Latest Poll Shows The GOP Likely To Lose The House

Move really? You might as well have cited a poll from

It's a PPP poll dumbshit, it's clear you and the rest of your fellow right wing idiots didn't even open the link. :cuckoo:

I did a lot more than open the link. I looked at what districts they polled. This was not a national poll, this was a poll of congressional districts which may be vulnerable.

Upon examining the first two districts polled, I found both congressional districts were recently redrawn, making them more favorable toward Democrats. The vulnerability of the incumbents therefore probably has very little to do with the shutdown and more with redistricting in Democrats' favor. I would bet that is exactly why PPP targeted those districts for polling on behalf of Moore-On.
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RandallFlagg is a black flag operation spreading disinformation every where. He is a latter day mccarthyite and can be dismissed as much.

But about the Dems taking the House next year?

[ame=]Rep. Peter King: "We shutdown the government" - YouTube[/ame]
OK, a question that I never even get a straight answer from Liberals. do you really think this country would be better off with a one party Democrat rule??
RandallFlagg is a black flag operation spreading disinformation every where. He is a latter day mccarthyite and can be dismissed as much.

But about the Dems taking the House next year?

Rep. Peter King: "We shutdown the government" - YouTube

The truth really bothers you, doesn't it? Telling it like it is upsets you, doesn't it? Black Flag operation my ass......

Look around you moron - this country is screwed up royally and it's only getting worse. You Democrats DESTROY - you DO NOT BUILD. Here's the problem. The democrats have the ear of people for reasons I can't understand. The country is falling apart around us and they keep allowing you jerks to destroy us a little more each day. I stand by my prediction.
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Well since its from MoveOn ya know its gotta be true.

You have got to love the way wingnuts are willing to ignore anything they don't want to see or hear. Recall in the last election almost all the media was picking Obama over Romney. One poll after another said Obama would win but they were completely ignored. Fox picked Romney to win and that is who the wingnuts believed. They were positive Romney would win. How did that turn out for you?
OK, a question that I never even get a straight answer from Liberals. do you really think this country would be better off with a one party Democrat rule??

I believe with all my heart, that democrats would be thrilled to death if Barry could be installed as "Supreme Leader" and every republican were cast into exile in Elbe.

Democrats seek to destroy this country.
RandallFlagg is a black flag operation spreading disinformation every where. He is a latter day mccarthyite and can be dismissed as much.

But about the Dems taking the House next year?

Rep. Peter King: "We shutdown the government" - YouTube

The truth really bothers you, doesn't it? Telling it like it is upsets you, doesn't it? Black Flag operation my ass......

Look around you moron - this country is screwed up royally and it's only getting worse. You Democrats DESTROY - you DO NOT BUILD.
And with all the examples cited time and again, Liberals will place blame where it doesn't belong.
1. One reason anyone has to pay attention to is that it representts a liberal funding and activist movement.
2. One reason anyone has to pay attention to is that it represents a liberal funding and activist movement, and Hilary Clinton may run for President, announcing next year.
3. One reason anyone has to pay attention to is that it represents a liberal funding and activist movement, and ObamaCare will be better known, likely in the next calendar year.
4. One reason anyone has to pay attention to is that it represents a liberal funding and activist movement, and the Tea Party "aura" is only visible to a minority of voters, in the minority party.
5. One reason anyone has to pay attention to is that it represents a liberal funding and activist movement, and generally people "in the know" understand mostly previous demographics, and not changing demographics. At least one of them is Mormon, and living in California.

There will be no empty chair on which to rely, in 2014.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(There will be no Obama debate opponent, in the the 2014 midterms.)
OK, a question that I never even get a straight answer from Liberals. do you really think this country would be better off with a one party Democrat rule??
I'll give you a straight answer. NO! This country would not be better off with "one party Democrat rule." This country works best when there are two parties who are willing to work for ALL Americans. THAT IS NOT WHAT WE HAVE TODAY. We have one party that is trying to make healthcare available to 30 million people who have no healthcare and we have one party that wants to make sure those 30 million people don't get healthcare. You tell me which party is working for all Americans and which party is working for the wealthy.
Oh, and here's some background for you. I was once a Republican back in the day when Republicans were honest and worked for all the people. I didn't leave the Republican party, it left me when it decided to worship lying, greed and when it turned its back on the middle class.
It's to no one's surprise that the american people have absolutely had it with the GOP holding the nation hostage over their temper tantrum with the ACA, but this latest poll is a damning one for the far right.

The backlash against the GOP over their childish actions are so strong, that it's highly likely the democrats will take back the house.

Keep up the good work GOP! :lol:

24 MoveOn polls show GOP could lose House in wake of shutdown | MoveOn.Org | Democracy In Action

Dude, you owe me a new computer monitor for spitting water all over the screen when I saw the poll was moveon...
RandallFlagg is a black flag operation spreading disinformation every where. He is a latter day mccarthyite and can be dismissed as much.

But about the Dems taking the House next year?

Rep. Peter King: "We shutdown the government" - YouTube

The truth really bothers you, doesn't it? Telling it like it is upsets you, doesn't it? Black Flag operation my ass......

Look around you moron - this country is screwed up royally and it's only getting worse. You Democrats DESTROY - you DO NOT BUILD.
And with all the examples cited time and again, Liberals will place blame where it doesn't belong.

Peter King blames you guys, and he is right.

The truth is that my party, the GOP, is in danger of losing the House because of political freaks from the far right.
OK, a question that I never even get a straight answer from Liberals. do you really think this country would be better off with a one party Democrat rule??
I'll give you a straight answer. NO! This country would not be better off with "one party Democrat rule." This country works best when there are two parties who are willing to work for ALL Americans. THAT IS NOT WHAT WE HAVE TODAY. We have one party that is trying to make healthcare available to 30 million people who have no healthcare and we have one party that wants to make sure those 30 million people don't get healthcare. You tell me which party is working for all Americans and which party is working for the wealthy.
Oh, and here's some background for you. I was once a Republican back in the day when Republicans were honest and worked for all the people. I didn't leave the Republican party, it left me when it decided to worship lying, greed and when it turned its back on the middle class.

You mean a GOP who is willing to bend over and get assfucked by the Demo-Rat party? THAT GOP that you liked?
Maybe we can get a poll from the same people that predicted a Romney win...? polls?

Very reliable!! :lol::lol:

It's Public Policy Polling, which was probably the single most accurate polling source in the 2012 elections. They got every single Senate race correct, and every single swing state as well.
Some tea party congressmen find signs of political backlash at home - The Washington Post

But within Grand Rapids’ powerful business establishment, patience is running low with Amash’s ideological agenda and tactics. Some business leaders are recruiting aRepublican primary challenger who they hope will serve the old-fashioned way — by working the inside game and playing nice to gain influence and solve problems for the district. They are tired of tea party governance, as exemplified by the budget fight that led to the shutdown and threatens a first-ever U.S. credit default.

The Baggers have pushed their loony agenda to far.
The Teabaggers force a default and plunge this nation into another severe recession, or worse, they may find it dangerous to return to their districts.
PPP is a D polling company. Very accurate.

I don't have time to check out their methodology in this poll in particular. PPP had a fascinating poll out recently that showed over 70% of R voters considered themselves to be conservative.

Rasmussen has a generic congressional ballot tied for this week. The House is anybody's game right now.

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