Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Pictures from the room where you can see Paddock's legs are telling

He was wearing black ISIS pajama looking things they wear

Pictures would help to emphasize that. ;)

They are out there. And you can see a note on the table with pen on top


Why hoard them for yourself? Pretend I'm from Mizzuruh, and show me.

what is this green thing? isn't green one of the colors of islam? and the other color is black, like the object next to the green one. curious.

it is a note he left behind either a pen or a vape and green masking tape
Pictures would help to emphasize that. ;)

They are out there. And you can see a note on the table with pen on top


Why hoard them for yourself? Pretend I'm from Mizzuruh, and show me.

what is this green thing? isn't green one of the colors of islam? and the other color is black, like the object next to the green one. curious.

it is a note he left behind either a pen or a vape and green masking tape
is this arabic writing on the note? i think so. now it all makes sense.
It's not simplistic. Your argument is. These are guns. Guns designed to kill.
Measures have been taken to mitigate the possibility of attacks in every other way. Cockpit doors are fortified and TSA screens passengers. Cities around the world are working to better protect large gatherings of pedestrians from vehicles. The glaring difference is of course that America has done nothing to address these attacks. Not one thing. In fact, people like you actively fight against it. So when you use arguments like, " ya but...trucks", it is not only simplistic but dumb.

European Cities Add Barriers to Thwart Vehicle Attacks

Guns are designed to propel a projectile at a target
Anything else that happens is the shooter's responsibility.

OK so how do you stop these type of attacks without trampling on the rights of people who own guns or want to own guns who will never commit such a crime?
You do not need to propel a projectile at a target at 500 rounds per minute

It's not up to you to tell other people what they "need" is it?

I don't shoot like that because it's an impractical way to shoot a gun if you are concerned at all about accuracy.

But it doesn't matter if people can because the vast majority of people who own guns and who might use a bump stock will never ever turn their weapons on other people
Yes it is

When I see 500 injured and 59 dead, I have a right to say

Enough is enough

you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order
They are out there. And you can see a note on the table with pen on top


Why hoard them for yourself? Pretend I'm from Mizzuruh, and show me.

what is this green thing? isn't green one of the colors of islam? and the other color is black, like the object next to the green one. curious.

it is a note he left behind either a pen or a vape and green masking tape
is this arabic writing on the note? i think so. now it all makes sense.

i cant tell the police know by now but have not said other then the want to figure out more

on what "radicalized" him
Guns are designed to propel a projectile at a target
Anything else that happens is the shooter's responsibility.

OK so how do you stop these type of attacks without trampling on the rights of people who own guns or want to own guns who will never commit such a crime?
You do not need to propel a projectile at a target at 500 rounds per minute

It's not up to you to tell other people what they "need" is it?

I don't shoot like that because it's an impractical way to shoot a gun if you are concerned at all about accuracy.

But it doesn't matter if people can because the vast majority of people who own guns and who might use a bump stock will never ever turn their weapons on other people
Yes it is

When I see 500 injured and 59 dead, I have a right to say

Enough is enough

you can say whatever you want you just can't force other people to listen or comply.

The fact is that the vast overwhelming majority of legal gun owners will never turn a weapon on another person and need no advice from the likes of you on the choices they make.
We the people get to decide our gun laws

If a weapon is found to be a threat to the social order it can be banned

Slaughtering people with a high rate of fire affects the social order

Less than 1% of all murders are committed during a mass shooting
Hardly any social order disruption at all.

Meanwhile the other 99% of murders and violent crime committed with guns is ignored as our current gun laws are not enforced and we refuse to actually address the cause of the violence.

If rifles disrupt the so called social order of things then what about fists and feet? After all more people are killed by other people using their hands and feet every year than by all rifles combined.

What about knives? If rifles disrupt the so called social order knives surely must as well because more people are killed with knives every year than by either fists and feet or all rifles combined
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The gun shops say that he was a fine man when they sold weapons to him

They said the same about me last time I bought a firearm.

Does that mean I'm going to turn into a mass murderer?

That is yet to be determined. They're all good guys with a gun until they arent.


how do we separate the bad ones, and not abuse the good ones?

Firstly, you need to get off this "abuse" mentality. Are you really that upset if mods like bump stock and high cap mags go away?

Secondly, gun owners are going to have to be part of the solution. The status quo is untenable. At some point the safety of your fellow citizens has to be more important than your toys.

I own several myself. All normal stuff. Nothing exotic. I just like to shoot. I have never cared for the nutty lifestyle people build around guns. For a lot of people its gone well beyond a simple hobby and morphed into a whole nutty philosophy that is almost a religion.

