Latest Fox News Poll Has Biden Beating…Everybody. We Should Not Be Surprised

Hmmm.... Let's examine this. Should I post a standard reply to leftist trash posts, or should I respond in kind with their typical "I know you are but what am I" and "Yeah, but whatabout......?".

My standard reply to shit posts is eloquent, rational, layed out beautifully, thought provoking, insightful, and will benefit all who take the time to read and reflect on it.
You can always put me on ignore so you don't become triggered by my flawless, spot on commentary. :dunno:
So you refuse to answer.

A simple yes or no would suffice. So much for honesty.

Anyone that was paying attention in the weeks prior to the election saw key states changing the way that mail in ballots were handled without legally changing the way that mail in ballots were handled.

Did you see that?
What? Listen - once again. Give up. I'm not voting for your jackass.

These aren't hard question for someone as committed as you are.
If you can't explain how it would work, why can't you explain how it would work?
These aren't hard question for someone as committed as you are.
If you can't explain how it would work, why can't you explain how it would work?
It's not gonna happen. Beg and plead, threaten and whine - I'm not voting for your candidate. You'll have to do better.
Anyone that was paying attention in the weeks prior to the election saw key states changing the way that mail in ballots were handled without legally changing the way that mail in ballots were handled.

Did you see that?

For whom were they "cheating?" Both parties were involved.
What's gotten better since then? The people are not confident in the economy, the world is less stable, the border is still a disaster, and all you folks offer is a clown show against Trump. Good luck with that.


Issue numero uno.

Which you will find out the hard way again next year.

And I don't need a poll to be able to boldly make that prediction.

Issue numero uno.

Which you will find out the hard way again next year.

And I don't need a poll to be able to boldly make that prediction.
If you say so. Accept, it's already been years, and states have already taken action. By all means, hang your hopes on baby killing, just don't whine when it doesn't work out.
I don't want you to
I want you to show me your way.
Nope. You're a partisan drone. You actually think Trump is good. I'm not trying to reach you. I'm pleading with people who know both candidates are shitty, but are still falling for your two-party-lesser-of-two-shitstains sales pitch (con). Just say "No!", or, "Fuck no!!", if you prefer.
Nope. You're a partisan drone. You actually think Trump is good. I'm not trying to reach you. I'm pleading with people who know both candidates are shitty, but are still falling for your two-party-lesser-of-two-shitstains sales pitch (con). Just say "No!", or, "Fuck no!!", if you prefer.

If you are just going to go after the easy ones, what is your goal.
Are you trying to double your percentage from 2.5 to 5.00?

Won't get a single EC vote with that.

What is your take on the No Labels Party -

Maybe Joe Manchin and Jon Huntsman?

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