Latest Fox News Poll Has Biden Beating…Everybody. We Should Not Be Surprised


Issue numero uno.

Which you will find out the hard way again next year.

And I don't need a poll to be able to boldly make that prediction.
Dims love them some baby murder.....
but send someone to jail for abandoning a puppy.
I know that you won't get this -

One cannot lead if one doesn't win.
LOL - can you get this? A shitty leader is worse than none. I won't vote for them, and whenever I see tools like you trying to scare people into doing that with your LO2E con, I'll call it out for what it is.

Just say No.
LOL - can you get this? A shitty leader is worse than none. I won't vote for them, and whenever I see tools like you trying to browbeat people into doing that with your LO2E con, I'll call it out for what it is.

Just say No.

Independent baby -

That's the ticket.

Get 2% with dignity damn it!
God the delusion is so fucking strong.

And it will persist when Trump losses again. I swear you and those just like you are THE BEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

I can think of nothing better that supports their grab for power.

Hillary 2016

That's all I can say
Not when 74 million people bitterly disagree. That's a standoff, and a recipe for an ungovernable society.
Only in the current paradigm.

IF we stuck with the original concept of our government being separated powers then we would be fine because the president would not have so much fucking power over the local government that you would not really care even if you bitterly disagree.

That is one of the areas where we went wrong and are now seeing it culminate. The growing powers of the feds means fundamental differences at the national level in a WTA race is unworkable.
Hillary 2016

That's all I can say
Yup, eeked out an amazing win in 2016.

Then proceeded to lose, and lose some more, and then loose even more until he lost himself right out of the office.

But don't worry, I am sure the repeated and unending line of failures will be different this time because you hit the lottery 8 years ago.

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