Late night talk hosts

What is with those two night time talk show hosts fools Colbert and Kimmel? Every night when they start their show the first thing that comes out of their useless liberal mouths is Trump. I guess without Trump they would have no show as they never have anything to say anyway.

What they did this time was to mock Trump for hugging the American flag at a CPAC meeting last week. WTF? What is wrong with an American hugging the flag? Why do those two morons have to make a big deal out of nothing? Even CNN got in on the act and just had to report about what those two fools said.

It is hard to believe how the leftist liberal democrat losers still cannot accept the fact that they lost the election. What crybabies they all are. Why would anyone want to knock and mock a President like Trump who hugs the American flag and has said that he wants to make America great again.I guess those two fools want to make America un great. How those two got this far in life with so little is quite amazing. :banghead: But hey.

Trump looked almost as retarded as Rick Perry hugging that jar of maple syrup

I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Wanna buy a bridge with that?

Only if you have some swamp land to go with it. :bigboy:
What is with those two night time talk show hosts fools Colbert and Kimmel? Every night when they start their show the first thing that comes out of their useless liberal mouths is Trump. I guess without Trump they would have no show as they never have anything to say anyway.

What they did this time was to mock Trump for hugging the American flag at a CPAC meeting last week. WTF? What is wrong with an American hugging the flag? Why do those two morons have to make a big deal out of nothing? Even CNN got in on the act and just had to report about what those two fools said.

It is hard to believe how the leftist liberal democrat losers still cannot accept the fact that they lost the election. What crybabies they all are. Why would anyone want to knock and mock a President like Trump who hugs the American flag and has said that he wants to make America great again.I guess those two fools want to make America un great. How those two got this far in life with so little is quite amazing. :banghead: But hey.

Trump looked almost as retarded as Rick Perry hugging that jar of maple syrup

I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Wanna buy a bridge with that?

Only if you have some swamp land to go with it. :bigboy:

That flew right over your hood, didn't it.
What is with those two night time talk show hosts fools Colbert and Kimmel? Every night when they start their show the first thing that comes out of their useless liberal mouths is Trump. I guess without Trump they would have no show as they never have anything to say anyway.

What they did this time was to mock Trump for hugging the American flag at a CPAC meeting last week. WTF? What is wrong with an American hugging the flag? Why do those two morons have to make a big deal out of nothing? Even CNN got in on the act and just had to report about what those two fools said.

It is hard to believe how the leftist liberal democrat losers still cannot accept the fact that they lost the election. What crybabies they all are. Why would anyone want to knock and mock a President like Trump who hugs the American flag and has said that he wants to make America great again.I guess those two fools want to make America un great. How those two got this far in life with so little is quite amazing. :banghead: But hey.

Trump looked almost as retarded as Rick Perry hugging that jar of maple syrup

I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Wanna buy a bridge with that?

Only if you have some swamp land to go with it. :bigboy:

That flew right over your hood, didn't it.

Nope. Not a hood but instead right over my Make America Great Again hat. :dance::dance: You seem to have a problem with your President hugging the American flag? Why do you hate America so much? Just curious.
Trump looked almost as retarded as Rick Perry hugging that jar of maple syrup

I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Wanna buy a bridge with that?

Only if you have some swamp land to go with it. :bigboy:

That flew right over your hood, didn't it.

Nope. Not a hood but instead right over my Make America Great Again hat. :dance::dance: You seem to have a problem with your President hugging the American flag? Why do you hate America so much? Just curious.

Hey, why are you (a) blind to blatant pandering and (b) creaming your jeans over a graven image fetish?

I made no reference to "America". Perhaps you can't tell the difference between a country's ideals and its cloth god. Seems to me the one who "hates America" is the one who reduces it to an inanimate piece of cloth and plunks a demagogue narcissist panderer into its high office.
Late night hosts have been cracking wise about our politicians for decades now. Quit whining and change the channel.

