Latest Fox News Poll Has Biden Beating…Everybody. We Should Not Be Surprised

It's okay.
Leave it to the adults to decide.
You ride along in the back seat, play video games, watch TikTok or whater IS your thing.
Sell that swill to the idiots. They'll fall for it. But I won't. And when we look back at why the US fell into decline, I won't have blood on my hands. You will.
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Sell that swill to the idiots. They'll fall for it. But I won't. And when we look back at why the US fell into decline, I won't have blood on my hands. You will.

I know that is your mantra.
I get it.
Let others make the choices.
It's childlike.
I do get it.
Your grandkids may not.
I know that is your mantra.
I get it.
Let others make the choices.
It's childlike.
I do get it.
Your grandkids may not.
I told you, that carny spiel doesn't work on me. I'm not voting for your shitty candidates. Save yourself some typing.
I told you, that carny spiel doesn't work on me. I'm not voting for your shitty candidates. Save yourself some typing.

I'm not trying to convince you.
I doubt you would vote for the correct candidate in the first place.
For me your fantasy of 3rd party is the best outcome.

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