Last Memorial To Traitors Coming Down

What did Wat Tyler do wrong ? Peasants revolt is not a bad thing.

Did you miss the subject line? Wat Tyler was a "traitor" and was executed as such. How hard is that?
Civilized nations do not erase their history of division and civil war.

In this case it goes farther. It is part of a generalized revisionism and cultural war.

Dear me, what an ignorant fellow you are.

Wat Tyler led a peasants revolt against unjust taxation imposed by a foreign born king.

If only I could think of an American example to help me better illustrate this.
The broader issue is that taking down a statue doesnt unmake something that has happened. It just ensures that the oppressed dont have their noses rubbed in it every day. That must be good for social harmony and a small step towards reconciliation.

The reconciliation was made in 1877 and involved no attempts at mind control, revisionism and mob rule. The agreement is being reneged upon now by mobs of marxists.

I am not so concerned by New Orleans. It is a majority black city and elects black government leaders. There is no affirmative action or federal demands for white representation there. Since 1980 when the black government was inaugurated the crime rate has skyrocketed. Its murder rate quickly passed all the other black run cities in the country who had previously held murder capital status such as Detroit and DC and Baltimore etc.
Certain areas should be protected as state heritage though while allowing the rest to remain democrat stronghold slums. And the statues are an example. The mobs of uneducated gangs should be stopped in their vandalism not because it is New Orleans but because that poison will spread.
Also it is a fine opportunity to meet them head on in the street. It is what they have been wanting right?
What about Thomas Jefferson's memorial? He was a multiple slave owner. Should his memorial come down?

He wasn't a traitor

He didnt fight against his General Lee?

General Lee was never tried as or called a traitor.

He advised his ex soldiers "Dismiss from your mind all sectional feeling, and bring [your children] up to be Americans."

The United States has honored him with a military fort, Ft Lee and several stamps

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He has appeared on United States coins

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Robert E Lee is honored in the National Statuary Hall in Washington DC

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West Point has a General Robert E Lee Barracks building built in 1962 to honor the great West Point graduate.

The US Navy names ships after Robert E Lee. The Army named a tank after him. And the National Park Service created and maintains the Robert E Lee memorial at Arlington.

All this to say...US Grant or Lincoln would spit on you. After calling you a traitor and a girly man. The attack on Confederates is just part of the attack on American greats. It is the palatable start of a house cleaning they intend to do. And you are a tool for them.

Robert E Lee was a great American.


I'm not quite sure how words I never posted were somehow attributed to me. My only comment was; "he's not a traitor."

And my comment should be enough to make people understand that the people these monuments represent not only waged war on a horrific scale to maintain slavery they in fact tried to expand slavery to other states at the point of s gun.

Thomas Jefferson did none of those things.
The broader issue is that taking down a statue doesnt unmake something that has happened. It just ensures that the oppressed dont have their noses rubbed in it every day. That must be good for social harmony and a small step towards reconciliation.

The reconciliation was made in 1877 and involved no attempts at mind control, revisionism and mob rule. The agreement is being reneged upon now by mobs of marxists.

I am not so concerned by New Orleans. It is a majority black city and elects black government leaders. There is no affirmative action or federal demands for white representation there. Since 1980 when the black government was inaugurated the crime rate has skyrocketed. Its murder rate quickly passed all the other black run cities in the country who had previously held murder capital status such as Detroit and DC and Baltimore etc.
Certain areas should be protected as state heritage though while allowing the rest to remain democrat stronghold slums. And the statues are an example. The mobs of uneducated gangs should be stopped in their vandalism not because it is New Orleans but because that poison will spread.
Also it is a fine opportunity to meet them head on in the street. It is what they have been wanting right?
Its a dirty grubby heritage that should not be celebrated. Most normal people understand that.
Since the niggas got what they want and the slave monuments are torn down, can they stop asking for reparations for slavery? Either slavery existed or it didn't. If it existed, the monuments need to go back up. If it didn't, then take the monuments down and STFU.
thankfully southern crackas like your ilk are dying off
What did Wat Tyler do wrong ? Peasants revolt is not a bad thing.

Did you miss the subject line? Wat Tyler was a "traitor" and was executed as such. How hard is that?
Civilized nations do not erase their history of division and civil war.

In this case it goes farther. It is part of a generalized revisionism and cultural war.