Maybe instead they should change their openings for a change and say something that is really funny. Mocking the President for hugging the American flag is so childish which is what most liberals are childish crybabies. We did not win the election. WAN-WAN tears a flowing. Conservatives are getting tired of left wing liberal losers like those two aholes. those two will never be able to compete with Parr or Leno. Letterman was another leftist liberal loser.
I don't waste my time watching nobody's. I only turn their shows on to see if I am still correct about their constant attacks first thing on Trump. Come on, those two fools need to give it a break. :asshole:'s.

If someone is forcing you to watch them, you should call the police immediately. If not, quit whining and change the channel.
Late night talk show hosts have made fun of presidents since Jack Paar was host of the Tonight Show.

all presidents have provided great fodder to get the audience hopped up.

nothing new

Why do those two libtards have to start their show off by mocking Trump every night? Is that how they go about trying to get their fool audience in the mood? If that all it takes to get his audience going then they all must be also a bunch of crybaby snowflake libtard losers. But hey, what more can be said.

Does your TV have a channel changer?

Yup, does yours also? :5_1_12024:

Of course it does. That's why I don't whine about all that great right wing comedy.
What is with those two night time talk show hosts fools Colbert and Kimmel? Every night when they start their show the first thing that comes out of their useless liberal mouths is Trump. I guess without Trump they would have no show as they never have anything to say anyway.

What they did this time was to mock Trump for hugging the American flag at a CPAC meeting last week. WTF? What is wrong with an American hugging the flag? Why do those two morons have to make a big deal out of nothing? Even CNN got in on the act and just had to report about what those two fools said.

It is hard to believe how the leftist liberal democrat losers still cannot accept the fact that they lost the election. What crybabies they all are. Why would anyone want to knock and mock a President like Trump who hugs the American flag and has said that he wants to make America great again.I guess those two fools want to make America un great. How those two got this far in life with so little is quite amazing. :banghead: But hey.

Trump looked almost as retarded as Rick Perry hugging that jar of maple syrup

I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Nope. Trump is retarded, or at least he thinks right wingers are retarded. His hugging the flag skit proved that.
Late night hosts have been cracking wise about our politicians for decades now. Quit whining and change the channel.

Maybe instead they should change their openings for a change and say something that is really funny. Mocking the President for hugging the American flag is so childish which is what most liberals are childish crybabies. We did not win the election. WAN-WAN tears a flowing. Conservatives are getting tired of left wing liberal losers like those two aholes. those two will never be able to compete with Parr or Leno. Letterman was another leftist liberal loser.
I don't waste my time watching nobody's. I only turn their shows on to see if I am still correct about their constant attacks first thing on Trump. Come on, those two fools need to give it a break. :asshole:'s.

If someone is forcing you to watch them, you should call the police immediately. If not, quit whining and change the channel.

Another one that needs to :bigboy:.
I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Wanna buy a bridge with that?

Only if you have some swamp land to go with it. :bigboy:

That flew right over your hood, didn't it.

Nope. Not a hood but instead right over my Make America Great Again hat. :dance::dance: You seem to have a problem with your President hugging the American flag? Why do you hate America so much? Just curious.

Hey, why are you (a) blind to blatant pandering and (b) creaming your jeans over a graven image fetish?

I made no reference to "America". Perhaps you can't tell the difference between a country's ideals and its cloth god. Seems to me the one who "hates America" is the one who reduces it to an inanimate piece of cloth and plunks a demagogue narcissist panderer into its high office.

What is wrong with someone who says that he wants to make America great again and why he is mocked for hugging the American flag? Why is Trump being attacked for doing that? Just asking.
What is with those two night time talk show hosts fools Colbert and Kimmel? Every night when they start their show the first thing that comes out of their useless liberal mouths is Trump. I guess without Trump they would have no show as they never have anything to say anyway.

What they did this time was to mock Trump for hugging the American flag at a CPAC meeting last week. WTF? What is wrong with an American hugging the flag? Why do those two morons have to make a big deal out of nothing? Even CNN got in on the act and just had to report about what those two fools said.

