Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Obviously Paddock had a motive, but what was it?
1) angry Sanders supporter
2) angry Hillary supporter
3) violent Antifa fanatic
4) ISIS stooge
5) hated country music
6) disgruntled gambler
7) he watched too much Colbert, Fallon, Kimmel, Meyers, CNN, MSNBC, Trevor Noah.....
. Any number of these things or maybe multiple things could have been his problem.. I guess the process of elimination of any of these character groups from the suspect list has since started.
This makes his intentions much more ominous...

A key bomb ingredient has been found in the Las Vegas killer's car
Officials have found ammonium nitrate, a high-nitrogen fertiliser often used in homemade bombs, in the car of the Las Vegas mass shooter.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told reporters the chemical compound was found in Stephen Paddock's car after he opened fire on concert-goers in Las Vegas, killing at least 59 and injuring more than 500.

Officers found more than 16 guns in Paddock's hotel room, Mr Lombardo said. Authorities also found 18 guns, a stash of a commercially available explosive called tannerite, and several thousand rounds of ammunition at the gunman's home in Mesquite, Nevada.
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.

The guy was crazy. Just as crazy as that Negro that did the shooting in the church last week or that Moon Bat anti Trump asshole that.shot up the Congressmen or the BLM Negroes that kill police.

The only question is was the shooting politically motivated or was it simply bat shit craziness?

Nothing in fact yet but there have been indications today that he had a Left Wing political agenda. We will see.
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.

The guy was crazy. Just as crazy as that Negro that did the shooting in the church last week or that Moon Bat anti Trump asshole that.shot up the Congressmen or the BLM Negroes that kill police.

The only question is was the shooting politically motivated or was it simply bat shit craziness?

Nothing in fact yet but there have been indications today that he had a Left Wing political agenda. We will see.
This is a 64 page thread, so I have not read it all. What "indications" do you have that he had a Left Wing political agenda?

I have already posted the indications on this thread. ANTIFA from his home town claiming that he is one of theirs. ISIS taking credit. Pictures of what may be him at a pink pussy hat anti Trump rally.

I am not claiming they are true. I am just saying they are indications. We will find out more about him in the next few days. We found out recently that his father was wanted by the FBI. No telling what was going on in his mind.

Left wingers have a pretty good record of violence here lately so that is probably the motive.
ANTIFA is way overrated by you guys. You are trying to make them into Al Queda. They disrupt stuff and cause mayhem and destroy property but as of now they don't go around shooting people.
A little pre-mature guessing on your part that he wasn't affiliated with ANTIFA etc. wouldn't you say ??
This makes his intentions much more ominous...

A key bomb ingredient has been found in the Las Vegas killer's car
Officials have found ammonium nitrate, a high-nitrogen fertiliser often used in homemade bombs, in the car of the Las Vegas mass shooter.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told reporters the chemical compound was found in Stephen Paddock's car after he opened fire on concert-goers in Las Vegas, killing at least 59 and injuring more than 500.

Officers found more than 16 guns in Paddock's hotel room, Mr Lombardo said. Authorities also found 18 guns, a stash of a commercially available explosive called tannerite, and several thousand rounds of ammunition at the gunman's home in Mesquite, Nevada.
His intention was to kill a bunch of white, rural identifying, Christian Americans.
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.

The guy was crazy. Just as crazy as that Negro that did the shooting in the church last week or that Moon Bat anti Trump asshole that.shot up the Congressmen or the BLM Negroes that kill police.

The only question is was the shooting politically motivated or was it simply bat shit craziness?

Nothing in fact yet but there have been indications today that he had a Left Wing political agenda. We will see.
Pushing this as a Muslim story is just plain nuts right now, folks. Nuts.
64 year old retired American white guy who liked gambling in Vegas and eating burritos. Had a woman "roommate" who wasn't living with him at the time. Because she's Asian looking, she's got to be BAD.
If it's true, it will be interesting, but we ain't there yet; not by a long shot.

The guy was crazy. Just as crazy as that Negro that did the shooting in the church last week or that Moon Bat anti Trump asshole that.shot up the Congressmen or the BLM Negroes that kill police.

The only question is was the shooting politically motivated or was it simply bat shit craziness?

Nothing in fact yet but there have been indications today that he had a Left Wing political agenda. We will see.
This is a 64 page thread, so I have not read it all. What "indications" do you have that he had a Left Wing political agenda?

I have already posted the indications on this thread. ANTIFA from his home town claiming that he is one of theirs. ISIS taking credit. Pictures of what may be him at a pink pussy hat anti Trump rally.

I am not claiming they are true. I am just saying they are indications. We will find out more about him in the next few days. We found out recently that his father was wanted by the FBI. No telling what was going on in his mind.

Left wingers have a pretty good record of violence here lately so that is probably the motive.
ANTIFA is way overrated by you guys. You are trying to make them into Al Queda. They disrupt stuff and cause mayhem and destroy property but as of now they don't go around shooting people.
A little pre-mature guessing on your part that he wasn't affiliated with ANTIFA etc. wouldn't you say ??

