Last Memorial To Traitors Coming Down

What's next? The American flag? How deep does the rabbit hole go?

I'm going to throw it out there that actions such as this may foster a resurgence of the Klan.

Many NO blacks are a waste of oxygen. They scurried away from there after the hurricane and now they're in the prison system here.
I am the last person to deny whites have a history. I'm just glad you dont get to memorialize that history in my face since your shrines have been torn down. If you want look at your history go to the museum. :cool:
Bet you say that about the Egyptians, Persians, etc, etc, etc...............
Why would I say that about the Egyptians or Persians? They didnt build anything here in the US for them that i am aware of.
It's the same concept and it's about history and the intentional eradication or relegation to "museums" that is the overarching issue. Destroy or hide that which radicals "disagree" with.
I'm not talking about concepts. I am talking about facts that are occurring right now. Stop whining about "him did it too" Concentrate on the topic. The losers and traitor monuments in New Orleans are history. Good riddance.
No they're not. They're just being moved, liar.
What does that have to do with them being history?
What's next? The American flag? How deep does the rabbit hole go?

I'm going to throw it out there that actions such as this may foster a resurgence of the Klan.
If you want a different flag I wouldnt object to that but again that has nothing to do with the topic.

If the Klan wants to resurge I got something that will make them disappear again. They are clowns and cowards much like the confederate losers.
More proof of how much blacks hate whitey.

Dey gots dem dare "chocolate city" naaaw.
Blacks hate whitey so much, they are killing themselves into oblivion. The historically black areas of the Big Easy are being turned Hispanic or gentrified white.
Yeah it does appear that black men think black women are ugly, since they're always trying to get a white girl.

Their hate for whitey stops at their dick.
or maybe their hate for whitey is made up in your mind. Maybe they are aware that skin color doesn't make the person, since they spent centuries being persecuted for theirs.
Yes god is great if you believe in such things. Any comment on the topic?

Yeah, stop denying we have a history. People are our history, flags are our history. If you want to get rid of our past, then slavery did not exist either, so stop using it as an excuse for all your ills in the 21 century. We're all good now. We have erased the past, yours and mine.
I am the last person to deny whites have a history. I'm just glad you dont get to memorialize that history in my face since your shrines have been torn down. If you want look at your history go to the museum. :cool:
How does it feel to be a member of America's version of ISIS, plantation black boy?
I wouldnt know.
Of course you don't, negro! Now get your black ass back to the plantation. Do what your superior 'White Master' tells you to do.

I knew people like you existed in the wild steve, but I have never seen such in person. Disgusting.
More proof of how much blacks hate whitey.

Dey gots dem dare "chocolate city" naaaw.
Blacks hate whitey so much, they are killing themselves into oblivion. The historically black areas of the Big Easy are being turned Hispanic or gentrified white.
Yeah it does appear that black men think black women are ugly, since they're always trying to get a white girl.

Their hate for whitey stops at their dick.
or maybe their hate for whitey is made up in your mind. Maybe they are aware that skin color doesn't make the person, since they spent centuries being persecuted for theirs.
He is just trying frame the fact that white women hunt down Black men in a more palatable manner so he can deal with the fact he has been turned down by so many white women.
keeping Confederate flags, statutes, plaques, and memorial days going is just like Germans honoring the Nazis - which they don't & have, in fact, made it illegal to do so.
The Confederates were WRONG, they fought AGAINST our United States, supported SLAVERY, they LOST. They are to be pitied, not glorified. Enough.
Bet you say that about the Egyptians, Persians, etc, etc, etc...............
Why would I say that about the Egyptians or Persians? They didnt build anything here in the US for them that i am aware of.
It's the same concept and it's about history and the intentional eradication or relegation to "museums" that is the overarching issue. Destroy or hide that which radicals "disagree" with.
I'm not talking about concepts. I am talking about facts that are occurring right now. Stop whining about "him did it too" Concentrate on the topic. The losers and traitor monuments in New Orleans are history. Good riddance.
No they're not. They're just being moved, liar.
What does that have to do with them being history?
What part of it has everything to do with history don't you understand?
The only memorial that I can understand being removed was the obelisk dedicated to the Battle of Liberty Place; however, I think the rest should remain in place.
Why would I say that about the Egyptians or Persians? They didnt build anything here in the US for them that i am aware of.
It's the same concept and it's about history and the intentional eradication or relegation to "museums" that is the overarching issue. Destroy or hide that which radicals "disagree" with.
I'm not talking about concepts. I am talking about facts that are occurring right now. Stop whining about "him did it too" Concentrate on the topic. The losers and traitor monuments in New Orleans are history. Good riddance.
No they're not. They're just being moved, liar.
What does that have to do with them being history?
What part of it has everything to do with history don't you understand?
History goes into museums. Thats where they are going. Good riddance.
It's the same concept and it's about history and the intentional eradication or relegation to "museums" that is the overarching issue. Destroy or hide that which radicals "disagree" with.
I'm not talking about concepts. I am talking about facts that are occurring right now. Stop whining about "him did it too" Concentrate on the topic. The losers and traitor monuments in New Orleans are history. Good riddance.
No they're not. They're just being moved, liar.
What does that have to do with them being history?
What part of it has everything to do with history don't you understand?
History goes into museums. Thats where they are going. Good riddance.
History goes into museums? I don't know whether to laugh at that myopic low IQ response or cry at that myopic low IQ response.
I'm not talking about concepts. I am talking about facts that are occurring right now. Stop whining about "him did it too" Concentrate on the topic. The losers and traitor monuments in New Orleans are history. Good riddance.
No they're not. They're just being moved, liar.
What does that have to do with them being history?
What part of it has everything to do with history don't you understand?
History goes into museums. Thats where they are going. Good riddance.
History goes into museums? I don't know whether to laugh at that low IQ response or cry at that low IQ response.
I'm sure you'll figure out which to do. In the meantime the memorials to the losers and traitors have been torn down and sent where they belong.
No they're not. They're just being moved, liar.
What does that have to do with them being history?
What part of it has everything to do with history don't you understand?
History goes into museums. Thats where they are going. Good riddance.
History goes into museums? I don't know whether to laugh at that low IQ response or cry at that low IQ response.
I'm sure you'll figure out which to do. In the meantime the memorials to the losers and traitors have been torn down and sent where they belong.
Allah Akbar!!!!
What does that have to do with them being history?
What part of it has everything to do with history don't you understand?
History goes into museums. Thats where they are going. Good riddance.
History goes into museums? I don't know whether to laugh at that low IQ response or cry at that low IQ response.
I'm sure you'll figure out which to do. In the meantime the memorials to the losers and traitors have been torn down and sent where they belong.
Allah Akbar!!!!
Yes god is great if you believe in that sort of stuff.
Looks like the last monument to traitors and losers is coming down in New Orleans. The people that support being a traitor and loser have offered up every excuse in the book to no avail. To them I say put up as many monuments in museums as you want to. Erect statues on your own property even. Its a good day in New Orleans today.

