Trump channels Mussolini and threatens reprisal against his opponents

“You must always be doing things and obviously succeeding. The hard part is to keep people always at the window because of the spectacle you put on for them. And you must do this for years.”
-- Benito Mussolini --
Don't count your chickens yet.
If he doesn't make it, we all expect an apology from you and your kind for your prediction.

TSK! TSK! We don't want any frivolous law suits.
"the donald" is the king of suing.
He is without a doubt the biggest joke ever perpetuated upon the field of US politics. That takes some doing beating out gwb.

Actually, I'm all for anyone who is slandered by the media to have recourse. The media should always be able to back up anything they say about anyone by vetting their source and committing to back up their source's statements in a court of law. They get away with too damn much. Due diligence upon the media's part should always be exercised.

Well, you may as well suck it up. He will be your next President.
Don't count your chickens yet.
If he doesn't make it, we all expect an apology from you and your kind for your prediction.

TSK! TSK! We don't want any frivolous law suits.
"the donald" is the king of suing.
He is without a doubt the biggest joke ever perpetuated upon the field of US politics. That takes some doing beating out gwb.

Actually, I'm all for anyone who is slandered by the media to have recourse. The media should always be able to back up anything they say about anyone by vetting their source and committing to back up their source's statements in a court of law. They get away with too damn much. Due diligence upon the media's part should always be exercised.

Well, you may as well suck it up. He will be your next President.

You won't get it. If Trump doesn't make the General election, I'm out of here. I have a bet with Big Yank that if Trump doesn't make it to the General, I will leave USMB but if he does, Big Yank will leave.
No! I get it. I was making reference to your post.

Don't count your chickens yet.
If he doesn't make it, we all expect an apology from you and your kind for your prediction.

TSK! TSK! We don't want any frivolous law suits.
"the donald" is the king of suing.
He is without a doubt the biggest joke ever perpetuated upon the field of US politics. That takes some doing beating out gwb.

Actually, I'm all for anyone who is slandered by the media to have recourse. The media should always be able to back up anything they say about anyone by vetting their source and committing to back up their source's statements in a court of law. They get away with too damn much. Due diligence upon the media's part should always be exercised.

Well, you may as well suck it up. He will be your next President.

You won't get it. If Trump doesn't make the General election, I'm out of here. I have a bet with Big Yank that if Trump doesn't make it to the General, I will leave USMB but if he does, Big Yank will leave.

Meaning Trump has been studying Our Kenyan Emperor's repurposing of The Internal Revenue Service?
It's proof that left is becoming unhinged when they start quoting freaking comedians and pretending it's political information. Walsh has a right to his opinion and depending how funny it is it might be entertaining but surely the left is aware that he is a freaking comedian.
You seem to be under the impression that quoting a comedian is a new thing. And that a comedian would automatically be wrong. Look up Mark Twain, and Will Rogers some time.
Sounds like he's gonna have an 'Enemies List' like Hussein. Hussein and the Clintons are well known for ordering their IRS Henchmen to attack their enemies. So be advised all you Trump-haters, the IRS is gonna wanna have a little chat wth you. It's audit time.

We're going to make them attend church too. Those that haven't been inside a church for five years are going to have to tithe 25% to catch up.
While I know you are joking, there was a time when people WERE forced to go to church.

Hell man. I was forced to go. My parents made me go to Sunday School and Church services.
As an adult?

Meaning Trump has been studying Our Kenyan Emperor's repurposing of The Internal Revenue Service?
"Our Kenyan Emperor"? Why is it that our RW posters are the most comfortable with calling the President of the United States such dictatorial names?
Don't count your chickens yet.
If he doesn't make it, we all expect an apology from you and your kind for your prediction.

TSK! TSK! We don't want any frivolous law suits.
"the donald" is the king of suing.
He is without a doubt the biggest joke ever perpetuated upon the field of US politics. That takes some doing beating out gwb.

Actually, I'm all for anyone who is slandered by the media to have recourse. The media should always be able to back up anything they say about anyone by vetting their source and committing to back up their source's statements in a court of law. They get away with too damn much. Due diligence upon the media's part should always be exercised.

Well, you may as well suck it up. He will be your next President.

