Latest Fox News Poll Has Biden Beating…Everybody. We Should Not Be Surprised

Yes. That's the sales pitch of the two parties. I'm not buying.

All we have to do is say no. Pretty much every time someone says "everybody knows", they selling you a line of shit.
How many 3rd party have you voted for?
How many won?
No, they don't.

You are VASTLY overestimating them if you think they realize that. I have come to the conclusion that they simply do not engage with reality. There is no other explanation.
Indeed. Willful delusion is a thing. I learned about it in fifth grade when I was surprised to find out that most of my classmates thought pro wrestling was real. And the scary bit was how angry and threatening they got when I tried to convince them otherwise.
How many 3rd party have you voted for?
How many won?
I told you. I'm not buying. Spin up whatever horseshit sales pitch you want, I'm not voting for a shitty candidate on purpose. If you want my vote, you'll have to do better. Much better.
Like I said, the Trump people did not expect that so many people were ferociously opposed to his re-election. It was really quite amazing. Over 150 million votes were cast in 2020 by people who either loved Trump or hated Trump. That's like Jesus Christ level influence. What is sad is that, of all people, the beneficiary was old man Joe Biden. What an opportunity blown by Dems.
Meh, I think you overestimate to turn out because most of the change, AFAIK, was due to the ease of voting rather than the motivation to vote.

Mail in balloting was massively increased and that will, by its very nature, spike voter participation. Sure, there was more motivation to vote against Trump too but Americans are lazy first and foremost. Turnout is greatly impacted by ease.
That won't happen until we stop falling for the Lo2e scam.
Not true, you have to have an exceptional candidate because they will not have the money to compete.
How many 3rd party candidates have you voted for? How many have won?
It would be easy if Biden did not disregard the constitution as well and/or stood for ANYTHING I stand for. When Trump is your opponent and the ONLY thing you can point to is Trump it is a VERY weak sale.

I need something to vote FOR, I will not simply vote against.

Contact dblack there are some extremely viable 3rd, 4th, and 5th party candidates to vote for with a clear conscious.
It would be easy if Biden did not disregard the constitution as well and/or stood for ANYTHING I stand for. When Trump is your opponent and the ONLY thing you can point to is Trump it is a VERY weak sale.

I need something to vote FOR, I will not simply vote against.
Cool story, tRump sucks is more than enough. And your Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/ King wanted to suspend the constitution. Funny how you gloss over that.
That is the problem. They do not need a 'who else.'

Biden will win even if he does not run a campaign.
At least Republicans have serious options they put forward as an alternative.

Democrats give you two morons. Biden and Kamala.
Yes you read that correct: Biden is beating everybody. Tweet from Political Poll.

Trumps sits at a 62% unfavorability rating, with a full 53% of all voters say they will not vote for him.

This will transfer down ballot next year, with Democrats and independents, both rejecting anti woke politics, and anti abortion measures by state legislatures.

To sum up. The GOP is going to get crushed.

Margin of error.

Plus, all polling before the actual election itself is generally unreliable. Especially this far out.

Raise your hand if you’re the one who still believes Potato is going to be able or allowed to run agains as the Democrap Parody nominee.
Meh, I think you overestimate to turn out because most of the change, AFAIK, was due to the ease of voting rather than the motivation to vote.

Mail in balloting was massively increased and that will, by its very nature, spike voter participation. Sure, there was more motivation to vote against Trump too but Americans are lazy first and foremost. Turnout is greatly impacted by ease.
Good point. The new system certainly made it easy to vote. It was so easy, in fact, that some folk may have done it over and over.
I told you. I'm not buying. Spin up whatever horseshit sales pitch you want, I'm not voting for a shitty candidate on purpose. If you want my vote, you'll have to do better. Much better.
Good on you.
How many 3rd party candidates have you voted for?
How many have won?
Cool story, tRump sucks is more than enough. And your Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/ King wanted to suspend the constitution. Funny how you gloss over that.
I glossed over nothing.

I made a basic statement, I will not cast a vote without something to vote for. Simple fact. And that the left gives me nothing to vote for just means they are that much weaker.

Trump will be gone very soon and then you will have.... nothing. And that is a problem for the future strength of the party.
I glossed over nothing.

I made a basic statement, I will not cast a vote without something to vote for. Simple fact. And that the left gives me nothing to vote for just means they are that much weaker.

Trump will be gone very soon and then you will have.... nothing. And that is a problem for the future strength of the party.

As long as they can keep the unverifiable mail in ballots going, they don't really need a candidate.
Good point. The new system certainly made it easy to vote. It was so easy, in fact, that some folk may have done it over and over.
You can claim that but there is zero evidence of that. Multiple votes are cast, in a nation of 350 million people and almost 200 million cast ballots, in the SINGLE DIGITS.
Like I said, the Trump people did not expect that so many people were ferociously opposed to his re-election. It was really quite amazing.
So amazing that some magaturds, heck, even the guy himself, still to this very day cannot believe so many people were ferociously opposed to his reelection. So they stomped their feet, gnashed their teeth and concocted this cockamamie 'stolen election' facade. And here we are. :dunno:

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