Latinos are waking up to the duplicity of the Democrats

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Tuesday the President is going to announce something about the hordes heading to the USA. Homeland security are coordinating something with the Military. They will not be allowed to touch American soil.

San Francisco Chronicle ^

As a Never Trumper, I didn’t get it. So, I interviewed some Latinos for Trump and I got an earful. Many of them saw themselves not as Latinos but as Americans, and so they weren’t hung up on Trump’s anti-Latino screeds. They didn’t like or trust Clinton, appreciated Trump’s frankness, wanted a strong leader, and thought he was right about a lot of issues, including trade and immigration.

Yes, immigration. What most non-Latinos don’t grasp is that Latinos are ambivalent about illegal immigration. They have a front-row seat not just to the pain of deportations, but also to how many immigrants commit crimes or abuse social services.

In 2016, an astounding 29 percent of Latinos voted for Trump.

And now, two years into his presidency, polls show that his support among Latinos is somewhere between 33 and 41 percent. That’s insanely good for a president who is so bad on issues that Latinos supposedly care about.

Then you have the Democrats, who take Latino voters for granted and whose entire Latino outreach strategy can be summed up in six words: “Vote for us. We’re not Republican.”

That’s it? I don’t know about you, but I’m still hungry.
Tuesday the President is going to announce something about the hordes heading to the USA. Homeland security are coordinating something with the Military. They will not be allowed to touch American soil.

San Francisco Chronicle ^

As a Never Trumper, I didn’t get it. So, I interviewed some Latinos for Trump and I got an earful. Many of them saw themselves not as Latinos but as Americans, and so they weren’t hung up on Trump’s anti-Latino screeds. They didn’t like or trust Clinton, appreciated Trump’s frankness, wanted a strong leader, and thought he was right about a lot of issues, including trade and immigration.

Yes, immigration. What most non-Latinos don’t grasp is that Latinos are ambivalent about illegal immigration. They have a front-row seat not just to the pain of deportations, but also to how many immigrants commit crimes or abuse social services.

In 2016, an astounding 29 percent of Latinos voted for Trump.

And now, two years into his presidency, polls show that his support among Latinos is somewhere between 33 and 41 percent. That’s insanely good for a president who is so bad on issues that Latinos supposedly care about.

Then you have the Democrats, who take Latino voters for granted and whose entire Latino outreach strategy can be summed up in six words: “Vote for us. We’re not Republican.”

That’s it? I don’t know about you, but I’m still hungry.
Trump will attract record numbers of non traditional Republican voters in his 2020 57 State sweep
Tuesday the President is going to announce something about the hordes heading to the USA. Homeland security are coordinating something with the Military. They will not be allowed to touch American soil.

San Francisco Chronicle ^

As a Never Trumper, I didn’t get it. So, I interviewed some Latinos for Trump and I got an earful. Many of them saw themselves not as Latinos but as Americans, and so they weren’t hung up on Trump’s anti-Latino screeds. They didn’t like or trust Clinton, appreciated Trump’s frankness, wanted a strong leader, and thought he was right about a lot of issues, including trade and immigration.

Yes, immigration. What most non-Latinos don’t grasp is that Latinos are ambivalent about illegal immigration. They have a front-row seat not just to the pain of deportations, but also to how many immigrants commit crimes or abuse social services.

In 2016, an astounding 29 percent of Latinos voted for Trump.

And now, two years into his presidency, polls show that his support among Latinos is somewhere between 33 and 41 percent. That’s insanely good for a president who is so bad on issues that Latinos supposedly care about.

Then you have the Democrats, who take Latino voters for granted and whose entire Latino outreach strategy can be summed up in six words: “Vote for us. We’re not Republican.”

That’s it? I don’t know about you, but I’m still hungry.

So, isn't this a good time to talk about Proportional Representation?

It'd give the people a real choice about who they want to vote for, rather than the bullshit that exists now where people vote for who they DON'T WANT to be in power.

Two choices? Christ, it's like living in Hong Kong, where they get to choose between three pro-Beijing and Beijing picked candidates. Democracy? No, sorry, we're Americans, we don't do Democracy.
Before we had to move, we were in Latino ville on the central coast. Every hispanic we knew loathed illegals because they wanted to get in for nothing and get their free stuff instead of melding with the citizenry, going by the rules, studying our laws, learning our language like they had to.

