Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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No, punkinpuss, the narrative has been settled upon..... but there were multiple shooters and this has been confirmed by the Las Vegas police scanner audio. Don't get pissed at me because you buy the bullshit and scarf it down like a starving dog.
Nut job is already on a new conspiracy

Go fuck yourself, asswipe..........this is one genie that you can't put back in the bottle. You want to call those that were there on the scene "liars" that risked their lives? Go right ahead. You want to ignore the cellphone videos that shows gun flashes in the the windows far below the 32nd floor? Knock yourself see? I don't believe the lamestream media and the load of shit they shovel like you do. I don't even believe that this patsy had Antifa literature in his room.
Nut job.....go AWAY

Nobody wants to hear your crazy theories

Wow! When were you made the spokeswoman of this forum.....when was the vote and why wasn't I notified????


Nut job

You got pictures of two separate shooters firing from windows ......SHOW US

Otherwise.....go away

People is time for crazy people to GO AWAY

When ya leavin'? :coffee:

Out of 325 million people, one man does a bad thing and you want to restrict the freedoms of everyone else for his crime? That pig isn't going to fly.

Unfortunately is not only 'one man'. There have been plenty of 'one man' issues over the past 15-20 years in the US.
So change the number from 1 to 50 and compare it the the 325 plus million left and the numbers still don't work

You don't hold hundreds of millions of people responsible for what a few people do.

And FYI 1% of all murders occur in mass shooting events, 70 -80% of the remaining 99% are gang related and confined to just a handful of high crime urban shit holes
Thank you for link Manonthestreet.

Here we have the


Country music star Jason Aldean was performing on stage at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival when lone gunman Stephen Paddock, 64, opened fire on the 22,000 people gathered.

About 10pm: Paddock smashes out two windows on the 32nd floor with a hammer-like implement and opens fire with his arsenal of at least 19 weapons - including fully automatic weapons.

10.08pm: First phone call to police that shots had been fired at the festival outside the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip.

10:25pm: Radio transmissions indicate Paddock may have stopped firing into the crowd at this moment.

10:28pm: Police officers gathered at the Mandalay Bay report that Paddock has shot at a security guard.

10.38pm: Police in Las Vegas say that they are 'investigating reports of an active shooter' near to the Mandalay Bay.

11.08pm: Las Vegas police confirm they have shut down a portion of The Strip

11.20pm: SWAT teams storm the 32nd floor room that Stephen Paddock was firing from. They gained entry using flashbangs designed to stun the shooter. Paddock fired through the door as SWAT teams were trying to breach the room. By the time they entered the room, he had shot himself dead. Seventy-two minutes elapsed from the first 911 call to Paddock being found dead.

Around 10.02pm he started to shot at people and he was dead at 11.20pm , From CNN police say that the shooting it last 9 to 11 minutes.
Let's say from 10.02 pm to 11.20 pm there is a space of time missing for 1.08 minutes ???
It is said that it would have started shooting around 10.02pm and would have stopped at 10.25pm.
10:28pm: Police officers gathered at the Mandalay Bay report that Paddock has shot at a security guard.
10.38pm: Police in Las Vegas say that they are 'investigating reports of an active shooter' near the Mandalay Bay.
That's a lot more 9 to 11 minutes.

Shooting in Las Vegas lasted 9 to 11 minutes, police say - CNN


11.20pm: Hundreds of people began being transported to hospitals in Las Vegas

11.32pm: McCarran International Airport announced it was diverting flights destined for the city.

11.34pm: Interstate 15 in and out of Las Vegas was shut down for a time.

11.56pm: Hospitals in Las Vegas said that at least two people were dead and 24 were injured of which 12 were critical.

12.01am: Almost two hours after the first emergency call police confirmed that one suspect was 'down'.

1.06am: The Southern California police department say that one of their officers is among the injured.

1.34am: At this point the death toll dramatic rises to 20 people injured and 100 injured.

1.54am: Police in Las Vegas says that two of their officers who were off-duty were among the dead.

