Last European dictator can be our ally against Putler and his fascist Asiatic empire


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
"Last European dictator" can be our ally against Putler and his fascist Asiatic empire . 100% agree with Roger Boyes . Free world with Bielarus´can f&ck over puterstan very badly

"Russia’s ambition to annex Belarus might be stopped if the West is wiser than it was over Ukraine...If you want to be president for life you have to plan ahead. Vladimir Putin’s time runs out in 2024 and he has choices to make. The constitution is clear: “One and the same person may not be elected president of the Russian Federation for more than two consecutive terms.”

He can, however, award himself a temporary demotion to prime minister (as he did, grumpily, in 2008) and return to the presidency in 2030. But he will be 78 by then and why, he might be thinking, hang around doing the grunt work?" Last dictator can be our ally against Putin

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