Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.
I've never seen a rifle semi or not chase anyone down the street and kill anybody… Have you?

They sure are used to kill mass people.
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.

And was designed as such.

Pray and spray is not accuracy... firearms do not kill people people kill people

Then you support people control over gun control?

Such as not allowing felons to buy guns?

Enforce current laws... New frivolous ones will not save a single soul

Current law allows felons to avoid background checks to buy guns.

in what state is it legal for a private seller to sell to felons?
Enforce current laws... New frivolous ones will not save a single soul

With current laws out country is filled with mass shootings, accidental shootings, cops killing people, people killing cops regularly...

This stuff is rare with gun control.
Na, current laws are not being enforced… Like criminal control.:itsok:

What happens here regularly is rare with gun control. Fact.

And with more concealed carry violent crime is increasing.
Most violent crime in the US is done by a repeat offenders, that's why we need much stronger criminal control…

And they are all armed because our country is flooded with guns. Fact

Our country has fullest jails in world. Fact
Firearms control people?
Is this the guy?
Pray and spray is not accuracy... firearms do not kill people people kill people

Then you support people control over gun control?

Such as not allowing felons to buy guns?
Enforce current laws... New frivolous ones will not save a single soul

Current law allows felons to avoid background checks to buy guns.
in what state is it legal for a private seller to sell to felons?

As long as they don't know he is a felon. I assume a felon doesn't offer that up.
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.
I've never seen a rifle semi or not chase anyone down the street and kill anybody… Have you?

They sure are used to kill mass people.
People kill people no firearms
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.

The semi automatic rifle has been around since the middle 1800's
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With current laws out country is filled with mass shootings, accidental shootings, cops killing people, people killing cops regularly...

This stuff is rare with gun control.
Na, current laws are not being enforced… Like criminal control.:itsok:

What happens here regularly is rare with gun control. Fact.

And with more concealed carry violent crime is increasing.
Most violent crime in the US is done by a repeat offenders, that's why we need much stronger criminal control…

And they are all armed because our country is flooded with guns. Fact

Our country has fullest jails in world. Fact
Firearms control people?

Only in the USA.
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.

And was designed as such.
Over the counter AR type rifles are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less...
Pray and spray is not accuracy... firearms do not kill people people kill people

Then you support people control over gun control?

Such as not allowing felons to buy guns?
Enforce current laws... New frivolous ones will not save a single soul

Current law allows felons to avoid background checks to buy guns.
in what state is it legal for a private seller to sell to felons?

As long as they don't know he is a felon. I assume a felon doesn't offer that up.

Still doesn't matter.
Every gun owner knows that in almost all states you are not legally allowed to sell a gun to anyone not eligible
It’s impossible, unrealistic, and wouldn’t solve this problem.
I agree with the first two parts of your statement but not the third.
Firearm confiscation would result in millions of people on both sides dying… Dip shit
Watch your language or your arguments will not be refuted by me. Turning in firearms did not result in mass murders in Australia.
You think people are going to turn in their firearms?
I do not believe American voters, especially Donald Trump's base, would support a politician who was not endorsed by the NRA.

I did not vote for Trump nor am I part of the NRA but I do know here in the states you are protected by the Bill of Rights and until it is changed then discussion of gun control is moot!

Also in Australia hunters still own their firearms and if you disagree then look it up!
Because we don't want too, plus our Bill of Rights ensures this right

Next question


Prehistoric laws, they need to be changed so Americans can live in peace and in a civilized environment. It seems as if some want to stay in the era of the wild wild west.

The laws are just fine. They need to start enforcing them


Nope, very outdated....guns should be banned completly. Results? less mass shootings, and shootings all together. Proof? most countries have that in place.

And libs are constantly telling us, "we don't want to take you guns, why don't you believe us"?


You really wish to claim that person speaks for all liberals?

Enough of them to show were you lefties really want to take "reasonable gun control".
I’m watching this on TV (both CNN and Fox) and I have to say this – I’m not surprised that something like this has happened. Or the amount of casualties.

It was only a matter of time.

Many years ago when I was a cab driver, I saw a city with a wide-open belly just waiting to be attacked – and defenseless. I actually thought it would happen on New Year’s Eve. However, this concert was an auspicious time and place.

The media is clamoring for information – more to hype their own activities than to learn exactly went on. The 24 hours news cycle at its worse. Scrambling for any and all scraps of “awesome” pictures and videos they can. Their “concern and shock:” is almost believable.