It is hard to believe how the leftist liberal democrat losers still cannot accept the fact that they lost the election. What crybabies they all are. Why would anyone want to knock and mock a President like Trump who hugs the American flag and has said that he wants to make America great again.I guess those two fools want to make America un great. How those two got this far in life with so little is quite amazing. :banghead: But hey.

Trump looked almost as retarded as Rick Perry hugging that jar of maple syrup

I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Nope. Trump is retarded, or at least he thinks right wingers are retarded. His hugging the flag skit proved that.

So then you must be a left wing anti-American lieberal, hey? For a guy who is supposed to be so retarded and a billionaire he has done pretty well. How much do you have in your bank account? $20.00?
I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Wanna buy a bridge with that?

Only if you have some swamp land to go with it. :bigboy:

That flew right over your hood, didn't it.

Nope. Not a hood but instead right over my Make America Great Again hat. :dance::dance: You seem to have a problem with your President hugging the American flag? Why do you hate America so much? Just curious.

Hey, why are you (a) blind to blatant pandering and (b) creaming your jeans over a graven image fetish?

I made no reference to "America". Perhaps you can't tell the difference between a country's ideals and its cloth god. Seems to me the one who "hates America" is the one who reduces it to an inanimate piece of cloth and plunks a demagogue narcissist panderer into its high office.

Is that your best reply is with a funny face? No wonder America is in big time trouble when there are fools out there who thinks that someone who hugs the American flag and says that he wants to make America great again is retarded. It is the anti-Trump, anti-American ones that are retarded. They keep voting for a bunch of retards. Time to :bigboy:.
Wanna buy a bridge with that?

Only if you have some swamp land to go with it. :bigboy:

That flew right over your hood, didn't it.

Nope. Not a hood but instead right over my Make America Great Again hat. :dance::dance: You seem to have a problem with your President hugging the American flag? Why do you hate America so much? Just curious.

Hey, why are you (a) blind to blatant pandering and (b) creaming your jeans over a graven image fetish?

I made no reference to "America". Perhaps you can't tell the difference between a country's ideals and its cloth god. Seems to me the one who "hates America" is the one who reduces it to an inanimate piece of cloth and plunks a demagogue narcissist panderer into its high office.

Is that your best reply is with a funny face? No wonder America is in big time trouble when there are fools out there who thinks that someone who hugs the American flag and says that he wants to make America great again is retarded. It is the anti-Trump, anti-American ones that are retarded. They keep voting for a bunch of retards. Time to :bigboy:.

Ironic post for a moron who keeps dotting the page with emotes about "big boy pants".

Me, I'm still waiting on an answer to post 24. Since yesterday.

No rush. Feel free to change clothes and shit.
Only if you have some swamp land to go with it. :bigboy:

That flew right over your hood, didn't it.

Nope. Not a hood but instead right over my Make America Great Again hat. :dance::dance: You seem to have a problem with your President hugging the American flag? Why do you hate America so much? Just curious.

Hey, why are you (a) blind to blatant pandering and (b) creaming your jeans over a graven image fetish?

I made no reference to "America". Perhaps you can't tell the difference between a country's ideals and its cloth god. Seems to me the one who "hates America" is the one who reduces it to an inanimate piece of cloth and plunks a demagogue narcissist panderer into its high office.

Is that your best reply is with a funny face? No wonder America is in big time trouble when there are fools out there who thinks that someone who hugs the American flag and says that he wants to make America great again is retarded. It is the anti-Trump, anti-American ones that are retarded. They keep voting for a bunch of retards. Time to :bigboy:.

Ironic post for a moron who keeps dotting the page with emotes about "big boy pants".

Me, I'm still waiting on an answer to post 24. Since yesterday.

No rush. Feel free to change clothes and shit.

Ok, I had a good shit and I was thinking about you when I was clearing out my bowels.

So what was the question again that you wanted me to answer where then I can get back to you? Hurry-hurry.

