Last Memorial To Traitors Coming Down

You made the initial claim, the burden of proof is on you, that's how debate works. You did take debate in school, right? I don't mean the discourse that passes for debate on an elementary school playground but offered in schools of higher education.
Oh and, "it's happening now" isn't proof of your claim, it's proof of how free speech can be perverted and restricted, the kind of proof that permeates our nation's history.
This isnt a debate. I also made the initial ask for proof. If you cant provide then thats ok. If you can, then put up or shut up as i wont be indulging your weirdness anymore.
Okay, ya want proof?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Thats freedom of speech dummy. That says nothing about erecting a statue on public land. Try again. This time harder.
Look up the definition of what constitutes free speech dummy. :thup:
You just posted it dummy.

show me where it says you can erect a statue.
I just showed you even though I knew you would twist it to fit your paradigm. Obviously I'm wasting my time on a radical acolyte. Have a nice life. :thup:
This isnt a debate. I also made the initial ask for proof. If you cant provide then thats ok. If you can, then put up or shut up as i wont be indulging your weirdness anymore.
Okay, ya want proof?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Thats freedom of speech dummy. That says nothing about erecting a statue on public land. Try again. This time harder.
Look up the definition of what constitutes free speech dummy. :thup:
You just posted it dummy.

show me where it says you can erect a statue.
I just showed you even though I knew you would twist it to fit your paradigm. Obviously I'm wasting my time on a radical acolyte. Have a nice life. :thup:
No you showed me the first amendment. Since you have failed to provide proof I will consider you a mental midget. Be gone.
Liberals are Vandals at best, animals with no souls at worst. These people are the enemy not only of western civilization but of civilization in general.
The practice of tyrants and mobs erasing the past has always existed. Just not among civilized people in the US. Until the democrats whipped up mobs of slum dwellers to do it.

The Egyptians pharaohs did it...


The Roman emperors did it

But the communists made it an art form


Orwell's newspeak term for such people erased by tyrants described them as "unpersons"..."He did not exist; he never existed".

And this is what the mobs are doing here now with Confederate statues. But it doesnt stop there. Roads, towns, buildings are beign renamed and images removed. Museums are under attack...

next post
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Looks like the last monument to traitors and losers is coming down in New Orleans. The people that support being a traitor and loser have offered up every excuse in the book to no avail. To them I say put up as many monuments in museums as you want to. Erect statues on your own property even. Its a good day in New Orleans today.

New Orleans to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee statue -


They should bury Robert E Lee's statue across the street from Arlington Cemetery. His old house.
The ignorance of these Democrat voters is on display here. In their spray painting spree of they also vandalized Joan of Arc's statue in New Orleans. She wasn't a Confederate. She didn't own any slaves.
Proof these animals are too ignorant to be allowed in civilized company. OR...a sign of what is to come? If they arent stopped now what will they leave? Some groups, having no history of civilization, can only destroy what others build.

And if you think these Red Guards arent coming for the rest of is the latest list these newly emboldened animals have released of changes they are howling for.

Degaulle? Tulane? Andrew Jackson? Iberville? Bienviille?

You have been warned.



Looks like the last monument to traitors and losers is coming down in New Orleans. The people that support being a traitor and loser have offered up every excuse in the book to no avail. To them I say put up as many monuments in museums as you want to. Erect statues on your own property even. Its a good day in New Orleans today.

New Orleans to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee statue -


They should bury Robert E Lee's statue across the street from Arlington Cemetery. His old house.
And his dusty corpse is still a better person than you are. Or any other missing link for that matter.
Which brings my final point. The OP here is an idiot. A buffoon. Confederate soldiers were heros AND under US law are considered American veterans.. And they certainly were not traitors. Not one Confederate was ever tried or convicted for treason. The US government paid pensions to Confederate soldiers wives.

Public Law 85-425
May 23, 1958 | [H. R. 358] 72 Stat. 133
"(e) For the purpose of this section, and section 433, the term 'veteran' includes a person who served in the military or naval forces of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, and the term `active, military or naval service' includes active service in such forces."

Ten Federal military bases are named after Confederates...including Fort Bragg and Fort Lee.

The Navy has always named ships after Confederate heroes including SS Robert E. Lee, USS Stonewall Jackson, USS Dixon, and USS Hunley.


The Federal Government has paid for and placed over 20,000 headstones honoring Confederate veterans across the country. In 1929 the US Congress passed a law ordering the federal government to honor Confederate soldiers as American veterans and provide upkeep to graves and monuments on federal land.

The National Cemeteries Act of 1973: (a)The Secretary shall furnish, when requested, appropriate Government headstones or markers at the expense of the United States for the unmarked graves of the following:
Any individual buried in a national cemetery or in a post cemetery.
Any individual eligible for burial in a national cemetery (but not buried there), except for those persons or classes of persons enumerated in section 2402(a)(4), (5), and (6) of this title.
Soldiers of the Union and Confederate Armies of the Civil War.

The US will engrave on a Confederate headstone the following symbol (on the right)


Confederate officers and men are eligible to be and in fact ARE buried in Arlington Cemetery where several Confederate monuments also are maintained by the US Government.

If you disrespect Confederate soldiers YOU are the traitor. And an ignorant uneducated ass as well.
Looks like the last monument to traitors and losers is coming down in New Orleans. The people that support being a traitor and loser have offered up every excuse in the book to no avail. To them I say put up as many monuments in museums as you want to. Erect statues on your own property even. Its a good day in New Orleans today.

