Latino Civil Rights Leader Has A Harsh Warning For Republicans

This is my point PROVEN...dirty dirty politics by the Democrats

people need to wake up or not

NCLR President: GOP Will Lose White House If Attitude On Child Refugees Continues

Just for what the female leader said, I will vote GOP.
Found this little bit from the same lady, I won't call her a woman..I don't take kindly to being threatened...


by TONY LEE 23 Jul 2014 3091 POST A COMMENT

La Raza President and CEO Janet Murguia said it sickened her to hear Americans against illegal immigration chanting "USA! USA!" at protests around the country.
Singling out the Murrieta demonstrators during her keynote address at La Raza's annual conference in Los Angeles on Monday, Murguia accused them of having "cloaked their hatred in patriotism" by shouting "'USA! USA!' again and again."
"It made me angry," she said. "In fact, I was outraged."

Murguia demanded that the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants who are currently here receive amnesty and said the road to the White House for Republicans goes through the Latino community and La Raza. She also said Republicans who want to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program or do not want to pass comprehensive amnesty legislation will not get Hispanic votes. And she repeatedly claimed that protesting illegal immigration was "un-American."
"What we saw in Murrieta is not patriotism," she asserted. "It is ugly, divisive, and yet another low in a debate I thought could not get much lower."

Murguia did not say anything about the "Viva La Raza!" chants from pro-amnesty advocates in Murrieta. She also failed to mention that the number of illegal immigrant children who have unlawfully entered the country drastically spiked in the year after Obama enacted DACA in 2012. And a Pew Research report, based on data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, found that nearly 90% of these children are teenagers and not just "little kids," as Murguia claimed nearly all of them were.
In addition, Texas state Senator Dan Patrick said there are 100,000 illegal immigrant gang members in Texas and somewhere between one in five and one in ten illegal immigrants are actually apprehended. But Murguia said it was "reprehensible" for Republicans to be concerned about disease and crime that these "little kids" may be bringing across the border.

ALL of it here:
La Raza CEO: 'USA! USA!' Chants 'Made Me Angry'
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America, including the sane part of the GOP, will not negotiate with the thugs of the far right.

No immigration reform, no White House and no Senate and possibly no House in 2016 elections for the GOP
I'll never get tired of watching this. US Veteran cuts Mexican flag off flagpole in Reno, NV:

[ame=]US Veteran Cuts Down Mexican and American Flags with knife in front of TV Crew - YouTube[/ame]
I disagree that chanting usa = bad.

Why come here if you think this country is bad??? On the other hand most of the anti-science, education, infrastructure = shit coming from the republicans.
America, including the sane part of the GOP, will not negotiate with the thugs of the far right.

No immigration reform, no White House and no Senate and possibly no House in 2016 elections for the GOP

Far Right = Anyone and everyone who loves the founding of this nation and the reason it was founded. Anyone and everyone who wishes to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States of America and the rights and freedoms it protects. Anyone and everyone who believes in a sovereign America ruled by the People and not a Socialist, anti-American Kenyan and not the United Nations.

Anyone who is not "far right" is a traitor willing to see America fall into the hands of the Socialist/Globalists.
Why should the Republican Party be blackmailed by the leader of a hate group?

You are confused. The hate group was the crowd who blocked the children. I was watching a documentary of Nazi Germany this afternoon and I could not help but compare some of the fascist views from the 1940s with the Tea Party views of today.

There are Governors saying they don't want the illegals in their states. Are they racists too?

Take your race card and shove it!
Who gives a shit what La Raza thinks?
When they hear things like that, that is exactly why Hispanics and Latinos will continue to vote Democratic and will never change their stance on this such as to ever vote Republican to any great degree to help your party. You exemplify why they are so disgusted with your political party that simply doesn't care about them but is trying to pull the wool over their eyes sure enough just to obtain their votes but that won't happen. They are not fools. They know Exactly what's going on with Conservatives!