Dear me, what an ignorant fellow you are.

Wat Tyler led a peasants revolt against unjust taxation imposed by a foreign born king.

If only I could think of an American example to help me better illustrate this.

Dear me what a chubby faggot you are. I say again...look at the subject. "Traitors". Wat Tyler was a Traitor. Executed as one. His followers "burned law books", raped and pillaged in London, killed law officers and beheaded people who appeared wealthy. They conducted a pogrom and massacred Flemish women and children.
Yet the UK (not the EU you sniveling surrender monkey) has no problem memorializing him as part of history.

And your answer is "oh dear me he was a good traitor" though? Irrelevant.

That you liked him does not make a whit of difference to the topic here. Start a new topic perhaps and call it "Memorial to traitors I favor" perhaps? There was no argument in the OP about taxation or good rebellions verses bad or your favorite traitors as opposed to your disliked traitors.

The simple fact is Confederate Generals were not traitors for reasons foreigners will never understand. They werent tried or convicted as such in even a single case. The Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court refused to even entertain the idea.
The original post title is wrong as evidenced by the centuries of US government honors to Confederates I gave as examples.
But even if it were right then there is still the principle that no civilized people erases its history.

Try and pay attention while you bow and scrape to Brussels...a traitor yourself.

By the way, England has a huge problem with immigrants but Richard II wasn't one of them. He wasn't "foreign born". He was born in the English principality of much a part of the realm as England.
The broader issue is that taking down a statue doesnt unmake something that has happened. It just ensures that the oppressed dont have their noses rubbed in it every day. That must be good for social harmony and a small step towards reconciliation.

The reconciliation was made in 1877 and involved no attempts at mind control, revisionism and mob rule. The agreement is being reneged upon now by mobs of marxists.

I am not so concerned by New Orleans. It is a majority black city and elects black government leaders. There is no affirmative action or federal demands for white representation there. Since 1980 when the black government was inaugurated the crime rate has skyrocketed. Its murder rate quickly passed all the other black run cities in the country who had previously held murder capital status such as Detroit and DC and Baltimore etc.
Certain areas should be protected as state heritage though while allowing the rest to remain democrat stronghold slums. And the statues are an example. The mobs of uneducated gangs should be stopped in their vandalism not because it is New Orleans but because that poison will spread.
Also it is a fine opportunity to meet them head on in the street. It is what they have been wanting right?
Its a dirty grubby heritage that should not be celebrated. Most normal people understand that.

You have no idea of what "normal people" want to celebrate. You've decided mobs who dont know the difference between Joan of Arc and General Lee should be the arbiters. Thats all. Animals.
What we should do is drop you in the middle of one of their rampages. let them beat you senseless while you flail your wrist and talk about normal people. I've seen them first hand. You haven't.
I'm not quite sure how words I never posted were somehow attributed to me. My only comment was; "he's not a traitor."

And my comment should be enough to make people understand that the people these monuments represent not only waged war on a horrific scale to maintain slavery they in fact tried to expand slavery to other states at the point of s gun.

Thomas Jefferson did none of those things.

Yes you have the sloppy thinking even for a liberal. So treason is defined by slavery now? And Thomas Jefferson, slaveowner and slave holder advocate in the Continental Congress wasn't a traitor to the British government somehow. Thomas Jefferson who designated Louisiana a slave territory when he purchased it.Jefferson who brought his slaves to the White House?
I would say "explain that" but never mind.

Hey wasn't John Brown executed for murder, conspiracy and treason by the US Army for using violence to attack the institution of slavery?
I am almost sure he was. Why don't you look it up?
And yet there are statues to him all over the United States.

You are also wrong about the waging war part. The South was invaded. Northern armies invaded the states the Confederate generals called home. How do you get "expanding slavery to other states on the point of a gun" from that?

