Latest Oil Industry Catch-Phrase


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
For weeks it was "new four year low" but as of yesterday it became "new five year low" with some projecting another 20% reduction in the next 3-6 months. The surge in US production - up 30% in just 2 years and still growing - has made us the largest producer of both liquid oil and natural gas. Add to that the growing output of other non-OPEC producers (Russia, Canada, Mexico) has not just effectively ended OPEC's control of supply (and therefore prices), it has many OPEC states pumping as fast as they can to maintain their slice of the demand pie. Some are currently discounting their oil as low as $40/bbl just to keep their totally oil-dependent economies afloat (pun intended). After forty years of taking it where the sun don't shine it is heartwarming to find the shoe on the other foot ... namely ours.
It's not a "catch-phrase", it's a fact you dolt. :slap:

Oil fuels economies. And that's a fucking good thing. OPEC is protecting market share. We could too if the fucking idiotic export ban were lifted.
I think the catch phrase is "drill baby, drill!". And it has been co-opted by Obama from McCain!

$2.70 gas? Thank the Obama administration!
I think the catch phrase is "drill baby, drill!". And it has been co-opted by Obama from McCain!

$2.70 gas? Thank the Obama administration!
Exactly! It's entirely his fault that that price is still double what it should and could be. Thank obama that you've lost tens of thousands of dollars in disposable income over the past six years because of his energy policy.
When gasoline is $1/gallon, I can't afford to buy it.

The time is long overdue for the U.S. to become a true World Player in the markets by lifting the ban on crude exports.

We export over 40 million gallons of ethanol each month. Why?

The ass-fucking farmer. That's why.

U.S. Exports of Fuel Ethanol Thousand Barrels
WTF! This was an opportunity celebrate our success and OPEC's misery and instead this thread has been reduced to a political, mud-slinging blame-fest. C'mon guys ... don't be afraid to feel good. It doesn't hurt a bit.
WTF! This was an opportunity celebrate our success and OPEC's misery and instead this thread has been reduced to a political, mud-slinging blame-fest. C'mon guys ... don't be afraid to feel good. It doesn't hurt a bit.
You suffer from stockholm syndrome. You've become grateful for having your abuse reduced. But you're still being abused. Your gratefulness contributes to the abuse those of us are aware of still have to endure. Thanks for nothing.
I think the catch phrase is "drill baby, drill!". And it has been co-opted by Obama from McCain!

$2.70 gas? Thank the Obama administration!
Horse shit. :slap:
Remember when everyone wanted to get off foreign oil? Remember when we were an oil importer with few barrels to export?

That was six years ago.

What's different? Domestic production is at an all time high and Obama was elected twice.
WTF! This was an opportunity celebrate our success and OPEC's misery and instead this thread has been reduced to a political, mud-slinging blame-fest. C'mon guys ... don't be afraid to feel good. It doesn't hurt a bit.
You suffer from stockholm syndrome. You've become grateful for having your abuse reduced. But you're still being abused. Your gratefulness contributes to the abuse those of us are aware of still have to endure. Thanks for nothing.

Don't be childish. Not only are we saving significant dollars on oil related products, the cost of transporting those products to market is decreasing setting up a potential new round of price cuts across our consumer economy, all of which will make life a bit better for most Americans and a tougher one for OPEC states. One need not feel gratitude to enjoy this ... the glass is half full, buddy.
WTF! This was an opportunity celebrate our success and OPEC's misery and instead this thread has been reduced to a political, mud-slinging blame-fest. C'mon guys ... don't be afraid to feel good. It doesn't hurt a bit.
You suffer from stockholm syndrome. You've become grateful for having your abuse reduced. But you're still being abused. Your gratefulness contributes to the abuse those of us are aware of still have to endure. Thanks for nothing.

Don't be childish. Not only are we saving significant dollars on oil related products, the cost of transporting those products to market is decreasing setting up a potential new round of price cuts across our consumer economy, all of which will make life a bit better for most Americans and a tougher one for OPEC states. One need not feel gratitude to enjoy this ... the glass is half full, buddy.
No, the glass is 3/4 empty because Obama dumped it out to a point of 7/8 empty and fools celebrate.
I think the catch phrase is "drill baby, drill!". And it has been co-opted by Obama from McCain!

$2.70 gas? Thank the Obama administration!
Horse shit. :slap:
Remember when everyone wanted to get off foreign oil? Remember when we were an oil importer with few barrels to export?

That was six years ago.

