Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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" You think anyone should be able to amass that kind of fire power undetected,"

Is it your business?

"then have the kits shipped to them undetected"


again, is it your business?

"in order to kill almost 60 Americans, and wound almost 600"

I've ordered quite a bit from Cabelas, and other companies.

Don't remember anywhere on the order form what my intentions were in the use of the product.

hmm, if such a question were on the form, I wonder how many would state, "I want this product, so I can kill people in cold blood"

It is our business

When 30,000 lose their lives because of is our business
When some monster has free access to a weapon that fires 500 rounds a minute and uses it to kill 59 and injure is our business

The dude that did it Is. I and my weapons are not.

It's your hate filled speech that likely causes so much violence. And with that being the case it's time to change the 1st Amendment so that you don't influence more killings.
It's hard to give your opinion much credence when you voted for trump, the most beautiful peaceful & caring president ever

Spare me , douchebag........because if you voted for the Hildebeast? You voted for the most vile and corrupt politician to ever run for office.......and that includes sacks of shit like the Bush crime spare us all your indignant outrage about Trump. I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic but if ANYONE has the chance to defeat the money interests that have owned this country since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? It's Donald Trump and thus far he gets a A+ from me and I am the most jaded poster there is when it comes to the political system.

Debate me, punkinpuss.......step up to the plate or STFU.

Nope, you just proved that having one's head so far his ass doesn't make him born again.

Wanna try that again...but in English this time?
You all forget that trump barely crawled over the finish line in 2016. His mouth has made promises his ass cannot fill.

The American people can put up with embarrassment, but not failure

Trump won overwhelmingly and when you take away the votes of illegals and all the other voter fraud perpetrated by the DNC revealed by Project Veritas? Trump kicked the ever loving shit out of the Hildebeast. Thus far? I have no complaints about Trump whatsoever. He has done as much as he can that is within the scope of his ability to do so while being stonewalled by the neocons and fabian socialists that make up the establishment of the District of compromised Criminals.

Failure? You must mean the 8 years of the Barrypuppet, the gay blade and his transgendered "wife".......the stench left by those two is probably one of the reasons that Trump prefers to spend so much time at Trump Tower and I don't blame him.
More hallucinations. :cuckoo:

Prove millions of illegals voted, delusional dale....

14 of the 20 states that the Hildebeast was able to win had no voter ID law....did you not see the videos of DNC operatives admitting the voter fraud that they were in charge of courtesy of Project Veritas? 306 Electoral college votes for Trump......232 for the Hildebeast..........that is an asskicking of monumental
Take your meds, dale. I don’t care how fucked in the head you are but none of that proves millions of illegals voted for Hillary. :cuckoo:
You're not the "older kid," ya fruit-loop dingus... you're the asylum inmate.

I accept the waving of your "white flag" of surrender due to your lack of debating skills....yet again. Your cyber pelt goes along with all the other leftard certainly isn't prominently displayed..... since you have never posed a challenge.


You’re hallucinating again, delusional dale. :badgrin:

You are my cyber bitch........I own you and I would trade you for a six pack and it wouldn't even have to be cold.


View attachment 152643

Telling yourself repeatedly that you’re a winner is a waste of time when you’re demented. Not that you’re capable of comprehending that, mind you. :badgrin:

You can't debate nor can you discuss any topic with any facts or data to back up any counter claim I make. I am your intellectual superior. You are "small time" and it galls you......I don't blame you for being pissed. If I was getting my ass constantly handed to me for all to see? I would be mad as well. You are the quintessential "Joe Palooka" rise off of the cyber canvas after being knocked on your ass and offer forth your cyber chin yet again....."Stay down, Luke! Stay down!!" you know where that line originated from??????

Aww, you poor, deranged thing. You can claim anything because nothing you claim is grounded in reality and you prove nothing you claim. You just say things as though they’re fact with no proof to back them up — like your claim that millions of illegals voted for Hillary. Sure, you said it. Sure, you claimed you were right. But not an ounce of proof to demonstrate you’re not the craziest nut on this forum. :badgrin:
You all forget that trump barely crawled over the finish line in 2016. His mouth has made promises his ass cannot fill.

The American people can put up with embarrassment, but not failure

Trump won overwhelmingly and when you take away the votes of illegals and all the other voter fraud perpetrated by the DNC revealed by Project Veritas? Trump kicked the ever loving shit out of the Hildebeast. Thus far? I have no complaints about Trump whatsoever. He has done as much as he can that is within the scope of his ability to do so while being stonewalled by the neocons and fabian socialists that make up the establishment of the District of compromised Criminals.