By the way...interesting bit of history trivia. There were more slave states in the north than the south when the Civil War began. Several slave states remained in the Union and fought against the Confederacy. They were welcomed and their institutions of slavery protected in the Federal Congress. Delaware and Maryland come to mind. Slaves which escaped from Union slave states and territories were captured and returned by the US Government throughout the war.
Washington DC remained a slave territory until the US Congress repealed slavery there in 1862. BUT they did not repeal the fugitive slave act so slaves which ran away from Union slave states were captured if they came to DC and returned. The D.C. slaveowners were compensated for the loss of their slave property at 300.00 per slave and the slaves were encouraged by the act to leave the country and settle in Africa. They received a 100.00 award for voluntarily leaving Washington. Didnt work.
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I suppose we will have to remove the frieze of Augustus Ceasar from the Supreme Court now. He was a slaveowner as you know.
Since the niggas got what they want and the slave monuments are torn down, can they stop asking for reparations for slavery? Either slavery existed or it didn't. If it existed, the monuments need to go back up. If it didn't, then take the monuments down and STFU.
thankfully southern crackas like your ilk are dying off

Fuck you nigga. How about this. We take down all the god damn martin lucifer coon crap that they have around? You want to take down a military generals monument? Then take MLK's head out of the white house. The white house is white again, get that nigga outta there. Fuck niggas. The only good fuckin' nigga is a dead fuckin' nigga. MLK got what he deserved.

Looks like the last monument to traitors and losers is coming down in New Orleans. The people that support being a traitor and loser have offered up every excuse in the book to no avail. To them I say put up as many monuments in museums as you want to. Erect statues on your own property even. Its a good day in New Orleans today.

New Orleans to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee statue -

I was surprised to learn that those statues of those rebels were erected in the early 1900's.

So it must have been strictly a KKK race thing and had nothing to do with the Civil War itself.

At any rate, good riddance.

Lee, Davis, Longstreet, and every rebel general should have been hanged in one gala event in Wash DC.

But Johnson let them all go free. No wonder there were cries for his impeachment.
Since the niggas got what they want and the slave monuments are torn down, can they stop asking for reparations for slavery? Either slavery existed or it didn't. If it existed, the monuments need to go back up. If it didn't, then take the monuments down and STFU.
thankfully southern crackas like your ilk are dying off

Fuck you nigga. How about this. We take down all the god damn martin lucifer coon crap that they have around? You want to take down a military generals monument? Then take MLK's head out of the white house. The white house is white again, get that nigga outta there. Fuck niggas. The only good fuckin' nigga is a dead fuckin' nigga. MLK got what he deserved.

to iggy.

and I ain't even a nigga.

I'z lily white.
The ones who took those monuments down are not good enough to shine those great men's shoes. What a shame, a blot, of the left on the soul of this nation.
I'm pretty sure none of them have any desire to shine a dead traitors shoes. Now that the disgusting memorial to a loser is gone you can go to the museum and cry us all a river.
I just won't cry any tears for the next black thug that ends up cooling in the street. How about that? Build a few more abortion clinics and kill off those black babies. It's better than the alternative.
Tipsycatlover if the Negroes ain't buggin' you then doan bug them neither !!

Just never you mind is all !!

If you don't need dope or a black whore stay otta da Negro neighborhoods with your lily white azz.
The ones who took those monuments down are not good enough to shine those great men's shoes. What a shame, a blot, of the left on the soul of this nation.
I'm pretty sure none of them have any desire to shine a dead traitors shoes. Now that the disgusting memorial to a loser is gone you can go to the museum and cry us all a river.
I love that song ... Cry Me A River !!

Looks like the last monument to traitors and losers is coming down in New Orleans. The people that support being a traitor and loser have offered up every excuse in the book to no avail. To them I say put up as many monuments in museums as you want to. Erect statues on your own property even. Its a good day in New Orleans today.

New Orleans to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee statue -

I was surprised to learn that those statues of those rebels were erected in the early 1900's.

So it must have been strictly a KKK race thing and had nothing to do with the Civil War itself.

At any rate, good riddance.

Lee, Davis, Longstreet, and every rebel general should have been hanged in one gala event in Wash DC.

But Johnson let them all go free. No wonder there were cries for his impeachment.

So sounds like you would have been in favor of Washington being hanged had the British won the Revolutionary War.
Liberals..... like ISIS in their zeal for historical demolition.

Hmmm...very true. ISIS always destroys the images of their conquered people. Never mind art or historical context. Good point.
Makes no sense to build statues of rebel traitiors who got millions of Americans killed.

"Millions"? Lol !

Actually if you would try reading a book or two, you would find the #'s were no where near in the millions.
Over 600,000 we're killed. Definitely a sickening #, and it's thanks to Lincoln. The South had no desire to get into a war. They simply wanted their independence just like their fathers and grandfather's did a hundred years before.

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