New Orleans to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee statue -


With no more statues and memorials to keep you up at night, what will you race baiters cry about?
Republicans are bad hombres, but i assume some of them are good people :rolleyes::rolleyes:

"On matters of race, South Carolina has a tough history. We all know that. Many of us have seen it in our own lives -- in the lives of our parents and our grandparents. We don’t need reminders. In spite of last week’s tragedy, we have come a long ways since those days and have much to be proud of, but there’s more we can do.

That brings me to the subject of the Confederate flag that flies on the State house grounds. For many people in our state, the flag stands for traditions that are noble. Traditions of history, of heritage, and of ancestry.

The hate filled murderer who massacred our brothers and sisters in Charleston has a sick and twisted view of the flag. In no way does he reflect the people in our state who respect and, in many ways, revere it. Those South Carolinians view the flag as a symbol of respect, integrity, and duty. They also see it as a memorial, a way to honor ancestors who came to the service of their state during time of conflict. That is not hate, nor is it racism.

At the same time, for many others in South Carolina, the flag is a deeply offensive symbol of a brutally oppressive past. As a state we can survive, as we have done, while still being home to both of those viewpoints. We do not need to declare a winner and a loser here. We respect freedom of expression, and that for those who wish to show their respect for the flag on their private property, no one will stand in your way.

But the statehouse is different and the events of this past week call upon us to look at this in a different way. Fifteen years ago, after much contentious debate, South Carolina came together in a bipartisan way to move the flag from atop the Capitol dome. Today, we are here in a moment of unity in our state without ill will, to say it’s time to move the flag from the Capitol grounds.

A hundred and fifty years after the end of the Civil War, the time has come."
Ok guys...lets get back to the topic and away from sexual proclivities please.
What part of it has everything to do with history don't you understand?
History goes into museums. Thats where they are going. Good riddance.
History goes into museums? I don't know whether to laugh at that low IQ response or cry at that low IQ response.
I'm sure you'll figure out which to do. In the meantime the memorials to the losers and traitors have been torn down and sent where they belong.
Allah Akbar!!!!
Yes god is great if you believe in that sort of stuff.
Oh you know exactly what I'm referring to, the ignorant, intentional destruction of historical monuments simply to satisfy one's own belief system. Of course it's been kinda the norm throughout history by cultures/religions to destroy that which they deem unacceptable so not unexpected.
Looks like the last monument to traitors and losers is coming down in New Orleans. The people that support being a traitor and loser have offered up every excuse in the book to no avail. To them I say put up as many monuments in museums as you want to. Erect statues on your own property even. Its a good day in New Orleans today.

New Orleans to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee statue -


With no more statues and memorials to keep you up at night, what will you race baiters cry about?
Well we still have to work on the fact that our money has several slave holders portrayed on them. Time for some NA and Black people to be there instead.
History goes into museums. Thats where they are going. Good riddance.
History goes into museums? I don't know whether to laugh at that low IQ response or cry at that low IQ response.
I'm sure you'll figure out which to do. In the meantime the memorials to the losers and traitors have been torn down and sent where they belong.
Allah Akbar!!!!
Yes god is great if you believe in that sort of stuff.
Oh you know exactly what I'm referring to, the ignorant, intentional destruction of historical monuments simply to satisfy one's own belief system. Of course it's been kinda the norm throughout history by cultures/religions to destroy that which they deem unacceptable so not unexpected.
My belief system says history belongs in museums. The confederates were traitors and losers. No need to memorialize them. They can live on in the yards of rednecks and other losers if they want to memorialize them.

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