New Orleans to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee statue -


They should bury Robert E Lee's statue across the street from Arlington Cemetery. His old house.
And his dusty corpse is still a better person than you are. Or any other missing link for that matter.

Thank you judge of humanity. That the US decided Arlington, which was Lee's home before he turned traitor, was the best place to bury the war dead I'd say he's the one that deserves the dirt nap. Away from the brave soldiers that died defending the nation from him. But meme away cap'n.
More proof of how much blacks hate whitey.

Dey gots dem dare "chocolate city" naaaw.

I guess it sucks to be a dead white traitor and ex slave owner.
What about Thomas Jefferson's memorial? He was a multiple slave owner. Should his memorial come down?

He wasn't a traitor
But he was a slave owner! Blacks in New Orleans are all giddy because they want the Monuments of Southern slave owners taken down. Where's their anger at Jefferson?
More proof of how much blacks hate whitey.

Dey gots dem dare "chocolate city" naaaw.

I guess it sucks to be a dead white traitor and ex slave owner.
What about Thomas Jefferson's memorial? He was a multiple slave owner. Should his memorial come down?

He wasn't a traitor
But he was a slave owner! Blacks in New Orleans are all giddy because they want the Monuments of Southern slave owners taken down. Where's their anger at Jefferson?

Give it time.
Judging from some of the comments on this topic it is clear that a lot of Americans have still got to confront the past of their country.
This is something that all nations go through.
Somebody has commentated on this thread that the removal of statues is ,in effect, trying to erase history. If only it were that easy.
Judging from some of the comments on this topic it is clear that a lot of Americans have still got to confront the past of their country.
This is something that all nations go through.
Somebody has commentated on this thread that the removal of statues is ,in effect, trying to erase history. If only it were that easy.

Not all nations. The UK owns and maintains Oliver Cromwell's home and monuments to the roundheads across the country. There are government plaques to Wat Tyler. There are statues of Robert the Bruce and Queen Matilda.
We have monuments in the US and Canada to slave owning polygamous Indians who fought the US Government. And statues to the Indians who fought with the US Army against Indians.

Only totalitarian nations and Marxist mobs delete history. History is an alternative which implies people had a choice at some time.
What about Thomas Jefferson's memorial? He was a multiple slave owner. Should his memorial come down?

He wasn't a traitor

He didnt fight against his General Lee?

General Lee was never tried as or called a traitor.

He advised his ex soldiers "Dismiss from your mind all sectional feeling, and bring [your children] up to be Americans."

The United States has honored him with a military fort, Ft Lee and several stamps

stamp 2.JPG

He has appeared on United States coins


Robert E Lee is honored in the National Statuary Hall in Washington DC

lee statue.jpg

West Point has a General Robert E Lee Barracks building built in 1962 to honor the great West Point graduate.

The US Navy names ships after Robert E Lee. The Army named a tank after him. And the National Park Service created and maintains the Robert E Lee memorial at Arlington.

All this to say...US Grant or Lincoln would spit on you. After calling you a traitor and a girly man. The attack on Confederates is just part of the attack on American greats. It is the palatable start of a house cleaning they intend to do. And you are a tool for them.

Robert E Lee was a great American.



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Judging from some of the comments on this topic it is clear that a lot of Americans have still got to confront the past of their country.
This is something that all nations go through.
Somebody has commentated on this thread that the removal of statues is ,in effect, trying to erase history. If only it were that easy.

Not all nations. The UK owns and maintains Oliver Cromwell's home and monuments to the roundheads across the country. There are government plaques to Wat Tyler. There are statues of Robert the Bruce and Queen Matilda.
We have monuments in the US and Canada to slave owning polygamous Indians who fought the US Government. And statues to the Indians who fought with the US Army against Indians.

Only totalitarian nations and Marxist mobs delete history. History is an alternative which implies people had a choice at some time.

What did Wat Tyler do wrong ? Peasants revolt is not a bad thing.

I think you have missed an open goal here. We have statues in the UK for a large number of total twats. We shouldnt.
Why is Cecil Rhodes such a controversial figure? - BBC News

The broader issue is that taking down a statue doesnt unmake something that has happened. It just ensures that the oppressed dont have their noses rubbed in it every day. That must be good for social harmony and a small step towards reconciliation.
Since the niggas got what they want and the slave monuments are torn down, can they stop asking for reparations for slavery? Either slavery existed or it didn't. If it existed, the monuments need to go back up. If it didn't, then take the monuments down and STFU.
Looks like the last monument to traitors and losers is coming down in New Orleans. The people that support being a traitor and loser have offered up every excuse in the book to no avail. To them I say put up as many monuments in museums as you want to. Erect statues on your own property even. Its a good day in New Orleans today.

New Orleans to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee statue -

To museums where they belong.
The Robert E Lee monument is a tall obelisk. It's too big to put in a museum.
Maybe they will put a statue of Louisiana governor Pinckney Pinchback, the first African American governor in the US at top the column.
What did Wat Tyler do wrong ? Peasants revolt is not a bad thing.

Did you miss the subject line? Wat Tyler was a "traitor" and was executed as such. How hard is that?
Civilized nations do not erase their history of division and civil war.

In this case it goes farther. It is part of a generalized revisionism and cultural war.

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