Latino Civil Rights Leader Has A Harsh Warning For Republicans

For hispanics it's not Democrats vs Republicans, it's brown vs white
No, that is what it is for you, thank. 990% of Americans believe that thinking is creepy.
I'd like to point out that when we refer to illegal aliens, we're not talking about a monolithic group. They aren't the huddled masses coming to America to assimilate out of a Norman Rockwell painting.

I moved to a boarder state where I live now. I get to see the situation first hand every day. This is an observation over 16 years, so I'm not putting this out as documented, research. The illegals make up three groups. The families who want to live here, the single males who want to work here, send money home then go home to retire and the criminal element. In my observation the largest group is the single males. All three groups have no interest in assimilating into American culture.

Most don't want to learn English or adopt our culture. They want to transplant their culture here yet reap the benefits America provides for its society. Most are content living in Spanish speaking neighborhoods and working through foremen who can give them job instructions. I've met people who have been here for over 8 years who can't speak English and they have no intention to learn.

Mexico especially but most Central and South American countries use the U.S. as a source of income. They send us their poor and they receive back vital money that allows their corrupt systems to get by. Their corrupt systems never mend, create a constant supply of poor which continue to come here, dilute our labor market and bleed off billions out of the country. Rinse and repeat.

These billions, if earned by U.S. citizens would strengthen our economy. The state of Colorado put together an article you might find interesting. If you take a look at the link, imagine what these billions of dollars could do for our weak economy. Our money is flowing out, our tax payer money is paying for services and infrastructure for these illegals.

This magnet we've created will destroy what we call America. Once again, it's suicidal to have a welfare state and open borders.

Remittances - a massive transfer of wealth out of America
Remittances - a massive transfer of wealth out of America | colorado immigration law resources reference

From the above link:

"First Data Corporation, one of the world’s largest providers of money transfer services, reported that its second-quarter 2004 profit rose 32 percent as a direct result of revenue from Western Union, its money-transfer agency. This profit amounted to $1.1 billion in 2004 — from money transfers alone.

In the booming funds transfer industry, the number of Western Union agents world-wide grew from 30,000 in 1995 to 219,000 in 2004. Such phenomenal growth was worth fighting to protect. Indeed, in a vindictive political attempt to preserve their immense revenue stream, First Data subsequently formed a political action committee to oppose immigration reform candidate Tom Tancredo, who had reasonably suggested that remittances be taxed."

Illegal immigration is now much more closely associated with organized crime, which is creeping north into the U.S. Migratory routes into the U.S. have been taken over to a large extent by Mexican cartels. It is now quite common for illegal aliens to carry heavy loads of drugs — particularly marijuana — as they sneak across the border into the U.S. In 2007, $25 billion in cash from drug sales was smuggled out of the U.S. The amount quickly grew to $30 billion in 2008. It might be reasonable to investigate whether any of this drug money is transferred via the remittance infrastructure.

Mass migration from Mexico to the U.S. acts as a two-fold safety valve. It reduces population pressure in Mexico while allowing population to continue to grow with less adverse effects, thus discouraging implementation of viable domestic population policies. Mass migration also encourages dissatisfied young males to leave their homeland, where they might agitate and fight for societal change if they remained at home. Remittances facilitate this mass migration, and indeed, the ease of making remittances can be considered a motivating factor for workers to leave the country.
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I find it morbidly fascinating that the same party that is fighting for a higher minimum wage is so wholeheartedly trying to import millions of low skilled, poorly educated, non English speaking workers who will flood our labor market.

What's so fascinating about that? Once you realize that reason and logic to liberals are like a dose of RAID to cockroaches, then there is no mystery anymore.

Give a liberal an opportunity to preen like a peacock about how caring he is and that explains 90% of what liberals do. It's all about trying to boost their own self-image.
The Hispanic gang members invading from the south don't care about democrats or Republicans they see prey. They will attack both democrats and republicans. If the invasion has any effect at all it might turn so many democrats to republican the Dem party may well disappear as a viable political force.

Become pro-science, infrastructure and education. Maybe?