Did you find your big boy pants yet? Just asking.
Late night hosts have been cracking wise about our politicians for decades now. Quit whining and change the channel.

Maybe instead they should change their openings for a change and say something that is really funny. Mocking the President for hugging the American flag is so childish which is what most liberals are childish crybabies. We did not win the election. WAN-WAN tears a flowing. Conservatives are getting tired of left wing liberal losers like those two aholes. those two will never be able to compete with Parr or Leno. Letterman was another leftist liberal loser.
I don't waste my time watching nobody's. I only turn their shows on to see if I am still correct about their constant attacks first thing on Trump. Come on, those two fools need to give it a break. :asshole:'s.

If someone is forcing you to watch them, you should call the police immediately. If not, quit whining and change the channel.

Another one that needs to :bigboy:.

I'm not the one whining because I didn't like a late show monologue. Grow up and quit whining.
What is with those two night time talk show hosts fools Colbert and Kimmel? Every night when they start their show the first thing that comes out of their useless liberal mouths is Trump. I guess without Trump they would have no show as they never have anything to say anyway.

What they did this time was to mock Trump for hugging the American flag at a CPAC meeting last week. WTF? What is wrong with an American hugging the flag? Why do those two morons have to make a big deal out of nothing? Even CNN got in on the act and just had to report about what those two fools said.

It is hard to believe how the leftist liberal democrat losers still cannot accept the fact that they lost the election. What crybabies they all are. Why would anyone want to knock and mock a President like Trump who hugs the American flag and has said that he wants to make America great again.I guess those two fools want to make America un great. How those two got this far in life with so little is quite amazing. :banghead: But hey.

Trump looked almost as retarded as Rick Perry hugging that jar of maple syrup

I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Nope. Trump is retarded, or at least he thinks right wingers are retarded. His hugging the flag skit proved that.

So then you must be a left wing anti-American lieberal, hey? For a guy who is supposed to be so retarded and a billionaire he has done pretty well. How much do you have in your bank account? $20.00?

I have quite a bit more than $20.00, but I didn't start out with my daddy giving me millions, and spend my life scamming people.
What is with those two night time talk show hosts fools Colbert and Kimmel? Every night when they start their show the first thing that comes out of their useless liberal mouths is Trump. I guess without Trump they would have no show as they never have anything to say anyway.

What they did this time was to mock Trump for hugging the American flag at a CPAC meeting last week. WTF? What is wrong with an American hugging the flag? Why do those two morons have to make a big deal out of nothing? Even CNN got in on the act and just had to report about what those two fools said.

It is hard to believe how the leftist liberal democrat losers still cannot accept the fact that they lost the election. What crybabies they all are. Why would anyone want to knock and mock a President like Trump who hugs the American flag and has said that he wants to make America great again.I guess those two fools want to make America un great. How those two got this far in life with so little is quite amazing. :banghead: But hey.

Trump looked almost as retarded as Rick Perry hugging that jar of maple syrup

I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Nope. Trump is retarded, or at least he thinks right wingers are retarded. His hugging the flag skit proved that.

So then you must be a left wing anti-American lieberal, hey? For a guy who is supposed to be so retarded and a billionaire he has done pretty well. How much do you have in your bank account? $20.00?

I have quite a bit more than $20.00, but I didn't start out with my daddy giving me millions, and spend my life scamming people.

Okay, so you have forty dollars in your account. Jealous of Trump because your daddy left you with nothing? Everyone in business is always in some ways trying to scam people or the system. Honesty in business will get you to go bankrupt eventually. When big box outfits buy a product for one dollar ans put it on the shelf and sell it for ten dollars that one could say is scamming. But that is how everyone does it in business.
Late night hosts have been cracking wise about our politicians for decades now. Quit whining and change the channel.

