"Laughable" "Worthless" "Dishonest"


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
If you think I'm talking about the obama administration.....

You're right.

THE most racist administration since Woodhead Wilson. Without a doubt.

Both dimocraps..... Imagine that? :dunno:

Federal Judge Calls Obama Admin’s Claim Background Checks By Employers Are Racist “Laughable,” “Worthless”…


One of those rare instances when sanity prevails.

Via Judicial Watch:

The Obama administration’s claim that criminal background checks discriminate against minority job applicants suffered a lashing from a federal court that found the allegations “laughable,” “distorted,” “cherry-picked,” “worthless” and “an egregious example of scientific dishonesty.”

That kind of whipping from a federal judge has got to hurt though it’s unlikely to deter the administration from spending more taxpayer dollars to file frivolous lawsuits against employers who use the checks to screen job applicants. Judicial Watch wrote about this a few weeks ago when the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency that enforces the nation’s workplace discrimination laws, sued two large companies that screen criminal background records claiming that the checks disproportionately exclude blacks from hire.

That violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, according to the Obama administration, which has pushed hard to deter companies from using criminal background checks to screen job applicants. Of interesting note is that the EEOC conducts criminal background checks as a condition of employment and credit background checks for most of its positions. For some reason, it’s not discriminatory against minorities when the agency does it.

But it is when private businesses utilize the tool because information about prior convictions is being used to discriminate against a racial or ethnic group, according to the EEOC. Thus, the alleged violation of civil rights laws. The argument is laughable, but a federal judge hearing one of the government’s many background-check discrimination cases in Maryland wasn’t amused.

The case involves a family-owned company (Freeman Inc.) that provides services for corporate events, conventions and exhibits. The business has 3,500 full-time and 25,000 part-time and seasonal workers throughout the U.S. Like many companies, Freeman has been a victim of embezzlement, theft, drug use and workplace violence by employees. Background checks on job applicants are essential to better evaluate candidates’ trustworthiness and reliability, according to court documents.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
I predict Obama will ignore the ruling and implement it anyway.

Absolutely agree.

With dimocraps, and every other tyranny on Earth... The "Process Is The Punishment"

What they do is prosecute you, knowing they will lose but you have to get a lawyer or a team of lawyers and spend Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars while dimcrap scum are spending......

Your Tax Dollars.

The Court listens to the case, the scumbags for the dimocrap prosectuion do their very best to drag the trial out -- They get paid by the hour with YOUR Tax Dollars..... And so do your Attorneys -- With YOUR private Dollars.

In the end they lose......

Or do they? Not really. They win because they've sent the message that it will cost you a LOT of money to go against their will.

So you don't. Not again. Can't afford it.

Republicans need to clean this nest of vipers out when we retake power. And not try to be friends with them like the effete Bush boys did.

We need a man like Reagan who will kick their asses for them. Bad.

Ain't gonna happen
Knowing that republicans will not balk at criminal prosecutions, expect a bloody election in 2016.
Knowing that republicans will not balk at criminal prosecutions, expect a bloody election in 2016.

It depends entirely on who we nominate to take the place of the most evil human being to hold the office of president in history.

If we nominate another softie like Mittens, I expect a lot of people to stay home.

The jury is still out on Chris Christie but here's what I suspect....

He MUST be re-elected in New Jersey to have any kind of chance at a run for President.

If he were to lose the election this November, his political career is over.

His coldness toward Romney could be the result of him having no respect for him because he's just too soft.

His cuddling up with the Stuttering Clusterfukk could be just to get 'Face Time' and glowing reports from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM so he can win his November election.

So I'm going to put that 'Sandy' shit behind me for now. And believe me, that isn't easy for me to do.

To me, just being within a hundred yards of that piece of shit infesting the White House would make me want to pour bleach all over myself and shower in acetone.

But Christie may be looking at it as kissing an ugly kid for a vote. Who knows for sure?

But unless the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM can find evidence that Christie is a child molester, if he wins the nomination and I'm right about who I think he is......

The entire election is ours. House, Senate, White House.... All of it.

I could be wrong. :dunno:

We'll learn more about him in a couple of years

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