So I’m sarcastic about the media – even FoxNews.

My immediate response on waking up this morning and seeing the live reports on tv was – why did a shooter select this particular event?

A Country and Western festival with Christian values; thousands of rednecks who most likely had to be Trump supporters.

They sure as hell weren’t Antifa or BLM types.

I was shocked to learn the single (so far) shooter with a 64-year -old WASP. From Mesquite, Nevada yet. That he has an Asiatic girlfriend suggests to me that he just may be a veteran, possibly even retired from the military.

Anyone have the faintest idea what or where Mesquite is at? Take a look at your Google Map. Follow I-15 northeast out of Vegas and you will find it right thee at the Nevada/Arizona border. A glorified truck stop with large tourist trap casinos and a population that works in them.

And it’s not exactly a retirement community.

So, why was the 64-year-old living there? What took him there and what did he spend his time doing? I remember a lot of news reports about a shortage of living space for those who live and work there. Was he an old timer?

So many questions. And we will be bombarded with this for the next few days – maybe even weeks – to the loss of coverage of other events such as the tragedy in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. And, a lot of politicians will be sighing in relief as the spotlight is turned away from them.

More and more and more to come.
Na, current laws are not being enforced… Like criminal control.:itsok:

What happens here regularly is rare with gun control. Fact.

And with more concealed carry violent crime is increasing.
Most violent crime in the US is done by a repeat offenders, that's why we need much stronger criminal control…

And they are all armed because our country is flooded with guns. Fact

Our country has fullest jails in world. Fact
Firearms control people?

Only in the USA.
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.

The semi automatic rifle has been around since the middle 1800's

There is nothing modern about it the .22 I had when I was 12 years old is the same as any .22 today

I don't recall the ar15 in then 1800s.
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration

But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures

Once again you ignore the mental health of the shooter. Had he been caught, those weapons would not have been used to kill anyone. That requires the hand of a cognizant (mentally unstable or otherwise) to use these weapons in that way. The weapons just don't animate themselves and start killing people.

Eh, perhaps I made a mistake logging on this morning... for I am being drawn into the politics of the matter.

Look...This is America

We do everything possible to ensure that someone planning a massacre has access to the best weapons and ammo possible. We don't want to inconvenience mass shooters

As to arming crazy people? We did nothing after the Sandy Hook shooter gunned down six year olds. Background checks? Sharing information on the mentally unstable? Restricting high capacity magazines?

Too inconvenient for gun owners

You conveniently omit that Adam Lanza killed his mother and stole her guns but hey why be truthful.

As far as I know Lanza didn't buy any guns himself.

His mother bought the guns, but she also took him shooting frequently.
And he killed her so he could take them out of the house
then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.
I've never seen a rifle semi or not chase anyone down the street and kill anybody… Have you?

They sure are used to kill mass people.
People kill people no firearms

And people with easy access to guns kill more.
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.

The semi automatic rifle has been around since the middle 1800's

There is nothing modern about it the .22 I had when I was 12 years old is the same as any .22 today

I don't recall the ar15 in then 1800s.

There is nothing special about ab AR 15,

It is a semiautomatic rifle just like any other
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration

But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures

Once again you ignore the mental health of the shooter. Had he been caught, those weapons would not have been used to kill anyone. That requires the hand of a cognizant (mentally unstable or otherwise) to use these weapons in that way. The weapons just don't animate themselves and start killing people.

Eh, perhaps I made a mistake logging on this morning... for I am being drawn into the politics of the matter.

Look...This is America

We do everything possible to ensure that someone planning a massacre has access to the best weapons and ammo possible. We don't want to inconvenience mass shooters

As to arming crazy people? We did nothing after the Sandy Hook shooter gunned down six year olds. Background checks? Sharing information on the mentally unstable? Restricting high capacity magazines?

Too inconvenient for gun owners

You conveniently omit that Adam Lanza killed his mother and stole her guns but hey why be truthful.

As far as I know Lanza didn't buy any guns himself.

His mother bought the guns, but she also took him shooting frequently.
And he killed her so he could take them out of the house

Didn't make her safer.
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.
I've never seen a rifle semi or not chase anyone down the street and kill anybody… Have you?

They sure are used to kill mass people.

That's the key difference. One you seem not to recognize, or are refusing to. These weapons are used, they don't animate themselves in a poltergeist simply to go kill people. They require a conscious hand.
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