Maybe instead they should change their openings for a change and say something that is really funny. Mocking the President for hugging the American flag is so childish which is what most liberals are childish crybabies. We did not win the election. WAN-WAN tears a flowing. Conservatives are getting tired of left wing liberal losers like those two aholes. those two will never be able to compete with Parr or Leno. Letterman was another leftist liberal loser.
I don't waste my time watching nobody's. I only turn their shows on to see if I am still correct about their constant attacks first thing on Trump. Come on, those two fools need to give it a break. :asshole:'s.

If someone is forcing you to watch them, you should call the police immediately. If not, quit whining and change the channel.

Another one that needs to :bigboy:.

I'm not the one whining because I didn't like a late show monologue. Grow up and quit whining.

As I have already said, why do those two lieberal snowflake loser misfits mentioned constantly do it? It's like telling the same joke over and over again. People can start to get tired of hearing that joke. They should start their shows with bashing democrats and some of the things that they have said and done done for a change every night. Show some balance. Believe me there is plenty of democrats to make fun of. But of course you and I both know that ain't going to happen pardner.
Trump looked almost as retarded as Rick Perry hugging that jar of maple syrup

I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Nope. Trump is retarded, or at least he thinks right wingers are retarded. His hugging the flag skit proved that.

So then you must be a left wing anti-American lieberal, hey? For a guy who is supposed to be so retarded and a billionaire he has done pretty well. How much do you have in your bank account? $20.00?

I have quite a bit more than $20.00, but I didn't start out with my daddy giving me millions, and spend my life scamming people.

Okay, so you have forty dollars in your account. Jealous of Trump because your daddy left you with nothing? Everyone in business is always in some ways trying to scam people or the system. Honesty in business will get you to go bankrupt eventually. When big box outfits buy a product for one dollar ans put it on the shelf and sell it for ten dollars that one could say is scamming. But that is how everyone does it in business.

That's why we have laws to require businesses to treat their customers fairly. I can't believe you are actually trying to defend trump for being a crook who doesn't pay his employees.
Late night hosts have been cracking wise about our politicians for decades now. Quit whining and change the channel.

Maybe instead they should change their openings for a change and say something that is really funny. Mocking the President for hugging the American flag is so childish which is what most liberals are childish crybabies. We did not win the election. WAN-WAN tears a flowing. Conservatives are getting tired of left wing liberal losers like those two aholes. those two will never be able to compete with Parr or Leno. Letterman was another leftist liberal loser.
I don't waste my time watching nobody's. I only turn their shows on to see if I am still correct about their constant attacks first thing on Trump. Come on, those two fools need to give it a break. :asshole:'s.

If someone is forcing you to watch them, you should call the police immediately. If not, quit whining and change the channel.

Another one that needs to :bigboy:.

I'm not the one whining because I didn't like a late show monologue. Grow up and quit whining.

As I have already said, why do those two lieberal snowflake loser misfits mentioned constantly do it? It's like telling the same joke over and over again. People can start to get tired of hearing that joke. They should start their shows with bashing democrats and some of the things that they have said and done done for a change every night. Show some balance. Believe me there is plenty of democrats to make fun of. But of course you and I both know that ain't going to happen pardner.

Then you should watch that gutfeld idiot. He's not funny, but he will bash liberals all you want. Change the channel you big baby.
What is with those two night time talk show hosts fools Colbert and Kimmel? Every night when they start their show the first thing that comes out of their useless liberal mouths is Trump. I guess without Trump they would have no show as they never have anything to say anyway.

What they did this time was to mock Trump for hugging the American flag at a CPAC meeting last week. WTF? What is wrong with an American hugging the flag? Why do those two morons have to make a big deal out of nothing? Even CNN got in on the act and just had to report about what those two fools said.

It is hard to believe how the leftist liberal democrat losers still cannot accept the fact that they lost the election. What crybabies they all are. Why would anyone want to knock and mock a President like Trump who hugs the American flag and has said that he wants to make America great again.I guess those two fools want to make America un great. How those two got this far in life with so little is quite amazing. :banghead: But hey.
“leftist liberal democrat losers”


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