Late night talk hosts

Late night hosts have been cracking wise about our politicians for decades now. Quit whining and change the channel.

Maybe instead they should change their openings for a change and say something that is really funny. Mocking the President for hugging the American flag is so childish which is what most liberals are childish crybabies. We did not win the election. WAN-WAN tears a flowing. Conservatives are getting tired of left wing liberal losers like those two aholes. those two will never be able to compete with Parr or Leno. Letterman was another leftist liberal loser.
I don't waste my time watching nobody's. I only turn their shows on to see if I am still correct about their constant attacks first thing on Trump. Come on, those two fools need to give it a break. :asshole:'s.

You don’t waste your time watching nobodies. Just bitching about them. :lol:

Someone has to do it. :iyfyus.jpg:
Late night hosts have been cracking wise about our politicians for decades now. Quit whining and change the channel.

Maybe instead they should change their openings for a change and say something that is really funny. Mocking the President for hugging the American flag is so childish which is what most liberals are childish crybabies. We did not win the election. WAN-WAN tears a flowing. Conservatives are getting tired of left wing liberal losers like those two aholes. those two will never be able to compete with Parr or Leno. Letterman was another leftist liberal loser.
I don't waste my time watching nobody's. I only turn their shows on to see if I am still correct about their constant attacks first thing on Trump. Come on, those two fools need to give it a break. :asshole:'s.

If someone is forcing you to watch them, you should call the police immediately. If not, quit whining and change the channel.

Another one that needs to :bigboy:.

I'm not the one whining because I didn't like a late show monologue. Grow up and quit whining.

I am all grown up now and I am not whining. Obviously, you do not know the difference between discussion/debating and whining? How is discussing two morons whining? Just asking.
I only saw a President that gives a shit about is country. A President who hugs his flag and wants to make America great again is someone deemed retarded to you tells me that maybe it is not Trump who is retarded. Get my drift? :bigboy:

Nope. Trump is retarded, or at least he thinks right wingers are retarded. His hugging the flag skit proved that.

So then you must be a left wing anti-American lieberal, hey? For a guy who is supposed to be so retarded and a billionaire he has done pretty well. How much do you have in your bank account? $20.00?

I have quite a bit more than $20.00, but I didn't start out with my daddy giving me millions, and spend my life scamming people.

Okay, so you have forty dollars in your account. Jealous of Trump because your daddy left you with nothing? Everyone in business is always in some ways trying to scam people or the system. Honesty in business will get you to go bankrupt eventually. When big box outfits buy a product for one dollar ans put it on the shelf and sell it for ten dollars that one could say is scamming. But that is how everyone does it in business.

That's why we have laws to require businesses to treat their customers fairly. I can't believe you are actually trying to defend trump for being a crook who doesn't pay his employees.

WTF? Why would anyone work for someone and not want to get paid for it? I am pretty sure that Trump pays his employees. So just where or how is Trump a crook? What did he do that is criminal? A crook usually ends up in jail. So far Trump is not in jail unless you have some goods on him. Got something juicy on Trump to offer us here? I await something from you. :udaman:
Late night hosts have been cracking wise about our politicians for decades now. Quit whining and change the channel.

Maybe instead they should change their openings for a change and say something that is really funny. Mocking the President for hugging the American flag is so childish which is what most liberals are childish crybabies. We did not win the election. WAN-WAN tears a flowing. Conservatives are getting tired of left wing liberal losers like those two aholes. those two will never be able to compete with Parr or Leno. Letterman was another leftist liberal loser.
I don't waste my time watching nobody's. I only turn their shows on to see if I am still correct about their constant attacks first thing on Trump. Come on, those two fools need to give it a break. :asshole:'s.

If someone is forcing you to watch them, you should call the police immediately. If not, quit whining and change the channel.

Another one that needs to :bigboy:.

I'm not the one whining because I didn't like a late show monologue. Grow up and quit whining.

I am all grown up now and I am not whining. Obviously, you do not know the difference between discussion/debating and whining? How is discussing two morons whining? Just asking.

You're wanting to debate/discuss your butt hurt because late night TV doesn't support Trump? Like I said before, watch that gutfeld goober. He isn't funny, but he will stroke your right wing political beliefs till you are are ready for a cigarette.
Nope. Trump is retarded, or at least he thinks right wingers are retarded. His hugging the flag skit proved that.

So then you must be a left wing anti-American lieberal, hey? For a guy who is supposed to be so retarded and a billionaire he has done pretty well. How much do you have in your bank account? $20.00?

I have quite a bit more than $20.00, but I didn't start out with my daddy giving me millions, and spend my life scamming people.

Okay, so you have forty dollars in your account. Jealous of Trump because your daddy left you with nothing? Everyone in business is always in some ways trying to scam people or the system. Honesty in business will get you to go bankrupt eventually. When big box outfits buy a product for one dollar ans put it on the shelf and sell it for ten dollars that one could say is scamming. But that is how everyone does it in business.

That's why we have laws to require businesses to treat their customers fairly. I can't believe you are actually trying to defend trump for being a crook who doesn't pay his employees.