So yeah. Many are waking up now.
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.
Actually, it has changed quite a bit. When Obama was in the WH, each month when the Labor Dept released the employment numbers, they cautioned that the unemployment rate had dropped because so many Americans had given up hope of finding jobs and left the labor force, and each month economists pointed out that the number of new jobs created was less than the number of people entering the workforce. There have been no such warnings since Trump took office.
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.
Actually, it has changed quite a bit. When Obama was in the WH, each month when the Labor Dept released the employment numbers, they cautioned that the unemployment rate had dropped because so many Americans had given up hope of finding jobs and left the labor force, and each month economists pointed out that the number of new jobs created was less than the number of people entering the workforce. There have been no such warnings since Trump took office.
Is your statement backed up by metrics rather than your recollection of subjective warnings?
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.

..and then you woke up and found out the truth!
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.
Actually, it has changed quite a bit. When Obama was in the WH, each month when the Labor Dept released the employment numbers, they cautioned that the unemployment rate had dropped because so many Americans had given up hope of finding jobs and left the labor force, and each month economists pointed out that the number of new jobs created was less than the number of people entering the workforce. There have been no such warnings since Trump took office.
Is your statement backed up by metrics rather than your recollection of subjective warnings?
There is nothing subjective about it. If you had followed the Labor Dept announcements you would know it is true. I understand that you want to be loyal to Obama and don't want to see America prosper under Trump, but the fact is Obama was a dismal failure in both domestic policy and foreign policy. His great accomplishment was being the first black man to be elected President - a very important accomplishment given our horrendous racial history - but after that it was all downhill. Under President Trump, on the other hand, everything is improving for Americans.
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.

The first month Trump was in office, the rate was 4.8%. Last month it was 3.7% , so I don't know where you learned math but that looks like more than a 1% change to me. I taught math for 21 years, so I think I will go with my figures.
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.

The first month Trump was in office, the rate was 4.8%. Last month it was 3.7% , so I don't know where you learned math but that looks like more than a 1% change to me. I taught math for 21 years, so I think I will go with my figures.
September was added only 3 weeks ago. The month before it was 3.9, which is less than 1% change. Seems like you are getting your depends in a bunch. Ok "only around 1% change" there. Now whut, gomer? We are at or near full employment by some defintions. The diminishing returns of attempting to move it lower probably wouldn't be worth it. I doubt that would stop the GOP wealth extraction agenda.

Ps. Your intense math skills would be more useful elsewhere. Maybe go teach some disadvantaged kids personal finance. They might then escape the suffocating grip of those lovely capitalist predatory lending schemes.
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.
Actually, it has changed quite a bit. When Obama was in the WH, each month when the Labor Dept released the employment numbers, they cautioned that the unemployment rate had dropped because so many Americans had given up hope of finding jobs and left the labor force, and each month economists pointed out that the number of new jobs created was less than the number of people entering the workforce. There have been no such warnings since Trump took office.
Is your statement backed up by metrics rather than your recollection of subjective warnings?
There is nothing subjective about it. If you had followed the Labor Dept announcements you would know it is true. I understand that you want to be loyal to Obama and don't want to see America prosper under Trump, but the fact is Obama was a dismal failure in both domestic policy and foreign policy. His great accomplishment was being the first black man to be elected President - a very important accomplishment given our horrendous racial history - but after that it was all downhill. Under President Trump, on the other hand, everything is improving for Americans.
You understand nothing. Don't project your fantasy bullshit on me.

Obama was not the failure you depict. He had some good agenda parts and some clear successes, but it's unfortunate he lost the support of Congress and had to work through the executive branch to do a lot of it.
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.
Actually, it has changed quite a bit. When Obama was in the WH, each month when the Labor Dept released the employment numbers, they cautioned that the unemployment rate had dropped because so many Americans had given up hope of finding jobs and left the labor force, and each month economists pointed out that the number of new jobs created was less than the number of people entering the workforce. There have been no such warnings since Trump took office.
Is your statement backed up by metrics rather than your recollection of subjective warnings?
There is nothing subjective about it. If you had followed the Labor Dept announcements you would know it is true. I understand that you want to be loyal to Obama and don't want to see America prosper under Trump, but the fact is Obama was a dismal failure in both domestic policy and foreign policy. His great accomplishment was being the first black man to be elected President - a very important accomplishment given our horrendous racial history - but after that it was all downhill. Under President Trump, on the other hand, everything is improving for Americans.
You understand nothing. Don't project your fantasy bullshit on me.

