Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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I've never seen a rifle semi or not chase anyone down the street and kill anybody… Have you?

They sure are used to kill mass people.
People kill people no firearms

How is it that he got a machine gun?...sounds like he had 10 of them.

The fact that he had so many guns with him proves he was not thinking clearly. One gun with a lot of ammunition is a lot more deadly for one shooter than one shooter with a lot of guns.

Sounded like an automatic weapon and that he had several of them

I heard he had 10 of them..

This will, no doubt, ultimately end up in a discussion on what can be done about guns, as it should.
Meanwhile, let's hope for the best for the families of the dead, and that no more of the wounded die, shall we?

WHY is it the VERY first thing on the mind of gun doing something about guns rather than focusing on the PEOPLE.....both good AND bad rather than the objects they use?
There are two elements in this: People and guns.

We can pretend that's not the case, we can stick to bumper sticker sloganeering, or we can be honest and look at the big picture.

And by the way, I don't see guns being "grabbed".
He was probably a white NRA member working on a castle doctrine case.
It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.
Yes, blame the person not the firearms
Is this the guy?
Pray and spray is not accuracy... firearms do not kill people people kill people

Then you support people control over gun control?

Such as not allowing felons to buy guns?
Enforce current laws... New frivolous ones will not save a single soul

Current law allows felons to avoid background checks to buy guns.
in what state is it legal for a private seller to sell to felons?

How could they know without a background check?
This will, no doubt, ultimately end up in a discussion on what can be done about guns, as it should.
Meanwhile, let's hope for the best for the families of the dead, and that no more of the wounded die, shall we?

WHY is it the VERY first thing on the mind of gun doing something about guns rather than focusing on the PEOPLE.....both good AND bad rather than the objects they use?
There are two elements in this: People and guns.

We can pretend that's not the case, we can stick to bumper sticker sloganeering, or we can be honest and look at the big picture.

And by the way, I don't see guns being "grabbed".
Criminal control, obviously we don't have enough of it. Illegal aliens can come in here and kill anybody they want and get released.
Deadliest Shooting in Modern US History...

More than 50 Dead, 200 Injured in Shooting on Las Vegas Strip
2 Oct 2017 -- More than 50 people were killed and at least 200 others injured after a gunman opened fire Sunday night at a country music festival opposite the Mandalay Bay hotel and resort on the Las Vegas Strip, authorities said.
Police released the updated death toll shortly after 3:30 a.m. after a horrific night of violence that turned a concert into a scene of carnage. While initial reports put the death toll at 20, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police tweeted later that at least 50 were dead. Police said the suspect, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, a resident of Mesquite, Nev., was killed after a SWAT team burst into the hotel room from which he was firing at the crowd. "Right now, we believe it's a solo act, a lone wolf attacker," Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Sheriff Joe Lombardo said. "We are pretty confident there is no longer a threat." Authorities said the gunman appeared to have begun firing at 10:08 p.m. from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel toward the concert venue across the street.

Officers entered the room and engaged the suspect. "He is dead, currently," Lombardo said, adding that authorities have no evidence of a motive. "We don't know what his belief system was at this time." Police said they have succeeded in locating a woman, identified as Marilou Danley, who was believed to be traveling with Paddock and is listed as living at his address in Mesquite, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas. "We are confident we have located the female person of interest," the department said on Twitter. Mesquite authorities there secured a search warrant for the suspect's home and found several rifles in the suspect's room, said Mesquite Police officer Quinn Averett, a spokesman for the department. About 10 Mesquite officers were at the home early Monday morning holding a perimeter, he said.


Police officers and medical personnel stand at the scene of a shooting near the Mandalay Bay resort and casino on the Las Vegas Strip​

Two of the dead may include a pair of off-duty police officers who were attending the concert, Lombardo said. "A tragic and heinous act of violence has shaken the Nevada family," Gov. Brian Sandoval said on Twitter. "Our prayers are with the victims and all affected by this act of cowardice." Authorities established a command post and triage center, and shut down parts of the Strip in the hours after the shooting. Hotel guests blocked from returning to their hotels were shuttled to a center equipped with metal detectors. Police initially investigated reports of a "suspicious device" down the street, outside the Luxor Hotel, but said later there appeared to be no explosive devices related to the incident, other than that used by the SWAT team breaching the room where the suspect was located. Video posted on social media showed the open-air concert fully underway when bursts of automatic gunfire rang out in rapid succession. Dozens of concertgoers dropped to the ground, screaming, while others ran, some in pairs or in groups with their arms linked.

The shooting went on for about more than 30 seconds before the music stopped, and another burst was heard later. "Get down, stay down," one woman shouted. "Let's go," another voice said. Another wave of gunshots followed soon after. Seth Bayles, of West Hollywood, said Aldean had been performing for about 20 minutes when he heard shots. "I thought it was like bottle rockets going off," Bayles said. "Then we saw people dropping. We saw someone get hit and then we started running." Bayles said he was probably 50 feet from the stage when he heard the shots. "We saw people down all over the place." Bayles said Aldean was quickly pulled off stage, and soon after, the band was brought off as well.