Failure? You must mean the 8 years of the Barrypuppet, the gay blade and his transgendered "wife".......the stench left by those two is probably one of the reasons that Trump prefers to spend so much time at Trump Tower and I don't blame him.
More hallucinations. :cuckoo:

Prove millions of illegals voted, delusional dale....

14 of the 20 states that the Hildebeast was able to win had no voter ID law....did you not see the videos of DNC operatives admitting the voter fraud that they were in charge of courtesy of Project Veritas? 306 Electoral college votes for Trump......232 for the Hildebeast..........that is an asskicking of monumental
Take your meds, dale. I don’t care how fucked in the head you are but none of that proves millions of illegals voted for Hillary. :cuckoo:

She got her ass kicked royally and you still struggle with it and I totally enjoy your angst. Your platform is such a fucking loser that not even the lamestream media and all the other commies could carry that klunt over the finish line. You and your fellow commie filth wallow in defeat and your whine is music to my ears............keep spewing the angst. (snicker)

Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.
I accept the waving of your "white flag" of surrender due to your lack of debating skills....yet again. Your cyber pelt goes along with all the other leftard certainly isn't prominently displayed..... since you have never posed a challenge.


You’re hallucinating again, delusional dale. :badgrin:

You are my cyber bitch........I own you and I would trade you for a six pack and it wouldn't even have to be cold.


View attachment 152643

Telling yourself repeatedly that you’re a winner is a waste of time when you’re demented. Not that you’re capable of comprehending that, mind you. :badgrin:

You can't debate nor can you discuss any topic with any facts or data to back up any counter claim I make. I am your intellectual superior. You are "small time" and it galls you......I don't blame you for being pissed. If I was getting my ass constantly handed to me for all to see? I would be mad as well. You are the quintessential "Joe Palooka" rise off of the cyber canvas after being knocked on your ass and offer forth your cyber chin yet again....."Stay down, Luke! Stay down!!" you know where that line originated from??????

Aww, you poor, deranged thing. You can claim anything because nothing you claim is grounded in reality and you prove nothing you claim. You just say things as though they’re fact with no proof to back them up — like your claim that millions of illegals voted for Hillary. Sure, you said it. Sure, you claimed you were right. But not an ounce of proof to demonstrate you’re not the craziest nut on this forum. :badgrin:

President Trump......get use to saying that over and over........the next seven and a half years stretch out before you like twenty miles of bad road, "goat-boy"..........
You all forget that trump barely crawled over the finish line in 2016. His mouth has made promises his ass cannot fill.

The American people can put up with embarrassment, but not failure

Trump won overwhelmingly and when you take away the votes of illegals and all the other voter fraud perpetrated by the DNC revealed by Project Veritas? Trump kicked the ever loving shit out of the Hildebeast. Thus far? I have no complaints about Trump whatsoever. He has done as much as he can that is within the scope of his ability to do so while being stonewalled by the neocons and fabian socialists that make up the establishment of the District of compromised Criminals.

Failure? You must mean the 8 years of the Barrypuppet, the gay blade and his transgendered "wife".......the stench left by those two is probably one of the reasons that Trump prefers to spend so much time at Trump Tower and I don't blame him.
More hallucinations. :cuckoo:

Prove millions of illegals voted, delusional dale....

14 of the 20 states that the Hildebeast was able to win had no voter ID law....did you not see the videos of DNC operatives admitting the voter fraud that they were in charge of courtesy of Project Veritas? 306 Electoral college votes for Trump......232 for the Hildebeast..........that is an asskicking of monumental
Take your meds, dale. I don’t care how fucked in the head you are but none of that proves millions of illegals voted for Hillary. :cuckoo:

She got her ass kicked royally and you still struggle with it and I totally enjoy your angst. Your platform is such a fucking loser that not even the lamestream media and all the other commies could carry that klunt over the finish line. You and your fellow commie filth wallow in defeat and your whine is music to my ears............keep spewing the angst. (snicker)

Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.
Delusional dale — ^^^ that ^^^ is still not evidence of millions of illegals voting for her.

How many times are ya gonna demonstrate how crazy you are for the forum? :badgrin:
Trump won overwhelmingly and when you take away the votes of illegals and all the other voter fraud perpetrated by the DNC revealed by Project Veritas? Trump kicked the ever loving shit out of the Hildebeast. Thus far? I have no complaints about Trump whatsoever. He has done as much as he can that is within the scope of his ability to do so while being stonewalled by the neocons and fabian socialists that make up the establishment of the District of compromised Criminals.

Failure? You must mean the 8 years of the Barrypuppet, the gay blade and his transgendered "wife".......the stench left by those two is probably one of the reasons that Trump prefers to spend so much time at Trump Tower and I don't blame him.
More hallucinations. :cuckoo:

Prove millions of illegals voted, delusional dale....

