Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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No bombs in this attack, dope.
The cartoon shows physical attacks. Not bombs.

Bombs aren't physical attacks?

The cartoon I responded to did not feature bombs, dope.

Your comment was guns could only do that amount of damage!

So you were proven wrong and now you want to change it you only meant the cartoon.

In real life if someone want to kill they will us guns, bombs, knives, bats hammers, trucks, planes and so much more but the only thing those like you focus on is the gun and not the damn individual!
So you were proven wrong and now you want to change it you only meant the cartoon.

My post was a response to the cartoon, retard.

Sure it was fucktard!
Why does everybody think that every time there's a mass shooting there has to be some agenda? Can't anybody just be crazy anymore?


Of course this is retarded thinking.
No one could kill more than fifty and injure more than four hundred with any weapon other than a gun.

There you go, retard.
1. My heart felt sympathy to those that lost their loved ones in Vegas and to the injured.

2. The Second Amendment will not be repealed, so gun control discussion is moot.

3. Information is still trickling in about the shooter and until all of know the facts the only thing we know is his name, the shame he brought his family, and he should be remember as a terrorist and if anyone sold him the firearm illegally they should lose everything they hold dear to them including their damn life!

So with that the reality is none of us know much about the shooter and it will be about a week before correct information is released and by then everyone will have moved on to another Trump comment while this tragedy will be back page gossip...

The angry orange sends his "warm regards..."

Good for him.

And god bless everyone!

The fact that this monster had access to automatic weapons and all the ammo he needed is not worth doing anything it?

He used the weapons in an illegal manner. If they were NFA full auto weapons then he would be the first person to ever use the weapons in an illegal manner. If they weren't NFA and modified then he committed a crime by having automatic weapons.

Why should a law abiding citizen, protected by the Second Amendment, have their rights taken away because somebody else does something illegal? Because once you start restricting firearms or restricting access to firearms then that is what you are doing and that is wrong.
There is no Constitutional right to bear military weapons


There is no need to be able to slaughter many with rapid fire big magazines that can be quickly exchanged.

It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Ten years ago I had about 25 firearms. Now I have 50 firearms.

So according to you I am now twice as likely to kill people than I was ten years ago??

Is that the convoluted way that you idiot Moon Bats think?
It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.

And was designed as such.
Over the counter AR type rifles are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less...

Same design.
True, but nowhere near the same in performance.
In reality like night and day

Seemed to work very efficiently last night.
Easy, Joe, find a way to treat the crazy person. Don't take away the rights of others because of them. Find a way to fix our flawed mental health system, don't take guns away from sane, innocent, law abiding gun owners.

Or we can just take away the guns, because there's no good reason for crazy or sane people to have them.

That's the JoeB131 I know, always on the wrong side of the issues! You rarely disappoint! You, Joe, should go camping in a tent in the NW wilderness in a known bear area without a gun.

I just saw the video, I had to turn it off. :puke3:

Warning: It made me nauseous.

He was probably a white NRA member working on a castle doctrine case.
It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.

Like laws keeping gun out of mentally unstable people? Laws which the NRA opposes.
HMM I have has easy access to guns my entire life who have I killed?

We have regular mass shootings.

Answer the question.

You say easy access to guns makes it more likely to kill. More likely than what? I know many people personally and know of thousands of people in my county that have easy access to guns and don't kill anyone and never will.

That would be like me saying you having easy access to your dick makes you more likely to rape

I know many people personally and know of thousands of people in my county that have easy access to guns and don't kill anyone and never will.

That's what this terrorist's friends and family said also


It's still not proof that easy access to guns makes one more likely to kill.

It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Yes, unarmed people are available. Anyone should be able to be armed if they so choose.

I think the Mental Health system needs some bolstering.
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration

But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures

Once again you ignore the mental health of the shooter. Had he been caught, those weapons would not have been used to kill anyone. That requires the hand of a cognizant (mentally unstable or otherwise) to use these weapons in that way. The weapons just don't animate themselves and start killing people.

Eh, perhaps I made a mistake logging on this morning... for I am being drawn into the politics of the matter.

Look...This is America

We do everything possible to ensure that someone planning a massacre has access to the best weapons and ammo possible. We don't want to inconvenience mass shooters

As to arming crazy people? We did nothing after the Sandy Hook shooter gunned down six year olds. Background checks? Sharing information on the mentally unstable? Restricting high capacity magazines?

Too inconvenient for gun owners

You conveniently omit that Adam Lanza killed his mother and stole her guns but hey why be truthful.

As far as I know Lanza didn't buy any guns himself.