I've lived with hispanics for 50 years. They are basically and generally uninterested in science, infrastructure and education. Hence the low representation in science and the ultra low graduation rates. Those are the ones here already. The ones coming here now are primarily interested in drugs and weapons.
You give them an inch they walk a mile all over you and threaten you

well if this is the LATINO way they can go to hell

people better start speaking up to this type of threats, called names if you speak out , etc if you don't bow to their demands
Talking about giving them an inch, that is what happens when the law is lax on people who carry guns and get rowdy like those who stop buses carrying the refugee children. They think they can walk over anyone anytime but they should consider themselves lucky that they haven't gotten arrested yet for standing in the way and being obstructionists.

Get rowdy? Being obstructionists?

Pfffft! These people are invoking their 1st amendment rights to protest the government's incompetence in the handling of the security of the US/Mexican border AND the government's attempts to endanger the peace and security of communities by bussing these diseased criminals into towns that don't have the resources to deal with such an influx.
Criminal? Give proof that these innocent, little refugee children are criminals. The real criminals are the ones who stand in the way of helping these children out by denying them food, water, and shelter during their time of most need while saying they are such "Americans" but at the same time using unnecessary force to stop them and further using the First Amendment as an excuse to continue their evil fight and diatribes against the children. High evil sure lives deep in their hardened cold hearts. I don't see how they can live with themselves and go to bed each night knowing what they have done against these children.

And for your information, news reports by the media has revealed that not all of the children are sick as some Stupid people WANT to believe in their cold-hearted prejudice. Most all of them have already been vaccinated against the roughest and most dangerous of diseases. But again, leave it to sick minds to concoct a bad story that the children are criminals and they are all sick, etc. but if that was actually so why would churches and other organizations so willingly take the risk to take them in as they are doing in so many places? And you don't ever see them wearing masks, gowns, gloves, etc. while caring for them. Clearly, that kind of talk about these poor kids is not worth anymore than what collects in a cesspool because, in essence, it is one and the same thing.
LaRaza is a terrorist organization.
That is highly inaccurate, offensive, and untrue and you know it.

This is what La Raza truly stands for.

"The National Council of La Raza (NCLR)—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans."

National Council of La Raza | Take Action

You missed the part where they are Pro-Open Borders and Anti-Enforcement of immigration laws.
And if you honestly believe that, do you have the balls to go out and meet them vis a vis and tell them what you just said here?
The real criminals are the ones who stand in the way of helping these children out by denying them food, water, and shelter during their time of most need

Are you a real criminal? Do you oppose the US military invading Honduras and carving out a 10 square mile safe-zone where we can create a refugee camp for these people? This way you can sell your car, use the proceeds to buy food and ship it down to these kids so that they have something to eat.

Within that safe-zone, American taxpayers will insure their safety and people like you can personally pay to feed them, and educate them, and whatever other Nanny things tickle your fancy.

Refugees, my ass. What are you doing about the refugees who are trying to flee Detroit and Chicago?
We're opposed to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, which oddly enough, is ILLEGAL
Only one thing wrong with that way of thinking. The children are REFUGEES, not illegals. There is a distinct difference and this country welcomes refugees as per President Bush's 2008 law.
They are not. They are paid agents sent to overwhelm a sovereign nation's border for the purpose of moving illicit merchandise into the target country.

In other words, they are cannon fodder (metaphorically speaking).
The real criminals are the ones who stand in the way of helping these children out by denying them food, water, and shelter during their time of most need

Are you a real criminal? Do you oppose the US military invading Honduras and carving out a 10 square mile safe-zone where we can create a refugee camp for these people? This way you can sell your car, use the proceeds to buy food and ship it down to these kids so that they have something to eat.

Within that safe-zone, American taxpayers will insure their safety and people like you can personally pay to feed them, and educate them, and whatever other Nanny things tickle your fancy.

Refugees, my ass. What are you doing about the refugees who are trying to flee Detroit and Chicago?
Hey, why don't you read President Bush's 2008 law thoroughly about the refugee children before you open your mouth again. You might just learn to keep it shut.
We're opposed to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, which oddly enough, is ILLEGAL
Only one thing wrong with that way of thinking. The children are REFUGEES, not illegals. There is a distinct difference and this country welcomes refugees as per President Bush's 2008 law.
They are not. They are paid agents sent to overwhelm a sovereign nation's border for the purpose of moving illicit merchandise into the target country.