See also:

Las Vegas Attack Is Deadliest Shooting in Modern US History
2 Oct 2017 | At least 50 people were killed and more than 200 wounded when a gunman opened fire on an outdoor music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Authorities have identified the suspected gunman in the Sunday night shooting as Stephen Paddock.
Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said officers confronted Paddock on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino across the street from the concert. Paddock is dead. Previously, the deadliest mass shooting had been an attack at an Orlando, Florida, nightclub that killed 49. Before that, the deadliest shooting in the U.S. was the 2007 attack at Virginia Tech, in which a student killed 32 people before killing himself. Here's a look at some of the nation's deadliest rampages since 2012:

-- Oct. 1, 2017: A gunman identified by authorities as Stephen Paddock opened fire on an outdoor music festival on the Las Vegas Strip from the 32nd floor of casino, killing at least 50 people and wounding more than 200. He died at the scene after officers went into the hotel room he was using.


Police run to cover at the scene of a shooting near the Mandalay Bay resort and casino on the Las Vegas Strip on Oct. 1, 2017, after a mass shooting at a music festival.​

-- June 12, 2016: Gunman Omar Mateen opened fire at an Orlando, Florida, nightclub, killing 49 people. Mateen was later killed in a shootout with police.

-- Feb. 25, 2016: Cedric Ford, 38, killed three people and wounded 14 others lawnmower factory where he worked in the central Kansas community of Hesston. The local police chief killed him during a shootout with 200 to 300 workers still in the building, authorities said.

-- Feb. 20, 2016: Jason Dalton, 45, is accused of randomly shooting and killing six people and severely wounding two others during a series of attacks over several hours in the Kalamazoo, Michigan, area. Authorities say he paused between shootings to make money as an Uber driver. He faces murder and attempted murder charges.

— Dec. 2, 2015: Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, opened fire at a social services center in San Bernardino, California, killing 14 people and wounding more than 20. They fled the scene but died hours later in a shootout with police.

-- Oct. 1, 2015: A shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, left 10 people dead and seven wounded. Shooter Christopher Harper-Mercer, 26, exchanged gunfire with police, then killed himself.

-- June 17, 2015: Dylann Roof, 21, shot and killed nine African-American church members during a Bible study group inside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Police contend the attack was racially motivated. Roof has been sentenced to death in the shootings.

-- May 23, 2014: A community college student, Elliot Rodger, 22, killed six people and wounded 13 in shooting and stabbing attacks in the area near the University of California, Santa Barbara, campus. Authorities said he apparently shot himself to death after a gun battle with deputies.

-- Sept. 16, 2013: Aaron Alexis, a mentally disturbed civilian contractor, shot 12 people to death at the Washington Navy Yard before he was killed in a police shootout.

-- July 26, 2013: Pedro Vargas, 42, went on a shooting rampage at his Hialeah, Florida, apartment building, gunning down six people before officers fatally shot him.

-- Dec. 14, 2012: In Newtown, Connecticut, an armed 20-year-old man entered Sandy Hook Elementary School and used a semi-automatic rifle to kill 26 people, including 20 first graders and six adult school staff members. He then killed himself.

-- Sept. 27, 2012: In Minnesota's deadliest workplace rampage, Andrew Engeldinger, who had just been fired, pulled a gun and fatally shot six people, including the company's founder. He also wounded two others at Accent Signage Systems in Minneapolis before taking his own life.

-- Aug. 5, 2012: In Oak Creek, Wisconsin, 40-year-old gunman Wade Michael Page killed six worshippers at a Sikh Temple before killing himself.

-- July 20, 2012: James Holmes, 27, fatally shot 12 people and injured 70 in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater. He was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

-- April 2, 2012: Seven people were killed and three were wounded when a 43-year-old former student opened fire at Oikos University in Oakland, California. One Goh was charged with seven counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder, but psychiatric evaluations concluded he suffered from long-term paranoid schizophrenia and was unfit to stand trial.

Las Vegas Attack Is Deadliest Shooting in Modern US History |
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.

And was designed as such.
Over the counter AR type rifles are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less...

Same design.
There are two elements in this: People and guns.
We can pretend that's not the case, we can stick to bumper sticker sloganeering, or we can be honest and look at the big picture.
And by the way, I don't see guns being "grabbed".

That's right. So why does the FIRST thing from your mouth have to always be about doing something about GUNS?

How about for once you consider doing something about dangerous criminals being let loose early, or prosecuting the PEOPLE who gave thousands of military weapons to the dangerous Mexican drug cartel?