14 of the 20 states that the Hildebeast was able to win had no voter ID law....did you not see the videos of DNC operatives admitting the voter fraud that they were in charge of courtesy of Project Veritas? 306 Electoral college votes for Trump......232 for the Hildebeast..........that is an asskicking of monumental
Take your meds, dale. I don’t care how fucked in the head you are but none of that proves millions of illegals voted for Hillary. :cuckoo:

She got her ass kicked royally and you still struggle with it and I totally enjoy your angst. Your platform is such a fucking loser that not even the lamestream media and all the other commies could carry that klunt over the finish line. You and your fellow commie filth wallow in defeat and your whine is music to my ears............keep spewing the angst. (snicker)

Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.
Delusional dale — ^^^ that ^^^ is still not evidence of millions of illegals voting for her.

How many times are ya gonna demonstrate how crazy you are for the forum? :badgrin:

Wetbacks on the west coast voted for the klunt in massive numbers....unfortunately for the leftard clown posse? They haven't infiltrated enough states without voter ID laws to affect the electoral to be you.

"Dale Smith takes the snap and punts goatboy into the coffin corner! Fifty yards on the fly and leaves the leftard team to take their next snap from the two yard line!!! The crowd roars!!!!"

More hallucinations. :cuckoo:

Prove millions of illegals voted, delusional dale....

14 of the 20 states that the Hildebeast was able to win had no voter ID law....did you not see the videos of DNC operatives admitting the voter fraud that they were in charge of courtesy of Project Veritas? 306 Electoral college votes for Trump......232 for the Hildebeast..........that is an asskicking of monumental
Take your meds, dale. I don’t care how fucked in the head you are but none of that proves millions of illegals voted for Hillary. :cuckoo:

She got her ass kicked royally and you still struggle with it and I totally enjoy your angst. Your platform is such a fucking loser that not even the lamestream media and all the other commies could carry that klunt over the finish line. You and your fellow commie filth wallow in defeat and your whine is music to my ears............keep spewing the angst. (snicker)

Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.
Delusional dale — ^^^ that ^^^ is still not evidence of millions of illegals voting for her.

How many times are ya gonna demonstrate how crazy you are for the forum? :badgrin:

Wetbacks on the west coast voted for the klunt in massive numbers....unfortunately for the leftard clown posse? They haven't infiltrated enough states without voter ID laws to affect the electoral to be you.

"Dale Smith takes the snap and punts goatboy into the coffin corner! Fifty yards on the fly and leaves the leftard team to take their next snap from the two yard line!!! The crowd roars!!!!"


Now you’re hearing roaring crowds in your head? Exactly how crazy are you? Too bad you can’t prove your delusions are real. :cuckoo:
14 of the 20 states that the Hildebeast was able to win had no voter ID law....did you not see the videos of DNC operatives admitting the voter fraud that they were in charge of courtesy of Project Veritas? 306 Electoral college votes for Trump......232 for the Hildebeast..........that is an asskicking of monumental
Take your meds, dale. I don’t care how fucked in the head you are but none of that proves millions of illegals voted for Hillary. :cuckoo:

She got her ass kicked royally and you still struggle with it and I totally enjoy your angst. Your platform is such a fucking loser that not even the lamestream media and all the other commies could carry that klunt over the finish line. You and your fellow commie filth wallow in defeat and your whine is music to my ears............keep spewing the angst. (snicker)

Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.
Delusional dale — ^^^ that ^^^ is still not evidence of millions of illegals voting for her.

How many times are ya gonna demonstrate how crazy you are for the forum? :badgrin:

Wetbacks on the west coast voted for the klunt in massive numbers....unfortunately for the leftard clown posse? They haven't infiltrated enough states without voter ID laws to affect the electoral to be you.

"Dale Smith takes the snap and punts goatboy into the coffin corner! Fifty yards on the fly and leaves the leftard team to take their next snap from the two yard line!!! The crowd roars!!!!"


Now you’re hearing roaring crowds in your head? Exactly how crazy are you? Too bad you can’t prove your delusions are real. :cuckoo:

I "punt" you whenever you cross my path......and what do you have for rebuttal? Absolutely nothing, "goat boy".
Take your meds, dale. I don’t care how fucked in the head you are but none of that proves millions of illegals voted for Hillary. :cuckoo:

She got her ass kicked royally and you still struggle with it and I totally enjoy your angst. Your platform is such a fucking loser that not even the lamestream media and all the other commies could carry that klunt over the finish line. You and your fellow commie filth wallow in defeat and your whine is music to my ears............keep spewing the angst. (snicker)

Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.
Delusional dale — ^^^ that ^^^ is still not evidence of millions of illegals voting for her.

