Latest Time mag cover shows Obama and Reagan together

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yeah, a cute couple.

the BIG difference, Reagan LOVED his country.

The Obama loves himself and his idiot "visions" he is trying to force on us.

You're kidding. Reagan loved Reagan. He was an actor. I can't think of a profession where you have be more self absorbed then that. That and along with Atwater, he started the virile wedge issue politics thats metastatized into the politics we have today.

"The Greed is good" me-generation is Reagan all the way. He was the "Tony Roberts" President.
yeah, a cute couple.

the BIG difference, Reagan LOVED his country.

The Obama loves himself and his idiot "visions" he is trying to force on us.

Obama loves this country as much as any other President.

If Reagan loved his country as much as those seeking his sainthood claim....why didn't he enlist in WWII?
He was too busy making anti-VD movies.
Most all of journalism and news has become just sensationalistic crap.

Depends on where you go for it. I find that PBS, CNN International, and The New York Times do a pretty good job of reporting it.
The things you say are rarely funny.

they are mostly just hate filled rants designed to make Americans hate each other.

get a grip,
we saw HATE all during the Bush years.
good grief.

Of course we did. Freedome fries? Just nukem and let god sort em out?

With us or against us?
I don't care if government is snooping through my stuff, I have nothing to hide, unlike Liberals?
Those Doctors and Libarians are traitors for standing up to President Bush?
The Lamestream media wants us to lose the war in Iraq?

Obama doesn't have an original thought in his head. all he knows is what he has learned from his leftist buddies and mentors since he was a kid, thats the differance. I have no doubt that Obama is a good person, hes not the devil, he is just wrong and taking this country in the wrong direction becouse he knows no better.

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It's an old (dirty) trick designed to fool the pop-culture mentality. Time is desperate to resurect the failing Obama legacy and the best way is to fake an association with the most popular president in modern history. There will be a disclaimer in small print somewhere. Time has lost so much circulation in the last couple of years that they only have to cut one tree down per year.
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