WTF? Why would anyone work for someone and not want to get paid for it? I am pretty sure that Trump pays his employees. So just where or how is Trump a crook? What did he do that is criminal? A crook usually ends up in jail. So far Trump is not in jail unless you have some goods on him. Got something juicy on Trump to offer us here? I await something from you. :udaman:

Report: Trump has refused to pay hundreds of workers

Trump Accused of Routinely Stiffing His Own Employees

Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills
So then you must be a left wing anti-American lieberal, hey? For a guy who is supposed to be so retarded and a billionaire he has done pretty well. How much do you have in your bank account? $20.00?

I have quite a bit more than $20.00, but I didn't start out with my daddy giving me millions, and spend my life scamming people.

Okay, so you have forty dollars in your account. Jealous of Trump because your daddy left you with nothing? Everyone in business is always in some ways trying to scam people or the system. Honesty in business will get you to go bankrupt eventually. When big box outfits buy a product for one dollar ans put it on the shelf and sell it for ten dollars that one could say is scamming. But that is how everyone does it in business.

That's why we have laws to require businesses to treat their customers fairly. I can't believe you are actually trying to defend trump for being a crook who doesn't pay his employees.

WTF? Why would anyone work for someone and not want to get paid for it? I am pretty sure that Trump pays his employees. So just where or how is Trump a crook? What did he do that is criminal? A crook usually ends up in jail. So far Trump is not in jail unless you have some goods on him. Got something juicy on Trump to offer us here? I await something from you. :udaman:

Report: Trump has refused to pay hundreds of workers

Trump Accused of Routinely Stiffing His Own Employees

Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills

Trump must of had a good reason for not wanting to pay hundreds of employees? What were those reasons for this decision by Trump? You obviously must know? Pray tell us all here as to why this is so, small pants?

If an employer kept trying to stiff someone of their money than quit. What is their problem? Quit. Only idiots will work for nothing especially if they keep getting stiffed by the same employer.

What? From bankruptcy's? Bankruptcy's happen all the time, small pants. Trump is no exception and Trump has gone bankrupt many times. So, what's your point?
Maybe instead they should change their openings for a change and say something that is really funny. Mocking the President for hugging the American flag is so childish which is what most liberals are childish crybabies. We did not win the election. WAN-WAN tears a flowing. Conservatives are getting tired of left wing liberal losers like those two aholes. those two will never be able to compete with Parr or Leno. Letterman was another leftist liberal loser.
I don't waste my time watching nobody's. I only turn their shows on to see if I am still correct about their constant attacks first thing on Trump. Come on, those two fools need to give it a break. :asshole:'s.

If someone is forcing you to watch them, you should call the police immediately. If not, quit whining and change the channel.

Another one that needs to :bigboy:.

I'm not the one whining because I didn't like a late show monologue. Grow up and quit whining.

I am all grown up now and I am not whining. Obviously, you do not know the difference between discussion/debating and whining? How is discussing two morons whining? Just asking.

You're wanting to debate/discuss your butt hurt because late night TV doesn't support Trump? Like I said before, watch that gutfeld goober. He isn't funny, but he will stroke your right wing political beliefs till you are are ready for a cigarette.[

I guess that it is your fat lefty butt that must be really hurting because I just showed up your two left wing snowflake loser hero's for what they really are. Two :asshole:'s. Try and not sit down or awhile. :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
What is with those two night time talk show hosts fools Colbert and Kimmel? Every night when they start their show the first thing that comes out of their useless liberal mouths is Trump. I guess without Trump they would have no show as they never have anything to say anyway.

What they did this time was to mock Trump for hugging the American flag at a CPAC meeting last week. WTF? What is wrong with an American hugging the flag? Why do those two morons have to make a big deal out of nothing? Even CNN got in on the act and just had to report about what those two fools said.

It is hard to believe how the leftist liberal democrat losers still cannot accept the fact that they lost the election. What crybabies they all are. Why would anyone want to knock and mock a President like Trump who hugs the American flag and has said that he wants to make America great again.I guess those two fools want to make America un great. How those two got this far in life with so little is quite amazing. :banghead: But hey.

It's the Hate Show with Stephen Cold Bert, and Hate Night with Scummy Kibbles.

They're not funny, not even in the same zip code as funny, so they spew hate as a means of keeping a frothing at the mouth leftist audience.
Find yourself a safe place there snowflake.

And turn the TV off if it upsets you so.
If someone is forcing you to watch them, you should call the police immediately. If not, quit whining and change the channel.

Another one that needs to :bigboy:.

I'm not the one whining because I didn't like a late show monologue. Grow up and quit whining.

I am all grown up now and I am not whining. Obviously, you do not know the difference between discussion/debating and whining? How is discussing two morons whining? Just asking.

You're wanting to debate/discuss your butt hurt because late night TV doesn't support Trump? Like I said before, watch that gutfeld goober. He isn't funny, but he will stroke your right wing political beliefs till you are are ready for a cigarette.[

I guess that it is your fat lefty butt that must be really hurting because I just showed up your two left wing snowflake loser hero's for what they really are. Two :asshole:'s. Try and not sit down or awhile. :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You didn't show up anything goober.
What is with those two night time talk show hosts fools Colbert and Kimmel? Every night when they start their show the first thing that comes out of their useless liberal mouths is Trump. I guess without Trump they would have no show as they never have anything to say anyway.

