Latest Poll Shows The GOP Likely To Lose The House

Democrats must see the writing on the wall. They have to do something to turn the tide for next year. They can lie all they want about the shutdown, but the public knows that the government is shutting down the Amber Alert system but keeping big moo's site up. They know that mere views are being blocked off, while obama golfs and Camp David is kept up and running for his entertainment. Just in case.

Show a poll backing up this claim.
Moveon poll? Yeah, it takes a leftard to consider it valid :lol:
UPDATE: AMBER WEBSITE NOW WORKING ? Obama plays POLITICS with LOST CHILDREN, shuts down Amber Alert website » The Right Scoop -

UPDATE: AMBER WEBSITE NOW WORKING – Obama plays POLITICS with LOST CHILDREN, shuts down Amber Alert website

they won't find anything wrong with that, you can bet on it

Of course not, even though Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move website works just fine. Seriously.

Amber Alert has been restored due to outcry, though. :clap:
UPDATE: AMBER WEBSITE NOW WORKING ? Obama plays POLITICS with LOST CHILDREN, shuts down Amber Alert website » The Right Scoop -

UPDATE: AMBER WEBSITE NOW WORKING – Obama plays POLITICS with LOST CHILDREN, shuts down Amber Alert website

they won't find anything wrong with that, you can bet on it

Of course not, even though Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move website works just fine. Seriously.

Amber Alert has been restored due to outcry, though. :clap:

good to see, I think the people are having their fill of Obama and his comrades in arms administation
orgasms for everyone

all together now

there seems to be nothing more important in politics to some people than having TOTAL control over your government and YOUR LIVES

party over country

"Party over country" did Steph-Infection really have the audacity to post that? :eek:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Gotta love wingnuts with short memories...and balls! :laugh2:
Move on.

It's a wonder they don't produce a poll saying that support for an obama emperorship is growing.

When you have to quote a poll from "Move On" - and their 25,000 followers - you pretty much have nothin....:lol:

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see a poll from them telling us that the "American people want Obama forever".
orgasms for everyone

all together now

there seems to be nothing more important in politics to some people than having TOTAL control over your government and YOUR LIVES

party over country

"Party over country" did Steph-Infection really have the audacity to post that? :eek:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Gotta love wingnuts with short memories...and balls! :laugh2:

were you here on this board during the Bush administration?

oh I see it was 2008...with the Dear Leader and calling people Staph-infection is ok I guess
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orgasms for everyone

all together now

there seems to be nothing more important in politics to some people than having TOTAL control over your government and YOUR LIVES

party over country

"Party over country" did Steph-Infection really have the audacity to post that? :eek:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Gotta love wingnuts with short memories...and balls! :laugh2:

were you here on this board during the Bush administration?

Tea Party politics :eusa_whistle:
Move on.

It's a wonder they don't produce a poll saying that support for an obama emperorship is growing.

When you have to quote a poll from "Move On" - and their 25,000 followers - you pretty much have nothin....:lol:

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see a poll from them telling us that the "American people want Obama forever".

So you cannot refute the poll results? :cuckoo:
But you NEVER post extremist website links, do ya, BlackLabel

Who do you think is most responsible for the government shutting down?
President Obama and Democrats in Congress . . . . . . . . 33%
Republicans in Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 36%
Both are equally responsible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25%
Not sure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .6%
Move on.

It's a wonder they don't produce a poll saying that support for an obama emperorship is growing.

When you have to quote a poll from "Move On" - and their 25,000 followers - you pretty much have nothin....:lol:

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see a poll from them telling us that the "American people want Obama forever".

So you cannot refute the poll results? :cuckoo:

I couldn't care less about the results of the poll. It is a year before ANYTHING happens. A poll taken today is as worthless as the paper it is written on you fool.

And at that, why would it surprise ANYONE that the communists from "Move Backwards" would get those results!?!?!

Give me a break.
When you have to quote a poll from "Move On" - and their 25,000 followers - you pretty much have nothin....:lol:

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see a poll from them telling us that the "American people want Obama forever".

So you cannot refute the poll results? :cuckoo:

I couldn't care less about the results of the poll. It is a year before ANYTHING happens. A poll taken today is as worthless as the paper it is written on you fool.

And at that, why would it surprise ANYONE that the communists from "Move Backwards" would get those results!?!?!

Give me a break.

The right wingers said the same crap in 2012 and look how that turned out for them,...
We need more than this, but the poll does report "This is a polling memo that provides an overview of 24 surveys conducted in GOP-held House districts in the days after the 2013 government shutdown."

I have saying for a long time now that this could come back and cost us the House next year.
It's to no one's surprise that the american people have absolutely had it with the GOP holding the nation hostage over their temper tantrum with the ACA, but this latest poll is a damning one for the far right.

The backlash against the GOP over their childish actions are so strong, that it's highly likely the democrats will take back the house.

Keep up the good work GOP! :lol:

24 MoveOn polls show GOP could lose House in wake of shutdown | MoveOn.Org | Democracy In Action polls?

Very reliable!! :lol::lol:
Move really? You might as well have cited a poll from
So you cannot refute the poll results? :cuckoo:

I couldn't care less about the results of the poll. It is a year before ANYTHING happens. A poll taken today is as worthless as the paper it is written on you fool.

And at that, why would it surprise ANYONE that the communists from "Move Backwards" would get those results!?!?!

Give me a break.

The right wingers said the same crap in 2012 and look how that turned out for them,...

You know...I'm going to go on the record, right now - but it has nothing to do with your BS Poll - I couldn't care less about "polls". Polls are the invention of Bill Clinton. Nothing more. The problem with "polls" is that they take decisions out of the hands of those involved by giving them excuses for not being man or woman enough to make the tough decisions. They are cop outs.

Now, to my prediction....

I believe that the communists (democrats) will take the House in the next election. I believe that that thug Harry Reid will remain in charge of the Senate and, I believe that Hillary Clinton will waltz her fat-ass into the White House with that piece of sh$t husband of hers.

In short - I believe that this country is headed for trouble like this world has never seen. I believe, and hold to the premise that this country is about to experience pain - not unlike the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

Get ready. It's coming - and, you liberal pieces of sh%t will have brought this country to it's knees. History will despise you for it.

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