Latina learns at an early age how Democrats will treat you if you don’t support the Party

We are totalitarians when they voted Roe V. Wade down. That means women are 2nd class citizens once again, the next thing to go will be contraception's, voting rights (they are on the chomping block) gays, lesbians , and trans.

there will be the BEDROOM POLICE.

Nancy Pelosi is a sociopath.

The entire Democratic Congress, is being led by a sociopath


Then we'll talk.

Not until then.

"Latina learns at an early age how Democrats will treat you if you don’t support the Party"​

Hey, get it right, it's 'Latinx'!
Better watch it, the Dims will be coming for you!
Snowflakes gotta Snowflake

The child was not shoved anymore than Rudy Giuliani was assaulted in a Supermarket

Republicans who mock assaults on Capitol Police on Jan 6 are quick to claim victim hood for social contact
You're confused. The Capitol Police were cheated out of protection when Nancy Pelosi selfishly and viciously turned down the National Guard that was graciously put on alert by President Trump. Nancy likes to humiliate good men by tearing up the House Copy of a President's State of the Union. She also loves, and thrills to pilfer a little money for gold pens for her chums to celebrate the damage she inflicted on an innocent, decent President Trump by falsely charging him and impeaching him, when she knew Hillary's trashy lie and delivering two payloads to the man the Steel Dossier was allegedly the author of, Steel, who works for a foreign government. What a horned witch Nancy Pelosi thrills in being.
We are totalitarians when they voted Roe V. Wade down. That means women are 2nd class citizens once again, the next thing to go will be contraception's, voting rights (they are on the chomping block) gays, lesbians , and trans.

there will be the BEDROOM POLICE.
No, ma'am. The ruling is not what you are saying it is. It has nothing to do with sundry views on the right and wrongs of abortion. It has less to do with contraception, voting rights, blocking lbgtqs, nor creating bedroom police. It gives the sole management of abortions to the people of individual states, and governance over abortion thereof. They basically righted the wrongs of the law to federalize a woman's body, and it was a serious error to grant the federal government to govern the woman's rights. Those also are state responsibilities of governance, not the federal government's. In the future, people can choose to move to a state that perfectly fits their conscience about abortion. That is where power/governance of abortion should have always been placed, not the federal government.


Each state has to make their own rules. That's why Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg said that Roe v. Wade was a flawed law:

“My criticism of Roe is that it seemed to have stopped the momentum on the side of change,”​
Ginsburg said. She would’ve preferred that abortion rights be secured more gradually,​
in a process that included state legislatures and the courts, she added.​
Ginsburg also was troubled that the focus on Roe was on a right to privacy, rather than women’s rights.​
Roe isn’t really about the woman’s choice, is it?” Ginsburg said. “It’s about the doctor’s freedom​
to practice…it wasn’t woman-centered, it was physician-centered.”​
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Looks like the elite White progressive doesn't want the young Spanish girl touching her, but that's the way progressives look at minorities. Aside from their votes and the slave labor they do at their homes, Democrats have no use for Blacks or Hispanics.
Democrats do have a use for Blacks and Hispanics and as such, support for non-whites from Democrats is CONDITIONAL.
My wife and myself both worked on Capitol Hill in our youth and were waiting on the bullshit response from Team Pelosi. We sure got one, As it turns out, Nan was just making sure this shy little Hispanic girl was in the picture. Anyone buy this Bullshit besides the Democrat kool aid drinkers?

You're confused. The Capitol Police were cheated out of protection when Nancy Pelosi selfishly and viciously turned down the National Guard that was graciously put on alert by President Trump. Nancy likes to humiliate good men by tearing up the House Copy of a President's State of the Union. She also loves, and thrills to pilfer a little money for gold pens for her chums to celebrate the damage she inflicted on an innocent, decent President Trump by falsely charging him and impeaching him, when she knew Hillary's trashy lie and delivering two payloads to the man the Steel Dossier was allegedly the author of, Steel, who works for a foreign government. What a horned witch Nancy Pelosi thrills in being.

Republicans proclaiming….

Don’t blame us for attacking the Capitol, blame Pelosi for not stopping us
Republicans proclaiming….

