Latest Oil Industry Catch-Phrase

For weeks it was "new four year low" but as of yesterday it became "new five year low" with some projecting another 20% reduction in the next 3-6 months. The surge in US production - up 30% in just 2 years and still growing - has made us the largest producer of both liquid oil and natural gas. Add to that the growing output of other non-OPEC producers (Russia, Canada, Mexico) has not just effectively ended OPEC's control of supply (and therefore prices), it has many OPEC states pumping as fast as they can to maintain their slice of the demand pie. Some are currently discounting their oil as low as $40/bbl just to keep their totally oil-dependent economies afloat (pun intended). After forty years of taking it where the sun don't shine it is heartwarming to find the shoe on the other foot ... namely ours.

And don't forget to add that it's all Obama's fault, the rightwing mantra here on the USMB.
WTF! This was an opportunity celebrate our success and OPEC's misery and instead this thread has been reduced to a political, mud-slinging blame-fest. C'mon guys ... don't be afraid to feel good. It doesn't hurt a bit.
You suffer from stockholm syndrome. You've become grateful for having your abuse reduced. But you're still being abused. Your gratefulness contributes to the abuse those of us are aware of still have to endure. Thanks for nothing.

Oh go bite yourself. Try buying a liter of petrol in the U.K. and then get back to us.
The real issue here is the US dollar becoming worthless thanks to our debt and terrible balance of trade numbers. Fracking is the only thing that can keep us from default...Yet Obozo and his Rats just got another subsidy for WIND energy in the latest budget, ignoring the fact it's an eagle and hawk killing folly.

OF COURSE you nattering nabobs of negativity have to find a way to make this into a bad thing. If gas was up over $4 a gallon what would you gasbags be saying then?

The huge drop in gas prices is going to translate into massive CHA-CHING this Christmas for retailers in the U.S., the window for their yearly profits, which will translate into new jobs in 2015 if there is enough wind behind that sail.

SO shut the fuck up.

Texas may suffer from this drop in crude oil prices, but so what? I was in Houston in 1986 when it went down to $14 BBL. The town survived. And the sorry ass state of Texas will too.
Another day, another $2 off a barrel of Brent crude. C'mon guys ... it's Xmas ... SMILE.
WTF! This was an opportunity celebrate our success and OPEC's misery and instead this thread has been reduced to a political, mud-slinging blame-fest. C'mon guys ... don't be afraid to feel good. It doesn't hurt a bit.
You suffer from stockholm syndrome. You've become grateful for having your abuse reduced. But you're still being abused. Your gratefulness contributes to the abuse those of us are aware of still have to endure. Thanks for nothing.

Oh go bite yourself. Try buying a liter of petrol in the U.K. and then get back to us.
Pointing to another dysfunctional system doesn't justify this one. You go over to Europe. Most idiotic lefties want us to go in that direction anyway. The rest of us are aware that this country was created to NOT be Europe.
For weeks it was "new four year low" but as of yesterday it became "new five year low" with some projecting another 20% reduction in the next 3-6 months. The surge in US production - up 30% in just 2 years and still growing - has made us the largest producer of both liquid oil and natural gas. Add to that the growing output of other non-OPEC producers (Russia, Canada, Mexico) has not just effectively ended OPEC's control of supply (and therefore prices), it has many OPEC states pumping as fast as they can to maintain their slice of the demand pie. Some are currently discounting their oil as low as $40/bbl just to keep their totally oil-dependent economies afloat (pun intended). After forty years of taking it where the sun don't shine it is heartwarming to find the shoe on the other foot ... namely ours.

And don't forget to add that it's all Obama's fault, the rightwing mantra here on the USMB.
It's obama and the green agenda's fault and there is nothing right wing about that. Pure objectivity.
Crap ... I thought we were producing more to lower prices ... And to take a side-swipe at the Russian economy.

We bankrupted the Russians trying to keep up during the Cold War ... With our military expansion demands. It would be just as easy to send them to the soup line with plummeting oil prices and expanded exports.