Blah blah blah Hispanics will hate Republcians blah blah blah

So let them vote Democrat. Just like Blacks, Hispanics will find out that the Democrats suck up to them only when they need the votes. Until then, they get tossed aside and abused just like everybody else.
You give them an inch they walk a mile all over you and threaten you

well if this is the LATINO way they can go to hell

people better start speaking up to this type of threats, called names if you speak out , etc if you don't bow to their demands
Talking about giving them an inch, that is what happens when the law is lax on people who carry guns and get rowdy like those who stop buses carrying the refugee children. They think they can walk over anyone anytime but they should consider themselves lucky that they haven't gotten arrested yet for standing in the way and being obstructionists.

Get rowdy? Being obstructionists?

Pfffft! These people are invoking their 1st amendment rights to protest the government's incompetence in the handling of the security of the US/Mexican border AND the government's attempts to endanger the peace and security of communities by bussing these diseased criminals into towns that don't have the resources to deal with such an influx.
LaRaza is a terrorist organization.
That is highly inaccurate, offensive, and untrue and you know it.

This is what La Raza truly stands for.

"The National Council of La Raza (NCLR)—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans."

National Council of La Raza | Take Action

You missed the part where they are Pro-Open Borders and Anti-Enforcement of immigration laws.
Why should the Republican Party be blackmailed by the leader of a hate group?

You are confused. The hate group was the crowd who blocked the children. I was watching a documentary of Nazi Germany this afternoon and I could not help but compare some of the fascist views from the 1940s with the Tea Party views of today.

Godwin lose!
The Hispanic gang members invading from the south don't care about democrats or Republicans they see prey. They will attack both democrats and republicans. If the invasion has any effect at all it might turn so many democrats to republican the Dem party may well disappear as a viable political force.
The Far Right has trouble understanding the other 85% has no intent EVAH to negotiate with them on this issue.

Either the GOP reaches out honestly to the Hispanics, or the elections of 2016 will be very, very bad for their candidates.
The Far Right has trouble understanding the other 85% has no intent EVAH to negotiate with them on this issue.

Either the GOP reaches out honestly to the Hispanics, or the elections of 2016 will be very, very bad for their candidates.

I'd grant amnesty to all illegals that have worked hard in this country for at least 5 years. Next, I'd grant amnesty for the children already here. I'd of course enforce our borders afterwards strongly as we don't need the entire world streaming through our border.
The Hispanic gang members invading from the south don't care about democrats or Republicans they see prey. They will attack both democrats and republicans. If the invasion has any effect at all it might turn so many democrats to republican the Dem party may well disappear as a viable political force.

Become pro-science, infrastructure and education. Maybe?
[1. Funny, your understanding of the constitution is full of shit.
2. Reducing the size of government will only weaken this country. How about efficiency?
3. I am all for freedom.
4. I am pro-free market, but with regulations that protect the worker and consumer. Want to go back to the 19th century with that one? That will alone lose you elections!
5. Fiscal responsablity? Like your 3 trillion dollar war? lol. :badgrin: So you'd kill our science institutions and our leadership in the world within dozens of areas? Another reason not to ever vote for your party.
6. We can do this by reforming welfare and ending our policing of the world. Nasa, cdc, nws and the fda isn't big enough to matter in matters of debt.
7. You mean the rich that pay 15%, while everyone else pays double that? Do you know in the 50's into the 70's the rich paid 70-80%? This nation was seriously moving up in the world.
8. Not on the backs of science, infrastructure and education. That will weaken our economy to the point where we can't pay down our debt.

Stop working for the super rich, asshole.:cuckoo:

You're all for freedom? Careful, you sound like one of JimH52s NAZIs.

You talk pretty big behind your keyboard Mr. Strawman.

You Obama worshiping nanny state big government parasites are like a broken record.

Being on the dole isn't what being all for freedom is about. Enjoy your life on the parasite plantation.
NCLR President: GOP Will Lose White House If Attitude On Child Refugees Continues

LOS ANGELES -- Janet Murguía, president of the country's largest Latino advocacy group, has a formal warning for Republicans: Help the child refugees at the border and act on immigration reform, or say goodbye to the idea of winning the White House.

