Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Um, if I didn't care, I wouldn't be in this thread making my opinion on the matter. You on the other hand, only seem to care when it plays along the narrative of your political worldviews. Why else would you be here? Goodness gracious, you guys are like clockwork. Guy with a gun offs scores of innocent people and you come preaching the ills of gun ownership and the supposed deficiencies of our current gun laws.

Um, yeah.

When a crazy person kills 50 people and injures 400 others because he was able to get a hold of military grade weapons despite being crazy, then yes, someone should ask why it's so damned easy to get guns.

Now, if this sort of thing never happened, then calling for gun control would be a bit silly. But it happens all the time, and we always find out that it was a crazy person with a gun.

On a side note...

Life is life, young or old. And when that innocent life is brutally taken away, we all should care. We shouldn't politicize it either.

The point is, if we had sensible gun laws, and maybe health care for mental illness, then these sorts of things wouldn't happen.
Current laws are not being enforced, violent criminals are let free too often...
Um, if I didn't care, I wouldn't be in this thread making my opinion on the matter. You on the other hand, only seem to care when it plays along the narrative of your political worldviews. Why else would you be here? Goodness gracious, you guys are like clockwork. Guy with a gun offs scores of innocent people and you come preaching the ills of gun ownership and the supposed deficiencies of our current gun laws.

Um, yeah.

When a crazy person kills 50 people and injures 400 others because he was able to get a hold of military grade weapons despite being crazy, then yes, someone should ask why it's so damned easy to get guns.

Now, if this sort of thing never happened, then calling for gun control would be a bit silly. But it happens all the time, and we always find out that it was a crazy person with a gun.

On a side note...

Life is life, young or old. And when that innocent life is brutally taken away, we all should care. We shouldn't politicize it either.

The point is, if we had sensible gun laws, and maybe health care for mental illness, then these sorts of things wouldn't happen.
When a crazy person kills 50 people and injures 400 others because he was able to get a hold of military grade weapons despite being crazy, then yes, someone should ask why it's so damned easy to get guns.

ATF's Fast and Furious scandal

But it happens all the time, and we always find out that it was a crazy person with a gun.

Easy, Joe, find a way to treat the crazy person. Don't take away the rights of others because of them. Find a way to fix our flawed mental health system, don't take guns away from sane, innocent, law abiding gun owners.

Not hard.

Anywho, I'm outta here. This thread is a literal trash can, full of trash from both sides.
What are the chances of getting killed by a gunman using an AR or the like?
That's the key difference. One you seem not to recognize, or are refusing to. These weapons are used, they don't animate themselves in a poltergeist simply to go kill people. They require a conscious hand.

But they make it a lot easier for people to kill with very little training or skill, that's the point.

So here's an idea. Let's keep a right to bear arms, but the only arms you are allowed to own are swords. People could resolve their disputes like Highlander!

Pray and spray is not accuracy... firearms do not kill people people kill people

Then you support people control over gun control?

Such as not allowing felons to buy guns?

Enforce current laws... New frivolous ones will not save a single soul

With current laws out country is filled with mass shootings, accidental shootings, cops killing people, people killing cops regularly...

This stuff is rare with gun control.

What it's filled with is blown-out-of-proportion media stories, which create the illusion that local tragedies are national.

As stated earlier, the number of gun crimes, accidents, police shootings and so on are not even a noticeable blip against the total numbers of privately owned firearms or the number of gun owners.

We used to lock up the crazies at the slightest provocation for their own and everyone else's safety. It would be a good thing to resurrect that system.

Hell, with that you could also clear the separate reality Mugwumps that are shitting all over San Francisco with the city council's blessing. You know there's even an app available to avoid the turd piles?
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration
But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures
While I understand your point, this could be too big for him to get away with that.

The weekly gun carnage is mostly in our inner cities. These events are tragic and make a big splash on the nightly news, but statistically they are extremely rare considering the amount of people who own guns and the amount of crazy people we have in this country.

And we still don't know what type of weapon he used, how he got it, who he actually is, and how the people died and got hurt. (Did some die from the stampede after the shooting started or were they all shot?)

Until we know all that we can't begin to figure out what happened, why it happened, and what to do about it.

Nothing to see here people....move along

Gunning down 50-60 people is statistically irrelevant when we have 8500 murdered each year
Go back to complaining about NFL players kneeling and forget about doing anything about guns
Forget? Who was thinking of doing anything about guns?