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WTF! This was an opportunity celebrate our success and OPEC's misery and instead this thread has been reduced to a political, mud-slinging blame-fest. C'mon guys ... don't be afraid to feel good. It doesn't hurt a bit.
You suffer from stockholm syndrome. You've become grateful for having your abuse reduced. But you're still being abused. Your gratefulness contributes to the abuse those of us are aware of still have to endure. Thanks for nothing.

Oh go bite yourself. Try buying a liter of petrol in the U.K. and then get back to us.
Pointing to another dysfunctional system doesn't justify this one. You go over to Europe. Most idiotic lefties want us to go in that direction anyway. The rest of us are aware that this country was created to NOT be Europe.

"Drill, baby, drill" became a reality just as the right wanted in 2008 and now you hopeless idiots still want to find fault.
Another day, another $2 off a barrel of Brent crude. C'mon guys ... it's Xmas ... SMILE.

If fucking Romney had won in 2012 you can bet they'd be crowing and giving him the credit.
But since it's happened on Obama's watch they have to diss it.
Another day, another $2 off a barrel of Brent crude. C'mon guys ... it's Xmas ... SMILE.

If fucking Romney had won in 2012 you can bet they'd be crowing and giving him the credit.
But since it's happened on Obama's watch they have to diss it.

Who is dissing it ... I think most people agree it is nice?
We don't need your political identifications to enjoy lower prices.

WTF! This was an opportunity celebrate our success and OPEC's misery and instead this thread has been reduced to a political, mud-slinging blame-fest. C'mon guys ... don't be afraid to feel good. It doesn't hurt a bit.
You suffer from stockholm syndrome. You've become grateful for having your abuse reduced. But you're still being abused. Your gratefulness contributes to the abuse those of us are aware of still have to endure. Thanks for nothing.

Oh go bite yourself. Try buying a liter of petrol in the U.K. and then get back to us.
Pointing to another dysfunctional system doesn't justify this one. You go over to Europe. Most idiotic lefties want us to go in that direction anyway. The rest of us are aware that this country was created to NOT be Europe.

"Drill, baby, drill" became a reality just as the right wanted in 2008 and now you hopeless idiots still want to find fault.
This drilling is not being done by obama energy policy but in spite of it. He is still stifling the drilling, baby.
WTF! This was an opportunity celebrate our success and OPEC's misery and instead this thread has been reduced to a political, mud-slinging blame-fest. C'mon guys ... don't be afraid to feel good. It doesn't hurt a bit.
You suffer from stockholm syndrome. You've become grateful for having your abuse reduced. But you're still being abused. Your gratefulness contributes to the abuse those of us are aware of still have to endure. Thanks for nothing.

Oh go bite yourself. Try buying a liter of petrol in the U.K. and then get back to us.
Pointing to another dysfunctional system doesn't justify this one. You go over to Europe. Most idiotic lefties want us to go in that direction anyway. The rest of us are aware that this country was created to NOT be Europe.

"Drill, baby, drill" became a reality just as the right wanted in 2008 and now you hopeless idiots still want to find fault.
This drilling is not being done by obama energy policy but in spite of it. He is still stifling the drilling, baby.

Thanks for admitting that he's not the dictator you fucking wingnuts claim him to be.
You suffer from stockholm syndrome. You've become grateful for having your abuse reduced. But you're still being abused. Your gratefulness contributes to the abuse those of us are aware of still have to endure. Thanks for nothing.

Oh go bite yourself. Try buying a liter of petrol in the U.K. and then get back to us.
Pointing to another dysfunctional system doesn't justify this one. You go over to Europe. Most idiotic lefties want us to go in that direction anyway. The rest of us are aware that this country was created to NOT be Europe.

"Drill, baby, drill" became a reality just as the right wanted in 2008 and now you hopeless idiots still want to find fault.
This drilling is not being done by obama energy policy but in spite of it. He is still stifling the drilling, baby.

Thanks for admitting that he's not the dictator you fucking wingnuts claim him to be.
You're the wingnut since you refuse to allow reason to influence your posts.
He is a dictator in that what he can stifle on the fossil fuel supply side, he does. With the aid of his party and his green sheeple.
Crap ... I thought we were producing more to lower prices ... And to take a side-swipe at the Russian economy.