Murguía, the head of the National Council of La Raza, the largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, delivered her remarks Monday afternoon at the Los Angeles Convention Center during day three of the NCLR's annual conference. On the subject of the current border crisis, Murguía said she was "sickened" by the hostile reaction of many Americans to the child refugees and blamed House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for Congress' inability to pass immigration reform.

More than 57,000 children escaping poverty and violence in Central America have arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border since October, overwhelming local resources. Many of the children, upon arrival, are turning themselves in to authorities and attempting to seek asylum.

In late June, overcrowding at the Texas-Mexico border prompted the Department of Homeland Security to transfer many of the children to California facilities, where they were blocked by anti-immigration protesters in Murrieta.

"The plight of these child refugees has sadly brought out the worst in a lot of people," Murguía told an audience of hundreds on Monday. "I was sickened by the sight of angry protesters this month in Murrieta, California, blocking busloads of refugee children and shouting 'Go back to where you come from!' and 'No illegals!' ... When they cloak their hatred in patriotism, shouting 'USA! USA!' it made me angry."

The Latino Civil Rights Leader needs to realize that most of the Latinos without Civil Rigihts are in Central America. Logically speaking, where should her efforts be spent given that Central America is an abysmal failure?
NCLR President: GOP Will Lose White House If Attitude On Child Refugees Continues

LOS ANGELES -- Janet Murguía, president of the country's largest Latino advocacy group, has a formal warning for Republicans: Help the child refugees at the border and act on immigration reform, or say goodbye to the idea of winning the White House.

Murguía, the head of the National Council of La Raza, the largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, delivered her remarks Monday afternoon at the Los Angeles Convention Center during day three of the NCLR's annual conference. On the subject of the current border crisis, Murguía said she was "sickened" by the hostile reaction of many Americans to the child refugees and blamed House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for Congress' inability to pass immigration reform.

More than 57,000 children escaping poverty and violence in Central America have arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border since October, overwhelming local resources. Many of the children, upon arrival, are turning themselves in to authorities and attempting to seek asylum.

In late June, overcrowding at the Texas-Mexico border prompted the Department of Homeland Security to transfer many of the children to California facilities, where they were blocked by anti-immigration protesters in Murrieta.

"The plight of these child refugees has sadly brought out the worst in a lot of people," Murguía told an audience of hundreds on Monday. "I was sickened by the sight of angry protesters this month in Murrieta, California, blocking busloads of refugee children and shouting 'Go back to where you come from!' and 'No illegals!' ... When they cloak their hatred in patriotism, shouting 'USA! USA!' it made me angry."

She's wrong. Immigration
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The Far Right has trouble understanding the other 85% has no intent EVAH to negotiate with them on this issue.

Either the GOP reaches out honestly to the Hispanics, or the elections of 2016 will be very, very bad for their candidates.

I'd grant amnesty to all illegals that have worked hard in this country for at least 5 years. Next, I'd grant amnesty for the children already here. I'd of course enforce our borders afterwards strongly as we don't need the entire world streaming through our border.

I firmly agree. I would also pass business reform and deploy the NG in all four states to the border.
The Latino Civil Rights Leader needs to realize that most of the Latinos without Civil Rigihts are in Central America. Logically speaking, where should her efforts be spent given that Central America is an abysmal failure?

Excellent point.

I wish there was something we could do to reform the institutionalized corruption of Central and South America. After living down there and traveling throughout, I'm afraid I've lost hope for those poor people. Now we're faced with importing their failed culture here. It won't work. As Milton Friedman pointed out, you can't have open boarders and a welfare state. The two in combination are a suicide pact for any nation.

I find it morbidly fascinating that the same party that is fighting for a higher minimum wage is so wholeheartedly trying to import millions of low skilled, poorly educated, non English speaking workers who will flood our labor market. If this invasion is successful, you can raise the minimum wage all you want but it won't matter. There will still be hordes of workers willing to work for whatever they can get off the books.

What it will do is deliver the leftists dream of a one party state. It will be the final nail in the dysfunctional republican party's coffin. That may sound wonderful for you Dems now but wait a few years after it becomes reality. You're not going to like it.

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