Obama was not the failure you depict. He had some good agenda parts and some clear successes, but it's unfortunate he lost the support of Congress and had to work through the executive branch to do a lot of it.

Yes, too bad the Constitutional law "professor" did not know that he couldn't do it and kept getting smacked down by his own judges.
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.
Actually, it has changed quite a bit. When Obama was in the WH, each month when the Labor Dept released the employment numbers, they cautioned that the unemployment rate had dropped because so many Americans had given up hope of finding jobs and left the labor force, and each month economists pointed out that the number of new jobs created was less than the number of people entering the workforce. There have been no such warnings since Trump took office.
That was true when GWB handed off to Obama, but not when Obama handed off to Trump.
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.
Actually, it has changed quite a bit. When Obama was in the WH, each month when the Labor Dept released the employment numbers, they cautioned that the unemployment rate had dropped because so many Americans had given up hope of finding jobs and left the labor force, and each month economists pointed out that the number of new jobs created was less than the number of people entering the workforce. There have been no such warnings since Trump took office.
Is your statement backed up by metrics rather than your recollection of subjective warnings?
There is nothing subjective about it. If you had followed the Labor Dept announcements you would know it is true. I understand that you want to be loyal to Obama and don't want to see America prosper under Trump, but the fact is Obama was a dismal failure in both domestic policy and foreign policy. His great accomplishment was being the first black man to be elected President - a very important accomplishment given our horrendous racial history - but after that it was all downhill. Under President Trump, on the other hand, everything is improving for Americans.
You understand nothing. Don't project your fantasy bullshit on me.

Obama was not the failure you depict. He had some good agenda parts and some clear successes, but it's unfortunate he lost the support of Congress and had to work through the executive branch to do a lot of it.
Obama wasn't just a failure, he was a catastrophe from his first days in office when he failed to deal promptly and effectively with the financial crisis he had inherited and allowed it to turn into a recession to his ignominious exit after politicizing the CIA and Justice Department to spread lies about collusion between Trump and the Russian government which have frozen relations between the US and Russia and made resolution of the crises in the ME and eastern Europe impossible in order to try to get Clinton elected.

Obama did have one great success; he pushed to have medical records digitized and this will save lives and advance medical research, but while he was doing that he ignored the Pentagon's warning that if he withdrew US troops from Iraq the country would go up in flames in order to enhance his chances for reelection, leading directly to the resurgence of al Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS, and led directly to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Syria and made millions more homeless refugees. He rejected constructive negotiations with Russia or North Korea, favoring lame political gestures instead, did nothing to try to stop the flow of American jobs to foreign countries or to get US companies to invest their huge foreign profits in the US instead of in foreign countries, was scandalously suckered by Iran into an agreement that guaranteed Iran the right to manufacture nuclear weapons after a few years and destroyed any lingering hope of a negotiated peace between Israel and the PA.

Obama was a great success as a political celebrity, but he was a catastrophic failure as president, and this is why during the 2014 midterm elections, no Democrat running for Congress wanted Obama to campaign for him and most of them tried to distance themselves from his policies.
Tuesday the President is going to announce something about the hordes heading to the USA. Homeland security are coordinating something with the Military. They will not be allowed to touch American soil.

San Francisco Chronicle ^

As a Never Trumper, I didn’t get it. So, I interviewed some Latinos for Trump and I got an earful. Many of them saw themselves not as Latinos but as Americans, and so they weren’t hung up on Trump’s anti-Latino screeds. They didn’t like or trust Clinton, appreciated Trump’s frankness, wanted a strong leader, and thought he was right about a lot of issues, including trade and immigration.

Yes, immigration. What most non-Latinos don’t grasp is that Latinos are ambivalent about illegal immigration. They have a front-row seat not just to the pain of deportations, but also to how many immigrants commit crimes or abuse social services.

In 2016, an astounding 29 percent of Latinos voted for Trump.

And now, two years into his presidency, polls show that his support among Latinos is somewhere between 33 and 41 percent. That’s insanely good for a president who is so bad on issues that Latinos supposedly care about.