2.13am: Investigators say that they are looking for the 'roommate' of the shooter - Marilou Danley and describe her as a person of interest.

3.30am: Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo announces that the death toll is now at least 50 dead and 200 injured - making this the deadliest shooting in US history

6.30am: Investigators say they have located Marilou Danley and say that she is overseas and is not longer a person of interest.

9.30am: Sheriff provides another update and says that the death toll is now in excess of 59 - including the shooter - and that 527 people are injured.
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And you can't see why using the argument that a particular thing is good for mass murder to support regulation is simplistic?

It's not simplistic. Your argument is. These are guns. Guns designed to kill.
Measures have been taken to mitigate the possibility of attacks in every other way. Cockpit doors are fortified and TSA screens passengers. Cities around the world are working to better protect large gatherings of pedestrians from vehicles. The glaring difference is of course that America has done nothing to address these attacks. Not one thing. In fact, people like you actively fight against it. So when you use arguments like, " ya but...trucks", it is not only simplistic but dumb.

European Cities Add Barriers to Thwart Vehicle Attacks

Guns are designed to propel a projectile at a target
Anything else that happens is the shooter's responsibility.

OK so how do you stop these type of attacks without trampling on the rights of people who own guns or want to own guns who will never commit such a crime?
You do not need to propel a projectile at a target at 500 rounds per minute

It's not up to you to tell other people what they "need" is it?

I don't shoot like that because it's an impractical way to shoot a gun if you are concerned at all about accuracy.

But it doesn't matter if people can because the vast majority of people who own guns and who might use a bump stock will never ever turn their weapons on other people
Yes it is

When I see 500 injured and 59 dead, I have a right to say

Enough is enough

you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
No, punkinpuss, the narrative has been settled upon..... but there were multiple shooters and this has been confirmed by the Las Vegas police scanner audio. Don't get pissed at me because you buy the bullshit and scarf it down like a starving dog.
Nut job is already on a new conspiracy

Go fuck yourself, asswipe..........this is one genie that you can't put back in the bottle. You want to call those that were there on the scene "liars" that risked their lives? Go right ahead. You want to ignore the cellphone videos that shows gun flashes in the the windows far below the 32nd floor? Knock yourself see? I don't believe the lamestream media and the load of shit they shovel like you do. I don't even believe that this patsy had Antifa literature in his room.
Nut job.....go AWAY

Nobody wants to hear your crazy theories

Wow! When were you made the spokeswoman of this forum.....when was the vote and why wasn't I notified????


Nut job

You got pictures of two separate shooters firing from windows ......SHOW US

Otherwise.....go away

People is time for crazy people to GO AWAY

Stephen Paddock was likely a LWNJ like you. You know? Like James Hodgkinson. Remember him? Yeah...thought so.
you forget...

it's not the shooters fault, it's the guns fault
. It's the shooters fault yes, but our greedy ace business people who want to become the most sleezy human beings alive, and this by selling (for the love of money), our citizens safety out to anyone with a dam dollar in their pocket is the lowest of the low in my opinion.

Oh! So it's the capitalist oppressors' fault!
. Why don't you address the points made ?? You think anyone should be able to amass that kind of fire power undetected, and then have the kits shipped to them undetected in order to kill almost 60 Americans, and wound almost 600 ???

" You think anyone should be able to amass that kind of fire power undetected,"

Is it your business?

"then have the kits shipped to them undetected"


again, is it your business?

"in order to kill almost 60 Americans, and wound almost 600"

I've ordered quite a bit from Cabelas, and other companies.

Don't remember anywhere on the order form what my intentions were in the use of the product.

hmm, if such a question were on the form, I wonder how many would state, "I want this product, so I can kill people in cold blood"

It is our business

When 30,000 lose their lives because of is our business
When some monster has free access to a weapon that fires 500 rounds a minute and uses it to kill 59 and injure is our business

More than 60% of those deaths are suicide and that's just another choice people make and it's another one of those things that is none of your business
Oh! So it's the capitalist oppressors' fault!
. Why don't you address the points made ?? You think anyone should be able to amass that kind of fire power undetected, and then have the kits shipped to them undetected in order to kill almost 60 Americans, and wound almost 600 ???