Obviously not us

We don't care. We feign outrage over a mass shooting and then shrug our shoulders and go back to worrying about NFL flag ceremonies

The fact that this monster had access to automatic weapons and all the ammo he needed is not worth doing anything it?
Of course this is retarded thinking.
No one could kill more than fifty and injure more than four hundred with any weapon other than a gun.
You ever hear of bombs? Are you that stupid?
No bombs in this attack, dope.
The cartoon shows physical attacks. Not bombs.

Bombs aren't physical attacks?

The cartoon I responded to did not feature bombs, dope.
Then obviously the meaning beyond the literal evades you

The meaning is the meaning, dope.
There is only one option in that cartoon that one man used to kill over fifty and injure four hundred. He certainly could not have accomplished that by beating, stabbing or strangling.
Legally, Mandalay Bay might be starring at some liability law suits here. Paddock, the killer, had been there since Thursday and had at least 10 guns with him. I’m sure some attorney out there will try to sue the party with the money.

One of my early thoughts. Maids in/out for days. 10 guns, ammo, window tampering, security lapse? The Vultres will swoop in. Illegals working there as housekeepers? They will go after them. You beat me to the post. Great minds think alike...
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That's the key difference. One you seem not to recognize, or are refusing to. These weapons are used, they don't animate themselves in a poltergeist simply to go kill people. They require a conscious hand.

But they make it a lot easier for people to kill with very little training or skill, that's the point.

So here's an idea. Let's keep a right to bear arms, but the only arms you are allowed to own are swords. People could resolve their disputes like Highlander!
We already don't have any real freedom in this country… Do you think gun control will make the country better. LOL
I believe Americans are personally responsible for allowing their country to be awash with firearms.

Well, yes. We have a constitution.

Though gun crimes are horrific, they are not even a blip in the total numbers of guns and gun owners.
The Las Vegas murderer was a regular owner before last night I wager. That is no consolation to the Las Vegas festival goers or their families.

Yep, he was a good guy with a gun until he wasn't.
Bernie Sanders supporters are not good guys… LOL

Neither are you.
Um, if I didn't care, I wouldn't be in this thread making my opinion on the matter. You on the other hand, only seem to care when it plays along the narrative of your political worldviews. Why else would you be here? Goodness gracious, you guys are like clockwork. Guy with a gun offs scores of innocent people and you come preaching the ills of gun ownership and the supposed deficiencies of our current gun laws.

Um, yeah.

When a crazy person kills 50 people and injures 400 others because he was able to get a hold of military grade weapons despite being crazy, then yes, someone should ask why it's so damned easy to get guns.

Now, if this sort of thing never happened, then calling for gun control would be a bit silly. But it happens all the time, and we always find out that it was a crazy person with a gun.

On a side note...

Life is life, young or old. And when that innocent life is brutally taken away, we all should care. We shouldn't politicize it either.

The point is, if we had sensible gun laws, and maybe health care for mental illness, then these sorts of things wouldn't happen.

How do you know he was crazy?
Is this the guy?
Pray and spray is not accuracy... firearms do not kill people people kill people

Then you support people control over gun control?

Such as not allowing felons to buy guns?
Enforce current laws... New frivolous ones will not save a single soul

With current laws out country is filled with mass shootings, accidental shootings, cops killing people, people killing cops regularly...

This stuff is rare with gun control.
Na, current laws are not being enforced… Like criminal control.:itsok:

What law should this guy have been picked up for violating?
406 people shot.

CORRECTION: Some being treated for "trampling" injuries received while trying to escape.
You ever hear of bombs? Are you that stupid?
No bombs in this attack, dope.
The cartoon shows physical attacks. Not bombs.

Bombs aren't physical attacks?

The cartoon I responded to did not feature bombs, dope.
Then obviously the meaning beyond the literal evades you

The meaning is the meaning, dope.
There is only one option in that cartoon that one man used to kill over fifty and injure four hundred. He certainly could not have accomplished that by beating, stabbing or strangling.
1. My heart felt sympathy to those that lost their loved ones in Vegas and to the injured.

2. The Second Amendment will not be repealed, so gun control discussion is moot.

3. Information is still trickling in about the shooter and until all of know the facts the only thing we know is his name, the shame he brought his family, and he should be remember as a terrorist and if anyone sold him the firearm illegally they should lose everything they hold dear to them including their damn life!

So with that the reality is none of us know much about the shooter and it will be about a week before correct information is released and by then everyone will have moved on to another Trump comment while this tragedy will be back page gossip...
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