Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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republican solutions today

Get used to it

Republican Senator Has Worst Solution Ever to Mass Shootings

“But I think people are going to have to take steps in their own lives to take precautions. To protect themselves. And in situations like that, you know, try to stay safe. As somebody said — get small.”


I agree: we'll have to "get small" if that means not going to target-rich crowded events. Stay out of large groups: sporting events, churches, malls, crowded restaurants, concerts certainly, crowded tourist zones. Airports. We've already started. It's too bad, but it's the times.
This has been said a thousand times. It never ceases to be a dumb argument.
No dumber than you telling other people what they need or don't need
Make a case for it.
There is no need for a bump stock. It's either a dangerous toy or a murder weapon. Either way it doesn't need to exist.

I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
so is anthrax.
" You think anyone should be able to amass that kind of fire power undetected,"

Is it your business?

"then have the kits shipped to them undetected"


again, is it your business?

"in order to kill almost 60 Americans, and wound almost 600"

I've ordered quite a bit from Cabelas, and other companies.

Don't remember anywhere on the order form what my intentions were in the use of the product.

hmm, if such a question were on the form, I wonder how many would state, "I want this product, so I can kill people in cold blood"

It is our business

When 30,000 lose their lives because of is our business
When some monster has free access to a weapon that fires 500 rounds a minute and uses it to kill 59 and injure is our business

The dude that did it Is. I and my weapons are not.

It's your hate filled speech that likely causes so much violence. And with that being the case it's time to change the 1st Amendment so that you don't influence more killings.
You do not have unlimited access to the weapon of your choice
Heller explains that

If a weapon is too powerful can be banned

And if your hate speech is too powerful, let's ban it as well.

Try to mow down a crowd with hate speech

You embolden those that do. It is shameful.
the effect of the 'assault weapon ban' was minimal, because 'assault weapons' were rarely used in crimes, even murders.
You have offered nothing to the discussion, just poking at our posts.

What is your solution?

_______________ no limit to fire rate?

_______________ no limit to arsenal size?

_______________ no limit to magazine/drum size?

______________ yes machine guns should be legal?

______________ the more guns the better?

ding! ding! We have a winner, winner, chicken dinner!

It's not simplistic. Your argument is. These are guns. Guns designed to kill.
Measures have been taken to mitigate the possibility of attacks in every other way. Cockpit doors are fortified and TSA screens passengers. Cities around the world are working to better protect large gatherings of pedestrians from vehicles. The glaring difference is of course that America has done nothing to address these attacks. Not one thing. In fact, people like you actively fight against it. So when you use arguments like, " ya but...trucks", it is not only simplistic but dumb.

European Cities Add Barriers to Thwart Vehicle Attacks
Theresa May Sums Up A Sobering Reality About U.S. Gun Laws
“Most people would look at this and assume that people in America would be so shocked by this attack that they would want to take some action,” she said.

Theresa May Sums Up A Sobering Reality About U.S. Gun Laws | HuffPost

Oh yeah, let's be like the UK and disarm everybody, then let Muslims in unrestricted so they can murder us with swords, bombs, and illegal guns.


That is part of the problem...start talking about any sort of restrictions and you guys go on about disarming everyone. Almost no one wants that just like almost no one wants heavy armaments in civilisn hands.

Why should machinr guns be legal? They hsve one purpose and one purpose only and that is to kill large numbrts of people very quickly.

The rapid fire coming from those windows was horrific

The amount of bullets he was able to rain down on people has no place in our society.
. Who ever sold that evil bastard the conversion kits to make those weapons operate in that manor should be put out of business in this country forever. Anyone making kits to illegally make a weapon fully automatic like that, needs their doors broken down tonight, and everything they own in such a thing as that to be confiscated, and then they should be put out of business forever in this country... Such equipment should be banned in this country forever. There is NO DAM NEED FOR ANY SUCH MODIFIED WEAPON(S) OF MASS DESTRUCTION AVAILABLE FOR ANYONE TO GET THEIR HANDS ON LIKE THAT. FED-EX, UPS AND OTHERS SHOULD BE NOTIFIED THAT IF THEY SEE ANYTHING COMING FROM COMPANIES THAT WANT TO SELL SUCH A KIT, AND THEN AFTERWARDS THEY WANT TO SHIP SUCH PRODUCTS TO CITIZENS, SHOULD REPORT THEM TO THE FEDS IMMEDIATELY... THESE SHIPPING COMPANIES SHOULD NOT ALLOW THEIR TRUCKS TO ACCEPT SUCH PRODUCTS TO BE SHIPPED OUT EVER. ENOUGH OF THIS HAVING LAWS, BUT THEN WE HAVE ALL THESE CRAZIES GETTING AROUND THE LAWS DUE TO COMPANIES PUTTING THEIR LOVE FOR MONEY OVER THE SAFETY OF THIS NATION AND IT'S PEOPLE. IT DISGUSTED ME THAT THIS CAT HAD A DAM KIT THAT HE PURCHASED IN WHICH ALLOWED HIM TO MODIFY A WEAPON, AND THEN DO THE KIND OF DAMAGE HE DID. NOT AGAINST GUNS, BUT MAKING KITS AVAILABLE TO TURN A WEAPON INTO A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION ?? HELL NO. The internet companies that sell products that are in the form of kits that can be shipped out to anyone without the proper vetting of these individuals, should be banned or stopped immediately.

