Latina learns at an early age how Democrats will treat you if you don’t support the Party

You’ve got to be kidding? If a Conservative shoved a child in a photo op you would have no problem with that?

Snowflakes gotta Snowflake

The child was not shoved anymore than Rudy Giuliani was assaulted in a Supermarket

Republicans who mock assaults on Capitol Police on Jan 6 are quick to claim victim hood for social contact
Bexcuse the AG is a Democrat. Can you imagine the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth if Trump had done that.

Unbelievable. What Speaker pushes a little girl period let alone during a photo op?
why are we surprised?

this is Ms KillAllBabiesWeCan

when is that monster going to be... [fill in the blanks]

but we pray for the day someone takes her place.. God knows what place she herself is headed for in the future... no spring chicken, thank God (others besides Him have a pretty good idea)
Snowflakes gotta Snowflake

The child was not shoved anymore than Rudy Giuliani was assaulted in a Supermarket

Republicans who mock assaults on Capitol Police on Jan 6 are quick to claim victim hood for social contact

So you must shove little brown girls around just like Nancy. Racist!! :(
That's assault and battery of a minor child.

Pelosi needs to resign immediately and face charges on this. Where is Merrick Garland, why isn't a grand jury being impaneled to look into this.

The House needs to launch an impeachment proceeding against the racist baby shover Nancy Pelosi!! Oh the humanity!!!
This level of IQ is called Box o'rocks

or... as you say

drugs... No wonder the libs want to legalize every lethal or almost-lethal drug known to man... They wouldn't have any useful idiots otherwise
Drugs + Social Liberalism = Bad Mojo

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