How many times are ya gonna demonstrate how crazy you are for the forum? :badgrin:

Wetbacks on the west coast voted for the klunt in massive numbers....unfortunately for the leftard clown posse? They haven't infiltrated enough states without voter ID laws to affect the electoral to be you.

"Dale Smith takes the snap and punts goatboy into the coffin corner! Fifty yards on the fly and leaves the leftard team to take their next snap from the two yard line!!! The crowd roars!!!!"


Now you’re hearing roaring crowds in your head? Exactly how crazy are you? Too bad you can’t prove your delusions are real. :cuckoo:

I "punt" you whenever you cross my path......and what do you have for rebuttal? Absolutely nothing, "goat boy".
Moron... you post nonsense and idiotically claim it’s proof. :cuckoo:

Like your ridiculous claim that millions of illegals voted for a Hillary. Your evidence is based on unscientific polling from the last decade and zero evidence of the 2016 election. Of course, to fruits and nuts like you, that qualifies as sufficient proof; when in fact, it only proves how crazy you are. Oh, and you poor deranged thing, that poll was debunked long ago...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.
She got her ass kicked royally and you still struggle with it and I totally enjoy your angst. Your platform is such a fucking loser that not even the lamestream media and all the other commies could carry that klunt over the finish line. You and your fellow commie filth wallow in defeat and your whine is music to my ears............keep spewing the angst. (snicker)

Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.
Delusional dale — ^^^ that ^^^ is still not evidence of millions of illegals voting for her.

How many times are ya gonna demonstrate how crazy you are for the forum? :badgrin:

Wetbacks on the west coast voted for the klunt in massive numbers....unfortunately for the leftard clown posse? They haven't infiltrated enough states without voter ID laws to affect the electoral to be you.

"Dale Smith takes the snap and punts goatboy into the coffin corner! Fifty yards on the fly and leaves the leftard team to take their next snap from the two yard line!!! The crowd roars!!!!"


Now you’re hearing roaring crowds in your head? Exactly how crazy are you? Too bad you can’t prove your delusions are real. :cuckoo:

I "punt" you whenever you cross my path......and what do you have for rebuttal? Absolutely nothing, "goat boy".
Moron... you post nonsense and idiotically claim it’s proof. :cuckoo:

Like your ridiculous claim that millions of illegals voted for a Hillary. Your evidence is based on unscientific polling from the last decade and zero evidence of the 2016 election. Of course, to fruits and nuts like you, that qualifies as sufficient proof; when in fact, it only proves how crazy you are. Oh, and you poor deranged thing, that poll was debunked long ago...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

No, my stats stand up to scrutiny regardless of leftard slanted sites and for one very blatant reason....leftards do not want voter ID laws at all and they don't care if the dead vote as long as it is for the fabian socialist leftard clown posse. You can't win this argument. Illegals voted overwhelmingly for the Hildebeast on the west coast that is infested with them and had no voter ID laws......wetbacks voting "here and yonder" waving their La Raza flags in Califlakia........and numb fucks like you declare that the Hildebeast was cheated by the ROOOSKIES!!!

I doubt that you will ever grasp the fact that you and your ilk are an unmitigated joke.......pussy hat wearing, transgender embracing queers that couldn't change a flat tire with an instruction manual......because that task should fall to da gubermint!
Delusional dale — ^^^ that ^^^ is still not evidence of millions of illegals voting for her.

How many times are ya gonna demonstrate how crazy you are for the forum? :badgrin:

Wetbacks on the west coast voted for the klunt in massive numbers....unfortunately for the leftard clown posse? They haven't infiltrated enough states without voter ID laws to affect the electoral to be you.

"Dale Smith takes the snap and punts goatboy into the coffin corner! Fifty yards on the fly and leaves the leftard team to take their next snap from the two yard line!!! The crowd roars!!!!"


Now you’re hearing roaring crowds in your head? Exactly how crazy are you? Too bad you can’t prove your delusions are real. :cuckoo:

I "punt" you whenever you cross my path......and what do you have for rebuttal? Absolutely nothing, "goat boy".
Moron... you post nonsense and idiotically claim it’s proof. :cuckoo:

Like your ridiculous claim that millions of illegals voted for a Hillary. Your evidence is based on unscientific polling from the last decade and zero evidence of the 2016 election. Of course, to fruits and nuts like you, that qualifies as sufficient proof; when in fact, it only proves how crazy you are. Oh, and you poor deranged thing, that poll was debunked long ago...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

No, my stats stand up to scrutiny regardless of leftard slanted sites and for one very blatant reason....leftards do not want voter ID laws at all and they don't care if the dead vote as long as it is for the fabian socialist leftard clown posse. You can't win this argument. Illegals voted overwhelmingly for the Hildebeast on the west coast that is infested with them and had no voter ID laws......wetbacks voting "here and yonder" waving their La Raza flags in Califlakia........and numb fucks like you declare that the Hildebeast was cheated by the ROOOSKIES!!!

