My Glock holds 15 rounds.

If I pull the trigger fast enough, the rate can be 600 rounds per minute.

But they don't make a magazine large enough to hold 600 rounds, so your 'rate of fire' claim is ridiculous.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

That's just dumb, dude.

How so?

as I pointed out earlier, if I put my 15 rd magazine, and continuously pull the trigger as fast as possible, what is my rate of fire?

y'all are claiming a 600 rd rate of fire.

what are you using to supply those 600 rds?


100 rd magazine would have to be changed 6 times to be able to achieve that rate.

Now you are getting the point...
We need to ban BOTH high capacity magazines and kits that modify assault rifles for high rates of fire

If I have a bump stock firing at 600 rpm and I have a 10 round magazine....I fire a one second burst
If I have a 100 round magazine.....I fire a ten second burst

Much more lethality in that ten second burst
I'd like to see the modified magazine that holds 600 rounds

Who claimed there are?
Do you understand what rate of fire means?

probably better than you.

My Glock holds 15 rounds.

If I pull the trigger fast enough, the rate can be 600 rounds per minute.

But they don't make a magazine large enough to hold 600 rounds, so your 'rate of fire' claim is ridiculous.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?

Rate of fire reflects how quickly rounds can leave a barrel
You can drive 60 mph without actually driving 60 miles
Why do conservatives struggle so much with math?
why do you have so many problems with reality.

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

If you had one of these...


it would be possible.

but they don't make magazines that hold 600 rounds, to my knowledge

in order to have a 600 round of fire rate, you have to be able to put 600 rounds thru the gun.

Another conservative demonstrating he is clueless when it comes to math
If I drive at 60 mph do I have to travel 60 miles ?

Officer...I was not driving at 100 mph because I haven't driven 100 miles yet. You have to wait until I cover 100 miles before you arrest me
He lost that argument like five posts ago

Still laughing
So what if California went heavily for Hillary?

So all the carrying-on about Trump losing the popular vote is bogus: it's just a huge California plurality for Hillary racked up by millions of illegal voters. I want them all deported and the illegal voting cleaned up. This country is being taken over by an invasion of foreigners, like Europe.
So what if California went heavily for Hillary?

So all the carrying-on about Trump losing the popular vote is bogus: it's just a huge California plurality for Hillary racked up by millions of illegal voters. I want them all deported and the illegal voting cleaned up. This country is being taken over by an invasion of foreigners, like Europe.
It’s not bogus, you moron. She won by 3 million votes. Doesn’t matter where the people live, it’s the number of votes she got.
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