Then you have the Democrats, who take Latino voters for granted and whose entire Latino outreach strategy can be summed up in six words: “Vote for us. We’re not Republican.”

That’s it? I don’t know about you, but I’m still hungry.
What if someone mails then some soil from America?
Trump is giving them something they can really understand and appreciate. Full time jobs and less lip service
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.
Actually, it has changed quite a bit. When Obama was in the WH, each month when the Labor Dept released the employment numbers, they cautioned that the unemployment rate had dropped because so many Americans had given up hope of finding jobs and left the labor force, and each month economists pointed out that the number of new jobs created was less than the number of people entering the workforce. There have been no such warnings since Trump took office.
That was true when GWB handed off to Obama, but not when Obama handed off to Trump.
According to Obama's own Labor Dept this was true under Obama. It was a rare month when the economy created enough jobs to accommodate the people entering the workforce and there were no months when the number of people leaving the workforce in despair was not a key factor in preventing unemployment numbers from increasing.
Unemployment hasn't changed much under trump, though. less than 1% change. There are a number of metrics that show the jobs picture is a mixed bag or more of the same.
Actually, it has changed quite a bit. When Obama was in the WH, each month when the Labor Dept released the employment numbers, they cautioned that the unemployment rate had dropped because so many Americans had given up hope of finding jobs and left the labor force, and each month economists pointed out that the number of new jobs created was less than the number of people entering the workforce. There have been no such warnings since Trump took office.
Is your statement backed up by metrics rather than your recollection of subjective warnings?
There is nothing subjective about it. If you had followed the Labor Dept announcements you would know it is true. I understand that you want to be loyal to Obama and don't want to see America prosper under Trump, but the fact is Obama was a dismal failure in both domestic policy and foreign policy. His great accomplishment was being the first black man to be elected President - a very important accomplishment given our horrendous racial history - but after that it was all downhill. Under President Trump, on the other hand, everything is improving for Americans.
You understand nothing. Don't project your fantasy bullshit on me.

Obama was not the failure you depict. He had some good agenda parts and some clear successes, but it's unfortunate he lost the support of Congress and had to work through the executive branch to do a lot of it.
Obama wasn't just a failure, he was a catastrophe from his first days in office when he failed to deal promptly and effectively with the financial crisis he had inherited and allowed it to turn into a recession to his ignominious exit after politicizing the CIA and Justice Department to spread lies about collusion between Trump and the Russian government which have frozen relations between the US and Russia and made resolution of the crises in the ME and eastern Europe impossible in order to try to get Clinton elected.

Obama did have one great success; he pushed to have medical records digitized and this will save lives and advance medical research, but while he was doing that he ignored the Pentagon's warning that if he withdrew US troops from Iraq the country would go up in flames in order to enhance his chances for reelection, leading directly to the resurgence of al Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS, and led directly to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Syria and made millions more homeless refugees. He rejected constructive negotiations with Russia or North Korea, favoring lame political gestures instead, did nothing to try to stop the flow of American jobs to foreign countries or to get US companies to invest their huge foreign profits in the US instead of in foreign countries, was scandalously suckered by Iran into an agreement that guaranteed Iran the right to manufacture nuclear weapons after a few years and destroyed any lingering hope of a negotiated peace between Israel and the PA.

Obama was a great success as a political celebrity, but he was a catastrophic failure as president, and this is why during the 2014 midterm elections, no Democrat running for Congress wanted Obama to campaign for him and most of them tried to distance themselves from his policies.
Good God Gertie! While GWB was still in office thinking people knew that the only success we had in Iraq was the ground we stood on, and when we vacated that ground it would fall in the hands of those just waiting for us to move on. That's why the Bush/Cheney admin didn't get out when they were exposed as liars about WMDs, not to mention using Iraq and Saddam to cover for the Saudis who destroyed our towers and murdered 3000 of our people. They left the mess for the next guy. So when Obama did the job Bush should have done, you grab the opportunity to shift blame. You're a good Republican soldier....but wrong!