I doubt that you will ever grasp the fact that you and your ilk are an unmitigated joke.......pussy hat wearing, transgender embracing queers that couldn't change a flat tire with an instruction manual......because that task should fall to da gubermint!

Your stats are bullshit. Saying they stand up to scrutiny because you want to believe is like everything else you post — bullshit you promote and swallow like a cheap whore.

Moron, in this case you’re actually claiming an online unscientific poll taken many years ago in which respondents were caught lying is evidence that nearly 6 million illegals voted for Hillary.


That’s just evidence of his crazy you are. According to you, 6 million illegals voted and only 2 got caught.

Wetbacks on the west coast voted for the klunt in massive numbers....unfortunately for the leftard clown posse? They haven't infiltrated enough states without voter ID laws to affect the electoral to be you.

"Dale Smith takes the snap and punts goatboy into the coffin corner! Fifty yards on the fly and leaves the leftard team to take their next snap from the two yard line!!! The crowd roars!!!!"


Now you’re hearing roaring crowds in your head? Exactly how crazy are you? Too bad you can’t prove your delusions are real. :cuckoo:

I "punt" you whenever you cross my path......and what do you have for rebuttal? Absolutely nothing, "goat boy".
Moron... you post nonsense and idiotically claim it’s proof. :cuckoo:

Like your ridiculous claim that millions of illegals voted for a Hillary. Your evidence is based on unscientific polling from the last decade and zero evidence of the 2016 election. Of course, to fruits and nuts like you, that qualifies as sufficient proof; when in fact, it only proves how crazy you are. Oh, and you poor deranged thing, that poll was debunked long ago...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

No, my stats stand up to scrutiny regardless of leftard slanted sites and for one very blatant reason....leftards do not want voter ID laws at all and they don't care if the dead vote as long as it is for the fabian socialist leftard clown posse. You can't win this argument. Illegals voted overwhelmingly for the Hildebeast on the west coast that is infested with them and had no voter ID laws......wetbacks voting "here and yonder" waving their La Raza flags in Califlakia........and numb fucks like you declare that the Hildebeast was cheated by the ROOOSKIES!!!

I doubt that you will ever grasp the fact that you and your ilk are an unmitigated joke.......pussy hat wearing, transgender embracing queers that couldn't change a flat tire with an instruction manual......because that task should fall to da gubermint!

Your stats are bullshit. Saying they stand up to scrutiny because you want to believe is like everything else you post — bullshit you promote and swallow like a cheap whore.

Moron, in this case you’re actually claiming an online unscientific poll taken many years ago in which respondents were caught lying is evidence that nearly 6 million illegals voted for Hillary.


That’s just evidence of his crazy you are. According to you, 6 million illegals voted and only 2 got caught.


Being that Trump won an overwhelmingly number of states and the vast majority won by the Hildebeast that your leftard cohorts was a "shoo-in" had the most wetbacks with no voter ID laws? What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy? Vote early, vote often is the credo of the commie leftists......and you LOST "bigly".........(snicker)

Now you’re hearing roaring crowds in your head? Exactly how crazy are you? Too bad you can’t prove your delusions are real. :cuckoo:

I "punt" you whenever you cross my path......and what do you have for rebuttal? Absolutely nothing, "goat boy".
Moron... you post nonsense and idiotically claim it’s proof. :cuckoo:

Like your ridiculous claim that millions of illegals voted for a Hillary. Your evidence is based on unscientific polling from the last decade and zero evidence of the 2016 election. Of course, to fruits and nuts like you, that qualifies as sufficient proof; when in fact, it only proves how crazy you are. Oh, and you poor deranged thing, that poll was debunked long ago...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

No, my stats stand up to scrutiny regardless of leftard slanted sites and for one very blatant reason....leftards do not want voter ID laws at all and they don't care if the dead vote as long as it is for the fabian socialist leftard clown posse. You can't win this argument. Illegals voted overwhelmingly for the Hildebeast on the west coast that is infested with them and had no voter ID laws......wetbacks voting "here and yonder" waving their La Raza flags in Califlakia........and numb fucks like you declare that the Hildebeast was cheated by the ROOOSKIES!!!

I doubt that you will ever grasp the fact that you and your ilk are an unmitigated joke.......pussy hat wearing, transgender embracing queers that couldn't change a flat tire with an instruction manual......because that task should fall to da gubermint!

Your stats are bullshit. Saying they stand up to scrutiny because you want to believe is like everything else you post — bullshit you promote and swallow like a cheap whore.