Okay, what do you own? And answer within 2 minutes or you're Googling.

the effect of the 'assault weapon ban' was minimal, because 'assault weapons' were rarely used in crimes, even murders.
You have offered nothing to the discussion, just poking at our posts.

What is your solution?

_______________ no limit to fire rate?

No fully automatic

_______________ no limit to arsenal size
No limit but they should be registered.

_______________ no limit to magazine/drum size?
Yes limits

______________ yes machine guns should be legal?

______________ the more guns the better
If you want...but they should be registered
I'll put you down as not crazy

Dr Quackenbush diagnoses poster as not crazy

Guess what I diagnose you as?

Hint ~ I'm an evolutionary biologist, so guess which phylum?

Douches gigantis?

Stephen Paddock was, indeed, a gun nut.

As the owner of 42 firearms, the Las Vegas madman was at the very far fringe of even the fringe of gun ownership in the country.

Most gun owners possess an average of three firearms, according to a comprehensive national survey co-led by Northeastern University and Harvard and released in September 2016. Meanwhile, 130 million guns—half the country's firearms—are owned by just 3 percent of Americans, or 7.7 million people. These "super-owners" own 17 guns, on average.

Was Stephen Paddock normal? Many gun owners keep 17 firearms on average

Yes, this is a good point, and I know that something has changed. When I was a child, a man had one or two guns: a handgun from WWII and maybe a 22 for shooting pests, such as raccoons and possums. Or a shotgun, same. But now men who own guns often do own a whole lot. Why the change? I think it's a safe way of expressing white anger at the black crime and rioting problem, which has been going on for 50 years, after all. And an attempt to defend against those potential crimes and rioting. After all, black commit huge numbers of murders and robberies and prostitution and drug trading ---- but not in white neighborhoods. But what if they could? For example, if we were all disarmed? The crime rate by blacks against whites would soar: we're the ones with the stuff to rob, after all.

I think that's part of the reason for the wildly over-arming going on. Another is the constant fear that somebody like Obama or Hillary will succeed in disarming us. This is why every time there is a mass murder like Sunday night the purchases go up and the gun stock prices go up, as happened again this week. People are afraid the government, which is the enemy as long as it's run by leftists, will disarm us and leave us unprotected against the huge black crime spree going on.

MarkDuffy is right to bring up the overarming going on: it's a big change and it shows a deeply unhappy and insecure populace. It goes right along with the prepping for catastrophe which is a WHOLE lot more popular than a lot of leftists realize, I suspect. I think this country is way too divided now to hold together.

Stephen Paddock was, indeed, a gun nut.

As the owner of 42 firearms, the Las Vegas madman was at the very far fringe of even the fringe of gun ownership in the country.

Most gun owners possess an average of three firearms, according to a comprehensive national survey co-led by Northeastern University and Harvard and released in September 2016. Meanwhile, 130 million guns—half the country's firearms—are owned by just 3 percent of Americans, or 7.7 million people. These "super-owners" own 17 guns, on average.

Was Stephen Paddock normal? Many gun owners keep 17 firearms on average

Yes, this is a good point, and I know that something has changed. When I was a child, a man had one or two guns: a handgun from WWII and maybe a 22 for shooting pests, such as raccoons and possums. Or a shotgun, same. But now men who own guns often do own a whole lot. Why the change? I think it's a safe way of expressing white anger at the black crime and rioting problem, which has been going on for 50 years, after all. And an attempt to defend against those potential crimes and rioting. After all, black commit huge numbers of murders and robberies and prostitution and drug trading ---- but not in white neighborhoods. But what if they could? For example, if we were all disarmed? The crime rate by blacks against whites would soar: we're the ones with the stuff to rob, after all.

I think that's part of the reason for the wildly over-arming going on. Another is the constant fear that somebody like Obama or Hillary will succeed in disarming us. This is why every time there is a mass murder like Sunday night the purchases go up and the gun stock prices go up, as happened again this week. People are afraid the government, which is the enemy as long as it's run by leftists, will disarm us and leave us unprotected against the huge black crime spree going on.

MarkDuffy is right to bring up the overarming going on: it's a big change and it shows a deeply unhappy and insecure populace. It goes right along with the prepping for catastrophe which is a WHOLE lot more popular than a lot of leftists realize, I suspect. I think this country is way too divided now to hold together.

It more likely has something to do with the fact that guns are more affordable you know.