No evidence showing any connection to organized groups per police. Who is being premature in making claims? Also really doesn't seem to fit the ANTIFA label...they aren't exactly reclusive and quiet.
This makes his intentions much more ominous...

A key bomb ingredient has been found in the Las Vegas killer's car
Officials have found ammonium nitrate, a high-nitrogen fertiliser often used in homemade bombs, in the car of the Las Vegas mass shooter.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told reporters the chemical compound was found in Stephen Paddock's car after he opened fire on concert-goers in Las Vegas, killing at least 59 and injuring more than 500.

Officers found more than 16 guns in Paddock's hotel room, Mr Lombardo said. Authorities also found 18 guns, a stash of a commercially available explosive called tannerite, and several thousand rounds of ammunition at the gunman's home in Mesquite, Nevada.
Yeah, the explosives reported today really messes up what little narrative we have.
This makes his intentions much more ominous...

A key bomb ingredient has been found in the Las Vegas killer's car
Officials have found ammonium nitrate, a high-nitrogen fertiliser often used in homemade bombs, in the car of the Las Vegas mass shooter.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told reporters the chemical compound was found in Stephen Paddock's car after he opened fire on concert-goers in Las Vegas, killing at least 59 and injuring more than 500.

Officers found more than 16 guns in Paddock's hotel room, Mr Lombardo said. Authorities also found 18 guns, a stash of a commercially available explosive called tannerite, and several thousand rounds of ammunition at the gunman's home in Mesquite, Nevada.
His intention was to kill a bunch of white, rural identifying, Christian Americans.
According to who? They don't happen to have a motive yet do they?
It's been reported he lost a shit ton of money at the same hotel he did the shooting from.
A link would be nice.

It was something I heard on the news on the radio on the way home from class. If you look at many of the sites that have background information on him, you see that lots of people say he had told them he was a professional gambler. His brother even talked on camera about how he would play high stakes video poker to get comps in Vegas, and that he sent him a picture of winning $40,000 on a poker machine.
She may be in tokyo, but I still think he had a female helper that has not been caught yet that was in that room with him. And his gf in japan knew about it and helped the planning.

Just my opinion, mind you.
Why a woman? If the conspiracy is two shooters for the two tripods in two windows, I would think another man.

The woman shot the man and escaped?

Because she was seen and heard 45 minutes prior to the first shots fired telling people they were going to die that night. I think it takes longer than 45 minutes to get to japan. So, who was the other short, brown woman yelling this just before the murder spree began?
I expect that a New Frontier in terrorism has been opened: firing into crowds from high-rise tower windows.

Paddock supposedly shattered the thick window with some sort of sledge hammer.

Perhaps we must begin to put sensors in or by windows that will alert authorities if a window has been shattered.
-------------------- just a point of info but the first incident like this [similar] was in Texas probabli in the early 60s ' ABOUT , long time ago but i remember it on the old 'zenith' -------------- 'charles whitman ???
It's been reported he lost a shit ton of money at the same hotel he did the shooting from.
A link would be nice.

It was something I heard on the news on the radio on the way home from class. If you look at many of the sites that have background information on him, you see that lots of people say he had told them he was a professional gambler. His brother even talked on camera about how he would play high stakes video poker to get comps in Vegas, and that he sent him a picture of winning $40,000 on a poker machine.

^None of that supports what you said.

Do you need 'splained to you how this works?
there are more 'regulations' on firearms than any other piece of merchandise.

What is needed, is for those regulations to be enforced

Yes and has anyone mentioned that those shots were from a fully automatic weapon? I thought there were regulations prohibiting those except for law enforcement and the military.

There are actually kits available (difficult) to convert semi to full automatic.
Someone I know that served 3 tours on the ground, and heard the shots said 2 weapons were going at once, a 30 and 100 drum. Said it is impossible to fire both those at the same time.

Not particularly difficult. Depends upon the type of the weapon.
It's been reported he lost a shit ton of money at the same hotel he did the shooting from.
A link would be nice.

It was something I heard on the news on the radio on the way home from class. If you look at many of the sites that have background information on him, you see that lots of people say he had told them he was a professional gambler. His brother even talked on camera about how he would play high stakes video poker to get comps in Vegas, and that he sent him a picture of winning $40,000 on a poker machine.

^None of that supports what you said.

Do you need 'splained to you how this works?

Telling people you are a professional gambler, and telling your brother you play high stakes poker just for comps, doesn't support the report? :lmao:

Do you understand how dumb it is for a person to tell someone they do high stakes gambling for comps?

"Hey I'm going to bet shit tons of money so I can get a free $10 buffet and a couple hundred dollar a night hotel room!"

If he told people that, it shows he lacked rational thinking skills, and that if the reports on the radio are true, he would a hard time coping with that.
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