What they did this time was to mock Trump for hugging the American flag at a CPAC meeting last week. WTF? What is wrong with an American hugging the flag? Why do those two morons have to make a big deal out of nothing? Even CNN got in on the act and just had to report about what those two fools said.

It is hard to believe how the leftist liberal democrat losers still cannot accept the fact that they lost the election. What crybabies they all are. Why would anyone want to knock and mock a President like Trump who hugs the American flag and has said that he wants to make America great again.I guess those two fools want to make America un great. How those two got this far in life with so little is quite amazing. :banghead: But hey.

It's the Hate Show with Stephen Cold Bert, and Hate Night with Scummy Kibbles.

They're not funny, not even in the same zip code as funny, so they spew hate as a means of keeping a frothing at the mouth leftist audience.

Those two misfits are just your typical leftist lieberal snowflake losers who have nothing to offer the world but stupid silly ass not so funny jokes. The Trump attacks are not funny at all. And the no mind people that goes to see those two jokers are just as stupid as those two idiots are. And then we wonder why America is in so much trouble these days.
Another one that needs to :bigboy:.

I'm not the one whining because I didn't like a late show monologue. Grow up and quit whining.

I am all grown up now and I am not whining. Obviously, you do not know the difference between discussion/debating and whining? How is discussing two morons whining? Just asking.

You're wanting to debate/discuss your butt hurt because late night TV doesn't support Trump? Like I said before, watch that gutfeld goober. He isn't funny, but he will stroke your right wing political beliefs till you are are ready for a cigarette.[

I guess that it is your fat lefty butt that must be really hurting because I just showed up your two left wing snowflake loser hero's for what they really are. Two :asshole:'s. Try and not sit down or awhile. :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You didn't show up anything goober.

Goober from Gomer Pyle your hero or something? Buy any big boy pants today? :thewave:.
Find yourself a safe place there snowflake.

And turn the TV off if it upsets you so.

I am sitting in a safe place and will soon be watching FOX News and listening during the week to Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham three real and great conservatives. There is also Pirro, Watters and Gutfeld on Saturday nights. More real conservatives. Lieberals are the snowflakes. They all melt away when exposed to the truth. :yes_text12:
Find yourself a safe place there snowflake.

And turn the TV off if it upsets you so.

I am sitting in a safe place and will soon be watching FOX News and listening during the week to Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham three real and great conservatives. There is also Pirro, Watters and Gutfeld on Saturday nights. More real conservatives. Lieberals are the snowflakes. They all melt away when exposed to the truth. :yes_text12:

Good for you. Now, quit whining.
Find yourself a safe place there snowflake.

And turn the TV off if it upsets you so.

I am sitting in a safe place and will soon be watching FOX News and listening during the week to Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham three real and great conservatives. There is also Pirro, Watters and Gutfeld on Saturday nights. More real conservatives. Lieberals are the snowflakes. They all melt away when exposed to the truth. :yes_text12:

Good for you. Now, quit whining.

NO. :cheeky-smiley-018:
Find yourself a safe place there snowflake.

And turn the TV off if it upsets you so.

I am sitting in a safe place and will soon be watching FOX News and listening during the week to Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham three real and great conservatives. There is also Pirro, Watters and Gutfeld on Saturday nights. More real conservatives. Lieberals are the snowflakes. They all melt away when exposed to the truth. :yes_text12:

Good for you. Now, quit whining.

NO. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Then whine away sweet lips.
Find yourself a safe place there snowflake.

And turn the TV off if it upsets you so.

I am sitting in a safe place and will soon be watching FOX News and listening during the week to Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham three real and great conservatives. There is also Pirro, Watters and Gutfeld on Saturday nights. More real conservatives. Lieberals are the snowflakes. They all melt away when exposed to the truth. :yes_text12:

Good for you. Now, quit whining.

NO. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Then whine away sweet lips.

Find yourself a safe place there snowflake.

And turn the TV off if it upsets you so.

I am sitting in a safe place and will soon be watching FOX News and listening during the week to Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham three real and great conservatives. There is also Pirro, Watters and Gutfeld on Saturday nights. More real conservatives. Lieberals are the snowflakes. They all melt away when exposed to the truth. :yes_text12:

Good for you. Now, quit whining.

NO. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Then whine away sweet lips.


It takes so little to make childish fools happy. Enjoy your whining.
I am sitting in a safe place and will soon be watching FOX News and listening during the week to Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham three real and great conservatives. There is also Pirro, Watters and Gutfeld on Saturday nights. More real conservatives. Lieberals are the snowflakes. They all melt away when exposed to the truth. :yes_text12:

Good for you. Now, quit whining.

NO. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Then whine away sweet lips.


It takes so little to make childish fools happy. Enjoy your whining.

Love to whine and drink it also. :yes_text12:
Poking fun at american politics is part of being a good american. You who get offended by it need to lighten up. Politics simply isn't all that important. Breaking news that is...lmao

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