Latest Fox News Poll Has Biden Beating…Everybody. We Should Not Be Surprised

Yes you read that correct: Biden is beating everybody. Tweet from Political Poll.

Trumps sits at a 62% unfavorability rating, with a full 53% of all voters say they will not vote for him.

This will transfer down ballot next year, with Democrats and independents, both rejecting anti woke politics, and anti abortion measures by state legislatures.

To sum up. The GOP is going to get crushed.

That poll was answered entirely by actual living, real republicans and not democrat bots?

Trump got Schlonged

The popular vote was 51% Biden, 47% Trump. Nearly half the country chose an utter miscreant over your candidate. It shouldn't have even been close. Anyway, we'll see. That's IF we're actually able to conclude the election successfully. Biden has done such a great job uniting dividing the country, I have serious doubts it will happen.
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Guess all you want. I have no use for two-party drones.
As constructed now neither do most people. Fact of the matter is as of right now looks like it will be ByeDon vs. Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King.
Actually an easy choice being that the latter wanted to overthrow an election and called for the suspension of the constitution.
Yes you read that correct: Biden is beating everybody. Tweet from Political Poll.

Trumps sits at a 62% unfavorability rating, with a full 53% of all voters say they will not vote for him.

This will transfer down ballot next year, with Democrats and independents, both rejecting anti woke politics, and anti abortion measures by state legislatures.

To sum up. The GOP is going to get crushed.

Well, when the GOP is slave to a sexual abuser con-man.....
As constructed now neither do most people. Fact of the matter is as of right now looks like it will be ByeDon vs. Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King.
Actually an easy choice being that the latter wanted to overthrow an election and called for the suspension of the constitution.
Why would you vote for either one???

Seriously, if you owned a large company, that you actually cared about, would you hire either one of them to run it?
The popular vote was 51% Biden, 47% Trump. Nearly half the country chose an utter miscreant over your candidate. It shouldn't have even been close. Anyway, we'll see. That's IF we're actually able to conclude the election successfully. Biden has done such a great job uniting dividing the country, I have serious doubts it will happen.

Guess what Skippy
Popular vote means nothing
Ask President Hillary Clinton

Biden 306
Trump 232

Trump got Schlonged
So democrats support a senile man that cant even follow details about walking down a sidewalk, that lies everyday, racist as hell, showered with daughter and helped cause her sex addiction, a war monger etc. Yep, sounds about right.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
The only ones pushing the "senile" lie are the supporters of a sexual abuser.
Guess what Skippy
Popular vote means nothing
Ask President Hillary Clinton

Biden 306
Trump 232

Trump got Schlonged
LOL - ok. Keep wankin' to that. You can't govern a country when half the country despises its leaders.
Yes you read that correct: Biden is beating everybody. Tweet from Political Poll.

Trumps sits at a 62% unfavorability rating, with a full 53% of all voters say they will not vote for him.

This will transfer down ballot next year, with Democrats and independents, both rejecting anti woke politics, and anti abortion measures by state legislatures.

To sum up. The GOP is going to get crushed.

Biden deserves to win! The economy is rolling. We are competitive on the world stage again. And Trump sucks!
Yes you read that correct: Biden is beating everybody. Tweet from Political Poll.

Trumps sits at a 62% unfavorability rating, with a full 53% of all voters say they will not vote for him.

This will transfer down ballot next year , with Democrats and independents, both rejecting anti woke politics, and anti abortion measures by state legislatures.

To sum up. The GOP is going to get crushed.

Biden’s secret is having a liberal press that covers for him.

Joe can do any damn thing he wants and get away with it. The press may at the most report on the evidence of his malfeasance for a day, if at all, and the the next day return to talking about putting Trump in prison For 100 years.

Constitutional scholar and TV pundit Jonathan Turley had his sucker punch ready Wednesday when several liberal media outlets, as if in a conspiracy, ignored covering the GOP’s sensational investigative report on Biden family influence peddling and cash collecting in China and Romania.

“The committee could produce eight heads in a duffle bag owned by Hunter [Biden] and the media would still demand a luggage tag referencing the president,” he tweeted.

The Democratic Party also benefits from having poorly educated students graduating form our failed high school system and our colleges which brainwash students rather than teach them how to think.

At one time in our nation it was important to educate children so they would be good citizens. The Dems realized that well educated children that can read and write and know history and civics would be dangerous to their desire to implement a Marxist socialist workers paradise. Today our high schools are putting out children who can barely read and do any math. History is considered boring and many schools don’t even teach civics. They really don’t know how to think for themselves so if told to vote for democrats, they will.

Plus today our FBI, DOJ, IRS and many alphabet intelligence agencies are corrupt at the top and working for the Democratic Party. We no longer have just one rule of law but a rule of law for conservatives and a very lenient one for liberals.

You might think the following article from 1990 would be dated but it was prophetic.


Public Education: Socialism’s Last Refuge​

And the ironic cause of that demise could very well be our own reluctance either to privatize or radically restructure the most socialist enterprise in the Western world, that $180 billion near-monopoly known as U.S. public education.

Some years ago I asked Nobel economist Milton Friedman why it was, given the appalling and obvious failures of socialism everywhere in the world contrasted with the stunning successes of market capitalism, that most American students still graduated from high school with such a surprisingly socialist perspective. His answer was characteristically clear: “Because they are products of a socialist system—namely public education. How can you expect such a system to inculcate the values of free enterprise and individual entrepreneurship and competition when it is based on monopoly state ownership, abhors competition, and survives only through compulsion and taxation?”

How indeed. Yet, how can a nation expect to compete in an increasingly dynamic and competitive global market when its most important economic capital, its people and their ideas and talents and energies, are the product of such an obviously failed monopoly enterprise? In spite of one of the highest levels of spending (per capita) in the industrial world, the American public school system is generating students who rank 13th out of 13 advanced nations in science and math, and 11th out of 13 in social studies and language. If we want to be genuinely candid about it, the American public education system today is not that much more effective than the Polish economic system that Lech Walesa reluctantly inherited, and the challenge facing would-be education reformers in the U.S. is no less daunting.

Unless they, like Walesa, first understand why the system has been failing, they cannot hope to succeed. If they follow his example and merely tinker at the margins, and “reform” within the present system, their efforts could well be as Myron Lieberman warned in his new book on education privatization, entirely “futilitarian.”


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