A gun is a tool that's all it is. Shit I have 3 different circular saws, a couple different chainsaws, countless sockets and ratchets.

Guns are really no different
You have offered nothing to the discussion, just poking at our posts.

What is your solution?

_______________ no limit to fire rate?

No fully automatic

_______________ no limit to arsenal size
No limit but they should be registered.

_______________ no limit to magazine/drum size?
Yes limits

______________ yes machine guns should be legal?

______________ the more guns the better
If you want...but they should be registered
I'll put you down as not crazy

Dr Quackenbush diagnoses poster as not crazy

Guess what I diagnose you as?

Hint ~ I'm an evolutionary biologist, so guess which phylum?

Douches gigantis?

Nope, never been a democrat
I think it is time to discuss reasonable gun control measures...
We already have plenty of reasonable gun control laws.

It's about time we started enforcing these laws with an iron fist

There's nothing to enforce on Paddock


You do realize that only about 1% of all murders occur in mass shootings don't you?
Enforcing current gun laws will have an effect on the 99% of murders that remain

Pfft, only 1%. Why bother at all?
I think it is time to discuss reasonable gun control measures...
We already have plenty of reasonable gun control laws.

It's about time we started enforcing these laws with an iron fist

There's nothing to enforce on Paddock


You do realize that only about 1% of all murders occur in mass shootings don't you?
Enforcing current gun laws will have an effect on the 99% of murders that remain

Pfft, only 1%. Why bother at all?

I just wonder why you don't give a shit about the other 99%
I think it is time to discuss reasonable gun control measures...
We already have plenty of reasonable gun control laws.

It's about time we started enforcing these laws with an iron fist

There's nothing to enforce on Paddock


You do realize that only about 1% of all murders occur in mass shootings don't you?
Enforcing current gun laws will have an effect on the 99% of murders that remain

Pfft, only 1%. Why bother at all?

9:29, FAIL.
It's the one that makes sense. Are you really that incompetent that you can't work around a typo?

Sure, anything to avoid addressing the point.
your statement:
The don't need that capacity for themselves

it is not a 'need', it is a desire.

Just like people that want a bigger house, a faster car, etc.

And they don't NEED a legal way to own it.

Stop being a dick.
i can come up with a list a mile long of things you don't "need" but it's none of my business is it?

This has been said a thousand times. It never ceases to be a dumb argument.
No dumber than you telling other people what they need or don't need
Make a case for it.
There is no need for a bump stock. It's either a dangerous toy or a murder weapon. Either way it doesn't need to exist.
your statement:
it is not a 'need', it is a desire.

Just like people that want a bigger house, a faster car, etc.

And they don't NEED a legal way to own it.

Stop being a dick.
i can come up with a list a mile long of things you don't "need" but it's none of my business is it?

This has been said a thousand times. It never ceases to be a dumb argument.
No dumber than you telling other people what they need or don't need
Make a case for it.
There is no need for a bump stock. It's either a dangerous toy or a murder weapon. Either way it doesn't need to exist.

I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?
And they don't NEED a legal way to own it.

Stop being a dick.
i can come up with a list a mile long of things you don't "need" but it's none of my business is it?

This has been said a thousand times. It never ceases to be a dumb argument.
No dumber than you telling other people what they need or don't need
Make a case for it.
There is no need for a bump stock. It's either a dangerous toy or a murder weapon. Either way it doesn't need to exist.

I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.
i can come up with a list a mile long of things you don't "need" but it's none of my business is it?

This has been said a thousand times. It never ceases to be a dumb argument.
No dumber than you telling other people what they need or don't need
Make a case for it.
There is no need for a bump stock. It's either a dangerous toy or a murder weapon. Either way it doesn't need to exist.

I don't have to. Just like you don't have to make a case for cars being able to go 120 MPH.
It's nothing I have ever used but IDGAF if other people do.
FYI did you know that with a little practice you can bump fire a rifle without that little doodad?

But,, trucks, planes!
None of which is a gun.

Stupid argument and apparently the only one you have.

So what?

They are all merely tools that people use.
A gun is a tool
A car is a tool
A hammer is a tool
A plane is a tool

Some more complex than others but they are all just things people use.
You all forget that trump barely crawled over the finish line in 2016. His mouth has made promises his ass cannot fill.

The American people can put up with embarrassment, but not failure

More hate speech to inflame the weak minded to plot and kill the perceived enemy.

Shame on you.

Your speech should be limited. Nobody needs to hear it. Amend the first amendment so this guy is silenced and fewer people will likely die.
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