Don’t blame us for attacking the Capitol, blame Pelosi for not stopping us
That was not an Insurrection. This is a repudiation of the United States being a free and sovereign nation. We already saw and see the allegiance to globalism with Progressives and many Repub politicians. They ran to Ukraine quickly with cash and weapons in hand. The costs are running up like an electric meter whizzing out of control. Biden is spreading our money around to other nations on his globalism trip even now. The green deal is redistribution of our wealth to others.
Democrats do have a use for Blacks and Hispanics and as such, support for non-whites from Democrats is CONDITIONAL.
Some blacks aren't brainwashed as there is less paycheck and more expenses from Democrats wild and *sigh*, specious spending sprees.
It didn't take quite as long for the clever latinos who are not only smart enough to speak 2 languages, they can deal with the most vicious of the drug trade and live well once they catch on to the high standards of freedom. The ones who crossed over the border are hard workers, and while nobody was looking, many of them are impressive architects, caregivers, public speakers, loyal Christians, and they disdain constant lying, bad information, and ridiculous taxes removed from their pay when they work so hard to become self-sufficient free men and women. Blacks are catching on, too, particularly when they realize math can improve their finances. The Democrats prove that they can go lower than anyone can imagine in order to destroy the Constitution that gave them opportunities they now take for granted by the way they make sure no one who opposes even the slightest of their faults is anything but a target for their poison darts of deception. The better blacks are catching on to the abortion credo that initially targeted black women to avoid the responsibilities of raising children, and it's not clear to those who buy the Democrat falsehood farm that the target of abortion promoters reduce the black population in the numbers game of genocide that abortion has inflicted.
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You're confused. The Capitol Police were cheated out of protection when Nancy Pelosi selfishly and viciously turned down the National Guard that was graciously put on alert by President Trump. Nancy likes to humiliate good men by tearing up the House Copy of a President's State of the Union. She also loves, and thrills to pilfer a little money for gold pens for her chums to celebrate the damage she inflicted on an innocent, decent President Trump by falsely charging him and impeaching him, when she knew Hillary's trashy lie and delivering two payloads to the man the Steel Dossier was allegedly the author of, Steel, who works for a foreign government. What a horned witch Nancy Pelosi thrills in being.
Shoving a little girl out of a picture has got to be the lowest thing Pelosi’s emasculated staffer says that the Speaker was just trying to insure the the little girl was in the picture. Pathetic..
That was not an Insurrection. This is a repudiation of the United States being a free and sovereign nation. We already saw and see the allegiance to globalism with Progressives and many Repub politicians. They ran to Ukraine quickly with cash and weapons in hand. The costs are running up like an electric meter whizzing out of control. Biden is spreading our money around to other nations on his globalism trip even now. The green deal is redistribution of our wealth to others.
Let's not forget Biden gave Putin the resource to fund the war. Then put certain sanctions on Putin. Which right now he is racking in the money on gas and his currency is setting records. He was almost bankrupt and his currency was at a record low under Trump.
Some blacks aren't brainwashed as there is less paycheck and more expenses from Democrats wild and *sigh*, specious spending sprees.
It didn't take quite as long for the clever latinos who are not only smart enough to speak 2 languages, they can deal with the most vicious of the drug trade and live well once they catch on to the high standards of freedom. The ones who crossed over the border are hard workers, and while nobody was looking, many of them are impressive architects, caregivers, public speakers, loyal Christians, and they disdain constant lying, bad information, and ridiculous taxes removed from their pay when they work so hard to become self-sufficient free men and women. Blacks are catching on, too, particularly when they realize math can improve their finances. The Democrats prove that they can go lower than anyone can imagine in order to destroy the Constitution that gave them opportunities they now take for granted by the way they make sure no one who opposes even the slightest of their faults is anything but a target for their poison darts of deception.
Blacks should catch on and try and break up the LBJ 200 Year Plan. After roughly 50 years into it, Blacks need to really ask what Democrats are doing for them.
Let's not forget Biden gave Putin the resource to fund the war. Then put certain sanctions on Putin. Which right now he is racking in the money on gas and his currency is setting records. He was almost bankrupt and his currency was at a record low under Trump.
I suspect that Biden routinely routed Foreign Aid Packages, and I think he may have reserved offshore accounts for any rainy day that would threaten his ownership of 5 mansions he can find a hiding place refuge in. It could be he is faking dementia to alleviate responsibility other people have to take for their crimes, known or not known to others. I predict that in 20 years from now, the extent of his crimes will be known to all. With all that omerta that accompanies the current Demmie modus operandi, the "leaders" are likely 10 times wealthier than they admit to, since their harvest was most likely taken from other people's fields.

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