Latest Fox News Poll Has Biden Beating…Everybody. We Should Not Be Surprised

As long as they can keep the unverifiable mail in ballots going, they don't really need a candidate.
They sent me 6 last time because of the fake leftyvirus, I threw them away and voted for real. Im sure there were millions printed up for whatever the Dims needed to do.
So amazing that some magaturds, heck, even the guy himself, still to this very day cannot believe so many people were ferociously opposed to his reelection. So they stomped their feet, gnashed their teeth and concocted this cockamamie 'stolen election' facade. And here we are. :dunno:
And bitch, whine and complain when the left does it to a MUCH smaller degree. They are still crying about Abrahams who is a no one while doing the same thing on a national scale, in courts and now it looks like with illegal tampering behind the scenes.
Good on you.
How many 3rd party candidates have you voted for?
How many have won?
It doesn't matter. It's not a bet. I don't win a prize if the candidate I vote for wins. I don't lose anything if they don't. Why is this such a thing with you? What do you gain if you vote for a shitty candidate and they get elected???

This mindset is so fucked up, and it's nearly ubiquitous. Democracy is doomed, not by the shenanigans of unscrupulous leaders, but by the utter stupidity of voters.
I remember when the polls said that Hillary would crush Trump. :laugh:
Do you also remember when you guys threw a hissy fit and stormed the Capitol and even tried to hang your own VP.... because you couldn't accept the fact that your orange douchebag lost?

We do! :laugh:
What if I think that 1 of the 2 actual candidates would do a good job?
Then vote for them. That's what you ought to do. That's not what I'm rejecting. I'm rejecting your insistence that I should vote for your candidate merely because the other guy is worse.
At least Joe didn't launch a coup against democracy and try to steal an election he didn't win.
I'll take Biden over traitor Trump any day.
Her had his proxies in the house do it, over nothing! That and the constant media droning, and of course the election cheating!
Yes you read that correct: Biden is beating everybody. Tweet from Political Poll.

Trumps sits at a 62% unfavorability rating, with a full 53% of all voters say they will not vote for him.

This will transfer down ballot next year, with Democrats and independents, both rejecting anti woke politics, and anti abortion measures by state legislatures.

To sum up. The GOP is going to get crushed.

I hope so but you never know. And it's way too early to rely on polls for insight.
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Fear!! Scare 'em into voting for your douche bag. Unfortunately, it's a winning strategy.
Can't handle the truth, Democrats are the party of baby killing, pedophilia, open borders, laziness and do not know that men can't have babies.
Can't handle the truth, Democrats are the party of baby killing, pedophilia, open borders, laziness and do not know that men can't have babies.
Of course, of course. And Republicans are fascists from hell.

That's why I'm voting for neither of them.
I hope so but you never know. And it's way too early to rely only polls for incite.
incite :p

Yes, polls now tell us almost nothing HOWEVER I think the last election tells us a shit ton. Trump lost bigly and there is zero indication that there is a fundamental change that would put Trump on top in another matchup.

No one that did not support Trump before is suddenly going to support him now. No one likes Biden but no one liked Biden 3 years ago either. Trump is just a toxic dump and he has only becomes more toxic. They hard right might revel in him being a criminals but the center is not going to break for him for that. Absolutely everything that makes him a strong contender in the primaries makes him a weaker one in the general and he is way to fucking self absorbed to see it let alone navigate that needle.

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