Moron, in this case you’re actually claiming an online unscientific poll taken many years ago in which respondents were caught lying is evidence that nearly 6 million illegals voted for Hillary.


That’s just evidence of his crazy you are. According to you, 6 million illegals voted and only 2 got caught.


Being that Trump won an overwhelmingly number of states and the vast majority won by the Hildebeast that your leftard cohorts was a "shoo-in" had the most wetbacks with no voter ID laws? What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy? Vote early, vote often is the credo of the commie leftists......and you LOST "bigly".........(snicker)

And right there is the death knell for poor, delusional dale...

”What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy?”

You poor thing ... you take the results of flawed data and then “draw conclusions” you want to reach from them. And then pretend like there is no other conclusion one can reach. That’s what makes you crazy, which is what I’ve been saying all along. And now here you come and prove it.


Oh, and check this out....

Four states conducted their own investigations and reviewed their ballots looking for fraud; accounting for about 1/5th of the total vote count in the 2016 election. They found a grand total of 324 illegal votes were cast, some of which may have been due to illegal aliens voting. The occurance of voter fraud ranged from .00003 to .000005. Out of 29 million votes, they found just 324 [possible] cases.

Just the Facts on Fraud

So in closing...

While you keep telling yourself you’re the wiener and how you “punted” me, you’re the one admitting “you draw conclusions” (with your defective brain) based on unscientific online polling from years ago where respondents were caught lying about their citizenship status; while I’m pointing out how demented you are and using actual state reviews of actual ballots that were actually cast in the 2016 election.

G’head, delusional dale... this is where you say how you know more than me and that you bitch-slapped me again. C’mon, this is fun.

I "punt" you whenever you cross my path......and what do you have for rebuttal? Absolutely nothing, "goat boy".
Moron... you post nonsense and idiotically claim it’s proof. :cuckoo:

Like your ridiculous claim that millions of illegals voted for a Hillary. Your evidence is based on unscientific polling from the last decade and zero evidence of the 2016 election. Of course, to fruits and nuts like you, that qualifies as sufficient proof; when in fact, it only proves how crazy you are. Oh, and you poor deranged thing, that poll was debunked long ago...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

No, my stats stand up to scrutiny regardless of leftard slanted sites and for one very blatant reason....leftards do not want voter ID laws at all and they don't care if the dead vote as long as it is for the fabian socialist leftard clown posse. You can't win this argument. Illegals voted overwhelmingly for the Hildebeast on the west coast that is infested with them and had no voter ID laws......wetbacks voting "here and yonder" waving their La Raza flags in Califlakia........and numb fucks like you declare that the Hildebeast was cheated by the ROOOSKIES!!!

I doubt that you will ever grasp the fact that you and your ilk are an unmitigated joke.......pussy hat wearing, transgender embracing queers that couldn't change a flat tire with an instruction manual......because that task should fall to da gubermint!

Your stats are bullshit. Saying they stand up to scrutiny because you want to believe is like everything else you post — bullshit you promote and swallow like a cheap whore.

Moron, in this case you’re actually claiming an online unscientific poll taken many years ago in which respondents were caught lying is evidence that nearly 6 million illegals voted for Hillary.


That’s just evidence of his crazy you are. According to you, 6 million illegals voted and only 2 got caught.


Being that Trump won an overwhelmingly number of states and the vast majority won by the Hildebeast that your leftard cohorts was a "shoo-in" had the most wetbacks with no voter ID laws? What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy? Vote early, vote often is the credo of the commie leftists......and you LOST "bigly".........(snicker)

And right there is the death knell for poor, delusional dale...

”What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy?”

You poor thing ... you take the results of flawed data and then “draw conclusions” you want to reach from them. That’s what makes you crazy, which is what I’ve been saying all along. And now here you come and prove it.


Oh, and check this out....

Four states conducted their own investigations and reviewed their ballots looking for fraud; accounting for about 1/5th of the total vote count in the 2016 election. They found a grand total of 324 illegal votes were cast, some of which may have been due to illegal aliens voting. The occurance of voter fraud ranged from .00003 to .000005. Out of 29 million votes, they found just 324 [possible] cases.

Just the Facts on Fraud

So in closing...

While you keep telling yourself you’re the wiener and how you “punted” me, you’re the one admitting “you draw conclusions” (with your defective brain) based on unscientific online polling from years ago where respondents were caught lying about their citizenship status; while I’m pointing out how demented you are and using actual state reviews of actual ballots that were actually cast in the 2016 election.

G’head, delusional dale... this is where you say how you know more than me and that you bitch-slapped me again. C’mon, this is fun.