In other words, they are cannon fodder (metaphorically speaking).
Man, you could sure be an excellent Fiction Suspense Mystery Writer! You've lost your true calling in life.
NCLR President: GOP Will Lose White House If Attitude On Child Refugees Continues

LOS ANGELES -- Janet Murguía, president of the country's largest Latino advocacy group, has a formal warning for Republicans: Help the child refugees at the border and act on immigration reform, or say goodbye to the idea of winning the White House.

Murguía, the head of the National Council of La Raza, the largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, delivered her remarks Monday afternoon at the Los Angeles Convention Center during day three of the NCLR's annual conference. On the subject of the current border crisis, Murguía said she was "sickened" by the hostile reaction of many Americans to the child refugees and blamed House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for Congress' inability to pass immigration reform.

More than 57,000 children escaping poverty and violence in Central America have arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border since October, overwhelming local resources. Many of the children, upon arrival, are turning themselves in to authorities and attempting to seek asylum.

In late June, overcrowding at the Texas-Mexico border prompted the Department of Homeland Security to transfer many of the children to California facilities, where they were blocked by anti-immigration protesters in Murrieta.

"The plight of these child refugees has sadly brought out the worst in a lot of people," Murguía told an audience of hundreds on Monday. "I was sickened by the sight of angry protesters this month in Murrieta, California, blocking busloads of refugee children and shouting 'Go back to where you come from!' and 'No illegals!' ... When they cloak their hatred in patriotism, shouting 'USA! USA!' it made me angry."

The Latino Civil Rights Leader needs to realize that most of the Latinos without Civil Rigihts are in Central America. Logically speaking, where should her efforts be spent given that Central America is an abysmal failure?
The Latino Civil Rights Leader doesn't go into foreign countries trying to argue for their civil rights there. She and her organization argue for Hispanic/Latino American Civil rights for those who have come and are right here in this country just as George W. Bush argued for the rights of refugees who have come and are right here in this country. If you have a problem with that go speak with them directly about their organization and law, respectively.
NCLR President: GOP Will Lose White House If Attitude On Child Refugees Continues

LOS ANGELES -- Janet Murguía, president of the country's largest Latino advocacy group, has a formal warning for Republicans: Help the child refugees at the border and act on immigration reform, or say goodbye to the idea of winning the White House.

Murguía, the head of the National Council of La Raza, the largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, delivered her remarks Monday afternoon at the Los Angeles Convention Center during day three of the NCLR's annual conference. On the subject of the current border crisis, Murguía said she was "sickened" by the hostile reaction of many Americans to the child refugees and blamed House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for Congress' inability to pass immigration reform.

More than 57,000 children escaping poverty and violence in Central America have arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border since October, overwhelming local resources. Many of the children, upon arrival, are turning themselves in to authorities and attempting to seek asylum.

In late June, overcrowding at the Texas-Mexico border prompted the Department of Homeland Security to transfer many of the children to California facilities, where they were blocked by anti-immigration protesters in Murrieta.

"The plight of these child refugees has sadly brought out the worst in a lot of people," Murguía told an audience of hundreds on Monday. "I was sickened by the sight of angry protesters this month in Murrieta, California, blocking busloads of refugee children and shouting 'Go back to where you come from!' and 'No illegals!' ... When they cloak their hatred in patriotism, shouting 'USA! USA!' it made me angry."
I'm 100% with Ms. Murguia on this and you will also see Hispanic and Latinos overwhemingly Vote Democratic in the next several important elections and beyond. It has turned into a travesty of justice for these innocent child refugees but you know who is to blame for not passing Immigration Reform don't you? If you don't, read all about it. This is an excellent article that explains it well.

Bennet blames House for stalled immigration reforms

Which also means you'll be seeing your party become much more socially conservative in the coming years, as Hispanics who are not nearly into gay marriage as white libs are, and they are much more likely to be Christian than white libs as well.
So enjoy your last days of a socially liberal party while you can ! :badgrin:

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