A reasonable response.
You do not need to propel a projectile at a target at 500 rounds per minute

It's not up to you to tell other people what they "need" is it?

I don't shoot like that because it's an impractical way to shoot a gun if you are concerned at all about accuracy.

But it doesn't matter if people can because the vast majority of people who own guns and who might use a bump stock will never ever turn their weapons on other people
Yes it is

When I see 500 injured and 59 dead, I have a right to say

Enough is enough

you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute
The Oklahoma City bomber modified a vehicle to kills many more than the Vegas ass.

Yet we see no calls to eliminate trucks?

It's not up to you to tell other people what they "need" is it?

I don't shoot like that because it's an impractical way to shoot a gun if you are concerned at all about accuracy.

But it doesn't matter if people can because the vast majority of people who own guns and who might use a bump stock will never ever turn their weapons on other people
Yes it is

When I see 500 injured and 59 dead, I have a right to say

Enough is enough

you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

Or a truck that can be modified to blow up hundreds?

The Mandalay Bay is gonna come outta this stinking worse than ANY republican

Why? Do you think the Hotel is to blame?
Blame congress

Rightwinger blames everyone but the shooter.

Interesting. Seems if you inflame his hatred you must point your finger at others.

The shooter was allowed to legally purchase a weapon capable of mowing down concert goers at 600 rounds per minute

Congress has done nothing in response to massacre after massacre

They share the blame
It's not up to you to tell other people what they "need" is it?

I don't shoot like that because it's an impractical way to shoot a gun if you are concerned at all about accuracy.

But it doesn't matter if people can because the vast majority of people who own guns and who might use a bump stock will never ever turn their weapons on other people
Yes it is

When I see 500 injured and 59 dead, I have a right to say

Enough is enough

you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

I'd like to see the modified magazine that holds 600 rounds
The Mandalay Bay is gonna come outta this stinking worse than ANY republican

Why? Do you think the Hotel is to blame?
Blame congress

Rightwinger blames everyone but the shooter.

Interesting. Seems if you inflame his hatred you must point your finger at others.

The shooter was allowed to legally purchase a weapon capable of mowing down concert goers at 600 rounds per minute

Congress has done nothing in response to massacre after massacre

They share the blame

The OKC bomber was allowed to rent a truck that could be modified to blow up hundreds.

Yes it is

When I see 500 injured and 59 dead, I have a right to say

Enough is enough

you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

Or a truck that can be modified to blow up hundreds?


Purchasing explosives is tightly controlled
Purchasing an assault rifle and the kit to modify it for high rates of fire is not
He had no place in society. For some reason you seem to want to make excuses for him

you forget...

it's not the shooters fault, it's the guns fault
. It's the shooters fault yes, but our greedy ace business people who want to become the most sleezy human beings alive, and this by selling (for the love of money), our citizens safety out to anyone with a dam dollar in their pocket is the lowest of the low in my opinion.

Oh! So it's the capitalist oppressors' fault!
. Why don't you address the points made ?? You think anyone should be able to amass that kind of fire power undetected, and then have the kits shipped to them undetected in order to kill almost 60 Americans, and wound almost 600 ???

Out of 325 million people, one man does a bad thing and you want to restrict the freedoms of everyone else for his crime? That pig isn't going to fly.

It's only happened once?

Who knew?
It's not up to you to tell other people what they "need" is it?

I don't shoot like that because it's an impractical way to shoot a gun if you are concerned at all about accuracy.

But it doesn't matter if people can because the vast majority of people who own guns and who might use a bump stock will never ever turn their weapons on other people
Yes it is

When I see 500 injured and 59 dead, I have a right to say

Enough is enough

you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

Which is why there are such rigid restrictions on automatic weapons.
Yes it is

When I see 500 injured and 59 dead, I have a right to say

Enough is enough

you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

I'd like to see the modified magazine that holds 600 rounds

Who claimed there are?
Do you understand what rate of fire means?


How many rounds are in this magazine?
How many six year olds or concert goers can you kill with it?
you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

Or a truck that can be modified to blow up hundreds?


Purchasing explosives is tightly controlled
Purchasing an assault rifle and the kit to modify it for high rates of fire is not

Who needs explosives? A heavy duty snow plow on a big ass pick up truck is a modification that could easily mow down 100 people in a crowd
you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined

We can justify someone owning a handgun for personal protection. We can justify someone owning a hunting rifle with a scope or a target rifle

We cannot justify someone owning an assault rifle modified to shoot 600 rounds per minute

Or a truck that can be modified to blow up hundreds?


Purchasing explosives is tightly controlled
Purchasing an assault rifle and the kit to modify it for high rates of fire is not
Purchasing explosives is tightly controlled
Where did he get the explosives, (dynamite, C4, etc), he used to blow up the building?
..... but there were multiple shooters and this has been confirmed by the Las Vegas police scanner audio.

That taxi driver with the long, long recording of shots going on for a long time was informative. No question but that shots sounded louder and softer, and she herself said they were coming from different areas, and then said it sounded like the tenth or so floor of the Mandalay. Lots of people said that, including a police officer calling it in first: middle of the Mandalay (32nd floor is way up). My husband sent me a video showing flashes coming from the 11th floor; maybe it was a hoax, but I'd like to see more on all that.
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