Out of 325 million people, one man does a bad thing and you want to restrict the freedoms of everyone else for his crime? That pig isn't going to fly.
. Not restrict common sense items, but weapons of mass destruction that can kill so many in a single event ? A review is needed badly of such things. This should include items that should only be allowed in the confines of a registered malitia. Military styled weaponry should have no presence in the hands of unregistered individuals. Anyone licensed to carry should be allowed their handguns, hunters their rifles and shotguns, malitia their military styled weapons that are kept under lock and key, and inventoried by the feds every 6 months. Registered hobbyist should be allowed under proper licensing and training to keep and demonstrate various weapons during sponsored events that are properly secured. Gun shows should be properly run, monitored and no sales without background checks, cool off periods etc.
Horse shit. That defies the very reason the 2A was written to begin with. It wasn’t about hunting or simple self defense. It was meant to give the citizenry equal footing with government forces such that they can throw them off once the consent to govern has been revoked. In short; it exists to fight the government. Everything else is secondary to that.
That's a pretty dumb argument. If you are trying to overthrow the government, no law matters

No, it's not. It's the basis and at the heart of living in the USA. Less government because people are supposed to self-govern. Also, they're supposed to be armed well enough to overthrow a corrupt government.
Pictures from the room where you can see Paddock's legs are telling

He was wearing black ISIS pajama looking things they wear

Pictures from the room where you can see Paddock's legs are telling

He was wearing black ISIS pajama looking things they wear

Pictures would help to emphasize that. ;)

They are out there. And you can see a note on the table with pen on top


Why hoard them for yourself? Pretend I'm from Mizzuruh, and show me.

Nut job.....go AWAY

Nobody wants to hear your crazy theories

Wow! When were you made the spokeswoman of this forum.....when was the vote and why wasn't I notified????


Nut job

You got pictures of two separate shooters firing from windows ......SHOW US

Otherwise.....go away

People is time for crazy people to GO AWAY

Yes, people did die and the deep state operatives were behind doubt about that at all. Ever hear of Operation Gladio? How about the Smith-Mundt Act? I could write another few paragraphs about how Americans have been played for dupes and sucked into fighting wars for USA.INC and scared into giving up their God given's pretty sickening to me to see what a collective group of idiots the educational system has produced.......dumbed down and incapable of critical thinking skills.
Nut job

People died

Time for you to go AWAY

Indeed, people die in false flag events all the time. The "Mac Daddy" of all false flags which was 9/11/01 led to the death of over one million Iraqis and due to the depleted uranium? Birth defects will further deplete the population for generations if mankind has that kind of time. Many soldiers that fought for this corporate entity (while believing that they were fighting for America and freedom) will also die horrific deaths because they were exposed to not only depleted uranium but vaccinations imposed upon them.

You want me to "go away"? Defeat me in a debate........we can let the masses decide and if they decide that you are the victor? I will leave this forum..........and if the masses decide that YOU lost? You vacate the


You are certifiably nuts
I do not debate crazy people. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience
Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Falling in a Casino - CCTV Footage from 2011

Video has emerged of the Las Vegas mass shooter tripping and falling at a Sin City casino in 2011. The fall set off a $100,000 lawsuit that left the shooter in debt until the day of the attack.

Security footage caught Stephen Paddock, the man named by police as the shooter, falling to the ground while walking through Las Vegas’s Cosmopolitan Hotel in 2011. The frequent gambler claimed he slipped on a puddle of liquid, and attempted to sue the hotel for his medical bills and pain and suffering, according to NBC News.

Pictures from the room where you can see Paddock's legs are telling

He was wearing black ISIS pajama looking things they wear

Pictures would help to emphasize that. ;)

They are out there. And you can see a note on the table with pen on top


Why hoard them for yourself? Pretend I'm from Mizzuruh, and show me.

what is this green thing? isn't green one of the colors of islam? and the other color is black, like the object next to the green one. curious.
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