Wasn't there some Obama-proposed legislation to give tax breaks to American Corporations that returned their businesses to our shores, the businesses that were given tax breaks to off-shore during the first decade of this century and encouraged to use the Cayman Islands tax sanctuary for their profits? Whatever happened to that?
Actually, it has changed quite a bit. When Obama was in the WH, each month when the Labor Dept released the employment numbers, they cautioned that the unemployment rate had dropped because so many Americans had given up hope of finding jobs and left the labor force, and each month economists pointed out that the number of new jobs created was less than the number of people entering the workforce. There have been no such warnings since Trump took office.
Is your statement backed up by metrics rather than your recollection of subjective warnings?
There is nothing subjective about it. If you had followed the Labor Dept announcements you would know it is true. I understand that you want to be loyal to Obama and don't want to see America prosper under Trump, but the fact is Obama was a dismal failure in both domestic policy and foreign policy. His great accomplishment was being the first black man to be elected President - a very important accomplishment given our horrendous racial history - but after that it was all downhill. Under President Trump, on the other hand, everything is improving for Americans.
You understand nothing. Don't project your fantasy bullshit on me.

Obama was not the failure you depict. He had some good agenda parts and some clear successes, but it's unfortunate he lost the support of Congress and had to work through the executive branch to do a lot of it.
Obama wasn't just a failure, he was a catastrophe from his first days in office when he failed to deal promptly and effectively with the financial crisis he had inherited and allowed it to turn into a recession to his ignominious exit after politicizing the CIA and Justice Department to spread lies about collusion between Trump and the Russian government which have frozen relations between the US and Russia and made resolution of the crises in the ME and eastern Europe impossible in order to try to get Clinton elected.

Obama did have one great success; he pushed to have medical records digitized and this will save lives and advance medical research, but while he was doing that he ignored the Pentagon's warning that if he withdrew US troops from Iraq the country would go up in flames in order to enhance his chances for reelection, leading directly to the resurgence of al Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS, and led directly to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Syria and made millions more homeless refugees. He rejected constructive negotiations with Russia or North Korea, favoring lame political gestures instead, did nothing to try to stop the flow of American jobs to foreign countries or to get US companies to invest their huge foreign profits in the US instead of in foreign countries, was scandalously suckered by Iran into an agreement that guaranteed Iran the right to manufacture nuclear weapons after a few years and destroyed any lingering hope of a negotiated peace between Israel and the PA.

Obama was a great success as a political celebrity, but he was a catastrophic failure as president, and this is why during the 2014 midterm elections, no Democrat running for Congress wanted Obama to campaign for him and most of them tried to distance themselves from his policies.
Good God Gertie! While GWB was still in office thinking people knew that the only success we had in Iraq was the ground we stood on, and when we vacated that ground it would fall in the hands of those just waiting for us to move on. That's why the Bush/Cheney admin didn't get out when they were exposed as liars about WMDs, not to mention using Iraq and Saddam to cover for the Saudis who destroyed our towers and murdered 3000 of our people. They left the mess for the next guy. So when Obama did the job Bush should have done, you grab the opportunity to shift blame. You're a good Republican soldier....but wrong!

Wasn't there some Obama-proposed legislation to give tax breaks to American Corporations that returned their businesses to our shores, the businesses that were given tax breaks to off-shore during the first decade of this century and encouraged to use the Cayman Islands tax sanctuary for their profits? Whatever happened to that?
You are repeating what I said. All the thinking people in the Pentagon and all the thinking people in the diplomatic corp told Obama that if he withdrew US troops the country would go up in flames, but Obama ignored the advice of all the thinking people in the government and listened to his political advisors who told him that if he didn't withdraw the troops, it would play badly in his reelection campaign, and then lied his ass off when he told the American people he was withdrawing US troops from Iraq because Iraq no longer needed them, Setting the stage for the resurgence of al Qaeda which morphed into ISIS, two devastating wars in Iraq and Syria, which killed hundreds of thousands of people and made millions more homeless refugees, many of them fleeing to Europe and destabilizing the EU, just to boost his chances for a second term. Would you call that evil?

Obama did not propose legislation to bring US companies home or to prevent US jobs from going overseas, but he did discuss tax breaks to US corporations to bring some of their trillions of dollars of foreign profits, which they were investing overseas to avoid paying US taxes, home, but tax breaks to large corporations were so unpopular to Democrats that the offer was miniscule and never went anywhere. It is ironic that today it is the Republicans who are most concerned with jobs for Americans and Democrats who oppose every effort to provide them.

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