Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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406 people shot.

CORRECTION: Some being treated for "trampling" injuries received while trying to escape.

I am wondering if any of the fatalities are due to the crowd trying to escape. I would not be surprised.

Thanks to the NRA, 250,000 guns walk across the border every year. But let's concentrate on the 20 the ATF lost track of in a misguided attempt to track them.

Just like the gun nut, try to change the subject when there's a tragedy.

As stated earlier, the number of gun crimes, accidents, police shootings and so on are not even a noticeable blip against the total numbers of privately owned firearms or the number of gun owners.

Maybe not. But there's no countervailing benefit to having that many guns out there.

For instance, yes, we have a lot of car accidents, but we also have millions of cars getting people to work, to the store, etc. That's a countervailing benefit to car ownership.

The difference is, while the Auto Industry strives to make their product safer, the gun industry strives to make their product more dangerous, and to put them in the hands of some fucking scary people so the rest of us will be scared and want guns, too.

The difference is that gun ownership is a constitutionally-protected right. Automobile ownership and operation is not.

Ergo, the comparison is an ill-fit.

Thanks to the NRA, 250,000 guns walk across the border every year. But let's concentrate on the 20 the ATF lost track of in a misguided attempt to track them.

Just like the gun nut, try to change the subject when there's a tragedy.

As stated earlier, the number of gun crimes, accidents, police shootings and so on are not even a noticeable blip against the total numbers of privately owned firearms or the number of gun owners.

Maybe not. But there's no countervailing benefit to having that many guns out there.

For instance, yes, we have a lot of car accidents, but we also have millions of cars getting people to work, to the store, etc. That's a countervailing benefit to car ownership.

The difference is, while the Auto Industry strives to make their product safer, the gun industry strives to make their product more dangerous, and to put them in the hands of some fucking scary people so the rest of us will be scared and want guns, too.
Firearm ownership is a right… Vehicle ownership not so much
We didn't care about a massacre of 30 six year old first graders. Why should we care about 50-60 dead country music fans?

Um, if I didn't care, I wouldn't be in this thread making my opinion on the matter. You on the other hand, only seem to care when it plays along the narrative of your political worldviews. Why else would you be here? Goodness gracious, you guys are like clockwork. Guy with a gun offs scores of innocent people and you come preaching the ills of gun ownership and the supposed deficiencies of our current gun laws.

On a side note...

Life is life, young or old. And when that innocent life is brutally taken away, we all should care. We shouldn't politicize it either.

We don't give a rats ass about people being slaughtered
Makes a nice story for a day of two and then we go about our business
What are the chances of getting killed by someone using An AR or the like?
A percent of a percent... tops?
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Looks like this is one of those cases

Some gun nut with access to automatic weapons and all the ammo he needed to spray death down on innocent concert goers
406 people shot.

CORRECTION: Some being treated for "trampling" injuries received while trying to escape.

I am wondering if any of the fatalities are due to the crowd trying to escape. I would not be surprised.
Yeah, in an earlier post I mentioned 406 shot, but then added a correction that some are being treated for trampling injuries.
Why does everybody think that every time there's a mass shooting there has to be some agenda? Can't anybody just be crazy anymore?


Of course this is retarded thinking.
No one could kill more than fifty and injure more than four hundred with any weapon other than a gun.

Those that used the planes in 9/11 prove you wrong. Tim McVeigh proves you wrong.

Hell bombings around the world prove you wrong.

Want to try again!?!

That has not a damned thing to do with the cartoon I responded to, dope. Funny that every one of the retarded brotherhood all missed that and responded out of context.
... firearms do not kill people people kill people
I'm pretty sure this people was using machine guns.
So you're saying the firearms control people?
Nope. This guy used a machine gun to carry out his task. A Super Soaker probably wouldn't have cut it.
What kind of machine gun? .30 cal? .50? Foreign?

Screws me. Listen to the tape, the shots were coming out extremely quickly, that's all I can tell you.
Pray and spray is not accuracy... firearms do not kill people people kill people

Then you support people control over gun control?

Such as not allowing felons to buy guns?
Enforce current laws... New frivolous ones will not save a single soul

Current law allows felons to avoid background checks to buy guns.
in what state is it legal for a private seller to sell to felons?

How could they know without a background check?

It doesn't matter if they know or not. it is ILLEGAL to sell guns to people who are not eligible to buy them which puts the responsibility of knowing who the gun is sold to on the seller.

So if you want to stay within the law on private sales you broker them through an FFL dealer
Then make it easier to institutionalize someone, or use a judicial proceeding to restrict their access to firearms.

The NRA's issue is that most of these "take the guns" laws skip the judicial step and leave it to some bureaucrat to make the decision.

Right, because clearly we should wait until a whole legal process has played out before taking a crazy person's guns.

What's the worst that can happen?

Oh, yeah. What happened today.

Thanks to the NRA, 250,000 guns walk across the border every year. But let's concentrate on the 20 the ATF lost track of in a misguided attempt to track them.

Just like the gun nut, try to change the subject when there's a tragedy.

As stated earlier, the number of gun crimes, accidents, police shootings and so on are not even a noticeable blip against the total numbers of privately owned firearms or the number of gun owners.

Maybe not. But there's no countervailing benefit to having that many guns out there.

For instance, yes, we have a lot of car accidents, but we also have millions of cars getting people to work, to the store, etc. That's a countervailing benefit to car ownership.

The difference is, while the Auto Industry strives to make their product safer, the gun industry strives to make their product more dangerous, and to put them in the hands of some fucking scary people so the rest of us will be scared and want guns, too.

60, 000 die from heroin each year, do you seal the border? Ban Mexicans? Cars?
... firearms do not kill people people kill people
I'm pretty sure this people was using machine guns.
So you're saying the firearms control people?
Nope. This guy used a machine gun to carry out his task. A Super Soaker probably wouldn't have cut it.
What kind of machine gun? .30 cal? .50? Foreign?

Progressives watch too many Hollywood movies... they don't understand the reality of things
Legally, Mandalay Bay might be starring at some liability law suits here. Paddock, the killer, had been there since Thursday and had at least 10 guns with him. I’m sure some attorney out there will try to sue the party with the money.

One of my early thoughts. Maids in/out for days. 10 guns, ammo, window tampering, security lapse? The Vultres will swoop in. Illegals working there as housekeepers? They will go after them. You beat me to the post. Great minds think alike...

Yep, they will scour all the security video of this guy moving thru the hotel over the last 4 days, interview every person he spoke with, and the lawyers will be searching for any possible red flag that could have tipped off Mandalay security.
The girlfriend should know why
Why does everybody think that every time there's a mass shooting there has to be some agenda? Can't anybody just be crazy anymore?


Of course this is retarded thinking.
No one could kill more than fifty and injure more than four hundred with any weapon other than a gun.

Those that used the planes in 9/11 prove you wrong. Tim McVeigh proves you wrong.

Hell bombings around the world prove you wrong.

Want to try again!?!

That has not a damned thing to do with the cartoon I responded to, dope. Funny that every one of the retarded brotherhood all missed that and responded out of context.
We are not buying it
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