Or how about we instead go after all the bleeding heart liberal judges giving people who do horrible things to others a mere slap on the wrist? How about going after an ex President who released thousands of dangerous criminals from prison for racist reasons?
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration

But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures

Once again you ignore the mental health of the shooter. Had he been caught, those weapons would not have been used to kill anyone. That requires the hand of a cognizant (mentally unstable or otherwise) to use these weapons in that way. The weapons just don't animate themselves and start killing people.

Eh, perhaps I made a mistake logging on this morning... for I am being drawn into the politics of the matter.

Look...This is America

We do everything possible to ensure that someone planning a massacre has access to the best weapons and ammo possible. We don't want to inconvenience mass shooters

As to arming crazy people? We did nothing after the Sandy Hook shooter gunned down six year olds. Background checks? Sharing information on the mentally unstable? Restricting high capacity magazines?

Too inconvenient for gun owners

You conveniently omit that Adam Lanza killed his mother and stole her guns but hey why be truthful.

As far as I know Lanza didn't buy any guns himself.

Adam Lanza was freak'n crazy and everyone knew it. Out laws do nothing to try to prevent crazy people from gaining access to guns with large firing capacity. Holmes was crazy, Loughner was crazy, the gunman at Virginia Tech was crazy....this guy in Vegas was probably crazy

We don't care...God forbid a crazy person be blocked from access the weapons of his choice
Precisely why more Laws won't stop this. As you pointed out the laws don't prevent these things from happening. Thanks.
then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.

And was designed as such.
Over the counter AR type rifles are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less...

Same design.
True, but nowhere near the same in performance.
In reality like night and day

Thanks to the NRA, 250,000 guns walk across the border every year. But let's concentrate on the 20 the ATF lost track of in a misguided attempt to track them.

Just like the gun nut, try to change the subject when there's a tragedy.

As stated earlier, the number of gun crimes, accidents, police shootings and so on are not even a noticeable blip against the total numbers of privately owned firearms or the number of gun owners.

Maybe not. But there's no countervailing benefit to having that many guns out there.

For instance, yes, we have a lot of car accidents, but we also have millions of cars getting people to work, to the store, etc. That's a countervailing benefit to car ownership.

The difference is, while the Auto Industry strives to make their product safer, the gun industry strives to make their product more dangerous, and to put them in the hands of some fucking scary people so the rest of us will be scared and want guns, too.
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration

But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures

Once again you ignore the mental health of the shooter. Had he been caught, those weapons would not have been used to kill anyone. That requires the hand of a cognizant (mentally unstable or otherwise) to use these weapons in that way. The weapons just don't animate themselves and start killing people.

Eh, perhaps I made a mistake logging on this morning... for I am being drawn into the politics of the matter.

Look...This is America

We do everything possible to ensure that someone planning a massacre has access to the best weapons and ammo possible. We don't want to inconvenience mass shooters

As to arming crazy people? We did nothing after the Sandy Hook shooter gunned down six year olds. Background checks? Sharing information on the mentally unstable? Restricting high capacity magazines?

Too inconvenient for gun owners

You conveniently omit that Adam Lanza killed his mother and stole her guns but hey why be truthful.

As far as I know Lanza didn't buy any guns himself.

Adam Lanza was freak'n crazy and everyone knew it. Out laws do nothing to try to prevent crazy people from gaining access to guns with large firing capacity. Holmes was crazy, Loughner was crazy, the gunman at Virginia Tech was crazy....this guy in Vegas was probably crazy

We don't care...God forbid a crazy person be blocked from access the weapons of his choice

Lanza didn't have access to guns he STOLE his mother's guns
Then why didn't anyone do anything about it?

What can they do? It's next to impossible to institutationalize someone, and frankly, your boys in the National Rampage Association would have a shitfit if they confiscated his guns because someone said he was crazy.

Then make it easier to institutionalize someone, or use a judicial proceeding to restrict their access to firearms.

The NRA's issue is that most of these "take the guns" laws skip the judicial step and leave it to some bureaucrat to make the decision.
Easy, Joe, find a way to treat the crazy person. Don't take away the rights of others because of them. Find a way to fix our flawed mental health system, don't take guns away from sane, innocent, law abiding gun owners.

Or we can just take away the guns, because there's no good reason for crazy or sane people to have them.
Legally, Mandalay Bay might be starring at some liability law suits here. Paddock, the killer, had been there since Thursday and had at least 10 guns with him. I’m sure some attorney out there will try to sue the party with the money.

One of my early thoughts. Maids in/out for days. 10 guns, ammo, window tampering, security lapse? The Vultres will swoop in. Illegals working there as housekeepers? They will go after them. You beat me to the post. Great minds think alike...

Yep, they will scour all the security video of this guy moving thru the hotel over the last 4 days, interview every person he spoke with, and the lawyers will be searching for any possible red flag that could have tipped off Mandalay security.
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