Keep offering forth your chin, goat comes that uppercut that knocks you on your ass yet again.......and not even your leftard transgendered corner crowd can put enough smelling salts under your swollen nose to allow you to answer the bell, goat boy......the butt ugly "faun" has been to be you.
Moron... you post nonsense and idiotically claim it’s proof. :cuckoo:

Like your ridiculous claim that millions of illegals voted for a Hillary. Your evidence is based on unscientific polling from the last decade and zero evidence of the 2016 election. Of course, to fruits and nuts like you, that qualifies as sufficient proof; when in fact, it only proves how crazy you are. Oh, and you poor deranged thing, that poll was debunked long ago...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

No, my stats stand up to scrutiny regardless of leftard slanted sites and for one very blatant reason....leftards do not want voter ID laws at all and they don't care if the dead vote as long as it is for the fabian socialist leftard clown posse. You can't win this argument. Illegals voted overwhelmingly for the Hildebeast on the west coast that is infested with them and had no voter ID laws......wetbacks voting "here and yonder" waving their La Raza flags in Califlakia........and numb fucks like you declare that the Hildebeast was cheated by the ROOOSKIES!!!

I doubt that you will ever grasp the fact that you and your ilk are an unmitigated joke.......pussy hat wearing, transgender embracing queers that couldn't change a flat tire with an instruction manual......because that task should fall to da gubermint!

Your stats are bullshit. Saying they stand up to scrutiny because you want to believe is like everything else you post — bullshit you promote and swallow like a cheap whore.

Moron, in this case you’re actually claiming an online unscientific poll taken many years ago in which respondents were caught lying is evidence that nearly 6 million illegals voted for Hillary.


That’s just evidence of his crazy you are. According to you, 6 million illegals voted and only 2 got caught.


Being that Trump won an overwhelmingly number of states and the vast majority won by the Hildebeast that your leftard cohorts was a "shoo-in" had the most wetbacks with no voter ID laws? What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy? Vote early, vote often is the credo of the commie leftists......and you LOST "bigly".........(snicker)

And right there is the death knell for poor, delusional dale...

”What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy?”

You poor thing ... you take the results of flawed data and then “draw conclusions” you want to reach from them. That’s what makes you crazy, which is what I’ve been saying all along. And now here you come and prove it.


Oh, and check this out....

Four states conducted their own investigations and reviewed their ballots looking for fraud; accounting for about 1/5th of the total vote count in the 2016 election. They found a grand total of 324 illegal votes were cast, some of which may have been due to illegal aliens voting. The occurance of voter fraud ranged from .00003 to .000005. Out of 29 million votes, they found just 324 [possible] cases.

Just the Facts on Fraud

So in closing...

While you keep telling yourself you’re the wiener and how you “punted” me, you’re the one admitting “you draw conclusions” (with your defective brain) based on unscientific online polling from years ago where respondents were caught lying about their citizenship status; while I’m pointing out how demented you are and using actual state reviews of actual ballots that were actually cast in the 2016 election.

G’head, delusional dale... this is where you say how you know more than me and that you bitch-slapped me again. C’mon, this is fun.


Keep offering forth your chin, goat comes that uppercut that knocks you on your ass yet again.......and not even your leftard transgendered corner crowd can put enough smelling salts under your swollen nose to allow you to answer the bell, goat boy......the butt ugly "faun" has been to be you.

I’m posting state investigations of actual ballots from the election in question and you’re actually crazy enough to claim unscientific online polling from years ago, where respondents were caught lying about their citizenship status, refutes that.

You’re a riot, delusional dale. Keep up the good work.

No, my stats stand up to scrutiny regardless of leftard slanted sites and for one very blatant reason....leftards do not want voter ID laws at all and they don't care if the dead vote as long as it is for the fabian socialist leftard clown posse. You can't win this argument. Illegals voted overwhelmingly for the Hildebeast on the west coast that is infested with them and had no voter ID laws......wetbacks voting "here and yonder" waving their La Raza flags in Califlakia........and numb fucks like you declare that the Hildebeast was cheated by the ROOOSKIES!!!

I doubt that you will ever grasp the fact that you and your ilk are an unmitigated joke.......pussy hat wearing, transgender embracing queers that couldn't change a flat tire with an instruction manual......because that task should fall to da gubermint!

Your stats are bullshit. Saying they stand up to scrutiny because you want to believe is like everything else you post — bullshit you promote and swallow like a cheap whore.

Moron, in this case you’re actually claiming an online unscientific poll taken many years ago in which respondents were caught lying is evidence that nearly 6 million illegals voted for Hillary.


That’s just evidence of his crazy you are. According to you, 6 million illegals voted and only 2 got caught.