We bankrupted the Russians trying to keep up during the Cold War ... With our military expansion demands. It would be just as easy to send them to the soup line with plummeting oil prices and expanded exports.

Not to mention putting new dollars into the hands of those oil wildcatters who are finding and pumping America's new oil sources while bringing down oil related costs across the global economy. Sounds like a win-win-win.
Happy Holidays!
Another day, another $2 off a barrel of Brent crude. C'mon guys ... it's Xmas ... SMILE.

If fucking Romney had won in 2012 you can bet they'd be crowing and giving him the credit.
But since it's happened on Obama's watch they have to diss it.

Who is dissing it ... I think most people agree it is nice?
We don't need your political identifications to enjoy lower prices.

The thread was intended to engender good cheer but in NTPP's defense, it quickly spiraled downward into a who-to-blame for our much improved shared fortunes. Pity. There seems to be little holiday spirit in Mudville.
Fuckin' Grinches. :argue:
Not to mention putting new dollars into the hands of those oil wildcatters who are finding and pumping America's new oil sources while bringing down oil related costs across the global economy. Sounds like a win-win-win.
Happy Holidays!

Well ... Good and Bad Depending.

My property is sitting on top of the Haynesville Shale ... And I was smart enough not to take the money up front when they came around leasing mineral rights prior to diagonal drilling (a process where the companies have to pay you royalties for the oil or gas drilled even when there is not a rig present on your land).

After the rigs within two miles started producing ... Royalty checks started coming monthly. As with anything, the checks get smaller as the price goes down.

But ... I don't really have a problem with it because it is just checks (one natural gas one oil) for doing nothing but sitting here. I am also pleased with what has been done with the tax revenues generated ... Upgrading roads and public services or facilities. It is great people around here have jobs associated with the drilling and exploration as well.

The oil companies even upgraded the tiny local airport with corporate funds so it could handle the added traffic associated with the business and exploration.

Happy Holidays Indeed ... And More To Come I Am Sure.

It should be noted this area has always been rich in gas and oil ... And although I am too young to remember myself, people still talk about the last time the prices dropped quickly. The oil companies capped the wells and waited for the price to return ... Leaving everyone in the lurch and causing major problems with the establishment. Banks went under because of loans people couldn't pay without the production. Supply and support industries dried up and left.

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Not to mention putting new dollars into the hands of those oil wildcatters who are finding and pumping America's new oil sources while bringing down oil related costs across the global economy. Sounds like a win-win-win.
Happy Holidays!

Well ... Good and Bad Depending.

My property is sitting on top of the Haynesville Shale ... And I was smart enough not to take the money up front when they came around leasing mineral rights prior to diagonal drilling (a process where the companies have to pay you royalties for the oil or gas drilled even when there is not a rig present on your land).

After the rigs within two miles started producing ... Royalty checks started coming monthly. As with anything, the checks get smaller as the price goes down.

But ... I don't really have a problem with it because it is just checks (one natural gas one oil) for doing nothing but sitting here. I am also pleased with what has been done with the tax revenues generated ... Upgrading roads and public services or facilities. It is great people around here have jobs associated with the drilling and exploration as well.

The oil companies even upgraded the tiny local airport with corporate funds so it could handle the added traffic associated with the business and exploration.

Happy Holidays Indeed ... And More To Come I Am Sure.

It should be noted this area has always been rich in gas and oil ... And although I am too young to remember myself, people still talk about the last time the prices dropped quickly. The oil companies capped the wells and waited for the price to return ... Leaving everyone in the lurch and causing major problems with the establishment. Banks went under because of loans people couldn't pay without the production. Supply and support industries dried up and left.

The benefits are not spread evenly (I have yet to receive any checks) but the vast majority of people (even you) in this country and on the planet are benefiting daily from lower oil prices and if your checks stopped you'd still enjoy the significantly lower fuel prices and the bump our economy has gotten. Somebody please stop looking for dark clouds or someone to blame for our good fortune and SMILE.

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