Adam Lanza was freak'n crazy and everyone knew it. Our laws do nothing to try to prevent crazy people from gaining access to guns with large firing capacity. Holmes was crazy, Loughner was crazy, the gunman at Virginia Tech was crazy....this guy in Vegas was probably crazy

We don't care...God forbid a crazy person be blocked from access the weapons of his choice
I read on that this guy has a pilots license and access to two planes. Take away the guns and he'd have flown a plane into 22,000 people. Or. Driven a truck though them...or who knows what. Blame the guy...don't use a maniac to push your anti-gun agenda.
There is no Constitutional right to bear military weapons


There is no need to be able to slaughter many with rapid fire big magazines that can be quickly exchanged.

Tell that to the 300 million+ who lost their lives to a government gone tyrannical.

You utterly fail to know the reason for the 2nd

Should all 200 million drivers in the USA be required to file a route plan of exactly where they plan to go each time they leave home because a few maniacs use trucks to plow into crowds?
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... firearms do not kill people people kill people
I'm pretty sure this people was using machine guns.
So you're saying the firearms control people?
Nope. This guy used a machine gun to carry out his task. A Super Soaker probably wouldn't have cut it.
What kind of machine gun? .30 cal? .50? Foreign?

Progressives watch too many Hollywood movies... they don't understand the reality of things

Reality like 50+ people murdered?
It's proof that the killer is more likely to kill more people only because they are easily available.

Ten years ago I had about 25 firearms. Now I have 50 firearms.

So according to you I am now twice as likely to kill people than I was ten years ago??

Is that the convoluted way that you idiot Moon Bats think?
Based on the number of firearms you own? No.

Based on your mental instability? Yes.
Just read he had 10 rifles, not hand guns, rifles. Lawyers will be going after some of that $1 billion of that bottom line. Excuse me while I buy some leap puts on MGM Resorts.

ual Income Statement (values in 000's)Get Quarterly Data

Period Ending: Trend 12/31/2016 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 12/31/2013
Total Revenue

$9,455,123 $9,190,068 $10,081,984 $9,809,663
Cost of Revenue
$5,495,664 $5,625,376 $6,368,698 $6,258,716
Gross Profit
$3,959,459 $3,564,692 $3,713,286 $3,550,947
Operating Expenses
Research and Development

$0 $0 $0 $0
Sales, General and Admin.
$1,417,686 $1,619,606 $1,598,562 $1,619,956
Non-Recurring Items
$140,075 $1,539,318 $39,257 $13,314
Other Operating Items
$849,527 $819,883 $815,765 $849,225
Operating Income
$2,079,787 ($156,232) $1,323,538 $1,137,281
Add'l income/expense items
($72,698) ($15,970) ($7,797) ($9,062)
Earnings Before Interest and Tax
$1,953,950 ($248,664) $1,227,947 $919,537
Interest Expense
$694,773 $797,579 $817,061 $857,347
Earnings Before Tax
$1,259,177 ($1,046,243) $410,886 $62,190
Income Tax
$22,299 ($6,594) $283,708 $20,816
Minority Interest
($135,438) $591,929 ($277,051) ($213,108)
Equity Earnings/Loss Unconsolidated Subsidiary
$474,477 $181,421 ($23,958) ($139,853)
Net Income-Cont. Operations
$1,575,917 ($266,299) ($173,831) ($311,587)
Net Income
$1,101,440 ($447,720) ($149,873) ($171,734)
Net Income Applicable to Common Shareholders
$1,101,440 ($447,720) ($149,873) ($171,734)

See also: Company Financials data entry page
As far as guns....let's consider FACTS SHALL WE?...


In spite of the Left medias vast coverage of RARE shootings like this and even rarer coverage of guns saving lives

There's no evidence of that. IN fact, quite the contrary, the FBI says there are less than 45,000 DGU's a year.

And only 200 justifiable homicides with guns.

Hardly makes up for 400,000 gun crimes, 79,000 gun injuries and 33,000 gun deaths every year.

But let's go ahead and grant for the moment that most gun owners are totally responsible.

How do we keep the guns out of the hands like THIS GUY?
Then you support people control over gun control?

Such as not allowing felons to buy guns?
Enforce current laws... New frivolous ones will not save a single soul

Current law allows felons to avoid background checks to buy guns.
in what state is it legal for a private seller to sell to felons?

How could they know without a background check?

It doesn't matter if they know or not. it is ILLEGAL to sell guns to people who are not eligible to buy them which puts the responsibility of knowing who the gun is sold to on the seller.

So if you want to stay within the law on private sales you broker them through an FFL dealer

So you're in favor of making that mandatory then? There is no other way for LE to know a transaction even occurred otherwise.
It's Muslims. Just like France and San Bernadino.
Not a Muslim, ya bigot.

Bernie Sanders supporter?
Trump supporter?
How did you confirm he wasn't Muslim, with only a picture? You forgot to reply to your racist comment.
You don’t know what the word, “racist,” means, ya moron. He doesn’t look Muslim.

Remember this gem ya dumb bitch? Care to share anymore of your worldly knowledge with us?

Islamic State takes credit for Las Vegas massacre — says attacker recently convert to Islam
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