You won't get it. If Trump doesn't make the General election, I'm out of here. I have a bet with Big Yank that if Trump doesn't make it to the General, I will leave USMB but if he does, Big Yank will leave.
You can just as easily pull a Liability Welch too.
There will be revenge. Did Obamabots and Clinton Bootlickers really think that wouldn't happen? Obama was absolutely ruthless in his use of IRS Henchmen. The man was known for having an 'Enemies List'. So of course there's gonna be revenge if the Republicans win. Time to grow up Obamabots and Clinton Bootlickers.
What I wrote was, "And suggesting the GWB or BHO ever threatened their enemies in such a way".

You forget that I actually read the posts.

Got you again.

Really, all you got is semantics, your dear leader made threats, not only that he had his surrogates in the IRS and DOJ carry them out.
Words have meaning. I did not say never ever uh huh he did not make threats. You know it, I know it.

So you continue to say the dear leader telling people to "punish our enemies", isn't a threat. Grow up senile old child.
"punish our enemies" at the polls is a threat?

Threatening to sue people for telling the truth is a threat, little one.

Threats are threats, some more credible than others. Trump and your dear leader do it all the time, the big question is, who gives a shit? Trump threatening a law suit is no worse than your dear leader telling everyone who voted against his second stimulus, they would have to answer to him, both are hollow.
Don't count your chickens yet.
If he doesn't make it, we all expect an apology from you and your kind for your prediction.

TSK! TSK! We don't want any frivolous law suits.
"the donald" is the king of suing.
He is without a doubt the biggest joke ever perpetuated upon the field of US politics. That takes some doing beating out gwb.

Actually, I'm all for anyone who is slandered by the media to have recourse. The media should always be able to back up anything they say about anyone by vetting their source and committing to back up their source's statements in a court of law. They get away with too damn much. Due diligence upon the media's part should always be exercised.

Well, you may as well suck it up. He will be your next President.

You won't get it. If Trump doesn't make the General election, I'm out of here. I have a bet with Big Yank that if Trump doesn't make it to the General, I will leave USMB but if he does, Big Yank will leave.
You can just as easily pull a Liability Welch too.

No. I'm not a Liberal. I will honor my contract with him.
blue gin and OK, obama is not running, so you are arguing a neglible point; your distraction does not work.

Trump managed to catch the attention of every voter over 50. For most, it was in a bad way. Talking Mussolini or the KKK or Duke upsets the great, great majority of them in a bad way. They consider a slap against the greatest generation.

Very few of them would ever vote for a Trump.
elektra melt down when caught out!

Jake, how sad of you, was this a simple troll thread or are you getting a bit emotional? Or both? Why so quick to make it about me and not your false premise.

How is it even an issue of morality to quote Mussolini, oh, I saw your response, you just quoted that but did not say it?
You are responsible for what you write, elektra..

Pointing out Trump's fascist tendencies is anything but a troll thread.

You attacked me and I cleaned your clock immediately to get you ticking correctly.

It is insane of you to suggest that it is not an issue to quote Mussolini in a campaign.
I attacked you or your OP? Do you take your OP's so personal that to question the premises presented in your OP is to attack JakeStarkey?

Jake, at best you are implying that Trump has fascist tendencies. JakeStarkey in no way proved that Trump has fascist tendencies. Jake, your opinion is just that, opinion, nothing more. Jakestarkey's opinion is hardly proof. You cleaned my clock? As you dictate jackie, as you dictate.
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Trump proves daily he has fascistic tendencies, as elektra well knows. Simply watch the guy.
blue gin and OK, obama is not running, so you are arguing a neglible point; your distraction does not work.

Trump managed to catch the attention of every voter over 50. For most, it was in a bad way. Talking Mussolini or the KKK or Duke upsets the great, great majority of them in a bad way. They consider a slap against the greatest generation.

Very few of them would ever vote for a Trump.
I don't even like Trump. But ...if you were passive when the current administration used the IRS against people with opposing political views and said nothing....Then your words are hollow and should be ignored.
Did he disavow Duke initially: no.

Did he say that he did not really know about Duke when in fact he knew all about him: yes.

As he threatened those who disagree with him: yes.

Will he use the government to punish his enemies: yes.

And suggesting the GWB or BHO ever threatened their enemies in such a way is mentally feeble or a deliberate liar.

Forcing anyone to "disavow' one's opinion is nothing short of tyranny.
There will be revenge. Did Obamabots and Clinton Bootlickers really think that wouldn't happen? Obama was absolutely ruthless in his use of IRS Henchmen. The man was known for having an 'Enemies List'. So of course there's gonna be revenge if the Republicans win. Time to grow up Obamabots and Clinton Bootlickers.
"The man is known to...." Sure, and your link to that FACT is.........?

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