Latest Fox News Poll Has Biden Beating…Everybody. We Should Not Be Surprised

Only in the current paradigm.

IF we stuck with the original concept of our government being separated powers then we would be fine because the president would not have so much fucking power over the local government that you would not really care even if you bitterly disagree.

That is one of the areas where we went wrong and are now seeing it culminate. The growing powers of the feds means fundamental differences at the national level in a WTA race is unworkable.
Yep. We've assigned the federal government so much power, that the Presidential election has become a proxy for civil war.
You don't think 81 million indicates a decision?
Here, nitwit:

Thank you for your comment. Believe it or not, I am actually going to pay you a compliment. See, I do not actually believe that you are as stupid as you pretend to be online. I even have my suspicions that you do not even believe the ridiculous nonsense you espouse to others on a regular basis. I know it is fun to act stupid and be snarky. Thanks to the advent of the internet you can now do this with little to no consequence.

A virtuous man, or woman, of honor knows that there are a number of things that must be collectively valued highly in order to maintain a civil society. These things consist of matters such as honesty, having a strong work ethic, being productive, and tolerance of diversity of opinions and ideas. Too many people today choose to live without virtue and a sense of honor. But it is our duty to seek a virtuous life if we are to effectively live in peace with one another. This requires, inter alia, education on a myriad of topics fueled by a natural curiosity and drive to better oneself and, therefore, society in general.

Such a heightened and enlightened consciousness cannot be found on the internet. Cyberspace is a dark, virtueless morass of social toxicity that is the antithesis to virtue. I acknowledge this, and I have some some time now. Therefore, I begrudge nobody their words and thoughts in the cyber world. I expect nothing from them. They are nothing, and they are of no consequence to me. Their value, if any, is what you choose it to be.

In order to stave off the inevitable nihilism associated with internet socializing, I choose to accept faith in the belief that nobody can really be as stupid and ignorant as you appear to be from the comments you publicly make. Most assuredly you are merely saying what you say in order to derive some sort of pleasure from a deviant fetish you harbor based on watching people respond to your bullshit.
Not when 74 million people bitterly disagree. That's a standoff, and a recipe for an ungovernable society.
That's about a 10 point difference. An election with a 10 point difference isn't a standoff. It's a thrashing.
In a country of over 330 million? With mail-in voting and voter harvesting? Are you fucking serious?!?

Here, wait a minute. I have something to give you to read...
You think mail in voting is bad, and voter harvesting is a real thing. How cute.
Here, nitwit:

Thank you for your comment. Believe it or not, I am actually going to pay you a compliment. See, I do not actually believe that you are as stupid as you pretend to be online. I even have my suspicions that you do not even believe the ridiculous nonsense you espouse to others on a regular basis. I know it is fun to act stupid and be snarky. Thanks to the advent of the internet you can now do this with little to no consequence.

A virtuous man, or woman, of honor knows that there are a number of things that must be collectively valued highly in order to maintain a civil society. These things consist of matters such as honesty, having a strong work ethic, being productive, and tolerance of diversity of opinions and ideas. Too many people today choose to live without virtue and a sense of honor. But it is our duty to seek a virtuous life if we are to effectively live in peace with one another. This requires, inter alia, education on a myriad of topics fueled by a natural curiosity and drive to better oneself and, therefore, society in general.

Such a heightened and enlightened consciousness cannot be found on the internet. Cyberspace is a dark, virtueless morass of social toxicity that is the antithesis to virtue. I acknowledge this, and I have some some time now. Therefore, I begrudge nobody their words and thoughts in the cyber world. I expect nothing from them. They are nothing, and they are of no consequence to me. Their value, if any, is what you choose it to be.

In order to stave off the inevitable nihilism associated with internet socializing, I choose to accept faith in the belief that nobody can really be as stupid and ignorant as you appear to be from the comments you publicly make. Most assuredly you are merely saying what you say in order to derive some sort of pleasure from a deviant fetish you harbor based on watching people respond to your bullshit.
If that's what you have to tell yourself to keep even the smallest bit of self respect, then go ahead. You do what you must.
"stolen election"

MAGA, if you try to steal an election, it won't be just MAGADon and his confederates who go to jail for long stretches.
That's about a 10 point difference. An election with a 10 point difference isn't a standoff. It's a thrashing.
Not if there's no consensus. If 40%+ of the people find the President, or the ruling party, intolerable - if they passionately oppose the "winner" - it's not going to work.

Elections have consequences. So does trying to shove your values down the throats of half the country.
Not if there's no consensus. If 40%+ of the people find the President, or the ruling party, intolerable - if they passionately oppose the "winner" - it's not going to work.

Elections have consequences. So does trying to shove your values down the throats of half the country.
So if the losers whine enough, there will be problems. Sorry buddy, but that's the way it has always been, Poor losers are always a pain in the ass.
The 40% don't rule the 60% that told them, "no, you idiots."

You cause problems and your collective ass will kicked... very hard.
The 60% should also not 'rule' the 40%

That is your problem, you are okay with suppressing the minority as long as that minority is not you. Fuck that.
So if the losers whine enough, there will be problems. Sorry buddy, but that's the way it has always been, Poor losers are always a pain in the ass.
No, it's not the way it's always been. The idiotic fear mongering has things at such a fever pitch that neither side can accept a loss. Whoever loses will go into denial and, in effect if not overtly, revoke sovereignty. Watch and see.

"Winning" by a few percentage points doesn't mean you get to remake society in your own image.

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