Latino & Black Students Prisoners of Dem-Run L.A. Schools


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Latino & Black Students Prisoners of Dem-Run L.A. Schools

February 25, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


D.C., Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago and Atlanta.

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is the next school district to be examined in this multi-part series. Unfortunately, it bears a striking resemblance to all the other big-city districts in terms of lagging graduation rates, a large achievement gap, marginal grade-level competency and entrenched Democratic Party control. The one exception: it is Latino, rather than black American students, who comprise 73.4 percent of the student population. Black American students are the next largest group at 10 percent. Both groups are lagging behind their white and Asian counterparts at every turn.

Once again, the stats are familiar, and familiarly daunting, especially with regard to male students. In the 2009-2010 school year, the graduation rate for white, non-Latino males was a dismal 64 percent. Yet that represents the high water mark. The graduation rate of Latino male students was 62 percent, while only 41 percent of black male students received a diploma.


In a better world, the almost purposeful abandonment of minority children to a compromised future would be seen as institutionalized racism it truly is. In modern day America, it remains business as usual. A pathetic and infuriating business as usual, courtesy of the usual suspects: the powerful leftist alliance of Democratic politicians and their teachers union patrons.

Latino & Black Students Prisoners of Dem-Run L.A. Schools
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