What's different? Domestic production is at an all time high and Obama was elected twice.
Correlation meter reads zero, Captain. :slap:
Let’s end at the beginning: retail gasoline prices are going to continue to head lower, and this post simply presents the case as to why, through some simple visuals.

But before we do that, here are some reasons as to why that downside could be more limited than it otherwise should be:
–Stubbornly high input prices (h/t crude oil). The oil price accounts for approximately 65% of the cost of the retail price of gasoline
–Low profitability in refining gasoline (also known as the crack spread). Should crack spreads remain depressed, we could see producers cut back on gasoline production, therefore squeezing prices higher
–A rising, record volume of fuel exports (granted, the lion’s share of this is diesel, but hey)
Despite the reasons above, the case for lower gasoline prices seems fairly represented through the following images, which underscore potential downside – from supply to demand to stockpiles to seasonality……to a popped bubble known as RINs.
STOCKPILES: This first chart shows current gasoline stockpiles (all 220 million barrels of them). Current stock levels (yellow line) are above any level seen at this time of the year for the past half a decade.

DEMAND: This below chart highlights US gasoline demand over the past couple of decades. The choppiness in the line is seasonality (higher demand in the summer, lower in the winter). Nonetheless, the overall trend is the key takeaway: demand since 2007 has peaked, and the trend = gradually lower.

REFINING: Although there has been a fairly precipitous drop in refining in recent weeks as the seasonal maintenance season gets underway, this is by no means a rarity – as illustrated in the chart below. Refinery utilization has lagged the drop-off usually seen in September…but is playing catch-up now.
And even though we are down to 86% – a level not seen since April – we are still at the top of the five-year range, and just a smidgen shy of last year’s level. All the while, part of the recent drop-off in refining may well be attributable to Tropical Storm Karen. This all points to further healthy production of gasoline ahead.

RINs: The EPA requires refiners to blend a certain amount of biofuel into gasoline, based on the Renewable Fuel Standard (a total of 16.55 billion gallons this year). Which is all well and good, except that there is a limit as to how much ethanol can be safely blended into gasoline (considered to be, um, 10%).
Gasoline has now hit the ‘blend wall’ – the maximum limit – which leaves refiners two options: either keep blending, or buy RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers) – essentially paper offsets – to meet the obligations required.
RIN prices spiraled higher earlier in the year as it became clear that there was too much volume of biofuels in the RFS mandate to blend into a limited amount of gasoline (hark, demand falling – see above), which left the onus on refiners to either absorb the cost or pass it on down the supply chain.
As the chart below highlights, the spike in RINs correlates with the recent peak in gasoline prices in August. However, as rumors and murmurs emerge of the EPA cutting the mandate for corn ethanol next year, RINs are getting absolutely walloped, which should in turn help to put downward pressure on gasoline.

SEASONALITY: And finally…price. Not only should a crude oil price with limited upside potential keep a lid on gasoline, but the usual seasonal drop in demand and a move to a cheaper winter blend should also yield downward pressure on retail prices before year-end:

Given the evidence presented here, we will likely see a lower retail gasoline price in the coming months as we step into Christmas. But to temper that optimism a little, the descent is likely to be one of a more careful trek lower than a speedy downhill toboggan ride. Regardless, lower prices most likely await. As always, thanks for playing!
By Matt Smith

Why Gasoline Prices are Heading Lower
What's different? Domestic production is at an all time high and Obama was elected twice.
...due to fracking. Something he and fellow libtards were against but couldn't stop.

Sorry, that is only partially true. Please post the figures to support this.
Where do you think the new domestic production comes from? But live in stupidity, it's not my problem.

I asked you, then I posted the pertinent information. Still waiting for you to back up this claim, Einstein.
No, the glass is 3/4 empty because Obama dumped it out to a point of 7/8 empty and fools celebrate.

No, only partisan crybabies look at this as a bad thing. Try not being such a blind supporter of "your side" whatever side that happens to be.
This isn't about taking a side other than my budget.
Obama's energy policy caused gas prices to jump from < $1.50/gallon to consistently over more than $2 above that for his entire term until recently. And what it is now is at least $1 too high, in spite of his efforts to keep costs up. Those energy cost increases ripple through all consumer goods which are 10-15% higher than what they could be. This is nothing to celebrate. Losing thousands annually is not cause for celebration.
The real issue here is the US dollar becoming worthless thanks to our debt and terrible balance of trade numbers. Fracking is the only thing that can keep us from default...Yet Obozo and his Rats just got another subsidy for WIND energy in the latest budget, ignoring the fact it's an eagle and hawk killing folly.

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