Being that Trump won an overwhelmingly number of states and the vast majority won by the Hildebeast that your leftard cohorts was a "shoo-in" had the most wetbacks with no voter ID laws? What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy? Vote early, vote often is the credo of the commie leftists......and you LOST "bigly".........(snicker)

And right there is the death knell for poor, delusional dale...

”What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy?”

You poor thing ... you take the results of flawed data and then “draw conclusions” you want to reach from them. That’s what makes you crazy, which is what I’ve been saying all along. And now here you come and prove it.


Oh, and check this out....

Four states conducted their own investigations and reviewed their ballots looking for fraud; accounting for about 1/5th of the total vote count in the 2016 election. They found a grand total of 324 illegal votes were cast, some of which may have been due to illegal aliens voting. The occurance of voter fraud ranged from .00003 to .000005. Out of 29 million votes, they found just 324 [possible] cases.

Just the Facts on Fraud

So in closing...

While you keep telling yourself you’re the wiener and how you “punted” me, you’re the one admitting “you draw conclusions” (with your defective brain) based on unscientific online polling from years ago where respondents were caught lying about their citizenship status; while I’m pointing out how demented you are and using actual state reviews of actual ballots that were actually cast in the 2016 election.

G’head, delusional dale... this is where you say how you know more than me and that you bitch-slapped me again. C’mon, this is fun.


Keep offering forth your chin, goat comes that uppercut that knocks you on your ass yet again.......and not even your leftard transgendered corner crowd can put enough smelling salts under your swollen nose to allow you to answer the bell, goat boy......the butt ugly "faun" has been to be you.

I’m posting state investigations of actual ballots from the election in question and you’re actually crazy enough to claim unscientific online polling from years ago, where respondents were caught lying about their citizenship status, refutes that.

You’re a riot, delusional dale. Keep up the good work.


You betcha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, my stats stand up to scrutiny regardless of leftard slanted sites and for one very blatant reason....leftards do not want voter ID laws at all and they don't care if the dead vote as long as it is for the fabian socialist leftard clown posse. You can't win this argument. Illegals voted overwhelmingly for the Hildebeast on the west coast that is infested with them and had no voter ID laws......wetbacks voting "here and yonder" waving their La Raza flags in Califlakia........and numb fucks like you declare that the Hildebeast was cheated by the ROOOSKIES!!!

I doubt that you will ever grasp the fact that you and your ilk are an unmitigated joke.......pussy hat wearing, transgender embracing queers that couldn't change a flat tire with an instruction manual......because that task should fall to da gubermint!

Your stats are bullshit. Saying they stand up to scrutiny because you want to believe is like everything else you post — bullshit you promote and swallow like a cheap whore.

Moron, in this case you’re actually claiming an online unscientific poll taken many years ago in which respondents were caught lying is evidence that nearly 6 million illegals voted for Hillary.


That’s just evidence of his crazy you are. According to you, 6 million illegals voted and only 2 got caught.


Being that Trump won an overwhelmingly number of states and the vast majority won by the Hildebeast that your leftard cohorts was a "shoo-in" had the most wetbacks with no voter ID laws? What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy? Vote early, vote often is the credo of the commie leftists......and you LOST "bigly".........(snicker)

And right there is the death knell for poor, delusional dale...

”What other conclusion can one draw, goat boy?”

You poor thing ... you take the results of flawed data and then “draw conclusions” you want to reach from them. That’s what makes you crazy, which is what I’ve been saying all along. And now here you come and prove it.


Oh, and check this out....

Four states conducted their own investigations and reviewed their ballots looking for fraud; accounting for about 1/5th of the total vote count in the 2016 election. They found a grand total of 324 illegal votes were cast, some of which may have been due to illegal aliens voting. The occurance of voter fraud ranged from .00003 to .000005. Out of 29 million votes, they found just 324 [possible] cases.

Just the Facts on Fraud

So in closing...

While you keep telling yourself you’re the wiener and how you “punted” me, you’re the one admitting “you draw conclusions” (with your defective brain) based on unscientific online polling from years ago where respondents were caught lying about their citizenship status; while I’m pointing out how demented you are and using actual state reviews of actual ballots that were actually cast in the 2016 election.

G’head, delusional dale... this is where you say how you know more than me and that you bitch-slapped me again. C’mon, this is fun.


Keep offering forth your chin, goat comes that uppercut that knocks you on your ass yet again.......and not even your leftard transgendered corner crowd can put enough smelling salts under your swollen nose to allow you to answer the bell, goat boy......the butt ugly "faun" has been to be you.

I’m posting state investigations of actual ballots from the election in question and you’re actually crazy enough to claim unscientific online polling from years ago, where respondents were caught lying about their citizenship status, refutes that.

You’re a riot, delusional dale. Keep up the good work.

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